This log was made by Coyote.
Wee Hours, muah
Connected to host
Welcome to WeeHours!
...the mud formerly known as:
;::::; :;
;:::::' :;
;:::::; ;.
After Hours
; OOO\
::::::; ;
(under construction)
,;::::::; ;'
;:::::::::`. ,,,;.
.';:::::::::::::::::;, / /
DOOOO (subject to change)
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:::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::##
`:::::`::::::::;'/ / `:#
::::::`:::::;'/ / `#
Please use guest if you just want to look around.
What is your name: coyote
You are already playing !
Throw the other copy out ? y
Saving Coyote.
Points restored from the other object.
YOUR LAST LOGIN WAS ON: Wed Sep 8 03:24:55 1999
> who
WeeHours LPMud :: 4 active players :: 3 players shown
Coyote is not the best thing, but he's right up there
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own
Malak the Old Gnarly One
Wicked begs vote for South Park espisode #301
Fatality gets you closer to God.
Stimpy's gonna sign your pity on da runny time!
Welchew is in TV nostalgia heaven
Ask Glitz to party and get a free silence spell
(TC/DC) Sekel the other white meat
Judge and Jury are taking applications for an Executioner
Marduk is after you
Lord of The Basement Emma
And on the seventh day Rapture rested
> Marley says in common: well i gotta run.
> lick marley
What ?
> Malak forced you to: apologize.
You apologize profusely.
Malak tells you in common: ;)
roll maalak
What ?
> l
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, and you
can hardly see through all the haze. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu on the wall.
There are two obvious exits: south and north
The Player Rules.
A barrel of beernuts.
Emga, the bartender.
A newspaper.
The Daily Gossip page.
A list of the top players.
A list of the top idlers.
A list of the top players.
Wizard News section of the newspaper.
> You are magically transfered somewhere.
Phaedrus licks you softly.
It's a pure black room! The walls are painted black, the control panels
are black. Little black buttons on black dashboards light up black.
Pulling up a bit of the black carpet reveals it was painted black
underneath. The vertigo of the sheer darkness causes you to want to
vomit (which might add some color to this place).
There are four obvious exits: pub, board, west and east
Malak the Old Gnarly One.
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own.
Rawdog is sporadically working.
> melt phaedrus
You melt into Phaedrus's arms.
Phaedrus ruffles your hair playfully.
You bonk Malak on the head.
You blink at Rawdog.
> who
WeeHours LPMud :: 4 active players :: 3 players shown
Coyote is not the best thing, but he's right up there
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own
Malak the Old Gnarly One
Wicked begs vote for South Park espisode #301
Fatality gets you closer to God.
Stimpy's gonna sign your pity on da runny time!
Welchew is in TV nostalgia heaven
Ask Glitz to party and get a free silence spell
(TC/DC) Sekel the other white meat
Judge and Jury are taking applications for an Executioner
Marduk is after you
Lord of The Basement Emma
And on the seventh day Rapture rested
> Marley says in common: well i gotta run.
> poke marley
What ?
> l
It's a pure black room! The walls are painted black, the control panels
are black. Little black buttons on black dashboards light up black.
Pulling up a bit of the black carpet reveals it was painted black
underneath. The vertigo of the sheer darkness causes you to want to
vomit (which might add some color to this place).
There are four obvious exits: pub, board, west and east
Malak the Old Gnarly One.
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own.
Rawdog is sporadically working.
> hmm
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> snore
You say in common: Looking at DVDs
You drool all over yourself.
> Phaedrus goes hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: I had ordered 2001 and The Matrix on Amazon
> You are magically transfered somewhere.
Coyote arrives in a puff of smoke.
Phaedrus grins at you.
You say in common: but found that has a better deal
> It's a pure black room! The walls are painted black, the control panels
are black. Little black buttons on black dashboards light up black.
Pulling up a bit of the black carpet reveals it was painted black
underneath. The vertigo of the sheer darkness causes you to want to
vomit (which might add some color to this place).
There are four obvious exits: pub, board, west and east
Malak the Old Gnarly One.
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own.
Rawdog is sporadically working.
> Malak claps Phaedrus on the back.
Phaedrus says in common:
You raise an eyebrow.
> Phaedrus rolls on the floor laughing.
Malak says in common: how much better?
WeeHours LPMud :: 4 active players :: 3 players shown
Coyote is not the best thing, but he's right up there
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own
Malak the Old Gnarly One
Wicked begs vote for South Park espisode #301
Fatality gets you closer to God.
Stimpy's gonna sign your pity on da runny time!
Welchew is in TV nostalgia heaven
Ask Glitz to party and get a free silence spell
(TC/DC) Sekel the other white meat
Judge and Jury are taking applications for an Executioner
Marduk is after you
Lord of The Basement Emma
And on the seventh day Rapture rested
> Marley says in common: well i gotta run.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: i kept hearing marley talking
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> Malak raises an eyebrow.
You say in common: one time that was "Guest1 smacks you around"
> Rawdog says in common: eep
You grin evilly.
You say in common: who
You poke Malak in the chest.
WeeHours LPMud :: 4 active players :: 3 players shown
Coyote is not the best thing, but he's right up there
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own
Malak the Old Gnarly One
Wicked begs vote for South Park espisode #301
Fatality gets you closer to God.
Stimpy's gonna sign your pity on da runny time!
Welchew is in TV nostalgia heaven
Ask Glitz to party and get a free silence spell
(TC/DC) Sekel the other white meat
Judge and Jury are taking applications for an Executioner
Marduk is after you
Lord of The Basement Emma
And on the seventh day Rapture rested
> Marley says in common: well i gotta run.
> Malak goes hmm, thoughtfully.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: I"m bohred
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
Marley says in common: No on second thought maybe I will stay.
You say in common: I'm too
You laugh hysterically.
You bonk Malak on the head.
> Malak raises an eyebrow.
Malak says in common: who is echoing marley to coyote?
Rawdog boggles at the concept.
Phaedrus says in common: type who
You shake your head.
> Phaedrus forced you to: who.
WeeHours LPMud :: 4 active players :: 3 players shown
Coyote is not the best thing, but he's right up there
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own
Malak the Old Gnarly One
Wicked begs vote for South Park espisode #301
Fatality gets you closer to God.
Stimpy's gonna sign your pity on da runny time!
Welchew is in TV nostalgia heaven
Ask Glitz to party and get a free silence spell
(TC/DC) Sekel the other white meat
Judge and Jury are taking applications for an Executioner
Marduk is after you
Lord of The Basement Emma
And on the seventh day Rapture rested
> Marley says in common: well i gotta run.
You say in common: Marley says in common: No on second thought maybe I will stay.
You bonk Malak on the head.
> Phaedrus says in common: the who list is part text file, logged from my client
You say in common: he was talking about that
> Rawdog says in common: and he was too lazy to parse it
Rawdog gazes at Phaedrus with wide, innocent eyes.
Phaedrus says in common: maybe the who list updated
Phaedrus grins evilly.
Phaedrus snickers.
You grin evilly.
> Phaedrus says in common: in 15 minutes Marley will prolly be saying something
Phaedrus snickers.
You grin evilly.
> who
WeeHours LPMud :: 4 active players :: 3 players shown
Coyote is not the best thing, but he's right up there
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own
Malak the Old Gnarly One
Wicked begs vote for South Park espisode #301
Fatality gets you closer to God.
Stimpy's gonna sign your pity on da runny time!
Welchew is in TV nostalgia heaven
Ask Glitz to party and get a free silence spell
(TC/DC) Sekel the other white meat
Judge and Jury are taking applications for an Executioner
Marduk is after you
Lord of The Basement Emma
And on the seventh day Rapture rested
> Marley says in common: well i gotta run.
You say in common: that is very...disturbing
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> Rawdog says in common: i gave phil the scan drive and he bought me jelly beans
Rawdog grins at Phaedrus.
Rawdog says in common: i'll save ya some
You say in common: last time it was "Guest1 smacks you around"
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You hop over to Rawdog enthusiastically.
> Rawdog says in common: yeah
Rawdog giggles inanely.
Rawdog shares
Malak sighs deeply.
What ?
> woohoo
You go WOOHOO! enthusiastically.
> bounce
B O I N G !!
> Phaedrus laughs hysterically.
Malak says in common: oh. when you type who you see that
Malak rolls on the floor laughing.
Phaedrus says in common: maybe Marley told you to form AH
You say in common: I was the guest1 who smacked guest2 around, btw
> Rawdog thanks you.
Phaedrus rolls on the floor laughing.
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> Malak chuckles, amused.
Marley has left the game.
Malak says in common: maybe the script should move you to another room before
typing who
You grin evilly.
> who
WeeHours LPMud :: 5 active players :: 4 players shown
Coyote is not the best thing, but he's right up there
Arch Deluxe Phaedrus wonders how many people's DNS he can own
Malak the Old Gnarly One
Logon the Complete and Utter Novice
Wicked begs vote for South Park espisode #301
Fatality gets you closer to God.
Stimpy's gonna sign your pity on da runny time!
Welchew is in TV nostalgia heaven
Ask Glitz to party and get a free silence spell
(TC/DC) Sekel the other white meat
Judge and Jury are taking applications for an Executioner
Marduk is after you
Lord of The Basement Emma
And on the seventh day Rapture rested
> Marley says in common: well i gotta run.
You say in common: liable to be worse that way
> Phaedrus laughs hysterically.
Phaedrus says in common: nah, i could parse out everthing between the two lines that
start with '---', im just too lazy
Phaedrus snickers.
Malak says in common: guest1 used to have an inn room. no wait, that was guest2
You say in common: plus he'd capture the move
> Phaedrus rolls on the floor laughing.
You laugh hysterically.
> Malak says in common: it dunno if its still there
Phaedrus says in common: nah, i can turn logging on and off in the script
You say in common: you've parsed the top part
You poke Phaedrus in the chest.
> Malak agrees with you.
Malak says in common: AH needs to restore WeeHours access to iwho
Phaedrus says in common: more then anything, AH needs to grow a sence of humor
You grin evilly.
Phaedrus says in common: even if only a sick, morbid one
You say in common: desperatly
> Phaedrus grins evilly.
Rawdog goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Rawdog giggles inanely.
You say in common: sick, morbid humor
You lick your lips.
> Phaedrus starts moaning.
Phaedrus drools all over himself.
:kills you cat
You emote: Coyote kills you cat
You smile happily.
> Malak chuckles, amused.
Autosaving character...
You say in common: your too
> Malak says in common: WeeHours rules, with stuff like "Making bugs legitimate"
Malak gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
Rawdog barks like a dog.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
Phaedrus chuckles, amused.
You say in common: we have no bugs
> Malak says in common: players need to have more fun , not less
You say in common: bugs are beneath this mud
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> Malak missed bug.
You grin evilly.
> Bug hit Malak very hard.
Malak gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
You say in common: you die
> You die. You have a strange feeling. Yada yada yada.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Rawdog giggles inanely.
Phaedrus says in common: Raw - they have that shirt at the cycle shop on main
You laugh hysterically.
> Phaedrus grins evilly.
You scratch your head.
> Malak says in common: when you die maybe you should become an undead
You say in common: They also have that thing at that store on that street
> bounce
B O I N G !!
> Phaedrus says in common:
Phaedrus says in common: looks more like a honda to me
Rawdog giggles inanely.
Phaedrus goes hmm, thoughtfully.
You grin evilly.
> Rawdog says in common: oh well
Phaedrus says in common: hard to fall off a bike with a sissy bar
Phaedrus goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Rawdog nods in agreement.
You laugh hysterically.
> Phaedrus grins at you.
You say in common: how nice
> Phaedrus snickers.
Malak laughs hysterically.
Malak says in common: nice message
You say in common: highnoon
> :wields 6 shooter
You emote: Coyote wields 6 shooter
> glare
What ?
> Phaedrus licks Malak softly.
Phaedrus grins evilly.
Malak says in common: where is Ventu Park Road?
Rawdog says in common: prolly LA
Malak goes hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: 2 1/2 miles from where that picture was taken
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
You say in common: er, 2 1/4
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Malak claps you on the back.
Rawdog giggles inanely.
What ?
> Phaedrus chuckles, amused.
You say in common: still no "muah"
You poke Phaedrus in the chest.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You poke Rawdog in the chest.
> Rawdog raises an eyebrow.
You say in common: you're doing souls, aren't you?
> Rawdog says in common: feelings?
You say in common: "muah"
> Rawdog says in common: muah?
You say in common: "muah"
> Rawdog says in common: as in: muahahaha?
You nod solemnly.
> Rawdog says in common: ah
Rawdog throws her head back and cackles wickedly!
You grin evilly.
> Rawdog says in common: why not
You go WOOHOO! enthusiastically.
> Malak says in common: not muhahahaha?
You say in common: moohahahahaha?
You say in common: an evil cow?
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Malak says in common: ggreat for trips...
Phaedrus says in common: mewhahahaha
Malak says in common: you look over at the side of the road and exclaim "Muhahahahaha
Phaedrus says in common: mo'hahahhaha - evil blues singer
You laugh hysterically.
You say in common: muhahaha is an evil greek letter, no?
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Malak says in common: no that's Evsilon
Malak winks suggestively.
Phaedrus giggles inanely.
Rawdog laughs hysterically.
You grin evilly.
You say in common: tuhahaha, an evil informal spanish person?
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Rawdog giggles inanely.
Rawdog says in common: pewhahahaha comes from old garbage disposals
You say in common: goohahahaha, "what's this evil crap on my shoe?"
> Rawdog giggles inanely.
You grin evilly.
> Rawdog scratches her head.
Rawdog says in common: this is too silly for work
Rawdog giggles inanely.
You say in common: pewhahahaha's are also in evil churches
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Autosaving character...
Rawdog giggles inanely.
You say in common: huehahahaha, an evil color
> Rawdog falls down and goes thutt.
You grin evilly.
You say in common: gluehahaha, that's what the horse things
You say in common: thinks
> Rawdog laughs hysterically.
Malak goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Rawdog says in common: you ARE bored
Malak says in common: evil cats say mewhahaha
Phaedrus rolls on the floor laughing.
Phaedrus says in common: evil crap on shoe
Phaedrus rolls on the floor laughing.
You gaze at Rawdog with wide, innocent eyes.
> Rawdog tickles Phaedrus mercifully.
You say in common: very
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: stewhahaha, evil soup
> Malak says in common: when you are burning in hell the devil says muhahahahot!
Rawdog says in common: crewhahaha, a bad haircut
You laugh hysterically.
> Phaedrus rolls on the floor laughing.
You say in common: i just say "boohahaha" to these bad jokes
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> Rawdog giggles inanely.
Malak goes: ACK!
You say in common: dewhahaha, evil mist
> Malak chuckles, amused.
Joey jumps out from under his kilt.
Joey bows gracefully.
Malak punches Joey really hard in the face.
Joey says in common: wow, the usual crowd here
Rawdog hops up and down.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Malak winks suggestively at Joey.
Joey says in common: i'm debating one thing
Malak says in common: weird
You say in common: gruehahaha, evil zork monster
You scratch your head.
> Joey says in common: i have about 20mins of homework tops.....
Malak says in common: usually you debate another person ;)
Joey says in common: or should i use that 20 mins to redo a shop?
Malak says in common: definitely
Joey says in common: also....can u name one thing that is truly 'uniqly canadian'??
You say in common: bluehahahaha, another evil color
> Joey says in common: definitely what?
Phaedrus says in common: shop! shop! shop!
You say in common: uniquely canadian, eh?
> Phaedrus says in common: 'eh' is distinctly canadia
Phaedrus smiles at Joey.
Rawdog giggles inanely.
You grin evilly.
You say in common: other than that...
> Joey says in common: hmmm...i can do my shop on WORDpad...and do my homework on
that's multitasking
You scratch your head.
You say in common: your flag?
> Malak says in common: no i think aussies say eh dont they?
Joey says in common: course whenever i try that, my computer overloads, and it shuts
Joey says in common: and i have to close all my programs
Malak claps Joey on the back.
Joey says in common: thats microsoft for ya....'eh' phaed?
Joey tickles Phaedrus mercifully.
Rawdog is going AFK for a few.
You grin evilly.
> Malak says in common: no the only truly canadaian thing is...
pout rawdog
You pout.
> Malak says in common: Canadian Air Superiority
You cower in the corner.
> Malak says in common: oops i didnt mean to put "Air" in there
Malak giggles inanely.
Joey laughs hysterically.
Malak says in common: either that or i forgot to put "of" after it
You say in common: your flag, its all you got
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> Joey says in common: that's my point....there is nothing that seperates us canadians
from u americans
Joey says in common: FACE IT! we're gonna vote to join u in a few years
Malak says in common: or just Artic Air maybe
Malak says in common:
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Joey says in common: no....the alaskans
Joey says in common: have the same air
Phaedrus says in common: heh, i think the US would rather have Mexico. atleast Mexico is
cheap labor.
Joey laughs hysterically.
Malak says in common: nah, all the arctic air comes from Jams' bay ;)
Joey says in common: it wouldnt be then
You say in common: we have mexico with NAFTA
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Joey says in common: James' BaY?
Malak says in common: Nafta Card and Mexican Express
Malak says in common: or hudson
You grin evilly.
> Malak nods to Joey.
Phaedrus chuckles, amused.
Joey laughs hysterically.
Joey says in common: malak u been to hudson bay?
Malak says in common: noo
<-- back