The Death On Arrival Clan
> read 1
Note 1 is entitled 'Hey':
Just stopped in in read the board.
Deathtoall, Why don't people post anything buy you?
This note was penned by Enchilada on Aug 15, 1997.
It is the 1st of 40 notes.
> read 2
Note 2 is entitled 'Clan Emote':
These are a few of my ideas, I'd love you to read them over, list
them on board or in mail from best to worst, then have a seperate
part where you have manipulated them to make them better or throw
in a few of your own ideas.
a few of your own ideas.
I'll use Darkone as the clan reference and Goliath as the target:
Darkone peers deep into Goliath's soul and penetrates through all defences.
Darkone feels the surge of dark power and you know Goliath has no hope.
Darkone feels the surge of dark power and you know Goliath has no hope.
(god I hate zmud)
Darkone rips the life source out of Goliath and he screams in pain.
{This one is for after a kill}
Darkone looks at some mist and feels no remorse for his latest victim.
{this one kinda sucks}
When Darkone visits Goliath next you know it'll be Death on Arrival
I was also thinking of having a personal emote for each clan member.
This would actually be easy to do:
Example using Hades and Wicked:
All Wicked's Courage is lost as she watches the brute force of Hades
condemn her to her death!
For Hades we'd point out his Barbarian type qualities, the fact that
he's a monster, etc.
For Darkone, his stealth, his knowledge of the game and his powerful mage powers.
For Deathtoall (me), we'd show my Unforgiving, vengeful, and strategic abilities along
with my mage powers.
Another thing about Hades is that he is named after the God of Death
Anyway post your thoughts please, I have brapnor working all weekend on changing some
of the emote codes. (They didn't have exactly what I wanted, heh).
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 15, 1997.
It is the 2nd of 40 notes.
> read 3
Note 3 is entitled 'heh':
Hey guys, good job yuor doing
Keep it up.
That good Deathtoall?
This note was penned by Hades on Aug 20, 1997.
It is the 3rd of 40 notes.
> read 4
Note 4 is entitled 'Hey':
Listen we gotta write up our email addresses, I know it sounds kinda gay but who cares.
We all have secrets and this is the best wayy to go about it. Put your email address
on the board
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 20, 1997.
It is the 4th of 40 notes.
> read 5
Note 5 is entitled 'Email':
I have hades if you want ti Darkone, he just doesn't want it posted
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 20, 1997.
It is the 5th of 40 notes.
> read 6
Note 6 is entitled 'ok, so I'll fill the fucking board':
Alright, here it is, if you guys read this board good, if not.... fuck it.
I'm in a bad mood so I'll try to make it short.
Goliath, the dumb ass
he is, had an idea that could be used by us. A doomsday idea. IE, we all set
up a time that all of us are on (including Cas (though he says he can't join)
and Hector) that day we all play and set out to kill, I will raise levels that
day. Only set that day through email
Write something on the fucking board
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 20, 1997.
It is the 6th of 40 notes.
> read 7
Note 7 is entitled 'potions':
Somone took mine from vault and din't replace them, same with my equip, I think
it was D1 and he ld's out, it's ok, I just needed them
I'm putting a shit load in the vault right now
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 20, 1997.
It is the 7th of 40 notes.
> read 8
Note 8 is entitled 'Knights long sword':
Anyone ever heard of a KNights Long sword?
Its real good against evil and i aint nevr seen it before, let me know
This note was penned by Hades on Aug 20, 1997.
It is the 8th of 40 notes.
> read 9
Note 9 is entitled 'Knights Long Sword':
We're mages Hades, we can't use anything with a higher WC than a blade of grass.
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 20, 1997.
It is the 9th of 40 notes.
> read 10
Note 10 is entitled 'Deathtoall':
You seem to like this board!
All the messages are yours!
So guys, anyone explore Winters area? I am told it sucks, any feed back?
This note was penned by Hades on Aug 21, 1997.
It is the 10th of 40 notes.
> read 11
Note 11 is entitled 'Mage stuff':
' After Reboots i will gladly load the vault with mage stuff that is a pain in the ass
for you mages to get
If you have any special requests please let me know
hades the Mage equipper
This note was penned by Hades on Aug 22, 1997.
It is the 11st of 40 notes.
> read 12
Note 12 is entitled 'Mage stuff':
Ok, of course special items such as the SOD are cool, but for just normal items, boots
and amulets are usually hardest for me to get (swords too). That's about it on my side.
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 22, 1997.
It is the 12nd of 40 notes.
> read 13
Note 13 is entitled 'SOSP':
It's on the third leech
w of here
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 22, 1997.
It is the 13rd of 40 notes.
> read 14
Note 14 is entitled 'stuff':
thats my stuff
This note was penned by Larry on Aug 29, 1997.
It is the 14th of 40 notes.
> read 15
Note 15 is entitled 'Shit':
Hey every new person in the clan, I won't be playing near as much as I have been all
summer. I want to make this clan the best, I have all the emotes done, brap just has
to fix something. I'll let you know when they're in. I am writing up a decoration for
the main clan room, the vault, and the treasury.
I'll do and get lots of shit for this clan, but as you guys know
I am a mage and can't get much, but I can make DOA's name that much bigger by killing
lots of people, keep DOA in the right side of the paper. We will reap AH.
D2A is the Reaper
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 30, 1997.
It is the 15th of 40 notes.
> read 16
Note 16 is entitled 'EMOTE':
cmutter, use it, it's my emote..... you type cmutter <target> <message>
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 30, 1997.
It is the 16th of 40 notes.
> read 17
Note 17 is entitled 'Mercs':
I don't know if you guys know this but mercs can pk
I just attacked Littlefoot and my merc did quite a bit
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 30, 1997.
It is the 17th of 40 notes.
> read 18
Note 18 is entitled 'Cash':
I sold everything in clan vault, came to about 12 k, I just donated 10 k and deposited
10 k into the treasury, so 12 of clans, 8 of mine.
Just thought I'd post it.... don't really know why, I'm just tired as fuck
Gotta go to bed.......
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Aug 31, 1997.
It is the 18th of 40 notes.
> read 19
Note 19 is entitled 'deposit':
I just deposited 50k more
I saw the razor sword earlier hector but i left, im still a monk *grin*
This note was penned by Larry on Sep 2, 1997.
It is the 19th of 40 notes.
> read 20
Note 20 is entitled 'Depositing':
I deposit about 20 to 30 k a day, so we should be fine
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 3, 1997.
It is the 20th of 40 notes.
> read 21
Note 21 is entitled 'Calm down Hec':
Calm down, you'll get your damn portal room sooner or later
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 3, 1997.
It is the 21st of 40 notes.
> read 22
Note 22 is entitled 'RE: KILL':
I would almost suggest letting bloodangel in to the clan just to kill simkin repeatedly.
Everyone else focus on Trolloc
They must die
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 4, 1997.
It is the 22nd of 40 notes.
> read 23
Note 23 is entitled 'Cash':
Hades, Larry, Hector, anyone else, fuck it, we're fucked, I'm outta cash
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 4, 1997.
It is the 23rd of 40 notes.
> read 24
Note 24 is entitled 'ball':
its a crystal ball from slices shop with stats on avg mud player
This note was penned by Vortex on Sep 8, 1997.
It is the 24th of 40 notes.
> read 25
Note 25 is entitled 'Niner club':
I completely agree with those targets, kill'em all
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 9, 1997.
It is the 25th of 40 notes.
> read 26
Note 26 is entitled 'Smirnov':
I was just fucking around, smirnov's in vbs when ever he comes on
Just though one of you might want another easy kill
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 9, 1997.
It is the 26th of 40 notes.
> read 27
Note 27 is entitled 'sucks':
this mud fucking sucks
This note was penned by Vortex on Sep 10, 1997.
It is the 27th of 40 notes.
> read 28
Note 28 is entitled 're hector':
Hector, this is Larry
I DID NOT take anything of yours =)
I'm still a monk, unlike yourself!
This note was penned by Larry on Sep 14, 1997.
It is the 28th of 40 notes.
> read 29
Note 29 is entitled 'grub':
In vault
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 15, 1997.
It is the 29th of 40 notes.
> read 30
Note 30 is entitled 'pk ideas':
brapnor says post them on his board
here's one...a scry spell for anyone to use costs 10-20k maybe another...a spider or
scorpion that paralyzes someone for
lev 1-5 1 heartbeat
6-10 2 heartbeats
11-15 3 hearbeats
16-20 4 heartbeats
any ideas
btw check out
best with msie cause u will hear da wav files
This note was penned by Vortex on Sep 18, 1997.
It is the 30th of 40 notes.
> read 31
Note 31 is entitled 'more pk':
land mine
5 or 10 heartbeat in str of 10 20 50 75 100...latter 2 uniques
This note was penned by Vortex on Sep 18, 1997.
It is the 31st of 40 notes.
> read 32
Note 32 is entitled 'Hourglass.':
1)It give extra attack while you have 2/1 attacks.
2)It BLOWS UP when you use it with tired arms.
3)The level of sand tells you how long you have till your arms tire.
Here's how you use it.
1)Keep it in inventory while you kill stuff.
2)WATCH The level of sand in the hourglass, if "Most of the sand has fallen to the
bottom" STOP USING It. Give it to someone else or stash it. To stop using it you
must drop it before combat.
Do not get hourglass before you kill the cobra.
This note was penned by Hector on Sep 19, 1997.
It is the 32nd of 40 notes.
> read 33
Note 33 is entitled 'Where the ....':
I was just wondering if someone could tell me where all of the stuff from the stash
spot went thanks
This note was penned by Littlefoot on Sep 20, 1997.
It is the 33rd of 40 notes.
> read 34
Note 34 is entitled 'Portal':
Now that we have portal the mage that don't have anything better to do are going to
kill hired mage
Please don't stay in the portal room long at all and otherwise it will be waste of money
please check if any mage are on like Babs, Farz, StopSign, ect.
Tornado, Dalamar, i thin that about does it for mage
This note was penned by Darkone on Sep 21, 1997.
It is the 34th of 40 notes.
> read 35
Note 35 is entitled 'Stash and Rapture':
1. Someone mentioned that Screwup might have found out where it was and taken it.
2. Someone please portal,blast Rapture.
This note was penned by Vortex on Sep 22, 1997.
It is the 35th of 40 notes.
> read 36
Note 36 is entitled 'this mud':
going downhill,
no went downhill, now going into shit.
hehe im going to another mud or ultima online
try my email if u needs me
This note was penned by Vortex on Sep 22, 1997.
It is the 36th of 40 notes.
> read 37
Note 37 is entitled 'DAMN Deathtoall':
You want some fucking potions? TAKE THOSE. It's not like they are damn expensive...I
mean saying "Return em." and everyone should get the point, it's not like you're coming
on and all your equip is missing sheesh. What does it take but like 5 seconds to get
another 2K worth of potions?
Hector, the extremely tired.
This note was penned by Hector on Sep 23, 1997.
It is the 37th of 40 notes.
> read 38
Note 38 is entitled 'CASH':
what the hells going on???? We had 86 k in treasury yesterday, now it's at 50 k and I know
Littlefoot's been donating and depositing. We gotta stop spending and start
D2A the hippocrit
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 24, 1997.
It is the 38th of 40 notes.
> read 39
Note 39 is entitled 'What's happening?':
What's up with our clan, no one plays anymore, and we are running out of cash and shit.
We dropped to like 5th on list too.
This note was penned by Hector on Sep 29, 1997.
It is the 39th of 40 notes.
> read 40
Note 40 is entitled 'What's going on....':
This Sucks, even TC is above us now, and we only have 10 k in the bank. What have
you guys been doing while I was gone?
We gotta start putting some cash into this clan and some
read 40
This note was penned by Deathtoall on Sep 30, 1997.
It is the 40th of 40 notes.
> look
Not decorated Clan.
There are four obvious exits: out, north, up, and east.
Death On Arrival bulletin board (40 messages).
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
> e
There is one obvious exit: west.
> w
Not decorated Clan.
There are four obvious exits: out, north, up, and east.
Death On Arrival bulletin board (40 messages).
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
> n
You can leave things in this room.
There is one obvious exit: south.
A saddlebag.
> examine bag
Its a bag, you can put things in it. There is a label on the bag.
type labelbag <name> to label the bag.
labelbag CLEAN will clean the label.
The label currently says Tiberius' Swamp
> look at bag
Its a bag, you can put things in it. There is a label on the bag.
type labelbag <name> to label the bag.
labelbag CLEAN will clean the label.
The label currently says Tiberius' Swamp
> look
You can leave things in this room.
There is one obvious exit: south.
A saddlebag.
> look at saddlebag
There is no saddlebag here.
> look at bag
Its a bag, you can put things in it. There is a label on the bag.
type labelbag <name> to label the bag.
labelbag CLEAN will clean the label.
The label currently says Tiberius' Swamp
> look at bag 2
There is no bag 2 here.
> look
You can leave things in this room.
There is one obvious exit: south.
A saddlebag.
> s
Not decorated Clan.
There are four obvious exits: out, north, up, and east.
Death On Arrival bulletin board (40 messages).
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
> u
This room allows you to have portals to many other locations
on the mud.
There are two obvious exits: down, and north.
A hired mage.
> n
You step into the portal.
You sense a feeling of great age and waiting radiating from the keep. To the north stands
a massive pair of black iron gates which are set into the featureless black stone walls
of the keep. A path leads south.
The only obvious exit is south.
<-- back