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The author of the After Hours Herald is Vortex.

The After Hours Herald

April 30, 1998
Volume II, No. 4

An unofficial publication of After Hours news for and by After Hours players and wizards, and the general public at large. The news and rumours herein are not the official views of the After Hours administration, nor are some of them the whole truth in its entirety. Now on with the gossip!

Isle of the Centaurs

* * *

This is an area I have under development which probably will never see the light of day, as seeing here there are some 150-200 rooms and I dont have any time to actually describe all of them and write out all the items.

Two mountains on the western side of the island stand sentinel against strong northwester winds, howling in from uncharted waters.
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    W-%-E    Centaur Island

The city of the centaurs, named Alpha Centauri, or First Centaur City in common tongue, is shaped like a horseshoe. At the spire of this city, is the King's Castle. The Lord of the West Gate is Prince Alpha, and the Lord of the East Gate is Prince Omega, both fierce warchiefs in their own right.

In the centaur, a misty lake conceals a magical isle of sorts; an island within an island. It is rumoured a tower of forbidden sorcery lies there -- but nobody knows for sure if it has an inhabitant, or the fabled room upon rooms of treasure.


Please email your articles or literary works to Vortex.

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