This log was made by Nadja.
Vandlyn's lament
Vandlyn says in common: I'm a very sorry excuse for a person.
Vandlyn sighs deeply.
Stopsign scratches its head.
Vandlyn gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
Vandlyn goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Vandlyn ponders the situation.
Stopsign goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Vandlyn says in common: let me look through my poems, see if any of them are one's I can
give to my teacher...
Vandlyn ponders the situation.
Stopsign grins evilly.
Vandlyn says in common: the only ones I could suck...
Vandlyn goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Stopsign scratches its head.
Vandlyn twiddles her thumbs.
Vandlyn says in common: I think I was actually fearing that you'd say, "you're always your
harshes critic" or some cliche like that...
Vandlyn gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
Vandlyn says in common: only you can type...
Vandlyn says in common: I'm beginning to confuse myself...
Vandlyn goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Vandlyn snaps her fingers.
Vandlyn picks Stopsign up and shakes it upside down.
Vandlyn goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Stopsign scratches its head.
Stopsign says in common: You're always your harshest critic.
Stopsign scratches its head.
Vandlyn goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Vandlyn says in common: oh nevermind me...
Stopsign grins evilly.
Stopsign ponders the situation.
> Vandlyn says in common: the dishes need to be done and the laundry folded.
Stopsign wallows in bordom again.
Stopsign goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Vandlyn says in common: You aren't any less bohred when I'm here.
Vandlyn goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Stopsign scratches its head.
Vandlyn says in common: you just have some nonsense to read when I'm here...
Vandlyn gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
Vandlyn says in common: So I may be a disillusioned outcast, but that's okay, because my
insanity is entertaining...
Vandlyn gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
Stopsign nods solemnly.
Stopsign snickers mischievously.
Vandlyn says in common: like I said, don't mind me...
Pink hiccups.
Vandlyn goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Vandlyn says in common: damn housework...
Vandlyn says in common: I need to hire magical little elves to do it for me...
Vandlyn gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
Stopsign says in common: insanity seems intertwined with intelligence.
Stopsign scratches its head.
Vandlyn nods solemnly.
Stopsign nods to Vandlyn solemnly.
Vandlyn says in common: ack, i just called myself intelligent...
Stopsign scratches its head.
Vandlyn says in common: I hate it when my ego creeps up on me...
Vandlyn shivers with fright.
Stopsign says in common: You're not?
Pink burps.
Vandlyn says in common: I would really like to meet a magical little elf, by the way...
Vandlyn says in common: I'm not what?
Vandlyn scratches her head.
Stopsign goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Stopsign says in common: Intelligent?
Vandlyn says in common: ahh, the nonsense keeps pouring out..
Vandlyn says in common: I don't know...
Stopsign ponders the situation.
Stopsign says in common: Bob is my magical little elf.
Stopsign scratches its head.
Pink seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Vandlyn smiles happily.
Vandlyn says in common: You never did send Bob my love as requested...
Vandlyn gazes at Stopsign with wide innocent eyes.
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