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This log was made by Odysseus.

The Cult

Connected to host afterhours.lpmud.com

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     ===========     Please use guest if you want to look around.

What is your name: odysseus

14Jan00 :
   Substantial changes have been made to the death penalties and the quest

1] You will notice that when you die, you will loose stats even if you were
   resurrected (and the same number of stat points as if you had prayed).
   But worry not, each of those stat points will cost half as much exp
   to regain as they did to advance originally.
   You will also always loose a class level and a main level.
   The experience point penalty has also been substantially reduced.

2] The quest system has been altered so that quest are made up of variable
   point values. You still need a certain number of quest points for each
   level, but it is now possible to get those points by completing one or
   two high point value quests (at least in the early levels this is the
   case).  In addition the difficulty of the quest should be reflected in its
   point values. A high fight value means you will battle many monsters;
   A high level value means that you must be of a particularly high level,

3] If you are in combat and you type "kill monster2" you will change the
   monster (or player) that you are currently attacking.

CRUSADERS: Ok, it should be back... let me know of any problems (besides the fact
           that things like descs, etc are toast.) --Huma


YOUR LAST LOGIN WAS ON: Tue Jan 23 06:26:32 2001
*** Nadja is playing right now ***
You huggle with Tolyk, Halo, Nadja, and Stopsign.
> Tolyk bows to you respectfully.
Stopsign thwaps you upside the head.
You say in common: Hare Rama, everyone!
> You smile happily.
> Halo gives you a BIG hug.
Tolyk says in common: Hello Ody..
Halo gives you a BIG hug.
Halo gives you a BIG hug.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
You say in common: Hare Rama, Tolyk.
> You give Tolyk a great big smile.
You give Halo a BIG hug.
> You give Halo a BIG hug.
> You give Halo a BIG hug.
You poke Stopsign in the chest.
> Tolyk says in common: Hare Rama, Ody.
You smile happily.
You thank Tolyk graciously.
> Nadja says in common: back.
Set arrives.
Set leaves east.
Nadja cheers enthusiastically.
Set arrives.
Set leaves east.
You say in common: Did everyone get those URLs I sent you from my temple?
> You smile happily.
> Halo says in common: yes, it's a classy joint.
You nod solemnly.
> You smile happily.
Halo says in common: why didn't you show me when I was out there.
You say in common: when you come here next time, we'll have to show you around again.
Halo says in common: you don't have to hide your faith from me.
You say in common: I know a great little Vegan store here, too.
> Nadja rolls on the floor laughing.
You say in common: I know, you only got a drive past.
> Halo says in common: I don't judge - well not my friends anyway.
Halo cheers for you enthusiastically.
You say in common: this time we'll take you inside.
Tolyk leaves southeast.
You give Halo a great big smile.
You fall down and play dead.
> You're standing inside a rather large pub. Despite its spacious dimensions, there is a familiar comfort to this place, as if you've spent much of your life here. Rustic smells of ancient wood wash over you, bringing with them memories of autumns gone by. The walls are mostly bare, the establishment prefering to create atmosphere with personalities rather than objects. The bar itself is a simple one; old wood with most of its once-lustrous finish worn and faded. The barstools have seen a similar decay over the years.
Small tables and chairs fill the remaining space. Above the bar is a menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
High Priestess Halo.
Wizard (7th Ranked) Nadja the Elf.
Arch-Mage Stopsign the Orc Slayer.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Nadja bounces around excitedly.
Tolyk arrives.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Tolyk leaves the game.
Nadja cheers enthusiastically.
Nadja rolls on the floor laughing.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
You fall down and play dead.
> You fall down and play dead.
> Halo leaps into the air and gives a high five to you.
Stopsign goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Nadja rolls on the floor laughing.
Nadja falls down and plays dead.
You say in common: did anybody log that?A.
> You fall down and play dead.
> Nadja says in common: yes.
Nadja rolls on the floor laughing.

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