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The author of the After Hours Herald is Vortex.

The After Hours Herald

December 15, 1997
Volume I, No. 3

An unofficial publication of After Hours news for and by After Hours players and wizards, and the general public at large. The news and rumours herein are not the official views of the After Hours administration, nor are some of them the whole truth in its entirety. Now on with the gossip!

The Year in Review

Well, being December, I think its a must for us to look back at what has happened this year. So without further ado:

1. New Combat Implemented
Probably the biggest change of the year is that Huma gutted the old system and put in a big old wicker basket of new variables that will keep, in time, really make a difference. A lot of things, players haven't been able to see, but here's a short list:

  • Three new types of attacks: physical, slash, pierce.
    In other words, new weapons in the works have a different degree of accuracy and damage from each other. Hopefully, this will also turn into different effectiveness between a sword and a mace against say, a skeleton. Huma also seemed to be working on different attack messages; so a sword may still smash with a bonecrushing sound, but a mace may do something different (btw, if you have a good idea for a weapon message, send mudmail to Huma).

  • A damage that is more based on Dungeons and Dragons, from what I've seen. For those out of the know, the old damage routine was a dizzying formula somewhat equal to damage = ((str x 100)+(fight x 100)+(dex x 75)/(wc x 50) x (dex x 25)). Well it wasn't quite that precisely. The new system, however, seems to work where a short sword is assigned 1d6 of damage and a long sword 1d10 of damage. I think Elric's sword will be 10d10 of damage...although I don't know if the damage literally translates into that amount (playerkill in three rounds?).

  • Okay, I haven't seen this quite with my own eyes, but if all the statistics changed, the to hit formula did too. I don't know quite what it is, but I do know that everyone has a higher stat now then they did before, and I bet players DID notice that they have been hitting more than they've been missing since the new system took place.

Well, like I said, these changes are mostly invisible to players, but then again, I saw a 9/10 fighter with only 10 hours of playing. That would have taken probably two to four days under the old system.

2. Statistics System Changed
Sorry I misled everyone with my last article. Under the old system, player A would start at say 30 strength and could advance to a maximum of 130. Under the new system, player A starts at say 100 and can advance to 300. So what does the percentage points mean? That simply means the amount of points you have increased from your starting score. For every point you advance, you will get half a percentage point, and when you have raised all 200 points, you have raised 100 percent.

So how did players benefit from this? For one, there starting stat increased, which meant they would hit monsters MORE. Secondly, the increase in the ceiling resulted in a DROP in the price of experience! Therefore, where 100 dexterity used to cost near 10,000 experient points per point, the comparable price would be 4,000 experience points! Way to go Gods!

3. Levels and Class Level Ceiling Raised
Obviously, you heard. Levels and Class Levels are no longer limited to twenty. The Gods spoke to me and said, class levels are unlimited ("Hello, Farz, you level 99 million elf mage") and one can train to Class Level 30. However, because of the maximum integer size of the mud, noone can reach above level 330. Still, this should cost some 1 billion experience or other number heheh.

Of course these new Class Levels demand...

4. New Skills Added
Now, I don't know exactly what the new skills will be, but you have seen the floating Disk, fire Elemental, and Darkness for mages. I don't think Monks will get any new ones, although all the fighting classes now get 5/2 and 3/1 at Class Levels 25 and 30. I hear clerics and fighters are definitely being worked on, as should the other classes by the time of this newsletter.

5. Healing Changed
Unfortunately, people no longer heal in combat, as it was under the old system. I don't know the rationale for this either way, except to say, logically, Marley and Cas pointed out that the body is NOT resting during any combat, and so it makes sense for healing to stop. Not so? Go find a big black guy named Bubba and tell him he should be a shrimp chef. Who's laughing now?

6. Experience Restored
Well I think the biggest and perhaps best change which comes just in time for Christmas is that Huma restored the experience rates to pre-change levels. My own personal standard is 1500/800/400 for Sly/Forest/Wood Elves. During the (what I will call "Dark Age"), this number dropped to 800/400/200, maybe even lower -- I don't remember exactly. What does this mean? The mud is now better than ever to play on and advance. Still, don't expect a lot of people to run around being 30/30. The costs of level and classes above 20 are still expensive...2-3 million experience points per Level and 200,000+ experience points per class level! I expect that the average level of "veteran" players will end up around 22/30 or 23/30 or so.

By Lister

Guild spells and skills, Per Lister:

These are some of the guild spells and skills I'd like to see added. Mud mail me if you have any other ideas

Fighters: Create (sword/armor): Essentially this is a gold/exp based skill. It allows a fighter to forge a suit of armor or a sword with varying degrees of WC and AC based on the gold and exp spent. Caps of course would be needed to prevent Higher level Fighters from making swords of WC 40 and suits of armor of AC 15.

Clerics: Bless: This is a spell that would temporarily raise your max hp level ever clvls you gain. 5 hp per clvl and with a cap of 50 max hp gain. This would also me temporary so the duration would start at 5 minutes and cap off at 20 minutes. These also would be gained every 3 clvls, or maybe 6.

Mages: Enchant (sword/armor): This spell could permanently enchant a sword or armor to give it a +1 AC or WC (maybe 2). Once enchanted, they are flagged to prevent multiple enchants being used. Could also be called (Crystal) instead of enchant and used to crystalize weapons and armor making them more durable (effectively adding AC or WC)

Monks: Meditative Trance: A spell the monks can use to temporarily double the healing rate of someone, not in combat of course. The duration of this spell could be relative to clevel in the amoutn of heartbeats. IE, a clvl 30 monk would double his healing rate for 30 heartbeats....

Barbarians: Backstab: X2 damage multiplier, why do they get it? Why not, we don't have a thieves guild.

Adventurers: Track: A spell mostly used for tracking people. Maybe a PK spell. Able to look into a room and see who was there last and what direction they went. Most commonly used probably with Mages, who scry to see what room they are in but use the Adventurer to track them down to that room. (provided they dont wanna gate) :)

This is just a starter, and all of these spells are of course full of holes and more than apt to change big time.

Here is a couple of other ideas for spells:

Focus: Obviously a fighting class spell. This would temporarily increase your hit percentage by %5 or so. for a duration. The specifics are not worked out.

Charm: Temporarily alters a stat by adding 1-3 points even over max. Would defenitely be durational and could only max out at 3. Stat can be chosen but the bonus is random. Again, another spell where the specifics can be worked out. Possibly a Cleric spell.


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