> Vercaneras says in common: whatever.
Shorty moans softly with pleasure.
Shorty says in common: kidding.
Casivanda says in common: tiberius, explain to shorty what an orgasm is...
Casivanda smirks like a smart-ass.
> Vercaneras says in common: yeah.
You say in common: Um, I'd rather not.
> Casivanda snickers mischievously.
Vercaneras says in common: cause I dont wanna tell shorty what it is.
Casivanda says in common: ppoor shorty, you'll never know...
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> Vercaneras says in common: ask your mom.
You say in common: Likewise Vercaneras.
> Casivanda says in common: go ask your girlfriend.
Vercaneras says in common: what?
Shorty says in common: verc prob don't know what it is either.
You say in common: Get a dictonary Shorty.
> Vercaneras says in common: what.
Casivanda rolls on the floor laughing.
Shorty says in common: that's y you won't say.
Vercaneras says in common: I know what it is I just dont wanna tell you.
Vercaneras says in common: fine.
Shorty says in common: sureeeeeee.
Vercaneras says in common: Ill tell you.
You say in common: Shorty... you seriously don't know what a orgasm is?
You blink in disbelief.
> Shorty says in common: ya.
Vercaneras says in common: give me a minute to think of a non disgusting way tp pyut it.
Casivanda smiles happily.
You stifle a laugh.
> Shorty says in common: I know what an erection is though.
You say in common: No doubt.
> Shorty rolls on the floor laughing.
Vercaneras says in common: god I dont wanna talk about mens orgasms.
Casivanda says in common: 1 year olds know what an erectionis...
exa vercaneras
Advanced Traveler Vercaneras.
Vercaneras is a half-elf.
He is pk immune.
He is in good shape.
Vercaneras is carrying:
Vercaneras's quicktyper.
> Casivanda says in common: 10 year olds have had them...
Casivanda sighs deeply.
You think this is why there should be an age limit on this mud.
You sigh deeply.
> Vercaneras says in common: someone else like a girl tell him about mens orgasms.
Casivanda says in common: what's the world coming to, a kid can't even get a good orgasm
in school!
Shorty says in common: I had my first when I saw a girl naked for the first time.
Vercaneras says in common: heh.
Vercaneras laughs hysterically.
Casivanda pats Shorty on the head.
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> Vercaneras says in common: sorry.
Shorty says in common: see don't know what it is.
Casivanda says in common: playboy just doesn't count...
Vercaneras says in common: you had an erection you mean.
Shorty says in common: it wasn't playboy.
Casivanda smirks like a smart-ass.
Casivanda says in common: ah, playgirl then? If that's your thing....
Shorty says in common: FUCK NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Casivanda can't think of any more ways to mock Shorty.
Vercaneras Thinks Shorty Should Ask A girl.
You laugh hysterically.
> Casivanda sighs deeply.
You emote: Tiberius wishes the other pubbers were on right now.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> Shorty says in common: nasty shit.
Casivanda says in common: oh I forgot.... you're the one who thinks mastrubation is a
Casivanda snickers mischievously.
Shorty says in common: ya that nasty too.
Vercaneras says in common: dont tell me hes gonna ask what masturbation is now.
Casivanda rolls on the floor laughing.
You gulp nervously.
> Shorty says in common: I know what that is.
Shorty says in common: but that is nasty.
Vercaneras says in common: then you should know what an orgasm is.
Casivanda apologizes profusely to you.
You say in common: I'm sure you do know what that is.
You thank Casivanda graciously.
> Vercaneras says in common: heh.
Shorty thinks if you people do that thing he thinks you r nasty!!!!!!!!!!
Casivanda says in common: you must think every guy over the age of 12 is disgusting...
Vercaneras says in common: remeber davids saying.
You say in common: Apprantly 90% of males do it, and 70& females do
> You snap your fingers.
> The Torch (lit) goes out.
Casivanda says in common: yes, but girls lie better...
Shorty says in common: ooooooooooooooo nasty.
Casivanda searches around.
Casivanda lights a Torch.
Vercaneras says in common: Sex can wait masturbate.
Casivanda nods solemnly.
Vercaneras laughs hysterically.
Autosaving character...
> Shorty says in common: fuck you I've never done that shit.
Vercaneras says in common: he he he he.
You cough noisily.
> Vercaneras says in common: ok ok.
You emote: Tiberius coughs *bullshit* cough.
> Casivanda says in common: wait til your girlfriend dumps you... you'll loose that
belief soon enough..... if your aren't lieing through your teeth now...
Vercaneras says in common: if you know what masturbation is you should know what an
orgasm is.
You faint and hit the ground with a thump.
> Vercaneras says in common: ok.
Casivanda chuckles to herself quietly.
You say in common: Temper temper Shorty.
> Vercaneras says in common: that was rather harsh.
Casivanda pats you on your back and offers you some comforting words.
You thank Casivanda graciously.
> You laugh hysterically.
> Vercaneras says in common: but if you know what masturbation is you know what an
orgasm is.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Davidian enters the game.
Shorty says in common: YA THAT SHIT IS FUCKING NASTY!!!!!!!!
Vercaneras says in common: davidian you dont wanna listen to this.
Davidian huggles with Tiberius, Vercaneras, Casivanda, and Shorty.
Davidian says in common: listen to what?
Shorty says in common: hi fucking nasty people in the house tonight.
Casivanda says in common: yes you do...
You say in common: I'm curious now Shorty ...why is it "FUCKING NASTY"?
> Vercaneras says in common: youll find out.
Casivanda says in common: shorty is against mastrubation.
Davidian listens carefully.
Davidian says in common: why?
Shorty says in common: HELL YA.
Davidian says in common: everyone does it.
Vercaneras says in common: and he doesnt know what an orgasm is.
Casivanda says in common: he's mad that we don't believe that he doesn't do it.
Davidian says in common: it is a fact of life man.
Vercaneras says in common: heh.
Davidian says in common: i do at least 2 a week.
Shorty says in common: NASTY!!!!!!!!!!
Vercaneras laughs hysterically.
Casivanda says in common: damn, he's probably at the computer jacking off right
Shorty rolls on the floor laughing.
Shorty rolls on the floor laughing.
Vercaneras laughs hysterically.
Casivanda smirks like a smart-ass.
Casivanda smirks like a smart-ass.
Davidian says in common: sometimes you just gotta walk the dog :).
Shorty says in common: aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.
Vercaneras says in common: good exlanation.
Davidian says in common: anybody need anything?
Davidian says in common: equip wise that is.
Casivanda says in common: he needs to know what an orgasm is...
Vercaneras says in common: know lets change the subject.
Davidian rolls on the floor laughing.
You chortle demonically.
> Davidian reads the newspaper.
Vercaneras says in common: oh yeah.
Shorty says in common: that still nasty shit.
Casivanda says in common: he could probably do with some new equipment if he's never had
Davidian leaves southeast.
Vercaneras says in common: an orgasm is when you orgasm.
Vercaneras says in common: thats good enough.
Davidian arrives.
Casivanda agrees with Vercaneras wholeheartedly.
Shorty says in common: whatever.
Vercaneras says in common: do you seriously wanna know what an orgasm is.
Davidian says in common: the best feeling on earth :).
Vercaneras says in common: heh.
Vercaneras laughs hysterically.
Shorty says in common: I gotta go kill enough about people and masterbation that still
Shorty leaves east.
Vercaneras says in common: oh man.
Hraf says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
Vercaneras says in common: that was too much.
You nod solemnly.
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> Casivanda leaves southeast.
Guest1 arrives.
Vercaneras reads the newspaper.
[Sometime later, Shorty returns to the pub...]
You say in common: So Shorty...
>Vercaneras says in common: dont start it again.
You say in common: Found an answer to your question yet?
> Shorty says in common: what.
You grin at Vercaneras insolently.
Shorty says in common: ya it's some liquid and some other things.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You zip your lip.
> Shorty says in common: that's is all i I'm saying.
Shorty zips his lip.
You nod solemnly.
You side-step the issue.
Vercaneras says in common: Im sorry shorty.
Vercaneras says in common: cause we were makin sorta fun.
Vercaneras says in common: and not takin it seriously.
Vercaneras says in common: and everyone has to learnb the birds nd the bees.
> Vercaneras says in common: and the flowers and theb trees.
Shorty says in common: it's ok nothing new people do it all the time to me I'm the school
nerd and I know alot about comps so it's not that bad.
Vercaneras says in common: school nerd at 13 and you got a g/f?
Shorty says in common: ya she don't go to my school.
Vercaneras goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Shorty says in common: she don't know of my school life.
Vercaneras goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Lister goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Shorty says in common: don't want her too.
Shorty says in common: me.
Vercaneras says in common: dont know what it is.
Lister says in common: and who are you?
Shorty says in common: your not going to change location of things r u.
Vercaneras says in common: me?
Lister says in common: Did you know there isn't another mud in the world that listens to
it's players like this one?
> Vercaneras says in common: no I did not.
You say in common: It's amazing eh?
Shorty says in common: me neither.
You say in common: We're so caring here Lister.
> You grin at Lister insolently.
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