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You peer at Natas quizzically.
> Natas says in common: how did this happen.
You say in common: How did what happen?
> You raise your eyebrow.
> Natas lets out a blood-curdling scream.
Nadja tells you in common: brb.. this should be amusing.
Natas suddenly bursts into tears.
Natas says in common: how did they die.
You tell Nadja in common: *nod* He's logged onto another perhaps? *scratch*.
You scratch your head.
Natas throws his head back and cackles wickedly!
You say in common: How did who die?
You emote: Tiberius is confused.
> Natas says in common: everyone is gone now.
Natas says in common: I will evenge them.
You tell Nadja in common: I'm starting to get the feeling that Natas here is one of those people that think the mud is real life and real life is the mud.
You say in common: Um.
Nadja tells you in common: NOD.. rofl.
You say in common: Natas.
> Natas stomps his foot.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL!!
You say in common: Slow down buddy.
> Nadja tells you in common: back in a sec ;).
Natas smiles happily.
Natas says in common: ok.
You tell Nadja in common: nod.
You say in common: Now, calm down.
You say in common: Now tell me.... how did you first come to this mud and when?
You smile happily.
> Natas nods solemnly.
You smile happily.
> You listen carefully.
You give Natas a great big smile.
You say in common: Natas... are you there?
You peer at Natas quizzically.
> Natas moans softly with pleasure.
You say in common: Ok.
You say in common: Take a seat.
> You pay 8 coins for a bottle of beer for Natas.
You say in common: Now tell me, how did you first find this place?
> Natas says in common: helk.
After Hours LPMud :: 3 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 3 total.
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
(TC) Nadja is Livin' Large with the Sims!                      <AFK>
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Natas says in common: lettera.
You say in common: What's "helk"?
> Natas says in common: the letter a.
Natas says in common: no work.
You say in common: A letter?
> Natas says in common: so my  say no woork.
Natas says in common: u.
You say in common: I'm sorry, I don't quite understand you.
Natas says in common: ok.
You say in common: You were sent a letter?
> You scratch your head.
> Natas says in common: now it wok.
Natas giggles gleefully.
Natas says in common: what is wrong.
You say in common: Is English not your first language?
> Natas says in common: with this.
You scratch your head.
> Natas says in common: ok now it is working.
Natas sighs deeply.
You say in common: Now what is working?
> Natas says in common: ok well I had this pet.
You say in common: ok.
You say in common: What type of pet?
> Natas says in common: this pets name was sam.
You say in common: Ok, what type of animal was Sam?
> Natas says in common: he was a midget.
You say in common: A midget what?
> Nadja tells you in common: what the flying fuck?
Natas says in common: what other kind of pets are there.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL.
You tell Nadja in common: I know I know, I see but I don't believe. *laugh* To say he's lost would be an understatement.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Natas says in common: well my sam had a pet named tim.
You say in common: Dogs, Cats, Horses, Birds maybe?
> Natas says in common: and we all lived in a little appartment.
You say in common: Um.
> Natas says in common: well I did not know about Mud ing untill.
You emote: Tiberius contains himself.
> Natas says in common: untill I got sick.
Natas says in common: and I had to stay home from my job.
You tell Nadja in common: logging time,, this could get weird.....
Natas says in common: well I needed some thing to do so I sat and picked my scabs.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Natas says in common: then they got infected.
You say in common: Um, Natas....
> Natas says in common: my pets pet tim was also a miget.
Natas twiddles his thumbs.
You say in common: What exactly is a "miget"?
> Natas says in common: midget.
Natas says in common: sorry.
You say in common: Ok, a "midget". What's that?
> Natas twiddles his thumbs.
You scratch your head.
> Natas says in common: a little person mind you there animals thoe.
Natas says in common: there not realy people i mean.
You say in common: Hmm, I'm sure most midgets would disagree with you on that one.
> Natas says in common: mine eats coffe grounds.
After Hours LPMud :: 3 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 3 total.
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
(TC) Nadja is Livin' Large with the Sims!                      <AFK>
> Natas says in common: coffee rather.
You say in common: So anyway, where abouts in the world do you come from?
> Natas says in common: they just look like people.
Natas nods solemnly.
Natas says in common: Idaho.
Natas dances by himself but looks rather stupid dancing with out a partner.
You say in common: Ahhh, and if I may ask as I'm curious, how old are you?
> Natas says in common: he he he 24.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL!
You say in common: You're 24 years old?
> Natas says in common: I work at a prison.
You tell Nadja in common: *cough*pigs might fly*cough*.
You say in common: A prison huh? Which prison would that be?
> Nadja tells you in common: It's 4:22am here. This is becoming quite surreal.
Natas says in common: I work first response team medial.
Natas says in common: medical rather.
Nadja tells you in common: I'm not so sure I'd leave my life in this guy's hands.. rofl.
Natas says in common: Idaho state correctinal.
You tell Nadja in common: Reality's being blended. I saw last year's movie ExisteZ (sp?) the other day. It's reminding me of this guy for some reason.
Hraf...or is it Bob? says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: and do you like your job?
> Nadja tells you in common: rofl! never seen that.. I'd like to though, eventually... oh well, back to being idle for a few ;).
Natas says in common: it is very high strung.
Natas says in common: too much pressure.
You tell Nadja in common: It's an interesting movie when you think about it afterwards. Especially how some people can become completely stuck in the mud so to speak.
You say in common: Hmm, so what brings a prison officer like you to a mud like this?
> Natas says in common: ihave saved lives and even cut a RC bottal off a mans PP.
You say in common: "A mans PP"? I'm not familiar with this term. Could you please explain more clearly?
> Natas says in common: penal reagon.
Natas says in common: winky.
You scratch your head.
> Natas says in common: you know his thingie.
You say in common: No, I'm not sure I do.
You scratch your head.
> Natas says in common: I am medical staf EMT.
Natas says in common: hi99d dick brother named dick Mr hansom.
Natas says in common: his shlong.
You say in common: Wouldn't a real medical officer use the more clincal term "penis" rather than your above euphemisms?
> You raise your eyebrow.
> Natas says in common: I am not an officer.
Natas says in common: EMT.
After Hours LPMud :: 3 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 3 total.
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
(TC) Nadja is Livin' Large with the Sims!                      <AFK>
You say in common: Ok, anyone with medical training!
You say in common: Anyway...
> Natas says in common: arnt the rules about cusing.
Nadja tells you in common: "PP"? Umm... my brother used to say that, when he was 5... oh man!
Natas says in common: I am shy.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL.. "penal reagon".
You say in common: Um, how exactly is the word "penis" cursing?
> Nadja tells you in common: I seriously hope you're logging this.
Natas says in common: I do not like to talk about pps.
You tell Nadja in common: *laff* he makes some of the 14 year olds on this mud look slightly intelligent.
Natas says in common: pp's.
You tell Nadja in common: Oh, definately *grin*.
> Natas giggles gleefully.
Nadja tells you in common: WOOHOO.
You say in common: Why's that?
> Natas says in common: if you only knew.
You say in common: Do tell.
You listen carefully.
> Natas says in common: they have this thing about bunnys out there.
Nadja tells you in common: wtf.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You tell Nadja in common: *ROFL*.
You say in common: Well,.. those prison guys.
> You snap your fingers.
> Natas says in common: we once found a half shaven rabbit in a cell once.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Nadja tells you in common: sick! *die*.
Natas says in common: wonce.
Natas says in common: what ever.
You say in common: I shudder to ask, but why was the rabbit half shaven?
> Natas says in common: we did not get the answer to that question.
Natas says in common: he just replyed "he's my pet!".
You say in common: So he got lonely.
> Natas says in common: then he went to the hole for animal abuse.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Natas says in common: sexual abuse.
You say in common: What you're saying is, he fucked the rabbit?
> Nadja tells you in common: his ears!
Natas says in common: no Im kidding the bunny had not been hurt in that way.
Natas lets out a blood-curdling scream.
You tell Nadja in common: Prison will do such things I guess *scratches head*.
> Natas says in common: said fuck.
Natas says in common: said it.
You say in common: Huh?
Natas says in common: yuo did say fuk.
You say in common: Said what?
You say in common: Yes, I did. Your point?
> Natas says in common: yoiu know fuck.
Natas lets out a blood-curdling scream.
Natas says in common: I said fuck.
You say in common: It's a word, is it not?
> Natas hops up and down.
Natas says in common: you tricked me.
Natas rolls his eyes towards the ceiling.
You raise your eyebrow.
> You say in common: How exactly did I trick you now?
> Natas says in common: ok you have a point.
Nadja tells you in common: wow... this one's a rare breed, for sure.
Natas whimpers silently.
Natas says in common: I am bad.
You tell Nadja in common: I'm amazed.
You say in common: Um.
> Natas says in common: are you a boy.
Natas says in common: for real.
Natas says in common: you just don't know any more.
You say in common: What do you think I am?
> Natas says in common: a.
You raise your eyebrow.
You say in common: a?
> Natas says in common: a hermapherdite.
You blink in disbelief.
> Natas blushes a deep hue of red.
You say in common: What makes you think that?
> Natas says in common: say am I bweong.
Natas says in common: wrong.
Natas says in common: wrong! wrong! wrong!
You raise your eyebrow.
> Natas says in common: ok what are you.
You say in common: Actually considering we all have male and female sexual hormones in us, I guess we're all hermapherdites.
You say in common: Well, more or less.
You gulp quietly.
Natas says in common: I am part of a different breed.
Natas says in common: take tthis down.
You say in common: "I'm a real boy".
> You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> Natas says in common: ephataf@yahoo.com.
You nod solemnly.
You say in common: You're part of a different breed?
> Natas says in common: great.
You say in common: How are you part of a different breed?
> Natas says in common: I will be muddin sabout this time every day.
Natas says in common: Hybrid.
You emote: Tiberius feigns enthusiasm.
You say in common: A hybrid huh? A hybrid of what?
> Natas says in common: the undead.
You tell Nadja in common: *shakes head sadly*.
> Natas says in common: you can't kill me I am already dead.
Nadja tells you in common: erm, didn't I say he's a rare breed? Rather strange that he says he's part of a different breed soon after - quite a coincidence... *scratch*.
You tell Nadja in common: funny that.
You say in common: So how'd you die?
You peer at Natas quizzically.
You think where's "turn undead" when you need it?
> You kick at the ground.
You nudge Natas in the side.
> Natas says in common: my heart was riped out by a thing that looked human.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Natas says in common: it just wanted my seed.
You gulp nervously.
You say in common: Your seed?
> Natas says in common: a child my spearm.
You say in common: It wanted your sperm?
> Natas says in common: yepper.
Natas says in common: sick hu.
You say in common: Why did it need to kill you though?
You raise your eyebrow.
> Natas says in common: I do not know black widow.
You say in common: Huh?
Natas says in common: she was  a black widow.
You say in common: You were killed by a spider?
> Natas says in common: a she spider.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: So how come you're alive now then?
> Natas says in common: kind of alive.
Natas says in common: I work three jobs.
You say in common: and that keeps you "kind of alive"?
> Natas says in common: one for my ex and one for my wife and one for daycare.
You say in common: Oh, you're married are you?
> Natas says in common: for three years.
Natas says in common: still looking.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: and how does your wife feel about your undead status?
> You raise your eyebrow.
> Natas says in common: she knows.
You say in common: Yes, but how does she feel about it?
> Natas says in common: i live to surver her.
You say in common: You mean serve her?
> Natas says in common: yepper.
Natas says in common: my keys stick.
You say in common: That's great, but how does she feel about you being an undead zombie?
> Natas says in common: I took her aside and told her to build a castle oon my shoulders.
Nadja tells you in common: Stranger and stranger... I go afk for 5 minutes and I come back to insanity.
Natas says in common: she can do what ever she wants.
You say in common: Er, ok, and you haven't really answered my question about how she "feels" about it.
Natas says in common: not sure how she feels.
You tell Nadja in common: *nods* It's getting weirder and weirder.
You say in common: Hmm, anyway, so you said you have 3 jobs?
> Natas says in common: she knows when to tell me to slow down.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Natas says in common: yepper.
You say in common: What are you 3 jobs?
You say in common: er your 3 jobs.
> Natas says in common: itake care of old people and brain injored rehab.
Natas says in common: and the inmates.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: Ahh, yes, the bunny loving inmates. How could I forget...
Natas says in common: not at the same time thoe.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Natas says in common: I am at work now.
You say in common: So if you have three jobs, how come you have time to be mudding?
> Natas says in common: the old people arew sleeping.
You say in common: So do you like mudding?
> Natas says in common: infact I need to do rounds.
You say in common: Rounds?
> Natas says in common: I have alwase liked it.
Natas says in common: you know check to see of ther dead or not.
Natas smiles happily.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: Oh, on the mud.
You say in common: No?
Natas says in common: no What?
Ce tells you in common: canu u help me 2 get out of hawkwinds.
You say in common: Oh, Natas, how was it again that you came across this mud?
> You smile curiously.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
(TC) Nadja is Livin' Large with the Sims!                      <AFK>
> You tell Ce in common: Who are you?
> Natas says in common: I have to some need to be taken to te bathroom or they wet the be.
Ce tells you in common: i'm ce.
You tell Ce in common: Do I know you?
Natas says in common: BED.
Hraf...or is it Bob? says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
Ce tells you in common: i'm new.
You say in common: Um, g-reat. But about this mud, how was it you first found it?
> Natas says in common: yes sadly enough they wet the bed.
You scratch your head.
> Natas says in common: WHY.
You tell Ce in common: Hmm are you, how'd you happen to find this mud?
You say in common: Why?
You say in common: Why what?
> Natas says in common: i was living with my friends sam and tim who always mudded here.
Ce tells you in common: i've been on b4 ages ago and now i've 4gotten everything.
You nod solemnly.
You tell Ce in common: Really? Who were you before?
You say in common: Hmm, do your friends still mud here?
> Ce tells you in common: i was under the same name but only got to level5 class 5 monk.
You tell Ce in common: Hmm, how long ago was this?
You poke Natas in the chest.
Natas says in common: all of those people I brought up earlyer  were them  you know macros and rigle.
Ce tells you in common: about 3 years ago.
You say in common: You there Natas?
> You say in common: Oh.
> Natas says in common: the eldery are call ing I will be on in two days from now same time.
tell ce Hmm, I don't remember a "ce" from 3 years ago
You attempt to contact Ce telepathically.
Your thoughts touch only the cold surface of his link dead statue.
> Natas nods solemnly.
You say in common: I can't say I remember Macros or Rigle really.
Natas says in common: so I better go.
You say in common: and Pyros, who was that?
You say in common: Well before you do go...
> Natas waves good-bye.
You say in common: Natas.
You say in common: Have you had your medication today?
> Natas says in common: see you in two days.
You say in common: Really, you should visit a doctor.
> Natas says in common: nod.
Natas says in common: I am on paxil.
You say in common: So do you visit a psychologist?
> Natas says in common: I will be on in two days at the same time.
Natas says in common: no.
You say in common: You should.
You say in common: Make that, you need to.
> Natas says in common: self proscribed for obbessivecomplsive dissorder.
Nadja tells you in common: oh my.
Ce tells you in common: so can u help me.
Natas says in common: how old are you.
You say in common: You need to see a psychologist for other reasons besides obsessive compulsive disorder.
> Nadja tells you in common: I wonder if he's ever been on Zoloft.. *cackle*.
Natas says in common: why.
You say in common: Because you seem to have Imaginary World Disorder.
You tell Nadja in common: *chortle*.
> Natas says in common: how old are you.
You say in common: I'm 20.
You say in common: How old are you?
> Natas says in common: I am a picies.
Natas says in common: 24.
You emote: Tiberius bangs his head against the table.
> Ce tells you in common: i have dide already check the newspaper.
You tell Ce in common: Um, I'll be right.
> Nadja tells you in common: ROFL.. it took me a minute to figure out what he means by "picies".
Natas says in common: my wife own a house and a ford explorer.
Natas says in common: I bought them for her.
You tell Nadja in common: He doesn't mean a "pixie" does he?
> Ce tells you in common: thanx.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL.. I hope not. I think he means he's a Pisces.
You say in common: Natas, repeat after me, "I am not undead" "I am not undead".
You say in common: Now you try...
> You nod to Nadja solemnly.
> Natas says in common: my EX girlfrend Bought a hous with my money to.
Natas says in common: house.
Nadja tells you in common: I'd be an EX too.
You say in common: I'm sure.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
After Hours LPMud :: 5 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 5 total.
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
(TC) Nadja is Livin' Large with the Sims!                      <AFK>
> You roll your eyes towards the ceiling.
> Nadja tells you in common: rofl.
Natas says in common: she got it all in cort.
You tell Nadja in common: *laff* no picking on the undead boy.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL... I don't really have to. ;).
You shake your head sadly.
You laugh hysterically.
> You nod to Nadja solemnly.
> Natas says in common: thats what love will do for you.
Nadja nods solemnly.
You say in common: Not really.
You say in common: That's what lack of love will do for you.
You emote: Tiberius can't take anymore of this.
You hide behind a nearby object.
> Natas says in common: I gave her a kid and she ruend my life Her mom works at the  court house.
You say in common: Natas, how old are you really!?
> Natas says in common: 24.
You blink in disbelief.
You say in common: I doubt it.
> Natas says in common: I have a wife and three kids and a ex.
You say in common: Unlikely.
> Natas says in common: 1976 do the math.
You say in common: Bull-shit stories do the maths.
> Natas says in common: my ex got so much money out of mr to become a nurse.
You say in common: You see Natas, you're living in a delusional world.
> Natas says in common: I am dead.
You say in common: No you're not. You like to think you are though.
> Natas says in common: realy for the rest of myb life.
You say in common: Most 24 year olds I know don't feel the need to pretend they're the zombie they saw in some movie.
> Natas says in common: my wife maxed to 5000 credit cards count that two.
Natas says in common: that is not dead.
You say in common: Uh-huh.
You say in common: So do you still claim to be an undead zombie whose heart was ripped out by a giant spider?
> You raise your eyebrow.
> Natas says in common: I am paying for it.
You say in common: In other words, "yes".
You say in common: ?
> Natas says in common: belive me I am dead.
You say in common: I belive you're delusional, that's what I believe.
> Natas says in common: daddy get off me your crushing my smoaks.
Natas says in common: see you in two days.
Natas says in common: same bat time same nat station.
> Natas says in common: nsay nice talking.
Natas says in common: c-ya.
You shake your head sadly.
You say in common: Seek help Natas.
> Natas nods solemnly.
You sigh sadly.
You say in common: You're leaving now?
> Natas says in common: I have already went two years of consouling.
Natas says in common: I am leaving.
You say in common: ok.
You say in common: Goodbye.
You wave good-bye to Natas vigorously.
Natas waves good-bye.
Natas says in common: see you in two days same time as we first met.
You say in common: buh-bye.
You say in common: Um, probably not.
You say in common: Goodbye.
> You wave good-bye to Natas vigorously.
You tap impatiently.
You say in common: So, you're going now?
> Natas says in common: ok I hate you and I am going to hunt you down like the midget that you are.
You say in common: Ok, I don't hate you, and I feel pity for you.
> Natas says in common: I do not need frends.
You pat Natas on the head.
> Nadja tells you in common: wow... lemme scroll back and see what I missed.
Natas says in common: you skuppernong!!
Natas says in common: you Rebarkednardnarpher!\.
You tell Nadja in common: Mental insanity.
You say in common: I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with these terms.
> Natas pouts sullenly.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL.
Natas says in common: shit.
Natas ponders the situation.
You grin evilly.
> Natas says in common: when will you be on agin.
You say in common: You're full of it?
> You say in common: When will I be on again? Um, when I decide to log on next. Why do you ask?
> Natas says in common: I want to mud with you.
Nadja tells you in common: is that a threat? rofl.
Natas says in common: well see you so long my good theripest.
You gulp nervously.
> Natas waves good-bye.
Natas closes his eyes, freezes in place and turns to stone.
A smokey cloud drifts up and away from the newly formed statue.
A black portal opens up in the room.
Eika walks out of the portal.
Eika shoves Statue of Natas through the portal.
Eika walks into the portal.
The portal collapses into itself.
Nadja breathes.
You faint and hit the ground with a thump.
> Nadja rolls on the floor laughing.
You laugh hysterically.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You pant desperately.
You emote: Tiberius is speechless.
Nadja says in common: it's been a while since I've seen creativity of that...caliber.
Nadja grins evilly.
You laugh hysterically.
You grin innocently.
> Nadja's eyes go wide and she starts staring off into space.
> You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> Nadja shivers with fright.

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