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This log was made by the god of war.


[wiz] James: phaedrus still plays here?
[wiz] Rawdog: Phaedrus who?
[wiz] James: phaedrus that ugly little slime.
[wiz] James: i wonder if he's still trying to ruin a copy of our mud
[wiz] Rawdog: He's here slightly less often than you are
[wiz] James: er, run, not ruin, though that might hav ebeen a unconscious intentional typo
[wiz] Rawdog: you should prolly stop while you're behind ;)
[wiz] James: at least i dont see him around my campus anymore
[wiz] James: i knew i shoulda bought more medjool dates
[wiz] Zappo: why do you need to find him?

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