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Hraf's huge sack

Nadja laughs hysterically.
Odysseus waits for you to SING! ...Sing! ...Singgg...
Nadja rolls on the floor laughing.
Nadja rolls on the floor laughing.
Nadja turns Odysseus over and spanks him hard.
Odysseus says in common: "Stop that! We'll have no more of that!".
Odysseus grins evilly.
Nadja grins mischievously.
Nadja bounces around excitedly.
Odysseus bounces around excitedly.
Nadja says in common: ya know.. I've been posting a lot lately.
Nadja's eyes go wide and she starts staring off into space.
Nadja laughs hysterically.
Odysseus gives Nadja a great big smile.
Nadja says in common: did you read my last 2?
Nadja grins evilly.
A black portal opens up in the room.
A Statue of Bright appears through the portal.
The portal collapses into itself.
Bright turns into a human again!
Bright grumbles unappreciatively.
Nadja winks at Odysseus suggestively.
Nadja pats Bright on his back and offers him some comforting words.
Odysseus sweeps Nadja across the dance floor.
Nadja smiles happily.
Nadja giggles gleefully.
Bright hiccups.
Odysseus gazes at Nadja with wide innocent eyes.
Nadja laughs hysterically.
Nadja laughs hysterically.
Nadja tickles Odysseus mercilessly.
Nadja leaves south.
Odysseus goes "DOH!"
Odysseus leaves south.
War says in common: is the re-boot at 6?
War grumbles unappreciatively.
War shouts in common: is the re-boot at 6?
Reckless shouts in common: Isn't it always.
> Canetoad shouts in common: it reboots when it wants to now i guess, who know's the exact time ?
War tells you in common: i should be on after the re-boot, you might as well sell the stuff.
War leaves east.
War arrives.
Nadja shouts in common: about an hour and 10 minutes, I think ;).
War has disbanded the party.
War : 0 exp.
Tiberius : 0 exp.
War leaves south.
You tell War in common: *nod*.
> Bright leaves east.
Autosaving character...
Bright arrives.
Bright leaves south.
War arrives.
War leaves east.
War arrives.
War leaves east.
War arrives.
War leaves south.
War arrives.
War leaves east.
War arrives.
There is a flash of blinding white light as War leaves the game.
After Hours LPMud :: 6 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 6 total.
Odysseus the Happy Groom
+=Dark Carnival=+ Tiberius
<< BLW >> Reckless
<< BLW >> Canetoad
(TC) Nadja the Blushing Bride!
> Bright arrives.
Bright burps.
Bright seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
> Hraf says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
Bright burps.
Bright hiccups.
Autosaving character...
Bright burps.
Bright looks drunk.
Bright leaves east.
Nadja arrives.
Nadja ponders the situation.
Nadja puts the potion in the sack.
Nadja leaves east.
Nadja arrives.
Nadja takes: Potion of Light-Healing.
Nadja goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Nadja ponders the situation.
Nadja leaves south.
Nadja arrives.
Nadja leaves east.
Nadja arrives.
Nadja drops Red rug.
Nadja gives sack to Hraf.
exa hraf
He is a human male of some years, his hair has a bit of gray near his temples.
He is in good shape.
        Hraf is carrying:
A huge sack.
Red rug.
Top 10 poster.
A dagger.
An empty skin.
A Giant Chicken Enchilada.
A Giant Cheese Enchilada with Sour Cream.
> look
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Red rug.
Clan Chief Nadja the Elf.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Top 10 poster.
Hraf, bartender.
The Player Rules.
> Nadja ponders the situation.
Nadja leaves east.

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