The state of things
After Hours LPMud :: 3 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 3 total.
Bilbo thinks immunes are only experiencing 1/2 of the MUD!
Tiberius says for AAH go to:
> Reality is momentarily distorted as Skyeagle enters the game.
Skyeagle leaves east.
Skyeagle arrives.
Skyeagle leaves east.
Skyeagle arrives.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Skyeagle leaves the game.
Guest1 arrives.
Guest1 leaves south.
Guest1 arrives.
Guest1 leaves east.
Storm arrives.
Guest1 arrives.
Storm sits down on the bag.
Guest1 pushes Storm around.
Storm pushes Guest1 around.
Guest1 sweeps Storm across the dance floor.
Storm pokes Guest1 in the chest.
Guest1 gives Storm a sharp kick.
Guest1 trips Storm and he kisses the dirt.
Guest1 punches Storm really hard in the face.
Guest1 raises its knee, sending Storm to the floor writhing in pain.
Guest1 laughs hysterically.
Guest1 leaves south.
Guest1 arrives.
Guest1 falls down and goes thutt.
Storm stands up from the bean bag.
Storm says in common: plz! sit down!
Guest1 says in common: Ziron is a fool.
Guest1 says in common: so am i.
Guest1 grins evilly.
Storm sits down on the bag.
Storm burps.
Storm stands up from the bean bag.
Storm says in common: type "sit on bean bag".
Guest1 goes mental at the idea of liing and hits himself on the head with a frying pan.
Storm hiccups.
Autosaving character...
Guest1 says in common: i know how to sit down u fool.
Storm sits down on the bag.
After Hours LPMud :: 5 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 5 total.
Bilbo thinks immunes are only experiencing 1/2 of the MUD!
Tiberius says for AAH go to:
Mustang summons you to walk with him on the wild side
> Storm burps.
Storm stands up from the bean bag.
Guest1 slaps Storm silly.
Storm says in common: do it then!
Guest1 goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Guest1 goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Guest1 shrugs helplessly.
Guest1 suddenly bursts into tears.
Guest1 sobs on your shoulder.
Guest1 falls asleep in its ale.
Guest1 wakes up from being AFK.
Guest1 grins evilly.
Guest1 grins wickedly.
Guest1 grins innocently.
Guest1 chuckles to itself quietly.
Guest1 throws its head back and cackles wickedly!
Guest1 laughs hysterically.
Guest1 rolls on the floor laughing.
Guest1 points at Storm with its finger.
Storm sits down on the bag.
Storm dumps Storm from the bean bag.
Storm sits down on the bag.
Storm stands up from the bean bag.
Storm waves good-bye.
Guest1 raises its eyebrow at Storm.
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