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An unofficial publication of After Hours news for and by After Hours players and wizards, and the general public at large. The news and rumours herein are not the official views of the After Hours administration, nor are some of them the whole truth in its entirety. Now on with the gossip!LegendsThunderknob The powerhouse and ruler of the Telnet Commandos. Also the oldest and darkest of the mages. Thunderknob had a ruthless appetite for blood and was the dark bringer of the Blood Ages. During this dark time, people cowered in the pub and logon rooms, for the old summon and gate spells were still known in the land. While Thunderknob killed many with the gate/blast combination, his personal style evolved into summoning players into a wimpyless room and allowing his monks to touch and slaughter the helpless victim. Just in case you got away, he would summon you back. Rastus One does not speak to Rastus and he doesn't speak to you. Such is it with those that walk the paths of death, and who inflict carnage on the innocent from the shadows in the north. I recall a bloody day when I was slain by him (although it may have been Gravel). As per their trademark, I was fighting the mudman or some other average creature when Thunderknob summoned me to Verena's Pub in Nycoral. This was when Verena's was not safe like it is now. There Gravel and Rastus made quick work all the while refilling with liquor. To add insult to injury, they killed me again fifteen minutes later after I had been resurrected. Gravel Gravel is a second generation Telnet Commando but don't let you think that he was any less of a killer than the rest. Urged on by Thunderknob, Gravel had a respectable number of kills and came to be feared and hated by many. Like Rastus, he had no friends except for the butchering murderers Telnet Commando and was the bane to many. Melissa I have no personal recollections of Melissa as a player, for she was a wizard when I arrived. Still, word was that she had been a capable Sorceress, playing to 20/20 then wizzing, including finishing quests and playing above an adequate level. She was a Telnet Commando, and married to Thunderknob at the time, although I was not privy to her personal life. Stark Stark was a second generation Telnet Commando who was sometimes in on the kills and othertimes, would just stalk or trail people. He was truly a psychopath. My best recollections of him was coming back once from taking out the six ogres south of Nnanjis, which was quite a fascinating feat. I will always remember Stark would equip me in my early days as a broke, inept cleric. Ladydeath I never saw Ladydeath in action but she was always around the Telnet Commandoes. I believe she was a second generation TC, and a mage if I recall correctly. She had a hand in earlier kills but by the time I arrived on the scene, had pretty much retired to chatting. Cassandra This Sorceress ended up in the ranks of the Telnet Commandoes although in her early years she made her own name as a skillful and wise mage, combatting all sorts of creaures usually frequented by fighters and monks. My personal recollection of her stems from the Serpent's Blood quest. I had just located the entrance to the secret temple, which I let her in on, because I got trapped and almost killed by the Serpent. In fact, I was weak, potionless and an easy prey for the TC's. Later on, I came back and she yelled at me because she got trapped in there too the first time (oh did I mention you needed a key to get out? HAHAHAHA! (Never trust an ogre bearing gifts, DOOFUS!!!) Stupid Telnets!). Although she did go back and kill the serpent later (by herself: which impressed me, being that mages still sucked in single gameplay). Marley Makes 30/30 ! Everyone please congratulate Mr. Robert Marley on making 30/30. This 30/30 ogre fighter somehow has amassed the fifteen million experience points in 949 hours to become the top rated player on the list. NOT TOO SHABBY. He hereby gets the January 1998 After Hours Herald Player of the Month Award. By the way, how much money do you have Marley? 200, 300 thousand gold by now? *egrin* Elven Barbarians Discovered ! The town government has discovered a pair of Elven Barbarians wandering through the lands. Elves, as you know, are better known for their intellect and agility, and not so much for strength and ferocity, which makes Elven Barbarians all the more exotic. The pair apparently have a good sense of humour, positive alignment, and have found to be disease free by the Town Officials. Please help these lost souls if you can be of any assistance. Hawkwind Improves Feelings Hawkwind added the feelings to the master soul so now newbies don't have to mess around with tunics nor buy them for that steep 500 gp. Also he has added targetable feelings. ie Vortex skips around the room seductively. Use listfeelings to list the feelings and listadverbs to see a list of adverbs. Official Warnings Upon recent findings, the Mayor of Ridgecrest has deemed the Ancient Red Dragon in the neighboring province of DRAGON'S ISLE to be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, and all passerby's are to use EXTREME CAUTION when dealing with this beast, which means wimpy at 150 or something bloody high. Top 10 Players Name Lev Hours Marley 30 949 Grot 27 692 Nexroth 25 941 Javanarava 24 537 Hades 23 838 Cassidy 23 538 Wicked 21 1124 Darkone 21 1400 Stopsign 20 2414 Death 20 672 10 Most Wanted Name Bounty Deathtoall 1759003 Hector 655004 Gorak 330201 Farz 195005 Cas 162001 Larry 80000 Nadja 68000 Dalamar 66000 Hades 61500 Czilexyl 60000 Last 10 Deaths Keely (level 12) was killed by Lost Traveler Vengeance, Jan 2 19:26 Wolfman (level 8) was killed by Lost Traveler Vengeance, Jan 2 20:11 Kid (level 11) was killed by Lord Lister, Jan 4 09:22 Melesande (level 3) was killed by Town Guard, Jan 5 00:48 Zillah (level 4) was killed by A Horse, Jan 5 09:14 Zillah (level 5) was killed by An experienced thief, Jan 5 12:38 Zillah (level 5) was killed by A troll, Jan 5 12:42 Zillah (level 5) was killed by A huge troll, Jan 6 02:22 Feyr (level 4) was killed by A black orc, Jan 6 06:25 Maicoll (level 18) was killed by Sergeant at Arms, Jan 7 10:43 Bored of the Board: