(Note: Additional comments in this log will be added between the [ and ] brackets.)
The Crusaders Clan
exa board
Clan members use this board to post messages to each other.
You can set up new notes with the command 'post headline'.
Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with 'remove num'.
The bulletin board contains 39 notes:
1: Gillious
Jan 4, 1999)
2: Rastus
Apr 1, 1999)
3: Crusaders
Apr 10, 1999)
4: good bye...again
(Victor Apr 20, 1999)
5: We're number 31
(Green Aug 26, 1999)
6: The Clan
Aug 27, 1999)
7: Vault
Sep 5, 1999)
8: Grats
Sep 12, 1999)
9: Vampiric Dagger
(Rastus Sep 30, 1999)
10: New Emote
Oct 8, 1999)
11: Veterans
Oct 19, 1999)
12: Me and my second
(Rastus Oct 20, 1999)
13: my story
Oct 20, 1999)
14: Joey
Oct 22, 1999)
15: Me
Oct 26, 1999)
16: ELin
Nov 7, 1999)
(Kane Dec
5, 1999)
18: RE: New Clan System
(Rastus Dec 6, 1999)
19: RE : RE : Clans new stuff
Dec 6, 1999)
20: Re: DOA
Dec 21, 1999)
21: DOA log
Dec 21, 1999)
22: DOA log: part II
(Tiberius Dec 21, 1999)
23: DOA log: part III
(Tiberius Dec 21, 1999)
Dec 21, 1999)
25: np
Dec 22, 1999)
26: Merry Christmas from the Admin
Dec 24, 1999)
27: *tickle kane*
(Tiberius Dec 25, 1999)
28: Admin
Dec 25, 1999)
29: New Areas
Jan 6, 2000)
30: *smile*
Jan 11, 2000)
31: Emotes
Feb 2, 2000)
32: Re: emotes
(Tiberius Feb 3, 2000)
33: Member Poll
(Kane Feb
5, 2000)
34: All of us
Feb 6, 2000)
35: Rapture
Feb 6, 2000)
36: Kane's Poll
(Green Feb 8, 2000)
37: Re: Kane's Poll
(Tiberius Feb 9, 2000)
38: #2
Feb 11, 2000)
39: Withdrawal from bank
Feb 11, 2000)
> read 1
Note 1 is entitled 'Gillious':
The money pool is something only Kane and I will have access to. Only Kane and myself can
view the sum in the money pool. The money pool is the amount of money which the clan has
to draw on to give out perms and purchase new features. There is a clan perm called
"clan points" which allows you to view the amount in the money pool, however we are not
going to give it out, because it is a waste of points
It's a waste of points because once money is donated to the money pool, it can not be taken
out. Therefore the only 'clan money' we have access to is through the clan bank. (east of
here) The total amount of the clan bank can be viewed by typing "balance" and to withdraw
it's "withdraw" and of course to deposit it's "deposit".
Any other questions feel free to ask.
This note was penned by Joey on Jan 4, 1999.
It is the 1st of 39 notes.
> read 2
Note 2 is entitled 'Rastus':
Ok, after talking with Kane last night, we have decided to give Rastus a few
more permission because his actions since he joined have been mostly with the
benefit of the clan in mind.
Because Kane has an incredibly schedule at the moment, we decided we need
another person to help me with the administration of the clan, so Rastus was a
very good candidate.
Rastus now has access to clan logs (vault and gold), as well as the permission
to erase messages, on top of that, he can override your clan muffs. He will be
given more permissions as Kane and I decide on them.
Personally I want to thank Rastus and the rest of the clan members for keeping
with us during my absence and time of weakness.
Here's to Rastus and the Crusaders! *cheers*
Brother Joey
This note was penned by Joey on Apr 1, 1999.
It is the 2nd of 39 notes.
> read 3
Note 3 is entitled 'Crusaders':
This clan ROCKS!!!
This note was penned by Huzzah on Apr 10, 1999.
It is the 3rd of 39 notes.
> read 4
Note 4 is entitled 'good bye...again':
I have decided to try deing a wiz, thanks for allowing me to be a member
of this clan. Btw, this clan is the best that I have been associated with
good luck to you all!
This note was penned by Victor on Apr 20, 1999.
It is the 4th of 39 notes.
> read 5
Note 5 is entitled 'We're number 31':
Actualy we are number 1! Woo hoo nice work guys!
This note was penned by Green on Aug 26, 1999.
It is the 5th of 39 notes.
> read 6
Note 6 is entitled 'The Clan':
For the first time ever, we have reached the number one spot on the top clan
list. Karak of OOTS wiz'd and so they dropped four spots on the list.
We are by far the strongest clan on the mud now! We have the most playing
hours/years, and probably the most levels as well.
I would like to thank all of the members who joined us at first, it may have
seemed like jumping off a bridge, but it payed off!
We now have to keep going strong now, to secure our position on the top clans
Wicked of D.C. has being playing extremely hard lately, and I fear that the
D.C. is not far behind us.
HOWEVER, she tells me that she will be starting school full-time next week, so
that takes away a chunk of their contribution.
At the moment, there is no direct competition to the clan.
Now that we've got 1st place, we've earned the right to be badasses to the rest
of the mud!
Founding Brother Joey
This note was penned by Joey on Aug 27, 1999.
It is the 6th of 39 notes.
> read 7
Note 7 is entitled 'Vault':
Please try to keep your equipment in bags, with your name on them. I know you
already know that labelbags are in Hawkwinds all n,s,e,n, from the red rug
I just spent some time redoing the vault and putting stuff in people's
bags-judging from what I saw on our log. If anything is in the wrong bag I
apologize for that.
Sorry if this note sounds like I'm bitching-just a little pissed at my ex atm.
Brother Joey
This note was penned by Joey on Sep 5, 1999.
It is the 7th of 39 notes.
> read 8
Note 8 is entitled 'Grats':
Congrats on making to #1 on the top clans list :). Hope you guys
can stay there for a long time to come. I meant to make this post
about 3 or 4 weeks ago but sort of forgot...oh well cangratulations!!
This note was penned by Victor on Sep 12, 1999.
It is the 8th of 39 notes.
> read 9
Note 9 is entitled 'Vampiric Dagger':
Hola all - alrighty words for dagger are in this order (now keep in mind this
may change each reboot damnit)
ktramsat biahhgkle ikicartic ktendthwia matsivotoc baniknsao
Anyway thats what they are at the moment so rock on.
PS: BTW it means - Life is wasted on the living the blood is life eternal.
PPS: Take care when unwielding dagger it does some pretty hefty damaged as you
do so
This note was penned by Rastus on Sep 30, 1999.
It is the 9th of 39 notes.
> read 10
Note 10 is entitled 'New Emote':
atrain is our new 'asking for train' emote, please lemme know what u think.
This note was penned by Joey on Oct 8, 1999.
It is the 10th of 39 notes.
> read 11
Note 11 is entitled 'Veterans':
Sorry bout the Bite thing.... yeah that's what it is, another one is
Life is a bowl of shit, wear hip-waders That's a personal one though
Veterans as I was saying, I think almost all of the people here have been
around for 2 or more years, I am one of the longer playing people at a little
over 4 years. Though as Canetoad says, I've been a few people.
For those who don't know, I was Justin the halfling cleric first, he wizzed and
I created a second who was Myrddraal the halfling monk. Both rocked and I
loved them dearly. I was Removed for something, I agree that Justin should
have been removed, I don't feel the same on Myrddraal. After that episode I
took 3 months off. Then I created Trolloc the Ogre Barbarian, some of you may
remember him a bit better. I know Canetoad does since I killed him once then.
He already repaid that debt to me with this char when I was first created
though we've been friends for a long time now. I'm slowly for me working
through the levels and class levels now again. though I kinda shot from 14/15
to 18/25 I guess :)
Well, phone needs use, I need to call about buying a car so I can get a job,
and life goes on
P.S.=Might be nice if some more people would say who they were, might let
people know if they know you :)
This note was penned by Justin on Oct 19, 1999.
It is the 11st of 39 notes.
> read 12
Note 12 is entitled 'Me and my second':
I was Rastus in the beginning, then he wizzed , then I got bored and created
Framingr , then I got busted and framingr was name changed to Rastus, and um
thats about it - Ive been every class (some of them 2x) and played a monk on
the old system.
This note was penned by Rastus on Oct 20, 1999.
It is the 12nd of 39 notes.
> read 13
Note 13 is entitled 'my story':
I started out as friendly strike, no real enemies (except d2a) and a nonpk.
well in short, he got screwed over by the change at level 15 and I got tired of
that so i killed him off.
btw, strike was a halfling barbarian..(weird combo, no?)
Next up was Vengeance... and well everyone knew him too well.
He was a pk from the start (ogre adventurer) and he, contrary to Strike, had
all the ennemies in the world.
I tried not to make friends simply because it made my killing list smaller.
notable kills for him would be his mortal ennemy, War, Babrius (3 times), and
sacar, a newbie(center of town when i had no eq at level 7).
Vengeance would've been my best char because he was pretty much unbeatable.
he ended up hitting level 30 in bout 400 hours and then wizzed.
The third and final char of my illustrious AH career is well me, Jema a human
notable facts: aided in killing Deathtoall and collecting that delicious
2: saved up 8 meg exp to reach level 30 from level 21...
3: made it to level 38 in like 350 hours (with a little help from keno)
anyway, ive bragged too much about my chars now, ill let someone else tell a story now...
yours truly, Jema
This note was penned by Jema on Oct 20, 1999.
It is the 13rd of 39 notes.
> read 14
Note 14 is entitled 'Joey':
Joey was started way back as a dwarven barbarian. I liked this class because
it required virtually no eqp to get started. I got that character up to about
level 11/16, with around 7 deaths, and suddenly Smegma told me that I should
quit praying, and that I am only allowed 9 deaths. THAT VERY DAY I died, and
was dested. I recreated Joey, because I had made many friends in my 1st
career. As a dwarven barb, and quickly changed to dwarf monk, which I was for
about 3 years, until recently tryin out Advents, and quickly switching back to
I like classes that require little or no eqp to gather. This was my first mud
I ever tried, and I am still loyal to it, as well as WH. I started this clan
in about October of last year, and now we're number 1.
I've never had a 2nd, I don't agree with em much, or support em as little as
I like long walks on moonlit beaches, and breakfast in bed. If you're
interested call me......
Brother Joey
This note was penned by Joey on Oct 22, 1999.
It is the 14th of 39 notes.
> read 15
Note 15 is entitled 'Me':
I started out in like September 97 (or was it 98?) as Opey.
He died many times as a newbie (geting to learn the mud) and was
quickly suicided, and became Opie, and Opey and I think one other spelling.
Then it was time to get down to bidness. I started Kane
At level 6 I was rallyed to DC (back when it Ruled) and saved up
100K to go from 6/6 to 11/13 (I was a fighter then). Then I switched to
Advent sometime. In about November I left DC, with Joey, to start
what is now known as the Crusaders, and here we are in Number 1.
Nothing really notable has happened since then. A PK or 2, couple
deaths that set me back months, and a couple months of just not playing
(like now).
This was my first mud, and its my only, other than WH.
This note was penned by Kane on Oct 26, 1999.
It is the 15th of 39 notes.
> read 16
Note 16 is entitled 'ELin':
Hi all
Kinda feels like being home....with all the players that I have been playing
with for over 4 years now almost all in this clan.
Me...I've never had a 2nd character...never had the time. I hardly have the
time to play this one let alone a 2nd. Well I guess that's not entirely true.
I did start one 2nd character here....Wicked. Many moons ago...I had decided I
wanted to PK and made that character...then I had a friend at the time get
interested in the mud...and I gave that character to her. So no..I am not
Wicked. That is now Dianne. Since then...nothing but this one. Cleric/Elf
21/25 and slowly working my way up.
I prolly could've been much higher by now but I lost interest when things here
change but now have a renewed outlook and will be playing more. I am still not
PK but have always been PK friendly. Blessings and heals to all clan members
that ask...I was always fond of TC's since they came up with such a cool emote
to ask for a bless. And hey...if you're gonna PK..you're gonna kill ppl and
possibly (but not often I hope) die too....that's why I like PKers...they keep
me in business with resses. *grin*
ok that's enough...I'm glad me and mine(slade) are here...see ya soon!
This note was penned by Elin on Nov 7, 1999.
It is the 16th of 39 notes.
> read 17
Note 17 is entitled 'IMPORTANT':
I have heard a rumor that the new clan system will reimberse
your bclan bank, but not the money pool.
In short: no one donate money, only deposit. This goes for ALL members.
The pool is healthy enough for us to last almost a year without needing
more in it, so this won't hurt us at all, its to our advantage.
Thanks for your co-operation,
Crusaders Admin
This note was penned by Kane on Dec 5, 1999.
It is the 17th of 39 notes.
> read 18
Note 18 is entitled 'RE: New Clan System':
Ok heres what I know (and this is based soley on the code Ive seen)
1) New rooms - pretty much can code an area inside clan hall
2) Guards - smart bastards who know friend from foe and can keep out intruders
3) Monsters - Dumb buggers who roam the area we code and attack anyone
So thats about it - I have heard that money pool will go and balance will stay
Can't really confirm or deny anything else - I will take another butchers
at the code and see if anything else shows up.
This note was penned by Rastus on Dec 6, 1999.
It is the 18th of 39 notes.
> read 19
Note 19 is entitled 'RE : RE : Clans new stuff':
Oh yeah forgot to add shops and pubs as well.
This note was penned by Rastus on Dec 6, 1999.
It is the 19th of 39 notes.
> read 20
Note 20 is entitled 'Re: DOA':
Ahh, the DOA. Everytime they reform, they run out of money. Sure there's some
good players in the clan, (minus Crusher) but will they survive and be a
threat? I doubt it. If history can show us anything, it's that they'll play a
bit, lose interest but not have enough money saved to sustain their clan.
So now for your viewing pleasure, allow me to present a log I made of their
clan board when they were around before. This was made on the final day before
their clan went bust.
The log is in the next post...
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 21, 1999.
It is the 20th of 39 notes.
> read 21
Note 21 is entitled 'DOA log':
[The DOA log was retyped here, but in the interest of time
and space, and considering the full DOA log is already on
AAH, I won't reprint it here.]
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 21, 1999.
It is the 21st of 39 notes.
> read 22
Note 22 is entitled 'DOA log: part II':
[See above.]
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 21, 1999.
It is the 22nd of 39 notes.
> read 23
Note 23 is entitled 'DOA log: part III':
[See above.]
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 21, 1999.
It is the 23rd of 39 notes.
> read 24
Note 24 is entitled 'NEATO':
Thanx for the info Tibs, we'll keep those up for a while, so we can all read
em. Just curious how you came across them? Anyway....I don't think DOA poses
a great threat...Darky asked me to join the other day, but I told him I was
part of a decent clan and I'm happy where I am.
As Kane said: They will get bored really quickly, as Darky usuaslly does, and
we will not have to worry about them.
+ I hear Darky is having problems recruiting people.
Lemme know what you hear.
Brother Joey
This note was penned by Joey on Dec 21, 1999.
It is the 24th of 39 notes.
> read 25
Note 25 is entitled 'np':
I made those logs around the final time of that incarnation of the DOA. They
had run of money and as such, non DOA members could walk straight into the
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 22, 1999.
It is the 25th of 39 notes.
> read 26
Note 26 is entitled 'Merry Christmas from the Admin':
The clan admin would like to take this
oportunity to say happy ho ho to all members, and good luck in the new
year. Let each year be more successfull than the last, we now
it won't be easy in the treacherous two's.
Peace and Happiness
Kane, Rastus, and Joey
This note was penned by Kane on Dec 24, 1999.
It is the 26th of 39 notes.
> read 27
Note 27 is entitled '*tickle kane*':
The clan admin... The Clan Admin?... The Clan Admin???
Kane, do you realise how pretentious that sounds? What praytell is wrong with
the good old fashioned term 'clan leader'? And come to think of it, who is the
clan leader anyway? Is it all 3 of you together, or is Joey the leader, you
2nd, and Rastus 3rd? *scratch*
Anyway, I'll forgive you for writing 'clan admin' since being Christmas and all
you've probably had one too many beers :P
Merry Christmas - Tiberius.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 25, 1999.
It is the 27th of 39 notes.
> read 28
Note 28 is entitled 'Admin':
Actually, The clan was started by myself, however, after an unsuccesful setup
of the clan (about 45mins), we disbanded, and Kane started this version of the
Clan. Kane and myself shared 50/50 'leadership, until a few months later, when
Rastus was made a full partner, because of his ability to keep the clan going
when Kane and myself were quite busy with school/sports/girls last year.
Because of the leadership he showed us, we decided to give him full
'leadership' rights. He can do anything Kane and myself can do. We still have
to make decisions on giving out perms, and recruiting new members.
And those decisions are put before the entire clan, and if one of the admins
does not agree with it....it does not happen.
Simple Enough?
So we do consider ourself the clan admin....basically because we have the 'clan
administration' permission, and Rasty has earned that title by donating time to
Brappy's clan code.
This note was penned by Joey on Dec 25, 1999.
It is the 28th of 39 notes.
> read 29
Note 29 is entitled 'New Areas':
Not sure which keep you mean.
There is Marleys on the north side of the mountain......
Vortex's jungle town s and w from the stonedowner entrance
Lister's vampire area, which is in the graveyard in the swamp.
The Oasis has been redone......
Hmmmm....I know i'm missing somethin in there, I hope this is what you were
askin for
Brother Joey
This note was penned by Joey on Jan 6, 2000.
It is the 29th of 39 notes.
> read 30
Note 30 is entitled '*smile*':
Its great to see you all are doing so good with the clan and all.
I will check by from time to time just to keep up with how everying
is going because some of the best times I have had on this mud
are from partying with the likes of Joey, Kane, Rastus, Glitz and Elin
Who knows maybe this clan will stay on top untill they find something
else to do with all the computer space this mud takes up. Who knows maybe
my area will get approved some day to give you guys (and ladys) something
new to do on the mud (dont get your hopes up tho this will probably
happen about the time frogs learn to fly so they dont drag their butts
on the ground every time they jump).
The tired, befuddled, rambling, and incoherent Crusader Alumni
This note was penned by Victor on Jan 11, 2000.
It is the 30th of 39 notes.
> read 31
Note 31 is entitled 'Emotes':
Our emotes are:
cleric target
mage target
clangreet target
homage target
atrain target
Any other ideas for 'class' related emotes....lemme know
Wanna get one per class at least
This note was penned by Joey on Feb 2, 2000.
It is the 31st of 39 notes.
> read 32
Note 32 is entitled 'Re: emotes':
Cool new emotes. Especially the mage one! *egrin*
I'll probably be back to playing in a week...maybe... so I might be in a
creative mood then and think up some emotes... maybe.
-Tiberius beats the annoying-2nds-of-the-mud to death with his bunny!
This note was penned by Tiberius on Feb 3, 2000.
It is the 32nd of 39 notes.
> read 33
Note 33 is entitled 'Member Poll':
How many of us are activly playing?
This note was penned by Kane on Feb 5, 2000.
It is the 33rd of 39 notes.
> read 34
Note 34 is entitled 'All of us':
All of us, off and on....we all have our up and down playing periods
This note was penned by Joey on Feb 6, 2000.
It is the 34th of 39 notes.
> read 35
Note 35 is entitled 'Rapture':
I love Rapture
Just I thought I'd declare my feelings for her, because she took away the
silence skill. Now we don't have to worry about Deathwish's and the likes
gettin ahold of it
This note was penned by Joey on Feb 6, 2000.
It is the 35th of 39 notes.
> read 36
Note 36 is entitled 'Kane's Poll':
I'm not really playing anymore. I've wized elsewhere and this game just isn't
that fun for me anymore. Of course I'll show up and talk to you from time to
time. :P
This note was penned by Green on Feb 8, 2000.
It is the 36th of 39 notes.
> read 37
Note 37 is entitled 'Re: Kane's Poll':
In truth, it's been awhile since I've REALLY played! The last time I can
remember playing, and enjoying it to the point that it was compulsively fun
would be before the "new" fighting system was introduced. (though it ain't so
new anymore)
I think I've arrived at the conclusion that muds (or continuous online games)
by their very nature, WILL stagnate.
Sure, we can say that it was the fault of the admin, that the loss of PK killed
the mud, that the older players were better, or whatever. However, the only way
I can see to prevent a mud from stagnating, is to have the admin and wizards
online 24 hours a day, constantly coding and constantly improving the mud.
Though that's not feasible considering the admin and wizards have real lives
(well, some of them...) and can't devote their entire existence to the mud.
Heck, look at Ultima Online. A multiplayer graphical mud backed by a
multimillion dollar corruption with professional programmers to run it. Yet
this game has been plagued by the same stagnation problems of After Hours. Once
you've tried out the system, once you've explored the place, once you've done
the quests... what next!? New features can't be added in time to remove
boredom. Players go around tediously raising their levels and stats with no
purpose and end-goal in sight.
As the saying goes, "All good things must come to and end." There's technically
not supposed to be an end in online continuous games.
But there is...
And it's not a dignified end, it's a slow rotting decay until nobody gives a
shit and the product is only a shallow part of its former self.
[Thanks for reading my rant:) I'll probably be back when my bout of lag clears
up to raise a few levels, and complete Brapnor's quest. though I can't see
myself ever playing after that]
This note was penned by Tiberius on Feb 9, 2000.
It is the 37th of 39 notes.
> read 38
Note 38 is entitled '#2':
Nod, we have nothing to fear, we'll be back up in the #1 spot quite soon, as
we've seen in OOTS past, they over-recruit, until they recruit corrupt players,
and then they come to an end.
I am also going to begin playing soon as well
This note was penned by Joey on Feb 11, 2000.
It is the 38th of 39 notes.
> read 39
Note 39 is entitled 'Withdrawal from bank':
Just want everyone to know, I withdrew the neccessary funds to switch
back to the fold of the monks. I hope to be able to put the money back
real soon and also help us regain #1! :)
This note was penned by Benden on Feb 11, 2000.
It is the 39th of 39 notes.
]However, it is doubtful that I'll return to playing anytime in the near future as I've
got other rl priorities that take precedence. Also, I don't want to be bothered by
playing aspects like having eat & drink and playing killing for the times I do log
]Balder shouts in common: I have been link-dead long enough.
Having recently finished (sorta) Brapnor's new quest I was considering wizzing but I've
changed my mind about that. The mud already has enough idle wizards :)
][Crusaders] Maicoll is leaving the game.
Autosaving character...
So henceforth I'm going to kinda do-a-Coyote and retire from playing aspects, which means:
playing, eating & drinking, killing monsters, making exp, player killing, mud bulletin
boards & mud politics etc.
]As I said before, I'll still be around with a low level character (although I can't see
myself raising above level 5) and I'll still now and then be in the pub to chat.
]Thanks for allowing me in this clan. For what will probably be my last clan to have been
in, it's been a good clan with good people. I wish you all the best of luck and success
in the future, especially for when Brapnor's new clan system is implemented.
]Have fun, and I'll see ya'll round. (in the pub)
]-Tiberius waves goodbye.
Message posted.
> read 40
Note 40 is entitled 'Retirement':
As I suggested I would in my last note, the time has come for me to retire from
playing this mud. So it may or may not surprise some of you now when I say that
I'm going to delete my character and start again as a human adventurer like I
originally was.
However, it is doubtful that I'll return to playing anytime in the near future
as I've got other rl priorities that take precedence. Also, I don't want to be
bothered by playing aspects like having eat & drink and playing killing for the
times I do log on.
Having recently finished (sorta) Brapnor's new quest I was considering wizzing
but I've changed my mind about that. The mud already has enough idle wizards :)
So henceforth I'm going to kinda do-a-Coyote and retire from playing aspects,
which means: playing, eating & drinking, killing monsters, making exp, player
killing, mud bulletin boards & mud politics etc.
As I said before, I'll still be around with a low level character (although I
can't see myself raising above level 5) and I'll still now and then be in the
pub to chat.
Thanks for allowing me in this clan. For what will probably be my last clan to
have been in, it's been a good clan with good people. I wish you all the best
of luck and success in the future, especially for when Brapnor's new clan
system is implemented.
Have fun, and I'll see ya'll round. (in the pub)
-Tiberius waves goodbye.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Feb 16, 2000.
It is the 40th of 40 notes.
> n
You have entered the clan vault. All of the walls are made of the strongest oak in the
forest for security purposes. A small, intelligent looking elf sits behind a large desk
taking stock. He is the clan stock boy and he will _log_ everything and everyone who
puts in and takes out something from the clan vault. Standing behind his desk are two
elven magicians ready to die protecting the clan stash from outsiders. Their combined
spells would seriously harm you or anybody else. You can go south back to the courtyard
and the snow.
There is one obvious exit: south.
A Large Bag.
> exa bag
A large bag.
There is something in it.
Bag contains:
Holy necklace.
Sword of Fate.
Potion of Healing.
Potion of Healing.
Potion of Healing.
Potion of Healing.
Potion of Healing.
Visitors pass.
> You enter the courtyard of the fortress of the Crusaders which is surrounded by
four white walls with maple leaves centred on them and four high red towers in each
corner of the courtyard. Strangely enough it is snowing in here, but it is not
snowing in the desert outside. Harsh winds burn any exposed parts of your body.
On the towers you notice the Crusaders clan crest, which is a combination of a
sword and a holy cross. To your left you see two skinny humans dressed in toques
handing out newspapers and lists. To the north you see a large heavily guarded
log cabin surrounded by coniferous trees. A sign above the cabin door says
'Vault'. To the east you see a small cave which is also heavily guarded with a
sign above the entrance reading 'Treasury'. Standing in front of you is a massive
bulletin board with the current clan affairs posted on it. You can go north to
the treasury or east to the clan bank.
There are three obvious exits: out, north, and east.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Crusaders bulletin board (40 messages).
> read paper
This is the daily obituary page.
Perseus (level 4) committed suicide on Feb 6 13:52
Canetoad (level 25) was killed by Warlock Prometheus, Feb 7 02:13
Frogger (level 8) was killed by An orc, Feb 7 10:09
Karelle (level 15) was killed by A scantily clad male, Feb 7 23:06
Ajnintnelis (level 13) was killed by Purple Worm, Feb 8 16:58
Frogger (level 9) was killed by Champion Wulfgar the Dwarf, Feb 9 07:44
Frogger (level 9) was killed by Experienced Adventurer Gevaudan the Dwarf, Feb 10 04:17
Frogger (level 9) was killed by Necromancer Fuel, Feb 11 03:27
Maicoll (level 21) was killed by Arch-Mage Jema the Infamous, Feb 11 11:32
Melkor (level 20) was killed by A large tunnel [ N SE ], Feb 11 12:56
Halfx (level 4) was killed by Sir Uther, Feb 11 17:02
Goosepimple (level 2) was killed by Brigand Leader, Feb 13 07:54
Eggplant (level 8) was killed by Necromancer Fuel, Feb 14 02:51
Jacen (level 6) was killed by Necromancer Fuel, Feb 15 23:12
Frogger (level 9) was killed by Necromancer Fuel, Feb 16 02:18
Azrael (level 5) was killed by A mangy wolf, Feb 16 10:20
> read list
List of top players as of: Wed Feb 16 19:58:14 2000
Total players: 716 Active players: 147
PK players : 48 Non-PK players: 51 Immune players : 48
Name Lev Hours Name Lev Hours Name Lev Hours
Mustang  45 888 Slade 28 356 Phalanx 22 631
Jema 40 485 Damcyan 27 1037 Darkone 22  1707
Javanarava 35 844 Osirus 27 370 Nadja  22 5163
Rastus 35 1833 Trakori 26 487 Goldburg  21 287
Wicked 34 2120 Bright 26 1438 Maicoll  21 514
Benden 31 759 Justin 26 486 Elin 21 966
Elrathia 31 492 Glitz 25 1396 Smirnov 21 557
Burt  30 669  Dalraun      24  301 Fury 20 533
Ryche 30 390  Canetoad 24 634 Aveda 20 368
Cassidy 30 704 Hestia 24 430 Reckless 20 542
Straw 30 314 Risk 24 443 Larry 20 475
Val 30 577 Bird 23 315 Kobe 20 536
It 29 437 Ithor 23 967 Kane 20 961
Talon 29 1486 Whisky 23 750 Cas 20 951
Joey 29 1381 Rapture 23 1069 Tiberius 20 836
Night 28 521 Larken 23 1068 Green 19 1246
Prometheus 28 790 Halo 22 1737 Melkor 19 297
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 5 logged on players :: 2 wizards :: 7 total.
Karelle says "Virginia is for Lovers" so she is moving
<D.O.A.> Ryche
<D.O.A.> Hades the Master of Puppets
It's pubbin'
if ( environment (ob) && ob->query_race() == "human" ) ob->set_rank <God>
> e
You have entered the clan treasury. All of the walls are made out of solid rock
for security purposes. A dwarven miner of the highest class could not penetrate
these walls. This is where selected members come to _deposit_ money of their own,
or to _withdraw_ money of the clan's. There is a large dwarf sitting behind a
large oak counter counting money. He is the clan accountant and will keep a
_record_ or and a _balance_ of all funds going in, and coming out of the bank account.
Standing behind the accountant are four giant guards with stern looks on their faces
ready to die protecting the clan funds. You should not mess with them.
You can go west back to the courtyard and the snow.
There is one obvious exit: west.
> balance
The treasury currently contains 4165551 coins.
> You enter the courtyard of the fortress of the Crusaders which is surrounded by four
white walls with maple leaves centred on them and four high red towers in each corner of
the courtyard. Strangely enough it is snowing in here, but it is not snowing in
the desert outside. Harsh winds burn any exposed parts of your body. On
the towers you notice the Crusaders clan crest, which is a combination of a sword and
a holy cross. To your left you see two skinny humans dressed in toques handing
out newspapers and lists. To the north you see a large heavily guarded log cabin
surrounded by coniferous trees. A sign above the cabin door says 'Vault'.
To the east you see a small cave which is also heavily guarded with a sign above the
entrance reading 'Treasury'. Standing in front of you is a massive bulletin
board with the current clan affairs posted on it. You can go north to the
treasury or east to the clan bank.
There are three obvious exits: out, north, and east.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Crusaders bulletin board (40 messages).
> clan perms
Clan Permissions:
Clan Emote - ce
Clan Say - cs
Clan Who
Hide Allegiance
Use Emotes
Withdraw Funds
> clan emotes
Crusaders Emotes :
> atrain tiberius
Tiberius hopes for instruction in the fine arts from You the Great Lord.
You hope for instruction in the fine arts from Tiberius the Great Lord.
> clangreet tiberius
Tiberius greets you with the handshake of the Holy Crusaders
You greet Tiberius with the handshake of the Holy Crusaders
> cleric tiberius
Tiberius screams at you because clerics can't live off homage alone!
You scream at Tiberius because clerics can't live off homage alone!
> homage tiberius
Tiberius of the Holy Crusaders worships You in hopes of a kind blessing.
You of the Holy Crusaders worship Tiberius in hopes of a kind blessing.
> mage tiberius
Tiberius pulls a rabbit out of his hat and beats you to death with it!
You pull a rabbit out of your hat and beat Tiberius to death with it!
> Necromancer Tiberius Grand , the peace keeper
Level : 20 Class : Level 20 mage
Hit Points : 193 of (193) Skill Pts : 268 of (268)
Experience : 8906 Next Level : 791094
Race : Elf Alignment : Neutral Evil
Gold Coins : 0 Language : Common
Str : 70.00% Int : 58.00% Dex : 70.00% Con : 93.50%
Fight: 70.00% Magic: 30.00% Aware: 70.00% Res : 0.00%
Fluent : Common Elvish Stonedown
Intoxicated: Sober
Hunger : Completely Stuffed
Thirst : Not Thirsty At All
Wimpy : 90 hit points Direction : quit
Age : 34 days 21 hours 16 minutes 6 seconds.
> save
> wimpydir
You no longer have a wimpy direction.
> wimpy
Good luck brave soul, you are now in BRAVE mode.
> cwho
There is one member currently online.
Necromancer Tiberius Grand , the peace keeper
<-- back