That "other" After Hours
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, and you
can hardly see through all the haze. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu on the wall.
The obvious exits are: north and south.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
If he could change, Phaedrus would really be amazed.
The Player Rules.
> read paper
This is the daily obituary page.
Nabisco (level 4) was killed by A vampire tree, Nov 5 10:31
Twiddle (level 1) was killed by A giant frog, Nov 5 13:33
Grant (level 1) was killed by An ogre mage, Nov 5 13:48
Special (level 1) was killed by An ogre mage, Nov 6 15:24
Guest (level 1) was killed by A Tax Collector, Nov 6 16:19
Venthor (level 1) was killed by An ogre mage, Nov 6 16:27
Zelra (level 1) was killed by Edward Heron, Nov 6 16:54
Zanshin (level 1) was killed by An iron-cobra, Nov 6 19:17
Smirnov (level 13) was killed by A dwarf, Nov 6 21:44
Shala (level 1) was killed by A bully, Nov 6 22:44
Shala (level 2) was killed, Nov 7 01:27
Macon (level 1) was killed by A gnome, Nov 7 16:37
Macon (level 1) was killed by A huge troll, Nov 7 16:51
Macon (level 1) was killed by A huge troll, Nov 7 16:53
Macon (level 1) was killed by A huge troll, Nov 7 16:55
Gravel (level 13) was killed by Does it matter? Silvergade is back. (feared) (hated), Nov 7 21:29
Gravel (level 12) was killed by Does it matter? Silvergade is back. (feared) (hated), Nov 7 21:34
> read list
Number of active players: 962
List of top players as of: Fri May 15 12:17:06 EDT 1992
Level 20 with 10 quests solved is Wizard
Name Lev Hours
Name Lev Hours
Name Lev Hours
Thunderknob 19 336 Slywood 17 280 Infinity 15 307
Lordzimitar 19 286 Casandra 17 266 Stark 15 262
Odysseus 19 276 Prong 17 205 Coreal 15 140
Horace 19 229 Bronze 17 175 Wyse 15 107
Bladehand 19 132 Tralf 17 158 Firemaker 15 6
Darklord 18 280 Pokey 17 153 Wilf 14 221
Artengle 18 249 George 17 150 Silver 14 194
Bardslayer 18 227 Mahatma 17 117 Dominic 14 180
Phenor 18 227 Primeone 17 70 Warlord 14 180
Amythest 18 169 Slice 16 255 Gravel 14 149
Wynn 18 157 Wolfie 16 203 Bladerunner 14 147
Zodiac 18 157 Gor 16 187 Laser 14 117
Rhys 18 149 Rastafan 16 175 Alias 14 115
Blackie 18 106 Duncan 16 152 Dumond 14 109
Xerxes 18 83 Sparhawk 16 149 Menek 14 105
Trollman 17 482 Mandrake 16 107 Mortekai 14 101
Babrius 17 289 Sonja 15 340 Thelon 14 101
> s
A fine cobblestone road runs through the middle of the village.
The path runs east and west, east heading back towards the center
of the village.
To the north is the village Pub.
To the south is the village Post Office.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
> e
The fine cobblestone road continues on through the village.
To the north is a small rebuilt shack.
To the south is the Adventurer's Guild.
There are four obvious exits: east, north, south and west
Harry the Social Maggot (annoying).
> e
Harry says in common: Harry says: Hello there!
Harry says: Hi Tiberius, nice to see you !
You are at the very center of the village. The sidewalks are
bustling with people. There is the smell of battle in the air.
To the south is the Party Room (Thanks to Huma)
To the north is the Village Church.
There are four obvious exits: west, east, south and north
> e
Harry arrives.
There are people running everywhere, almost as if it's the end of the
world. There are some people with crosses over their shoulders, and
crowns of thorns on their heads.
To the north is the village shop.
To the south is the village bank.
There are four obvious exits: east, north, south and west
> Harry arrives.
Harry says in common: Harry says: What are you waiting for?
Harry says in common: Harry says: Pfffffffffft
> e
You are near the outskirts of the village. There are less people around
than normal. The path to the east leads off into the uncharted forest.
To the north is the village inn.
To the south is the quicktyper warehouse.
There are four obvious exits: east, north, south and west
> s
You are in a small and dusty storage room.
There are two obvious exits: north and south
Tiberius's quicktyper.
> n
You are near the outskirts of the village. There are less people around
than normal. The path to the east leads off into the uncharted forest.
To the north is the village inn.
To the south is the quicktyper warehouse.
There are four obvious exits: east, north, south and west
> e
You see the beginnings of a cobblestone road heading off towards
the village to the west. The forest is much denser here, but there
are a couple paths that you can make out.
There are three obvious exits: west, east and south
Large bag.
> players/elric/swamp/enter
You start treading down the path, until you realize that you
are about knee deep in gooey muck. There are swamp plants
growing all around you.
There are two obvious exits: west and east
> w
You see the beginnings of a cobblestone road heading off towards
the village to the west. The forest is much denser here, but there
are a couple paths that you can make out.
There are three obvious exits: west, east and south
Large bag.
> players/morpheus/trail/trail1
A large forest is all about you. Both the trail and the marks are heading
further southeast, deeper into the woods.
There are two obvious exits: north and southeast
> look
You are in the local village church.
There is a huge pit in the center,
and a door in the west wall. There is a button beside the door.
To the east is a little chapel where people can go and get married.
This church has the service of reviving ghosts. Dead people come
to the church and pray.
There is a clock on the wall.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east and up
The golden idol of 'hsarT'.
Gateway to Novice Land.
A bulletin board.
> exa board
You can set up new notes with the command 'note headline'.
Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with
'remove num'.
The bulletine board contains 15 notes:
1: General Help(Sagar, Oct 24)
2: Newbie, where to kill?(Sagar, Oct 24)
3: Let the games begin!!!(Keith, Oct 29)
4: Clerics(Random, Oct 30)
5: RE: Random(Razer, Oct 30)
6: pkilling and all that waffle(Thunderknob, Oct 30)
7: Agreed(Random, Oct 31)
8: What the F--- ????(Hellrazor, Nov 4)
9: Macron says "Hi".(Macron, Nov 5)
10: Castle Update <-(Slice, Nov 5)
11: WooHoo(Spartian, Nov 5)
12: Fed Up(Hellrazor, Nov 5)
13: heya mac...(Thunderknob, Nov 5)
14: newbie monsters in Hawkwinds Hideout(Hawkwind, Nov 7)
15: DEATH SUX: sign here........x(Ranma, Nov 7)
> read 1
The note is titled 'General Help(Sagar, Oct 24)':
Ok here is a small list of things for you returning AHers, and
you players that are new to AH. This is a middle of 1992 copy
of After Hours, what this means is its DAMN OLD!!!
Ok so anyway here are somethings you need to know:
AutoHp: Whats that? Its not here, heh. Use 'hp 2' to get
an HP Line every 2 heartbeats, then use 'hp' to turn
it off. 2 beats is about 1 combat round.
Monster Hurt?: There is no way at this time to determine how
hurt a monster is. You just have to guess. :)
Finger: We dont have it yet, dont know if we will.
Newbie Land: Its in the Church, see the Town Map below.
Town Map:
| |
1 3 5 7 9
| | | | |
<--O-O-O-O-O-O-O-->Swamp and Goldhays
| | | | |
2 4 6 8 10
1 - Smithy: Fixs weapons. Yes weapons break here and armour doesnt ?!?
2 - Morgue: Sell corpes for cash
3 - Pub: Get drunk and heal
4 - Post Office: Mail duh!! -- Up is Bounty Office.
5 - Potion Shop
6 - Guild Hall
7 - Church: Board and Newbie Land in here. Also some other things, but you find em :)
8 - Party Room
9 - Shop
10 - Quick Typers: For setting aliases
> [Phaedrus] : sscanf returns how many %s's or %d's matched in the pattern
read 2
The note is titled 'Newbie, where to kill?(Sagar, Oct 24)':
Ok few places for you newbies to kill at.
Here in Church is first place, its Newbie Land!!
Next is Castle Kickaha: Its W all way out of town. Go West
until you can go no more. There it is.
Stables in Goldhays: Go East out of town until you cant go no more.
Cross Bridge, N N W NW NW NW W (or close to that)
Stables I would not recomend if you are under maybe lvl 4.
Somethings in there are easy, but others are sort of hard.
Good luck
tell tawn anytime I think, type 'title <whatever>'
OOps sorry...hehe
> read 3
The note is titled 'Let the games begin!!!(Keith, Oct 29)':
Greetings true believers!
After Hours is back! Hallelujah!!! Nostalgic feelings abound!
I'm sure the everyone will catch news of this because this is such a historic
mud in my career. After Hours is without a doubt the finest, easiest to play,
friendliest, and best-to-devote-yourself-to mud around! I look forward to
regaining everything that I lost here when AH went down, and hopefully adding
in a new wrinkle of my own if I can ever wiz here. Hellos to the usuals if
you're reading this, you know who you are: TK, Cina, Spetz, Baton, Solo,
Silvergade, etc etc. And a hearty thank you to the admin here for bringing
After Hours back into existence!!!
Autosaving character...
Keith the complete and utter novice (again).
> [Phaedrus] : since there is only one %s, the function can either return 0 (no matches)
or 1 (one match)
read 4
The note is titled 'Clerics(Random, Oct 30)':
Well, this current incarnation of the mud certainly makes clerics the
weakest guild. Gone are critical spells that made it playable
especially sanctuary and gate, but also create(food,water)flamestrike,
spiritual hammer, and vestment, among the losses I do recall.
What are there chances of any of this being restored? Mages survived
INTACT. as did (near as I can tell) monks and adventurers. Fighters
seem to have lost only the repair skill (granted, a substantial loss)
Random, the Complete and Utter Novice <<UnPatched>> Cleric
(only worried because of the large number of patched PKers. otherwise who cares)
> read 5
The note is titled 'RE: Random(Razer, Oct 30)':
You're right, the clerics are the weakest...ok so maybe the adventurers are
but no one plays as an adventurer.
I've heard that after all of the serious problems are taken care of, the
mud will start transforming into the AH we all remember...clerics included.
However, there was an excellent mage soul online just before AH was removed.
No body saw it but wizards, but it was very good (despite the fact that
the one who coded it was also the one who deleted it :-) .)
Just be patient and don't pester the wizards too much. They love this
place just as much as we do.
- Razer
(the artist formerly known as Kower)
> read 6
The note is titled 'pkilling and all that waffle(Thunderknob, Oct 30)':
well Spetz is kindly leaving all blood and guts to Silvergade and lil` ol` me.
Though I think Silvergade can handle it by himself...(Im not as young, spritely
- or able to handl;e the lag - as I used to be.)
As for randoms note about clerics....they may be weaker than they were, but they are
still damned useful.
In the later days before this place went down, clerics may have been better, but mages
certainly got the shit piled on - we became little mpore than dottering old
geriatrics...only just able to take out mid lvl monsters when fully maxxed/equipped.
I dont like the idea of the guilds going back to that lvl ..... all i suggest is
to _even_ things out a little...give the clerics and adventurers a break but leave the
rest as is 9generally)
as for the AH we all know and lkove.....this is it....not when it got messed up.
enough of my dribble...Im supposed to be at work.
TK (the old)
> read 7
The note is titled 'Agreed(Random, Oct 31)':
Yes, Clerics are still useful, agreed. Even in their present state. But
They are also more vulnerable to PK attacks, far more so than in the
past. I'm just lookign for a level playing field, honest.
To Kower -- Again, agreed. I am thrilled for the mere fact that this
mud is even UP in the first place! Guild balance is something I do not
want to complain about, I know there are bigger fish to fry. All I want
(or any old cleric, for that matter) is a fighting chance. Mages always
were and are the best PK class as attackers, no complaints here, but
our defense was and should always be sanctuary. The other powers are
not as critical to have NOW but sanctuary is because we are in
FULL PK MODE now. Give us a fighting chance, is all I or any cleric with
a desire to advance beyond level 5 wants. Amen. :)
Random, who came to love this mud first, and above all others, long ago.
> read 8
The note is titled 'What the F--- ????(Hellrazor, Nov 4)':
I have been hosed several times today by monsters resetting while in battle. I reached
class 14, got inspect, and found out why I was having such difficulty killing high level
monsters. I was fighting a High Mentalist, had him knocking on deaths door, and had to go
to the bar. When I came back, he had reset to mite difficult. I can understand
regenerating at the same rate players do, but this is ridiculous. But, taking it in
stride, I decided to use potions to go after the next one. I had him down to trivial,
and suddenly, right in the middle of battle, he reset to mite difficult, so I just burned
3k of potions for nothing!! No wizards appeared on, and this had been apparently
happening to me over the last couple of days, or I would have thought for sure that some
wizard was fucking with me. Is this the new policy to make our lives more difficult?
If its not, this bug desperately needs to be fixed. Well, I've blown off enough
steam now, but I would like to here back whats going on.
> read 9
The note is titled 'Macron says "Hi".(Macron, Nov 5)':
Shut up and die, mortal worms.
Did you miss me?
Love and Kisses,
Macron the Malevolent
> read 10
The note is titled 'Castle Update <-(Slice, Nov 5)':
My castle is under heavy construction.
I've recently hired extra construction workers to speed the job up.
But they tell me it'll still be a couple of weeks before anything
starts looking good. Then I have to debug it, and get it approved.
That is all for now. You may resume killing each other.
Your pal and mine,
> read 11
The note is titled 'WooHoo(Spartian, Nov 5)':
Macrons' back!!!
let's throw a party!
> read 12
The note is titled 'Fed Up(Hellrazor, Nov 5)':
Once again, I return to this problem. I was fighting elf GM, had him down to worthy
opponent at a cost of about 10k in potions, when he reset back to very powerful. I have
no idea whether someone is fucking with me, or this is the way the game works, but I would
like someone to answer up. None of the wizards seem to possess even the basic courtesy to
tell me what or why this is gooing on, or even if it should be. Lets not go back to the
bad old days where the mud was run in a vindictive manner by a few[Cizards who
y a few insecure wizards who deleted everyone who dared question them. All I want is some
info. If someone is fucking with me, have the balls to say who you are instead of
hiding. I have no idea why you are doing it because I am not who you think I am. If not,
we could have an official explanation before more people get pissed off.
> read 13
The note is titled 'heya mac...(Thunderknob, Nov 5)':
heya macaroni :)
long time no see.....
just posting to say that us "mortal worms" are still as loud and obnoxious as ever....
> read 14
The note is titled 'newbie monsters in Hawkwinds Hideout(Hawkwind, Nov> 7)':
There are now some low level monsters in my hideout.
They wonder around my castle... so watch out for the harder agressive
monsters in there. They also have a quicker reset time so they will
most likly always be good supply of them.
> read 15
[Phaedrus] : if path contains "(any sstring)*", then wildcard is set to
"(any sstring)"
The note is titled 'DEATH SUX: sign here........x(Ranma, Nov 7)':
Hi! if u are reading this u are either dead or bored. if u fit in the first
category find someone to mail me (ranma) and maybe we can work something out.
if u fit the sceond category, then i suggest u avoid the first category as
much as possible. :)
ok now if u are dead find someone to mail me, or have guest do it. or get
someone to do a tell. if u ask nicely i will res u for free. all i ask
is that u dont be a $%@! to others and me :) when i get the chance i will
come and res u, either go to town, or just log on at some pre arranged time,
dont be late :). i usually play at nite arround 9 usa pacciffic time. u get
to figure out when that is for u. heh.
hope i dont here from u :)
cya round :)
> read 16
Not that many messages on the board.
[Phaedrus] : it shaves the * off the end and copies that into wildcard, and returns 1,
*if* there was an astric in path
This is the lobby outside all of the adventurers guilds.
To the south is the Mages guild. To the north is the Monks guild.
To the east is the Fighters guild. To the west is the Clerics guild.
Down is the Adventurers guild.
There are six obvious exits:
down, west, east, north, south and up.
> room/adv_guild3
You are in a small building. A plaque on the wall reads
We can make an adventurer out of anyone. There are a set
of stairs leading down to the Guildhouses. To the south
is a shimmering blue field.
There are two obvious exits: down and north
> room/adv_inner
This is the inner room of adventures guild. Only wizards can access
do not bring anyone who is not a wizard in here. The banish room is
to the east. The wizard project listings are to the south.
Macron's bulletin board room is to the west.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east and west
Tornado .
A bulletin board.
> exa board
This is a bulletin board.
Usage : note <headline>, read/remove <message number>
store <message number>
<file name>
The bulletin board contains 4 notes :
1: Guilds/Exp(Phaedrus, Oct 24, 120)
2: Monsters Descs telling health(Phaedrus, Oct 24, 120)
3: no damage shadow(Phaedrus, Oct 27, 120)
4: REPAIR Skill...(Slice, Oct 31, 21)
> read 1
The note is titled 'Guilds/Exp(Phaedrus, Oct 24, 120)':
Currently.. Your exp score does not have exp subtracted it from when you advanc
It compensates for this by subtracting the cost of your current level
from it logicaly when you go to buy something with it.
This is belive is ment to simulate AD&D, where level is a function of
your exp. Raising other stats takes exp from you.
This is very confusing to people.
Seemingly it should be normalized to one of two methods...
Your exp score is spendable exp, and everything, including levels cost from it.
You have a second score called spendable exp, and regular exp
becomes mearly something of a characters functional/statwise net worth.
Also, as level is currently something of a networth
in that it mearly limits other stats and doubles as a
second Dex score, a few things could be combined, maybe
class level gotton rid of.
> [Tornado] : why cant you do it without the * ?
read 2
The note is titled 'Monsters Descs telling health(Phaedrus, Oct 24, 120)':
Clerics Upgrades
Mages Upgrades
Language additions, fuzzy common and better "you dont undstand" noise.
Room.c adding exits to short (i have a recent coyp of room.c).
Fighter upgrades.
Core array object.
Custom hit messages for swords/damage array in living.c
Logon gold bug (didnt check for it.. do we have it?)
Logon wiz channel bug
Helps for class spells
Stupid initize object by array kludge that Bleys rewrote lib for w/help
General living commands moved to living.c/master_soul.c;
soul.c removed; hooks put in player.c and monster.c (yes this was done).
proposed oracle.
off the top of my head (ie didnt look in other notebook)
this is what is missing. comments, please.
> read 3
The note is titled 'no damage shadow(Phaedrus, Oct 27, 120)':
It seems this is still in.
It causes a nice old bug with the wedding ring. Free hp/sp.
> [Phaedrus] : it needs to know if the astric was there, for some rason
read 4
The note is titled 'REPAIR Skill...(Slice, Oct 31, 21)':
add_action("cmd_repair", "repair"); /* Clevel: 6, SP: V */
int cmd_repair(string str) {
object weapon;
int cost, wc, max_wc, fail, skp, rand;
if (clevel > 6) return 0;
if (!str) {
notify_fail("Syntax: repair <a> || repair
cost <a>\n");
return 0;
if (attacker) {
notify_fail("You can't do that. Your in combat!!\n");
return 0;
if (sscanf(str, "cost %s", str)) cost = 1;
weapon = present(str, this_player());
if (!weapon) {
notify_fail("You don't have a " + str + ".\n");
return 0;
wc = (int)weapon->weapon_class();
max_wc = (int)weapon->query_max_class_of_weapon();
if (!wc) {
notify_fail("Sorry, but that is not a weapon.\n");
return 0;
if (wc == max_wc) {
notify_fail("Sorry, but that weapon isn't damaged.\n");
return 0;
fail = (2 * max_wc - clevel - wc) * 10;
if (fail < 0) fail = 0;
if (fail > 100) fail = 99;
skp = max_wc * (max_wc - wc) * 2;
if (clevel > max_wc) skp -= 4 * (clevel - max_wc) * (clevel - max_wc);
else skp += 4 * (max_wc - clevel) * (max_wc - clevel);
if (skp < 20) skp = 20;
if (!cost && skp > sp) {
notify_fail("Sorry, but your too low on skill points.\n");
return 0;
if (cost) {
write("There is a " + fail + "% chance of failing on this repair.\n");
if (max_wc > clevel)
write("If you fail, you will permanently damage this weapon.\n");
write("It will cost " + skp + " skill points to repair this weapon.\n");
return 1;
rand = random(101);
if (rand == 100) {
write("CRACK!!! You sure blew it that time.\n");
return 1;
else if (rand < fail) {
if (max_wc > clevel) {
int val;
write("ACK!! You've done it this time.\n");
write("Its damaged for sure now!!!\n");
say(name + " damages " + poss + " " +
(string)weapon->short() + ".\n");
val = (int)weapon->query_value();
return 1;
else {
write("You failed to fix it. Try again some other time.\n");
say(name + " fails to repair " + poss + " " +
(string)weapon->short() + ".\n");
return 1;
write("You repair the weapon.\n");
say(name + " repairs " + poss + " " + (string)weapon->short() + ".\n");
return 1;
case "repair":
write("Repair : \n");
write(" Class Level : 6 Skill point cost : Varied\n");
write(" Repair lets you repair damaged weapons. The Skill point cost\n");
write(" varies according to the ammount of damage to the weapon and\n");
write(" how good the weapon started out to be.\n");
write(" NOTE: It is possible to repair a weapon beyond your ability,\n");
write(" but there is a chance of permanently damaging the weapon (NO\n");
write(" chance of future repair of that damage.\n");
write(" SYNTAX: repair cost <weapon> to find out the sp cost and\n");
chance to damage the weapon.\n");
write(" repair <weapon> to repair it.\n\n");
Players want it..there it is.
> read 5
Not that many messages.
> look
Macron had to leave his board in here because of some annoying
checks in restore_object and save_object. West is his workroom
and east is adv_inner.
Thus is life.
There are two obvious exits: east and west
Macron's bulletin board (1 messages).
> [Tornado] : hmm, wierd
exa board
This is Macron's bulletin board.
Only Macron can remove a note from it.
Usage : note <headline>,
read read <message number>
store <message number> <file name>
The bulletin board contains 1 note :
1: Welcome back...(Macron, Nov 5, 10000)
> read 1 hell. We hope your stay will be unpleasant.
> exa board
This is a bulletin board.
Usage : note <headline>, read/remove <message number>
store <message number> <file name>
The bulletin board contains 3 notes :
1: Elf City(Tarrow, Oct 27, 21)
2: Slice's Castle(Slice, Oct 27, 21)
3: Martryer Castle(Martryer, Oct 29, 21)
> look
This is the room where all wizards maintain notes about what their
current projects are. Please keep your listing up to date!
There is one obvious exit: north
A bulletin board.
> read 1
The note is titled 'Elf City(Tarrow, Oct 27, 21)':
I'm doing a pretty unadventurous Elf City.
A tower of high sorcery for parties to hack through,
a palace for a possible quest start and a garden full
of monsters for about 5/5s and others bored with newbie
A little marketplace in the centre etc. Something to keep the
new intake happy without arenas....
> read 2
The note is titled 'Slice's Castle(Slice, Oct 27, 21)':
I'm currently working on a 6 level castle which will be
located in the same spot as I had my castle before. But
it will be an entirly different castle than before.
Highlights in my castle include:
2 vaults rooms, which a player can store up to 3 items.
If any of the 3 items are from my castle, those items
will survive a shutdown or crash.
A 5 level moving platform (elevator) heh (no killing inside!)
A switch_room where 16 different codes make something
happen elsewhere in my castle. ($ levers depending on position)
And a player controled pub. The player sets the prices and
gets some of the profits.
No pitbulls or voting booth this time around ..heh.
But I'm sure I'll come up with something even better this time.
Also would like a medium level quest in my castle.
Well I've got work to do...later.
> read 3
The note is titled 'Martryer Castle(Martryer, Oct 29, 21)':
Boring upper level castle....
two levels (normal level and dungeon) probablCy will have pub and store
levels 16-20 most likely 16-20th level parties. high level quest will be
Features (bugs? :) )
1) Two entrances to the dungeon, both hidden.
2) Monster/Seer that can answer questions when asked about different topic
3) a few "fun" items that make a fighter/monk with multple hits either
tired or revived.
4) A thief's glove that will allow a monster to steal from a player
when they enter a room.
(no sould, wedding ring, autoload, no_drop, etc)
the glove will have significant
restrictions and will only have one
charge for players.
5) plenty of other things but nothing available without beating a ROUGH
> read rules
1. If there are any problems check "help wizards" to find out who to
mail. If all else fails
mail Elric and Morpheus.
2. Player Killing IS allowed. For more info type 'help kill'.
3. Players with less than 1000 experience get purged every day,
as are players who have not
logged on for over a month. Be warned
that if you're player is purged you will not be
Taking advantage of a bug IS
considered cheating.
If you find a bug, either use the bug command or mail Elric and
5. Do not tell, hint or clue others on how you solved a quest.
Teaming up on a quest is ok,
as long as no one in the group
has completed the quest before.
6. Wizards will NOT reimburse you for things lost in a crash.
7. This is an extension of life with gamelike qualities.
Be aware that it is treated as a game.
8. Watch your mouth. Do not use profanity when arguing. Do not use
profanity in the room if
someone asks you to stop. Do not insult
other players. Do not threaten other players. If
you are going
to get revenge on someone, the get revenge and don't talk about
it first. If
someone is insulting, threatening, or aiming
profanity at you, ask them to stop and mail
gods if it continues.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 3 active players :: 3 players shown
If he could change, Phaedrus would really be amazed
Tiberius the newbie wizard
> score
Tiberius the newbie wizard
Level : 10000
: Level 20 cleric
Hit Points : 499 of (20100) Skill Pts
: 469 of (20110)
Experience : 73
Next Level : 9999999
Race : Elf
Alignment : neutral
Gold Coins : 0
Language : Common
Str : 4 Int :
20 Dex : 17
Con : 10
Fight : 2 Magic : 27
Aware : 14 Res : 20
Turn : 1
Fluency : Common Elvish Dwarvish Ogreish Halfling Human
Intoxicated: Sober
Stuffed : Really Full
Soaked : Satisfied
Age : 3 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds.
> [Tornado] : what is the == 1 used for?
Lars marker object.
Dagger (wielded).
A spiked leather jacket (worn).
Gold Coins : 0
Currently Carrying : 18 pounds.
Carry Capacity : 100000 pounds.
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