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The author of the After Hours Herald is Vortex.

The text at the end of this After Hours Herald is garbled. I don't know if the text became corrupted accidentally or if it was by design.

The After Hours Herald

March 31, 1998
Volume II, No. 3

An unofficial publication of After Hours news for and by After Hours players and wizards, and the general public at large. The news and rumours herein are not the official views of the After Hours administration, nor are some of them the whole truth in its entirety. Now on with the gossip!

Of Arms and Armour

There has been a lot of talk about stashing and the problems and/or benefits of such, with some people saying; Hell, if someone's not using them, they should be polite and let them respawn. The opposite camp says; they're are plenty of uniques -- go find your own. Well, since I as a wizard don't actually have the power to do anything about it (only the power to say something about it), I thought I would collaborate a list of uniques for you players to gather. Please note these are really hard to get and you might die getting them.

Adventurer, The
Where: ?
Power: Adventurers gain bonus damage.

Bastard Sword
Where: Swamp [Deathknight]
Power: High WC.

Where: Nannjis
Power: ?

Where: ?
Power: Bonus vs. Demons

Diamond Blade
Where: Hawkwind's Hideout
Power: High WC

Dragonslayer, Two Handed
Where: Dragon Island
Power: Bonus vs. Dragons

Final Judgement
Where: Evo's Cloud Castle
Power: High WC

Where: Oasis [Deathwoode]
Power: ?

Hand of God
Where: PeeTee's [God]
Power: ?

Holy Crusader
Where: Frenchfry's Graveyard [Almighty One]
Power: ?

Holy Redeemer
Where: Goldhayes [Cloud Dragon]
Power: Bonus if alignment is positive.

Jousting Spear
Where: ?
Power: ?

Juggernaut Fist
Where: Nannji's
Power: ?

Lightning Sword
Where: Zappo's [Giant]
Power: ?

Mist Sword
Where: ?
Power: ?

Where: Goldhayes
Power: ?

Where: The Oasis
Power: ?

Where: Mountain
Power: ?

Where: Slice's Castle
Power: ?

Staff of Draining
Where: *Removed from game*
Power: Regenerates HP

Staff of Sorcerous Power
Where: *Removed from game*
Power: Bonus dmg for mages.

Where: Melnibone [Elric]
Power: Can kill with one hit

Where: Hawkwind's Hideout
Power: Bonus dmg if alignment positive.

Sword of Fate
Where: Goldhayes Manor
Power: ?

Sword of Life Stealing
Where: Badlands [Moonglum]
Power: Drains extra hp from monster

Sword of Singing
Where: Goldhayes Manor
Power: ?

Sword of Turpah, Ancient
Where: Mithil Stonedown [Grandmaster Stonedowner]
Power: ?

Two Handed Sword
Where: Melnibone [Jagern Lern]
Power: ?

* * *
Armour of the Damned
Where: Badlands [Moonglum]

Armour of the East Wind
Where: Evo's Cloud Castle [Mistress of the East Wind]

Armour of Life
Where: Hawkwind's Hideout [Falhar]

Armour of Undead
Where: Temple of Undead [Lich]

Ancient Silver Breastplate
Where: ?

Black Platemail
Where: Acid Swamp [Death Knight]

Bracers of Defense
Where: ?

Crystal Platemail
Where: ?

Where: ?

Where: Dragon Isle [Dragon]

Electra Armour
Where: ?

Swor [SiwnAdw CruHer:ragonmail

Whereh WC.Tb>
Pad [Lich]

Two Handed Swordailibone [Jagern Lern] Power: ?

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Please email your articles or literary works to Vortex.
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