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This log was made by Savage.

Muddy playground

Eidos takes liberties from Chath.
Saffron says in common: can i have my coins plz..
Eidos says in common: thanks you chath.
> Chath says in common: lying is not a crime though.
Eidos says in common: can i have his coins>?
You say in common: sure.
> Eidos smiles happily.
Cronos shouts in common: I have been link-dead long enough.
Saffron says in common: can i have my coins plz..?
emote gives some gold coins to Eidos.
You emote: Savage gives some gold coins to Eidos.
> z
> Eidos says in common: have u got an alias or something?
You nod solemnly.
> Eidos thanks you graciously.
Saffron says in common: give me my coins back.
You say in common: why.
> Chath waves good-bye.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Chath leaves the game.
Saffron says in common: because they are mine.
Savage : 4415 exp.
Asmodai : 4031 exp.
Saffron says in common: and you went against your word!
Eidos says in common: you should start fighting.
You say in common: ohwell.
> Saffron says in common: give me my coins!
You say in common: in a minute.
> Eidos tells you in common: and gives him 1 coin every min.
Saffron says in common: no now.
Saffron says in common: i need them to buy potions.
Savage : 0 exp.
Asmodai : 0 exp.
Savage : 0 exp.
Asmodai : 0 exp.
Saffron says in common: give me my coins!!!
Eidos says in common: to kill who?
Saffron says in common: they are my coins..
Eidos says in common: wyvern?
Ash arrives.
You say in common: so what.
> Eidos says in common: or sprite?
Saffron says in common: someone like that.
Ash says in common: ello.
Eidos gives Ash a great big smile.
Ash leaves east.
Asmodai arrives.
Eidos beats Undead into a bloody pulp.
Eidos beats Undead into a bloody pulp.
Eidos screams 'WOO HOO!'
Ash arrives.
Eidos says in common: FIGHT!!
Ash sneezes his head off.
Ash lets off a real rip-roarer.
You say in common: you really want your coins?
> Ash belches rudely.
Eidos beats Hraf into a bloody pulp.
Eidos beats Hraf into a bloody pulp.
Asmodai bows to Ash respectfully.
Ash says in common: TRIPPLE CROWN!
Eidos lifts its leg and pisses all over Hraf.
Saffron says in common: yes.
Eidos looks over at Hraf and bursts into laughter.
Ash says in common: AFK brb.
Eidos nods to Ash solemnly.
Eidos says in common: still got that thing going savage?
Asmodai leaves east.
Asmodai arrives.
You say in common: why do you want them?
> > Eidos says in common: could be good for tiberius's site you know.
Eidos gives you a great big smile.
Saffron says in common: savage give me my coins!
Asmodai says in common: i aint got 3k cash that i can spare.
[Asmodai] i have 10k on me.
[Savage] kewl.
> Saffron tells you in common: can i have my coins back?
You say in common: why do you want them so bad.
> Saffron hiccups.
You tell Eidos in common: oh hell yeah.
> Autosaving character...
Asmodai rolls on the floor laughing.
Saffron says in common: can i have my coins plz..
You say in common: why do you want them so bad.
> Asmodai says in common: NO!!!
Saffron says in common: coz it will take me forever to get them back.
Eidos smiles happily.
You say in common: stop begging for parties and kill stuff.
> Eidos says in common: if u kill GME you get 4k.
Asmodai gives some gold coins to Saffron.
You say in common: you will get em back in no time.
> Saffron says in common: no i want my coins.
You're standing inside a rather large pub. Despite its spacious dimensions, there is a familiar comfort to this place, as if you've spent much of your life here. Rustic smells of ancient wood wash over you, bringing with them memories of autumns gone by. The walls are mostly bare, the establishment prefering to create atmosphere with personalities rather than objects. The bar itself is a simple one; old wood with most of its once-lustrous finish worn and faded. The barstools have seen a similar decay over the years. Small tables and chairs fill the remaining space. Above the bar is a menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Lord (9th Ranked) Asmodai.
Grand Master of Flowers Ash.
Superior Explorer Eidos.
An undead falhar.
Master (1st Ranked) Saffron.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Saffron says in common: no i wont give me my coins.
[Savage] how much u give him.
> z
You say in common: 1 coin.
You cheer enthusiastically.
> l at ash
Grand Master of Flowers Ash.
Ash is a human.
He is pk immune.
Ash has a scar on his left leg.
He is in good shape.
Ash is a member of the Vicious Circle clan.
        Ash is carrying:
Potion of Light-Healing.
Potion of Light-Healing.
Potion of Light-Healing.
Potion of Healing.
Potion of Healing.
Ash's quicktyper.
e earring (worn).
> Saffron says in common: i want my coins so give me them.
[Asmodai] 4 coins.
Your emblem proclaiming your allegiance to '3k to join'.
A shimmering green cloak (worn).
A crystal skull.
Savage's quicktyper.
Gold Coins         : 12158
Currently Carrying : 33 pounds.
Carry Capacity     : 350 pounds.
You say in common: say please.
> Saffron says in common: eidos tell him to give them too me.
Asmodai leaves south.
Eidos says in common: asmodai tell him to give them back.
Eidos shrugs helplessly.
Eidos says in common: he don't care.
You say in common: say please saffron.
> Saffron says in common: please.
Eidos whispers to you in common: HAHAHAAH.
Stronger arrives.
You say in common: please what.
> Asmodai arrives.
Kael arrives.
Kael drops Asmodai.
Kael leaves south.
Stronger bows deeply.
> Asmodai instructs Stronger in combat tactics, and prepares him for battle.
Asmodai instructs you in the art of war and combat tactics, and tells of feats of valor in battle. You feel eager to fight.
Saffron waits for you patiently.
Asmodai instructs Saffron in combat tactics, and prepares him for battle.
Asmodai says in common: now go n fight while it lasts.
You say in common: the correct answer is please sir may i have my little amount of gold peices back.
[Savage] what a riot.
> Ash says in common: whats going on here?
Eidos laughs hysterically.
You tell Ash in common: shhh!!! im annoying saffron.
> Saffron says in common: please sir may i have my little amount of gold pieces back plz..?
Stronger scratches his head.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Stronger leaves east.
> Asmodai looks drunk.
Asmodai leaves south.
You say in common: you may have 1 coin.
> z
Set arrives.
Set leaves east.
> Saffron leaves south.
You say in common: is that enuf?
> Saffron arrives.
After Hours LPMud :: 6 logged on players :: 1 wizard :: 7 total.
Savage wants you to read his post!
Asmodai wishes to join a clan
Ash is really Mr. Bungle
Even though Hawkwind is visable, he's just as idle as ever          <Demigod>
> l
You're standing inside a rather large pub. Despite its spacious dimensions, there is a familiar comfort to this place, as if you've spent much of your life here. Rustic smells of ancient wood wash over you, bringing with them memories of autumns gone by. The walls are mostly bare, the establishment prefering to create atmosphere with personalities rather than objects. The bar itself is a simple one; old wood with most of its once-lustrous finish worn and faded. The barstools have seen a similar decay over the years. Small tables and chairs fill the remaining space. Above the bar is a menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Master (1st Ranked) Saffron.
Grand Master of Flowers Ash.
Superior Explorer Eidos.
An undead falhar.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Saffron says in common: ur a wanker mate.
You say in common: how are you today saffron?
> Eidos reads the newspaper.
Eidos says in common: whats happend to paper.
You shrug helplessly.
> read paper
This is the daily obituary page.

Chthuhlu  (level 6) was killed by Myrmidon Kelly,  Feb  2 09:36
Kat  (level 2) committed suicide on Feb  2 12:38
Wild  (level 10) was killed by An orc,  Feb  2 17:45
Wild  (level 9) was killed by Elven Thief,  Feb  2 20:54
Apollo  (level 8) was killed by Wizard (5th Ranked) Nikita,  Feb  2 23:43
Wil  (level 3) was killed by A Lazy Apprentice,  Feb  3 09:51
> Saffron reads the newspaper.
Eidos reads the newspaper.
Savage : 1839 exp.
Asmodai : 1679 exp.
Saffron says in common: savage give me my coins.
Eidos laughs hysterically.
You say in common: does saffron want a small amount of money back?
> Asmodai arrives.
Saffron says in common: yes.
[Savage] cool thanks.
[Savage] you should watch he is a riot.
> [Asmodai] yeah.

Saffron waits patiently.
> Asmodai leaves east.
> Saffron raises his eyebrow at you.
> Asmodai arrives.
You say in common: no id rather keep them.
> Asmodai leaves east.
You rub your hands together greedily.
> Asmodai arrives.
Ash rubs his hands together greedily.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Eidos points at Saffron and shouts : POOR POOR POOR POOR.
Ash rubs his hands together greedily.
Asmodai reads the newspaper.
Ash rubs his hands together greedily.
Eidos tells you in common: still got log going>?
You tell Eidos in common: uh huh.
> Asmodai reads the newspaper.
Ash rubs up against you.
Saffron says in common: dont matter i have another 25k in bank.
Ash laughs hysterically.
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Asmodai says in common: y is the paper so short.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Eidos tells you in common: HI ALL!! HEH I'M ON TV!!
Ash sneezes his head off.
Ash lets off a real rip-roarer.
Ash belches rudely.
Ash says in common: TRIPPLE CROWN!
You say in common: well we have that spam on a log.
> Eidos says in common: spam...
Ash says in common: not spam.
You say in common: saffrons spam.
> Saffron gives Ash a great big smile.
Saffron leaves south.
Ash sneezes his head off.
Eidos says in common: asmodai --->duno.
Ash lets off a real rip-roarer.
Ash belches rudely.
Ash says in common: TRIPPLE CROWN!
Ash laughs hysterically.
Ash leaves east.
Asmodai says in common: only 4 deaths on it.
Saffron arrives.
l at saffron
Master (1st Ranked) Saffron.
Saffron is a dwarf.
As you look at this Very powerful Monk, you notice that he conducts in the art of conflicts, he has a large dragon on the back of his dark brown robe.
He is pk immune.
He is in good shape.
       Saffron is carrying:
Saffron's quicktyper.
> i
Your emblem proclaiming your allegiance to '3k to join'.
A shimmering green cloak (worn).
A crystal skull.
Savage's quicktyper.
Gold Coins         : 12157
Currently Carrying : 33 pounds.
Carry Capacity     : 350 pounds.
> Eidos says in common: why u got -400 coins saffron?
You say in common: if u give me 1k i will party with you.
You say in common: i promise.
> Eidos says in common: you have 400 less now.
Saffron looks over at you and bursts into laughter.
Saffron says in common: no way.
Ash shouts in common: spicy chicken pizza burns my ass!
Saffron spends several minutes demonstrating his colorful vocabulary.
Asmodai says in common: i wont.
Saffron leaves southeast.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Eidos says in common: if he don't i'll dest him, and take away his undead.
You say in common: laff if he did tho.
> Eidos says in common: oh well not here :).
You say in common: tell him that.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Saffron tells you in common: y u so rude/.
> l
You're standing inside a rather large pub. Despite its spacious dimensions, there is a familiar comfort to this place, as if you've spent much of your life here. Rustic smells of ancient wood wash over you, bringing with them memories of autumns gone by. The walls are mostly bare, the establishment prefering to create atmosphere with personalities rather than objects. The bar itself is a simple one; old wood with most of its once-lustrous finish worn and faded. The barstools have seen a similar decay over the years. Small tables and chairs fill the remaining space. Above the bar is a menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Lord (9th Ranked) Asmodai.
Superior Explorer Eidos.
An undead falhar.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Eidos waves to the views of AAH!!
You tell Saffron in common: cause im 12.
> Asmodai leaves east.
Set arrives.
Set leaves east.
Asmodai arrives.
You shout in common: The log has ended go in peace.


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