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The level 20+ bulletin board

> look
This is the level 20+ board room.
Many chairs surround a large wooden board.
A bunch of post-it notes are stuck to the board.
There are no obvious exits.
Level 20+ bulletin board (61 messages).
Magic Portal.
> exa board
You can set up new notes with the command 'note headline'.
Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with 'remove num'.
The bulletin board contains 61 notes:

  1: All This Stuff                             (Someone      Oct 10, 1996)
  2: level 20+                                  (Glitz        Oct 16, 1996)
  3: 0                                          (Farz         Oct 16, 1996)
  4: Ok folks another (Big) idea[vol 1]         (Farz         Oct 16, 1996)
  5: Ok folks another (Big) idea[vol 2]         (Farz         Oct 16, 1996)
  6: big idea                                   (Brapnor      Oct 16, 1996)
  7: another idea                               (Brapnor      Oct 16, 1996)
  8: Class and Stats                            (Sagar        Oct 18, 1996)
  9: Re: Actual Implementation?                 (Someone      Nov  5, 1996)
 10: Idea?                                      (Brapnor      Dec  1, 1996)
 11: race change                                (Screwup      Apr 13, 1996)
 12: suggestion                                 (Death        Apr 17, 1996)
 13: A humble idea                              (Marley       Apr 17, 1996)
 14: New idea...again                           (Goblin       May 15, 1997)
 15: Suggestions - Page 3 (Old) (Woops)         (Huma         Jul 17, 1997)
 16: The Board Works Again..                    (Huma         Jul 17, 1997)
 17: Wow                                        (Goblin       Jul 18, 1997)
 18: Huma's ideas                               (Rapture      Jul 21, 1997)
 19: Hades                                      (Huma         Sep 12, 1997)
 20: 20+ and pk                                 (Babrius      Nov 22, 1997)
 21: RE: Nex                                    (Tornado      Nov 23, 1997)
 22: re: nexy                                   (Babrius      Dec  2, 1997)
 23: Questions                                  (Marley       Jan  5, 1998)
 24: Howdy                                      (Joey         Jan  7, 1998)
 25: joey                                       (Marley       Jan  9, 1998)
 26: good question                              (Marley       Mar  6, 1998)
 27: Re: statshing                              (Nexroth      Mar 11, 1998)
 28: ARENA                                      (Joey         Mar 14, 1998)
 29: RE.ARENA                                   (Cyrax        Mar 15, 1998)
 30: Crazy Idea                                 (Grot         Mar 16, 1998)
 31: arena and dual class                       (Nexroth      Mar 18, 1998)
 32: Re: Finally                                (Lister       Oct 11, 1998)
 33: toplist                                    (Ice          Nov  2, 1998)
 34: Level 30+                                  (Keno         Nov  6, 1998)
 35: Level 30+ exp                              (Keno         Nov  7, 1998)
 36: Level 30+ Gaming                           (Mustang      Nov 16, 1998)
 37: Level 30+ Gaming                           (Lister       Nov 17, 1998)
 38: Level 30+ Gaming, Part III                 (Nexroth      Dec  5, 1998)
 39: Um                                         (Lister       Dec 22, 1998)
 40: Your Wrong Lister                          (Huma         Dec 24, 1998)
 41: Re Huma                                    (Lister       Dec 30, 1998)
 42: Lister                                     (Stillness    Dec 30, 1998)
 43: TOO MUCH $$ ON THE MUD!!!                  (Joey         Jan 21, 1999)
 44: 15% bank charge                            (Lister       Jan 21, 1999)
 45: Money on the MUD                           (Benden       Jan 21, 1999)
 46: WTF                                        (Duriel       Jan 24, 1999)
 47: Joey. Give me a break.                     (Hector       Jan 24, 1999)
 48: re:Joey                                    (Bright       Jan 24, 1999)
 49: re:Bright                                  (Rastus       Feb 10, 1999)
 50: Balls                                      (Rastus       Mar  1, 1999)
 51: I do                                       (Finn         Mar  4, 1999)
 52: Board                                      (Glitz        Mar 15, 1999)
 53: Stashing                                   (Glitz        Mar 15, 1999)
 54: Stashing re:bright                         (Rastus       Mar 17, 1999)
 55: re: Rastus                                 (Glitz        Mar 17, 1999)
 56: Everything...                              (Sagar        Mar 18, 1999)
 57: HERE HERE!                                 (Lister       Mar 24, 1999)
 58: Players/Wizards                            (Zorba        Sep 30, 1999)
 59: Update                                     (Lister       Oct 22, 1999)
 60: board                                      (Jema         Nov 13, 1999)
 61: hey...                                     (Zorba        Nov 16, 1999)
> read 1

Note 1 is entitled 'All This Stuff':

WOW Didnt even know this place existaed until today...

Few things to think of...
1 - Before we can alter spells too much we need to add some 'basic' attack types to them and to weapons...
Like Fire, Ice, Earth, Electric, Bash, Slash, etc...maybe like 10 in all..
or 8...something though so we can have a diff in AC Resistance and Attack Types...because like against a Red Dragon, well Fire doesnt work...

2 - With attack types added that open a whole new avenue to ideas...
It also makes alot of the current ones posted here easier...
It also adds a whole new dimention to Weapons and Armours...

3 - Turn Undead would require the addition of an Undead race to the monster code...then you could do this... GREAT idea though, one I have asked about for well 5 years... hehe (same with attack types)

4 - Guess thats all for now, had a TON of other things, but dont remember all of em, and dont have time :)

Maybe someone day I will actually learn to code *sigh* (doubt it) so I can help with some of this stuff..


This note was penned by Someone on Oct 10, 1996.
It is the 1st of 61 notes.
> read 2

Note 2 is entitled 'level 20+':

You better do some sort of 20+ level system soon or your high level 19's and 20's from 100 to 101 (It's prolly more than that) ... for an ogre, this are gonna wiz.. with nothign else to do.... <shrug>

figure represents a good deal less than the potential of an average

This note was penned by Glitz on Oct 16, 1996.
It is the 2nd of 61 notes.
> read 3

Note 3 is entitled '0':

0ogre. Therefore: the cost might be slightly less for an ogre, whereas for a hobbit, this cost might be drastically more.
Balance the costs such that it will be possible (but in no way easy) to be a hobbit barbarian, if a player so chooses.
The same goes fo elf, as a second example.... an elf might find it costs more to raise str, for example... but it will cost noticibly less to increase magic, if both stats are originally at the same number.
The last idea would further weight class as a factor of cost:
It should be somewhat tougher for a barbarian to increase int than a mage, since their art deals more with brawn than brains.
If this were implemented, it would make AH unique in this respect I believe - I havn't seen a whole lotta muds, but I don't beleive any handle stats exclusively in this manner.
BTW: if you are worried about a max value for the int, or char or whatever max value stats currently have, well I figure there must be a ceiling somewheres along the line ... as long as it isn't at 140 .. if the _real_ limit to all stats is only slightly above this then of course things will have to be revamped before any of this is to take place - or else combat tweaked so that stats have more effect for players ... whatever.  You'll sort it out ;)


This note was penned by Farz on Oct 16, 1996.
It is the 3rd of 61 notes.
> read 4

Note 4 is entitled 'Ok folks another (Big) idea[vol 1]':

Not been anything posted in a while - gotta shake it up so here goes:
... The way I figure it, the one thing that's definately gonna help us gain xp in the long run of 20+ (we'll need to gain losta xp since levels will soon cost upwards of 1megxp I'm sure ...) is higher stats.
Since many races have limits on stats it will be a pain the butt I imagine, to change these maxes and change them again when level 30+ is discussed 6 monmths from now....
Instead here's what I :
- Abolish stat maxes.
- Keep system of (evenly) increasing xp cost per stat in guilds.
- _ENHANCE_ this system by having race weight into stat costs.
- further enhance the system by having CLASS weight in as well.
Example: Let's say right now it would cost 16kxp to increase fight from 100 to 101 (It's prolly more than that) ... for an ogre, this figure represents a good deal less than the potential of an average ogre. Therefore: the cost might be slightly less for an ogre, whereas for a hobbit, this cost might be drastically more.
Balance the costs such that it will be possible (but in no way easy) to be a hobbit barbarian, if a player so chooses.
[continued on next note]

This note was penned by Farz on Oct 16, 1996.
It is the 4th of 61 notes.
> read 5

Note 5 is entitled 'Ok folks another (Big) idea[vol 2]':

The same goes for elf, as a second example.... an elf might find it costs more to raise str, for example... but it will cost noticibly less to increase magic, if both stats are originally at the same number.
The last idea would further weight class as a factor of cost:
It should be somewhat tougher for a barbarian to increase int than a mage, since their art deals more with brawn than brains.
If this were implemented, it would make AH unique in this respect I believe - I havn't seen a whole lotta muds, but I don't beleive any handle stats exclusively in this manner.
BTW: if you are worried about a max value for the int, or char or whatever max value stats currently have, well I figure there must be a ceiling somewheres along the line ... as long as it isn't at 140 .. if the _real_ limit to all stats is only slightly above this then of course things will have to be revamped before any of this is to take place - or else combat tweaked so that stats have more effect for players ... whatever. You'll sort it out ;)

This note was penned by Farz on Oct 16, 1996.
It is the 5th of 61 notes.
> read 6

Note 6 is entitled 'big idea':

Of course then I just might want to be an ogre for low levels, switch to a mage when I get to high levels and then finally a monk at very high levels...
But, good idea! I think that's already done somewhat though... the skill points to raise stats have been changed, It costs me 3 training points to raise int whiel it costs a barb 1 (that's backwards IMHO! :) ) and the cost for stats seems to be adjusted also.. with training point cost 1 stats requiring more XP than training point 2 or 3... Of course it could always be adjusted more!

I was thinking last night -- a rare occurance at best -- and I think it might be best to start implementing SOME of the changes to level 20+ soon... maybe a complete system can not be offered, but some changes might be made... either that or allow a few of the level 20 players (I'm assuming there will be more very soon) to wiz for the express purpose of coding level 20+ with the promise that they can go back to playing at level 20 immediately after the system is done... I know there's a bunch of talent in the player pool that would rather play, but might be willing to help out for their own benefit...

Of course they'll then KNOW the 20+ system inside and out... but hey, that's inevitable anyway :) Unless you keep making changes.. :) *chuckle*


This note was penned by Brapnor on Oct 16, 1996.
It is the 6th of 61 notes.
> read 7

Note 7 is entitled 'another idea':

How about getting rid of monk's touch and intead give them some more interesting things - like :
1)  "spells" which reduce a players sp instead of hp... when the player
       has no more sp.. then they affect them diferently... like :
       psionic blast them for 50 sp until they get to 0 then pisonic blast
       does damage, or spells which will let you force them to do limited things like
       give you an item or unwield or attack a party member...

2) the things suggested above :)
3)  the ability to create a meditative trance instead of tend... you heal at
       a faster rate instead of healing a few hp's... that's a clerics job!

4)  the ability to share their strength... two monks with 101 hp's and 200 hp's might share and each have 301 hp's temporarily... of course when one monk is hit... both lose from their 301 hp's! or better yet with sp and idea number 1

5)  a reduced bank account limit ... monks should have to give their money to the poor, or spend it on languages... they're the richest group on the mud I think! (I know you monks hate this... :) )


This note was penned by Brapnor on Oct 16, 1996.
It is the 7th of 61 notes.
> read 8

Note 8 is entitled 'Class and Stats':

3Kingdoms has a system where by Class/Guild affects Stats.
For example in the Witch Guild on there, my Int stat is my Prime Stat and costs less then any others, then my Secondary stats are Wis and Dex, these cost a little more then Int, but less then the others, Nuetral Stats are Con, costs more then the others mentioned, less then Str and Cha, which are Lower Stats and cost the most...
Many Muds actually have something liek this...

But this is in a way how it should be. Working Race into this is also maybe a good idea...


This note was penned by Sagar on Oct 18, 1996.
It is the 8th of 61 notes.
> Autosaving character...
read 9

Note 9 is entitled 'Re: Actual Implementation?':

Eventually some of the ideas on the board will be implimented..
I just don't have much time this quarter as school takes priority over mud..

--Huma **

This note was penned by Someone on Nov  5, 1996.
It is the 9th of 61 notes.
> read 10

Note 10 is entitled 'Idea?':

I may or may not have posted this idea before, if so please be patient with me;  I've a terrible memory.  Anyway the idea is to create a class or to give one of the classes (monks?) the ability to attack sp.  A skill could remove sp from a target just like many spells remove hp.  Once your victim is at 0 sp change the spell to a killer damage spell (since they had all those EXTRA hp in the form of sp)  or some other effect...
If monsters have to use their sp to power their specials... and they oughta ... then this ability makes a big difference in combat too.
My thought on the class was that they'd be mentalists of some sort.

This note was penned by Brapnor on Dec  1, 1996.
It is the 10th of 61 notes.
> read 11

Note 11 is entitled 'race change':

you people will probably think this is a lame idea, but i was thinking about some sort of witch doctor type person that can change your race for say 1 perm death and 25-50k coins depending on which race. i think it would be good for people that make class changes so they can get the most out of their new class (i.e. stats). I'm a human, i was a fighter, now i'm a barb.. and now my maxed fight is lower than an elven mages maxed dex which i think is completely wrong.. I thought barbarians were much stronger and more dexterious than mages..
just a thought.. :)

This note was penned by Screwup on Apr 13, 1996.
It is the 11st of 61 notes.
> read 12

Note 12 is entitled 'suggestion':

for any wiz's who are coding: even though the main point of this mud is fighting, why not (if possible) make rooms that are just full of fun goodies, gambling, whores, games, places to explore w/o worry, funny secrets etc. Maybe you can earn exp through doing things other than killing mosters (I fail to see how you can advance int with exp earned from killing rabbits anyhow)-whatever, just a possibility

This note was penned by Death on Apr 17, 1996.
It is the 12nd of 61 notes.
> read 13

Note 13 is entitled 'A humble idea':

In reference to what I believe was the original subject for this board: what to do after 20/20 ...21+
I just remembered something that was a little used aspect added to the AD&D Dark Sun campaign area...
Characters reaching lvl 20 in a class had the option of switching to another class, starting over at lvl 1 with none of the old classes skills.  Once they reach lvl 20 in the second class, they regain the skills of the old class and are able to advance to lvl 21+ with a mix of skills.  For example, A cleric reaches lvl 20, switches over to fighter (although in Dark Sun either the first or second class had to be psionicist) then reaches lvl 20 fighter.  He can then advance to lvl 21 as a sort of fighter/cleric.  I realize that this approach, if added to a mud such as this, might result in overly powerful players, but perhaps it could be moderated.  At least starting over would give the 20/20 player who doesn't care to wiz something to do.
Anyway, the idea probably has many flaws, but I just wanted to throw it out there.

My two cents,


This note was penned by Marley on Apr 17, 1996.
It is the 13rd of 61 notes.
> read 14

Note 14 is entitled 'New idea...again':

I know we have too many ideas and too few ppl coding them, but as soon I get time to code and learn to code again (may 22) I'll finish my castle and then I'd like to start on these things...if the gods think they're good ideas.
Let's start with the small one: How about making a nice prompt, instead of the boring little > ?
I've seen a lot of muds, though this is the only one I played much, since this is the only one I like *grin*, but many other muds have prompts that you can design yourself.
I think that's kinda neat. Say you type "prompt <My prompt: %h/%H %s/%S>" where %h is current hp, %H max hp, %s current sp and %S max sp. This is just an example. You could add age, hunger, thirst, intoxication...whatever.
The bigger idea is a hard one to code, and since there should be a new combat system I don't know if there's any point doing it yet (if the new combat system comes this milennium that is).
Anyhow, it's sort of ripped off many other muds. Instead of the current class system we could make one where you can train yourself in specific spells/skills.
We could keep the skills we have now, as a few ones everybody have, but some more (actually a lot more) to available, but not given spells. Every spell should then require some XP to learn 5% of (you get 5% chance to succeed). They could also cost coins to learn, that way we'll get rid of the problem with high levels that don't know what to do with their coins and making newbies rich.
Everybody would fight about every single coin *egrin*. They should also require a certain class level, and a value of a stat. The xp and coin cost, and the stat requirement should increase every time you study a spell/train a skill, just like the stats. They should also require some points, but of course you should be able to advance as much stats as before, so we just add more points / level, or if you cannot get that balanced make another pile of points. Both statpoints and skill/spellpoints.
I think this is a great way to make the players more unique. Two lvl 15 mages are practically identical now, and that's boring if you ask me. It would also give those lvl 20s something to kill for.
About making enough skills and spells and inspiration to make new ones, just go to other muds (like Zombie MUD) and steal some. Some examples:
Let mages have healing. Somebody (vortex?) thought that would be cool. If any mage wants to heal then he can study this spell. (These spells will be much harder to learn than the basic ones.
Getting 100% in a spell would cost quite a lot.) Mages could also have a create money and a create food spell. (Here we can't make this one too good, so how about adding a chanting-time.
Takes 1 min to cast it?)
Clerics have a lot of spells, so why not take some of them away and put among these? Another idea is mind healing of others. To make them want this you give them xp to give other players sp, just like resurrect is now.
Fighter could get some of these skills like parry and disarm here...
Well this note is getting long and I'm running out of time. Just think this would be awesome and it would bring more players to this place. I don't know how to code it or anything, yet...but I would help in any way I can.
So what do you think?

This note was penned by Goblin on May 15, 1997.
It is the 14th of 61 notes.
> read 15

Note 15 is entitled 'Suggestions - Page 3 (Old) (Woops)':

B] NEW IDEAS (continued)
- Allow a secondary class to be adopted by player
        This popped up but would of course be difficult to tune and easy to
        take advantage of in certain cases.
        Levels in secondary should be limited at very least ...
        Still, this sounds like it could work.
- Increased hp/sp regen for 20+
        Or else have hp/sp regen directly related to max hp/sp.
        It has bothered many a player that a level 1 player regens
        at same speed as a level 20!!! at select levels.
- Bank/TaxCollector
        Allow 20+ player to keep more than 50k in bank or carry more than 50k.

[continued in the following post]

This note was penned by Huma on Jul 17, 1997.
It is the 15th of 61 notes.
> read 16

Note 16 is entitled 'The Board Works Again..':

And the new combat system is 99% done :)

This note was penned by Huma on Jul 17, 1997.
It is the 16th of 61 notes.
> read 17

Note 17 is entitled 'Wow':

That sounds great, Huma.
I still a new spell/skill system would be great...and a great time to code one when the combat system is complete.
Just my thoughts.


This note was penned by Goblin on Jul 18, 1997.
It is the 17th of 61 notes.
> read 18

Note 18 is entitled 'Huma's ideas':

I think they all sound great. Except the bank account part. Do we really need that with clans? It sorta forces you to be in a clan and I think its nice the way it is.

I think level 20+s should be able to have a pony. Preferably I'd like mine to be named Tulip :)

This note was penned by Rapture on Jul 21, 1997.
It is the 18th of 61 notes.
> read 19

Note 19 is entitled 'Hades':

He (the monster) is level 20.

This note was penned by Huma on Sep 12, 1997.
It is the 19th of 61 notes.
> read 20

Note 20 is entitled '20+ and pk':

I have a suggestion and i dont know if i should post it here or use idea..
But, since a person who advances past level 20 will not be in close proximity to any other players, levelwise, the Pk range should be increased. Just something to think about...

This note was penned by Babrius on Nov 22, 1997.
It is the 20th of 61 notes.
> read 21

Note 21 is entitled 'RE: Nex':

At high levels us mages do have a lot of sp and realistically the elemental did die after about 12 rounds against the juggernaut, so we just create another, not to mention that you know the strongest offensive spell is blast (and is not a weak spell). So with an elemental tanking, a LOT of blasts, those mind potions to get our sp back and at high class levels, we can kill it, but without those mind potions i can spent a good 7-8mins just pubbing to heal our damn sp, thats where we lose out, in time. So healing time + killing time, i am looking at maybe at least 10min just to kill it

This note was penned by Tornado on Nov 23, 1997.
It is the 21st of 61 notes.
> read 22

Note 22 is entitled 're: nexy':

Considering who is currently on top of the top players list, i dont see how you have anything to complain about nexy.
You seem to be making exp as fast/faster than anyone else anyways...
This note was penned by Babrius on Dec  2, 1997.
It is the 22nd of 61 notes.
> read 23

Note 23 is entitled 'Questions':

Is there anything in the works for lvl 30+?
As in, what will motivate players to continue playing once they've reached 30/30 or so and maxxed stats?
I've heard rumors floating about various things, but would really like to hear it from the source (admin), if those in charge are willing to discuss it.
Thanks for all the time, effort, and imagination thats gone into the renovations, guilds, and areas so far.
-Marley, who is anxiously awaiting new areas to open...

This note was penned by Marley on Jan  5, 1998.
It is the 23rd of 61 notes.
> read 24

Note 24 is entitled 'Howdy':

ok why is it referred to as the 20+ board?? it seems that i can get into it at 19

This note was penned by Joey on Jan  7, 1998.
It is the 24th of 61 notes.
> read 25

Note 25 is entitled 'joey':

Since i don't think anyone else will bother to answer that question, I guess I will, Joey.
As far as i know, one only needs class level 20 to enter the portal.

Marley, patiently waiting for something new

This note was penned by Marley on Jan  9, 1998.
It is the 25th of 61 notes.
> read 26

Note 26 is entitled 'good question':

I've been wondering a bit about that myself.
Don't want to pressure anyone though, since I know the people in charge pretty much hear only a stream of complaints and demands all the time.
Due to being lvl 30, I've found things repetitive and boring and haven't been playing much. I know there are things on the 'coding board' that would help this element of boredom for high levels...I'm hanging around to see them implemented, at some point, hopefully
Well that was a lot of words with very little that hasn't been said before...

This note was penned by Marley on Mar  6, 1998.
It is the 26th of 61 notes.
> read 27

Note 27 is entitled 'Re: statshing':

I don't think anyone has collected all the unique items for 2 reasons:
1) it's hard to remember all of them
2) it's a huge pain and a waste of time and effort

Just my sentiment,

This note was penned by Nexroth on Mar 11, 1998.
It is the 27th of 61 notes.
> read 28

Note 28 is entitled 'ARENA':

ok i posted this message on the main board as well
back in the old days when players wanted to find out who was stronger they sparred now with the new pk sys (which i love) people cant spar with eachother
i propose we create an arena in town that allows pk/immune immune/immune spars the outcome of the matches are simple
the winner gains nothing
the loser loses nothing
i have heard lots of people agree with me on this one, lets see if we can get a response from the admins please

This note was penned by Joey on Mar 14, 1998.
It is the 28th of 61 notes.
> read 29

Note 29 is entitled 'RE.ARENA':

sounds good joey, as long as no one gains anything out of it

This note was penned by Cyrax on Mar 15, 1998.
It is the 29th of 61 notes.
> read 30

Note 30 is entitled 'Crazy Idea':

Just had a wild idea, and maybe this has been mentioned before, so if so, just bear with me.

for those of us that have reached level 30 there is not a lot of reason to go up higher, even though it is possible.  Perhaps this would work, and not be horrendously unbalancing.  At main level 31 you can pick up a new class.  The levels in this class dont have to be cheap...hell, they could use the same rate of advancement as your current class.

Example:  It takes (hypothetically) 1M to advance to level 30 barb.    At main level 31 you could add Cleric as an additional class, with advancing to level 2 as a cleric costing 1.2M or so.

its about 3 levels in the new class/main level, but at the cost proposed above, and the reduced rate we get exp at high level, it wouldnt be like you'd reach any massive level in the new class any time soon.
But the variety presented would add a little color and flavor for us fat high levels who like it here, but cant code.

I think I sorta got across what I ment to.


This note was penned by Grot on Mar 16, 1998.
It is the 30th of 61 notes.
> read 31

Note 31 is entitled 'arena and dual class':

I like the arena idea too, but there should be a small fee to use it in addition to the stake being fought for (maybe 50 gold). After all, the construction has to be paid for somehow.  ;-)

On gaining a second class, I think that idea rocks but it would probably need some careful scrutinization.
Just imagine a mage with 3 attacks per round? Maybe having the skill list doubled,
so that a skill or spell normally gained at clevel 4 would actually take 8 clevels to get.
That way it'd take a HELL of a long time to get obscenely powerful.


This note was penned by Nexroth on Mar 18, 1998.
It is the 31st of 61 notes.
> read 32

Note 32 is entitled 'Re: Finally':

1) Multiclassing is not even in our scope of mind right now, we are working on classes existing, expanding the mud, and fixing bugs
2) Arena is farther off than Multiclassing
3) Monk skills are in the works... Rawgie is coding them and doing a damn fine job considering she has this thing called a Real Life that everyone keeps talking about... Personally I thought it was legend but eh, whatever.

This should be our permanent site, let me put it another way, noone has told me differently yet :)

enter portal
dest joey
hehhehe oops

This note was penned by Lister on Oct 11, 1998.
It is the 32nd of 61 notes.
> read 33

Note 33 is entitled 'toplist':

I dont think level 9s sould be on the list i mean its not hard to get that high i think that the top list should just be the last column from level 20 to 33
jsut an idea

This note was penned by Ice on Nov  2, 1998.
It is the 33rd of 61 notes.
> read 34

Note 34 is entitled 'Level 30+':

  HI all, this is my 1st post on this board... Anyways, i think level 30 and up should have the same exp as a level 30 just so they can still do something and not stay at the same level all the time and waiting, all its gonna do is have some really high level monks on the list (nexroth, java, keno, dirst) all fighting for #1, its just gonna add fun (sorta) into it
Whatever this idea sucks probably like the rest of mine

This note was penned by Keno on Nov  6, 1998.
It is the 34th of 61 notes.
> read 35

Note 35 is entitled 'Level 30+ exp':

  Following my previous post i have to add this.  Level 31 is jsut as good as a level 30 so why should he have less exp, if not you guys could reduce the obtained exp from 30 to 31 by less.
Instead of losing whatever 1/8 of exp. should be 1/16th maybe, dunno, think about it

This note was penned by Keno on Nov  7, 1998.
It is the 35th of 61 notes.
> read 36

Note 36 is entitled 'Level 30+ Gaming':

I think most everybody understands the problem with 30+ right now.
You advance beyond 30 and your ability to kill is unchanged whilst you xp earned is much less.  For mages this is even worse because you gain max offensive/defensive power at clevel 30 as all of the mages ability comes from his class (spells). So a mage could reach max power at level 20/30 or 22/30 with no advantages to advancing levels or stats any further.

I think that part of the reason why nothing is being done right now is because multi-classing or making level based skills means a full re-write of stuff.  If the God's have already decided on the method for taking care of 30+ but just don't have time to code/implement right now....then how about a temporary fix.

I suggest new clevel 30 skills for everybody (class based). But... make the sp cost high enough that a person would have to have max int and level 35 or so in order to even have the sp available to implement the skill.  The skill would have to be powerful enough to make a balance with xp-rate which ofcourse would be decided by the gods.  I wouldn't mind if the monk re-write included some super-skills that require level 35 sps  before the other classes get them.

If the higher-ups like this idea...I'm sure players would have PLENTY of suggestions for skills for their specific class.

You Like?

This note was penned by Mustang on Nov 16, 1998.
It is the 36th of 61 notes.
> read 37

Note 37 is entitled 'Level 30+ Gaming':

Is broke?
Is not worth it?
Why bother?

Those are my opinions... take em or leave em
Currently I see no reason to play beyond level 30
But then I don't need to worry about it :)

This note was penned by Lister on Nov 17, 1998.
It is the 37th of 61 notes.
> read 38

Note 38 is entitled 'Level 30+ Gaming, Part III':

I'll take those comments with a grain of salt.
Key word being 'opinion'.  I really like Mustang's idea, but there's a problem:
how do you know what to make the sp cost?
The only way I could see it being coded is to have the cost vary by race, since some races have bonuses and others penalties.  I'm sure it could still be done, but it'd be much more painstaking.  It might be easier to just gain access to the 'super skill' at level 35 and have it cost the majority of the sp for the class (i.e. 200 for a monk).  But just remember, with a cost like that, the skill would really need to be worth it.

Nexroth, Godfather of Clan Leaders

This note was penned by Nexroth on Dec  5, 1998.
It is the 38th of 61 notes.
> read 39

Note 39 is entitled 'Um':

I wrote clearly that Multiclassing is not being worked on right now and probably won't be for a while.....

Of course Benden is right, no matter what I say, some other wizard will come here and say I'm wrong anyhow.

This note was penned by Lister on Dec 22, 1998.
It is the 39th of 61 notes.
> read 40

Note 40 is entitled 'Your Wrong Lister':


This note was penned by Huma on Dec 24, 1998.
It is the 40th of 61 notes.
> read 41

Note 41 is entitled 'Re Huma':

Your right Huma, I am always wrong... but, if nothing else I always try to answer players as best as I know.  If nothing else I help them find the true meaning of things.... because when I say something wrong,
I am forcing someone to come out and say the right thing

So you see everyone, you may not be able to trust EVERYTHING I say but you can trust that someone will come correct me and thus give you the info anyhow :)

This note was penned by Lister on Dec 30, 1998.
It is the 41st of 61 notes.
> read 42

Note 42 is entitled 'Lister':

And modest, too!

This note was penned by Stillness on Dec 30, 1998.
It is the 42nd of 61 notes.
> read 43

Note 43 is entitled 'TOO MUCH $$ ON THE MUD!!!':

ok we all realize that there is too much money on this mud, i propose that we try to do something that reduces some newbies from gettin huge accounts.....how about the bank charges say......15% of all transactions from the bank?? so if you withdraw a sum of cash, the bank takes 15% of that sum from your account......and hte same would work with depositin money...the bank gets 15% of your deposit........sounds like it is a good idea to me, altho it wont hold back gold for long, it'd be neat to see....after all, how does poor oth make money without chargin interest??
please feel free to post your thoughts, or stone me

This note was penned by Joey on Jan 21, 1999.
It is the 43rd of 61 notes.
> read 44

Note 44 is entitled '15% bank charge':

Yeah Oth wouldn't be killed much then huh?! :)

This note was penned by Lister on Jan 21, 1999.
It is the 44th of 61 notes.
> read 45

Note 45 is entitled 'Money on the MUD':

It is easy for a monk to say there is too much money on the MUD.
Ask a character who is in the middle lvls/clvls whether they think there is too much money out there.  I realize I am a monk as well, and it is darn easy to make money for us monks, but not all classes make money that easy.

There was an idea a while back on taxing monks, basically a tithe.
I have no problem with this idea.  Maybe set something up that tithes the different classes differently in regards to how easy it is to make money.

No stones, just thoughts......

This note was penned by Benden on Jan 21, 1999.
It is the 45th of 61 notes.
> read 46

Note 46 is entitled 'WTF':

Are you all crazy, if i have to say anything is that we should have more money, and make more xps. And whats the problem with newbies geting money, you pycho you want to make it harder on them?, god thats smart. I want to make it easier for low ppl so they can get in my range =). And as long as i am talkn i think we should have a pk day wear the level limits are like 12 levels up and down, and no one is safe for pk so no immunes, but there is no xps gained just names on a list like the paper, and at the end of the day there will be a winner which does gain xps for like not getting kill or most kills somthing like that, why cant it be done?
Would just like a reapons telling if that is at all posable, of if it is imposable or somthing


This note was penned by Duriel on Jan 24, 1999.
It is the 46th of 61 notes.
> read 47

Note 47 is entitled 'Joey. Give me a break.':

Try playing mage.  And also wanting to make decent xp. Then see if there is "Too much money on the mud"

This note was penned by Hector on Jan 24, 1999.
It is the 47th of 61 notes.
> read 48

Note 48 is entitled 're:Joey':

An idea that bad could only come from you.

What the mud needs is more interesting things to spend all this money on.

This note was penned by Bright on Jan 24, 1999.
It is the 48th of 61 notes.
> read 49

Note 49 is entitled 're:Bright':

Funnily enough I actually agree with Bright - there is a lack of stuff that is worth buying - after all noone wants to spend 7k on a ring of red ruin in the shop when you can rock off to UD and kill for it. (I wont mention that my area - which tornado is supposedly fixing, although what was wrong with it I am still figuring out, had a shop for each class with items to shore up those

things which were lacking in a class - Monks/fighters got brass knuckles to
them some way of damaging fast. Mages got a type of shield and potions. Clerics

could go for full sp/hp healing for cash less than potions - you get the idea)

Anyway perhaps we can kill 2 birds with one stone - since it appears that there

is a need for extra skills etc at lvl 25/30/40+ or whatever might it not be possible to create shops or people (like the sage) which could teach some skill

s - for a cost obviously - I for one would love the Create food and drink spell

It would not throw off the balance of the game - but would enhance a player.

Speaking as someone who has been a high clvl in all classes (cept barbs) I will

say that it is more than possible to make reams of cash at clvl 25+ obviously monks have a bit of an advantage but the prices in the shops may reflect that I am a clvl 25 fighter and use potions a lot so have a lot of outlay - should I chose however I could easily make 100k cash in 45 - 1hr, its all a matter of picking your target.

Lastly might I just say that Duriel I was unable to understand most of what you

said in your post - party because of the complete lack of grammar, spelling & any sort of sentence structure - if its a valid idea please repost. This is not a flame just a request.


This note was penned by Rastus on Feb 10, 1999.
It is the 49th of 61 notes.
> read 50

Note 50 is entitled 'Balls':

Obviously noone comes here any more ... BALLS!!

This note was penned by Rastus on Mar  1, 1999.
It is the 50th of 61 notes.
> read 51

Note 51 is entitled 'I do':

I read often and write little


This note was penned by Finn on Mar  4, 1999.
It is the 51st of 61 notes.
> read 52

Note 52 is entitled 'Board':

Now that there are free spaces there are no messages...
Money is fine, some classes get it easy, others don't.  It all balances out in the end.
After all, monks can't hop in, blast the crap out of something and hop out.


This note was penned by Glitz on Mar 15, 1999.
It is the 52nd of 61 notes.
> read 53

Note 53 is entitled 'Stashing':

At least do something about it. If a monster with a unique item is loaded and
owner of that item is not a player it should be dested, and reloaded on that
A few days after a reboot half the uniques are stashed... That is a much
problem than money.


This note was penned by Glitz on Mar 15, 1999.
It is the 53rd of 61 notes.
> read 54

Note 54 is entitled 'Stashing re:bright':

You don't have to ask em twice - they have done away with it by the looks of it

Every night it would appear that all uniques are dested if they arent on the monsters they should be. Naturally I cant get a confirm on this but then what can you expect from the admins here who seem to delight in destroying all the fun things, not listening to players, and generally acting like a bunch of crap


This note was penned by Rastus on Mar 17, 1999.
It is the 54th of 61 notes.
> read 55

Note 55 is entitled 're: Rastus':

I believe the correct term is _pile_ of crap. <grin>
Well, once a day is OK, but it should be done every reset.
half uniques are weapons which get damaged anyways...


This note was penned by Glitz on Mar 17, 1999.
It is the 55th of 61 notes.
> read 56

Note 56 is entitled 'Everything...':

While the Admin does not answer every single question that is asked, or demanded of them, while they do not do everything the players ask (upgrading Class's, downgrading monsters, etc...).

They, and the other Wizards, do things to try and get this place going. We have a LOT of recoding to do, a lot is done, but there is always more.
A new Combat System was put in Huma, that is 1000 times better then the old one.
Clerics have had MANY changes for the better. Monks also.
Mages too for that matter.

Not everything can be done at once. Many of you know what coding is like. Rastus I know you do.
Its not always easy, its not always done fast.

Wizards do not get paid to code, we do it for fun.
We do it in our spare time!

Let us get the OLD areas recoded, and fixed up.
Let some Rookies like me get some areas coded, and learn somethings so that we can someday get the levels needed to do things like make additions to Classes, make new classes, get some of the things don that players want.

We want more players (atleast I think 'we' do, I know 'I' do anyway), we want AH to be a pupular place again.
(Popular too...)

But it takes TIME!

Are some of the things we do not 'player friendly'?
Of course, NEVER is everything going to please everyone.

Things like Old Code needs to be updated before we can focus on all sorts of new things.

*shrug* Cut us some slack is all I ask.
Anyone that knows me, knows what I would like to see here. How I would like to change things.

Guess what, most of the Wizards would like to do the same thing!!! But we have other things we have to clean up first.


PS - The views and opinions do not reflect that of the upper Admin. They are my own, and observations I have made in talking to other Wizards and listening to them on private channels.

This note was penned by Sagar on Mar 18, 1999.
It is the 56th of 61 notes.
> read 57

Note 57 is entitled 'HERE HERE!':

I would have to agree with Sagar's above post, there is a lot that needs to be done, some of us have time, some of us don't There are more problems than you have any idea about, some which do not affect players in the slightest that I feel also have to be worked out.

I ask (personally) that everyone remember this and don't get upset with the way things are moving, even if they seem slow.  We have a small amount of active coders and most of them are newbie coders like myself.

If you have questions, please do ask.  Do not scream and shout and act like a fool because EVERYTHING isn't answered. ie, what is the strength of this monster.  But people who do ask me things know that I and others try to get the information to people like you most of the time.

Sometimes we can answer, sometimes we cannot either because we are not allowed to tell you or just don't know.

Please be patient, please ask questions and please provide constructive ideas.  It is ok to voice your opinions about ideas but please do not say one is dump or one is stupid (err dumb).


This note was penned by Lister on Mar 24, 1999.
It is the 57th of 61 notes.
> read 58

Note 58 is entitled 'Players/Wizards':

Players hate wizards and wizards hate players, nuff said

This note was penned by Zorba on Sep 30, 1999.
It is the 58th of 61 notes.
> read 59

Players hate wizards and wizards hate cheaters, nuff said
(Just because 9/10s of the player populace is made of cheaters doesn't make us hate ALL players :)

This note was penned by Lister on Oct 22, 1999.
It is the 59th of 61 notes.
> read 60

Note 60 is entitled 'board':

is there even a use for this board cluttered with the oldest msgs in AH history?
no one ever comes here... just make it a historical board and no one be able to post on it... since no one really does...

This note was penned by Jema on Nov 13, 1999.
It is the 60th of 61 notes.
> read 61

Note 61 is entitled 'hey...':

hey I posted in september, thats pretty recent

This note was penned by Zorba on Nov 16, 1999.
It is the 61st of 61 notes.

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