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An unofficial publication of After Hours news for and by After Hours players and wizards, and the general public at large. The news and rumours herein are not the official views of the After Hours administration, nor are some of them the whole truth in its entirety. Now on with the gossip! After Hours Needs Donations.. Afterhours needs to move to another site soon, and as part of this move we need to purchase a hard drive and ram in order to setup our own server. If you wish to donate some money, please send it to this address. Please send it soon, as I need to know how much money will be available. At a minimum, we need about $2-300 dollars. -James Larry LeMay 1215 4th st SE #6 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Marley's Castle Opens A wizened and grey-haired traveler trudges into the pub, pulling up a chair. He brushes roughly layers of dust and grime from his clothes, and says in a gravelly voice, "The gods be praised, I still have my flask," and pulls a dented silver flask from his pocket. The traveler takes a few swigs, then grunts, and says, "Watch yerself should ye venture to the northern side of the mountain to the west. A landslide has moved many a ton of earth and rock, and what it has uncovered is none too pleasant. My group, and I did have some good friends in that group-- and I heard loud blasts coming from an old ruin that were suddenly cut short. Being a curious bunch, we decided to explore. Yee've heard the story before, I'm sure. We found our way into a much larger structure buried inside the mountain, and chanced upon some nasty creatures with quick and deadly blades. They laid into us when we were discovered. I hightailed it out of there; I'm not stupid. but, I don't expect that any of the other poor saps got out. As far as I know, I alone am survived to tell thee." The traveler grinds his teeth, and turns back to drinking from his flask, and swearing beneath his breath. The Old Monastery The Old Monastery high upon the hill has opened. Come enjoy the finest ales known to man. Come enjoy a new place to just 'hang'. Up the hill from Castle Kickaha. Enjoy. ** Primarily for newbies who will find the roof to their liking, and those just graduated from 'newbiehood'. Rumours * Cyrax (Wizard) and Prometheus were removed for cheating. * Huzzah was demoted for an unknown reason. * Nadja has gone to Wyoming for the summer. * Jema is on the up and up as a playerkiller; Odin (level 8) was killed by Sorcerer Jema, Jun 3 18:59 Astrozombie (level 6) was killed by Sorcerer Jema, Jun 4 14:13 Astrozombie (level 5) was killed by Sorcerer Jema, Jun 4 14:22 Astrozombie (level 5) was killed by Sorcerer Jema, Jun 4 14:56 Deathangel (level 5) was killed by Sorcerer Jema, Jun 4 16:14 Bent (level 10) was killed by Necromancer Jema, Jun 5 18:58 Night (level 8) was killed by Necromancer Jema, Jun 6 19:37 Dk (level 7) was killed by Necromancer Jema, Jun 9 07:21 Devilock (level 6) was killed by Necromancer Jema, Jun 12 20:31 Flint (level 14) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 15 12:54 Flint (level 13) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 15 12:58 Flint (level 13) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 15 13:00 Flint (level 13) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 15 13:03 Flint (level 13) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 15 13:04 Flint (level 13) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 15 13:05 Dk (level 9) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 22 06:17 Vinyl (level 11) was killed by (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 22 07:18 Ji (level 10) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 24 12:14 Alf (level 9) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 25 09:02 Kor (level 9) was killed by Wizard (8th Ranked) Jema, Jun 25 09:04 <-- back |