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Halo vs Vandlyn

Vandlyn says in common: Halo, remember all those times you've yelled at people for remarking on emotes done related to conversations they couldn't see......think about those, and try to be a little less stupid....
Halo says in common: umm excuse me.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
You grin evilly.
> Halo is speechless.
You scratch your head.
Halo says in common: YOU the one with the perfect IQ is telling ME to be less stupid?
Nadja remembers her password the second time.
Nadja says in common: wait, excuse me?
Halo rubs her hands together greedily.
You grin evilly.
> Nadja grins evilly.
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> Nadja tells you in common: ROFL.
Halo says in common: who the FUCK are you, little girl.
You tell Nadja in common: *fight* *fight* *fight*.
> Halo says in common: miss "I'm 14, woe is me and my hard life".
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL!!!
Halo says in common: you need to GROW the fuck up and commiserate (look the word up) with people either your own age, OR learn something called MODESTY.
Vandlyn says in common: Someone who has apparently gained your hate by being a "little girl." Who the fuck said my life was hard? I just don't see why you give a damn who I talk to in the pub, when it obviously isn't you.
Halo says in common: you don't go and socialise with people in their 20's proclaiming to be miss know it all.
Vandlyn says in common: Ahh, yes, as you're so VERY modest.
Halo says in common: you're here, so I have to see your whining.
Halo says in common: I don't sit here and claim to know I'm smarter than everyone else or, "most people".
Vandlyn says in common:  Yeah, lets take more quotes completely out of context.
Nadja tells you in common: aieee.. I knew it was coming! ROFL.
Vandlyn bleahs in disgust.
Halo says in common: well you said them.
Halo says in common: I saw the WHOLE conversation.
Halo says in common: not out of context.
Nadja tells you in common: ROFL.. out of context my ASS.
You tell Nadja in common: Halo's lettin' off the steam.
> Nadja tells you in common: oh yes.
Halo says in common: you sat there and said you were smarter than most people, but you knew that already.
Vandlyn says in common: Hmm.....I said that regarding what the internet thing said from the IQ thing online, and THEN said to someone via tells that it just proves that being impatient makes you look smarter...
Halo says in common: you may be smart for your age, I'll give you that, but there's a lot of difference between book smarts and experience smarts.
Vandlyn says in common: And the blatant sarcasm escaped you?
Halo says in common: come back to me in ten years ok.
Vandlyn says in common: Oh, I can't wait to do so.
You grin innocently.
> Halo says in common: that's not sarcasm.
Halo pats Vandlyn on the head.
Halo says in common: that's smugness.
Vandlyn says in common: I said, "but I already knew that." I obviously meant it...
Halo says in common: as I said, come back in 10 years, then you can proclaim to know it all.
Vandlyn says in common: Halo...not only incredibly annoying, but a mind reader.
Halo says in common: hmm, lesse.
Halo says in common: at 14, I was mature for my age, but I didn't latch on to people in their 20's.
Halo says in common: I didn't whine about not having friends.
You snap your fingers.
> Halo says in common: see there's a difference between being mature and sucking up.
Vandlyn says in common: Bleah, I have friends. Pardon for not being with them 24 hours a day, I couldn't take anyone for that long. As for "latching on", having conversations with someone older is bad? People can talk without forming "attatchments".
Halo says in common: me and Nadja saw right through you.
Halo says in common: and we still do.
Vandlyn goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Halo says in common: lesse.
Halo says in common: you were practically molesting Stopsign.
Vandlyn rolls on the floor laughing.
Balder shouts in common: I'm not sexy!  How about you?
Halo says in common: when you found you were 100% compatible, OH MY GOD.
Autosaving character...
After Hours LPMud :: 5 logged on players :: 2 wizards :: 7 total.
More human than human                                                (God)
Stopsign shot a man in Reno just to watch him die                    (Wizard)
Tiberius says for AAH go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
{SPEC} Balder - Shari is home!
Vandlyn makes a little birdhouse in her soul.
Halo waits for a new quote to emblazen her wtitle
(TC) Nadja the Bloodsucker
> Halo says in common: who's cal.
Halo says in common: and you were practically in his lap.
Halo says in common: he's 26, you think you have an actual CHANCE.
Halo says in common: I disliked you from the first day cause you ASSUMED you were friends with us.
Vandlyn says in common: Considering I had never spoken to him before, and I didn't know who Cal was. Oh yeah, I think I have a chance with someone across the country and 12 years older. You found me out.
Halo says in common: whereas Tiberius or Holdon would come on and joke with us, they didn't have the desperation you did.
Halo says in common: I have amazing skills huh.
You grin evilly.
> Vandlyn says in common: No, I assumed I wouldn't be hated for talking to other people in the mud when you were on. I had apparently forgotten to observe that you own the place.
Halo says in common: see you can talk to whoever you please.
Halo says in common: but when you infiltrate my little group I get protective.
Halo says in common: when you assume you are a member of it I go off.
Vandlyn says in common: So you're only mad because Stopsign doesn't hate me?
Halo says in common: well he doesn't see you for the pathetic, whiny girl youare.
Halo says in common: but hey that's his choice.
Halo says in common: that's the least of it, or did you not hear everything else.
Vandlyn says in common: Everything else had something to do with me being 14 and thinking I could talk to 20 year olds.
Vandlyn shrugs helplessly.
Halo says in common: it's one thing to casually converse with people, but then to be here and act like your one of my close friends, I don't fucking think so.
Halo shakes her head vigorously.
Halo says in common: no it was your attitude.
Halo says in common: you act like you know it all.
Halo says in common: and guess what, you don't.
Halo says in common: neither do I for that matter.
Vandlyn boggles at the concept.
Halo says in common: but I don't act like I do.
Halo says in common: there's a hell of a big difference between 14 and 24.
Halo says in common: and you'll soon learn it.
Vandlyn says in common: Yes, and it apparently all lies in the attempt to control all things around you.
Halo shakes her head vigorously.
Halo says in common: see, I can only control what I do.
Vandlyn says in common: You say things like, "come back in 10 years." In ten years you'd have oh so much to say about how immature 24 year olds are and how I'll never REALLY know what I'm talking about until I'm 34.
Halo shakes her head vigorously.
Halo says in common: this isn't about how immature all 14yr olds are.
Vandlyn goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Halo says in common: you could be very mature for all I know, but you come on here and act like you're the shit cause you can spell.
Halo says in common: and you're SO much different than the other 14 yr olds here.
Halo says in common: and you have SO many responsibilities.
Halo says in common: wow, housework, a job.
Halo says in common: don't we ALL have that.
Vandlyn says in common: If I'm not bitching to you, why worry what I bitch about?
Halo says in common: you come accross like you've had such a hard life, and ya know what, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Halo says in common: cause I gotta see/read it.
Vandlyn says in common: Do you really just sit there and observe any conversation I may be having and wait for a time that you can quote me on something?
Halo says in common: actually the quotes fall in my lap.
Halo says in common: you're very smug and self-righteous.
Halo says in common: and go ahead, say I'm obnoxious, I don't care.
Halo says in common: cause I have the balls to speak my mind.
Vandlyn says in common: I don't think you're obnoxious. I think you need to learn to ignore those who aren't talking to you and let people who aren't "members of your group" go on living without bothering them.
> Halo says in common: members of "my group" don't like you either.
Halo says in common: and see we didn't dislike you at first.
Halo says in common: but you acted like a leech.
Vandlyn says in common: Yeah, that's fairly obvious.
Halo says in common: a "I'm perfect and soooo smart and better than you" leech.
Vandlyn says in common: I never claimed to be liked by anyone in here. That doesn't make me less worthy of conversation with anyone who may happen in that doesn't hate me existance.
Halo says in common: what aren't you getting.
Halo says in common: it's your attitude.
Vandlyn says in common: Why you care.
Halo says in common: cause you're here.
Vandlyn says in common: And unfortunately, so are you. And you aren't going away, and neither am I, for now.
Halo says in common: you started by sucking up to Nadja and when that sorta worked you then went to someone who's actually nice.
Halo says in common: Cal.
Halo says in common: no fucking shit.
Halo says in common: wow, tell me something I didn't know.
Vandlyn says in common: Oh, I don't think I could, as you seem to already know just about everything you could.
Halo shakes her head vigorously.
Halo says in common: not everything.
Halo says in common: just enough.
Halo says in common: for now.
Vandlyn says in common: Just enough to be superior in every way?
Halo says in common: and I can actually say that I am still learning.
Halo shakes her head vigorously.
Halo says in common: no, that was your claim.
Halo says in common: miss perfect.
Halo says in common: for now no one sees through you except me and Nadja, that's fine for now.
Vandlyn says in common: Or that was your interpretation of something I said. I've never thought I was perfect, and most of the things I say I don't mean. I know I'm annoying, and I expect plenty of people to dislike me. You aren't seeing that I know why you don't like   me, and why all of your friends don't like me. I just want you to get over it for long enough to let me have a conversation without someone saying, "ooo, Nadja, you HAVE to read this>".
Halo says in common: see you go on about yout intelligence then get all self=deprecating.
Vandlyn says in common: Ahh, well, I'm sure that my transparency will show through eventually. But I'm sure that there's no chance you can just leave me alone until that happens?
Reality is momentarily distorted as Holdon enters the game.
Halo says in common: practically BEGGING for validation.
Holdon grins evilly.
Halo gives Holdon a BIG hug.
Halo gives Holdon a BIG hug.
Halo gives Holdon a BIG hug.
Holdon licks Halo softly.
Holdon sweeps Halo across the dance floor.
Halo says in common: I've left you alone.
You grin innocently.
> Halo purrs in Holdon's ear like a little kitty.
Vandlyn goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Nadja says in common: I've been trying to stay out of this because it's not exactly my fight, but honestly, your mere presence is enough to annoy, even if you're just sitting in here not saying anything for 4 hours if we're both around.  It's painfully obvious, especially when you think we're not around and you start yapping about how intelligent you are and your angsty, prize-winning poetry and various other things... and leave me out of your whining, will you?  Telling people I hate you... guess what - you're not worth hate.  You're a bit more than a minor annoyance at best.
Reality is momentarily distorted as It enters the game.
Holdon leaves east.
Holdon arrives.
Halo says in common: umm, I don't log your conversations.
Holdon leaves south.
Halo says in common: please DON'T FLATTER YOURSELF.
Holdon arrives.
Holdon leaves east.
Holdon arrives.
> It says in common:  she log's mine.
Halo says in common: you don't consume so much as a passing thought, somewhat like ugh.
Halo licks It softly.
Holdon arrives.
Halo says in common: a grimace or two usually.
Holdon chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
It says in common:  course i'm impotent.
It says in common: important.
It grins innocently.
It leaves southeast.
Vandlyn says in common: I'm so dissapointed. That's fine...I'd prefer that you didn't care about my existance, but since it seems to be so bothersome to you...
Holdon says in common: Vandlyn makes a little birdhouse in her soul.?????
Holdon says in common: Are you serious?
Vandlyn rolls her eyes towards the ceiling.
Vandlyn says in common: from a song.
Nadja says in common: Was that sarcasm again?  Oh, I'm afraid it'd just fly over my head...
Nadja gives Vandlyn a disapproving smirk.
Halo says in common: haven't you seen her angsty poetry.
Halo faints and hits the ground with a thump.
Halo says in common: what's sarcasm???
Holdon laughs hysterically.
Halo says in common: there we go, that woe is me, self=deprecation shit.
Holdon shivers with fright.
Holdon reads the newspaper.
> Halo waits.
Halo taps her foot nervously.
Halo says in common: c'mon what caustic remark is next.
Holdon says in common: Does she need a unsilence spell?
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
Holdon goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Halo leaps into the air and gives a high five to Holdon.
You grin innocently.
> Holdon desperately tries to wake Vandlyn up.
Holdon desperately tries to wake Vandlyn up.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
> Vandlyn says in common: Nothing's really left to be said, I'm an egotistical, self-depricating annoyance, and anyone with any intelligence would see that.
Vandlyn shrugs helplessly.
Vandlyn says in common: seems to have all been said.
Halo faints and hits the ground with a thump.
Halo sighs deeply.
You chortle demonically.
Holdon says in common: With your intelligeance??? ohhh sorry you must be from the UK.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
You laugh hysterically.
> Halo says in common: and I bet you think I'm just randomly judging you.
Vandlyn shakes her head vigorously.
Halo says in common: I give everyone a chance or at least try to.
Halo licks Holdon softly.
Halo licks you softly.
Holdon gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
You melt into a puddle of goo.
Vandlyn says in common: I agree with most of what you said about me, but like you said, you don't really care about me, I'm just an annoyance, and you seem to enjoy singling me out of all of your annoyances.
> Holdon purrs in Halo's ear like a little kitty.
You lick Halo softly.
> Halo says in common: you made yourself an annoyance.
Nadja says in common: OH, stop with the pity act, willya?  It's not very attractive.  Ya know, it wouldn't have even been this bad had you not tried so hard to piss people off... see, I TRIED to be friendly with you in the beginning, or do you not recall that's how this all started... but when you start showing annoying traits, that's when people back off.
Halo says in common: you try too hard to be liked and then you aggravate.
Nadja says in common: and people start to rethink their judgement.
Nadja says in common: and then start to resent your presence.
Halo nods to Nadja solemnly.
Halo nods to Nadja solemnly.
Halo nods to Nadja solemnly.
Halo says in common: I was the only one minorly annoyed, then Nadja saw it, then others.
Nadja says in common: and please, no more sarcasm... it's killing me!
Nadja slits her wrists.
You laugh hysterically.
> Holdon runs around in circles waving his arms.
Holdon runs around in circles waving his arms.
Holdon runs around in circles waving his arms.
Halo rushes Nadja to the infirmary.
It arrives.
Halo purrs in It's ear like a little kitty.
Halo chants some words of blessing and touches It on the head.
Halo chants some words of blessing and touches Holdon on the head.
Halo chants some words of blessing and touches Nadja on the head.
You think "now dat's sarcasm!".
> Halo chants some words of blessing and touches Hraf on the head.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
You laugh hysterically.
> Halo says in common: I even remember the first night, you were all "bonding" with Nadja about mst3k I believe.
> It bonds.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Halo bonds like crazyglue to most surfaces.
Halo says in common: oops KrazyGlue.
It says in common:  anyone know anything about teeth?
Halo raises her eyebrow at It.
Halo says in common: what's the problem?
It says in common:  had a lrage chunk of a molar crack off yesterday.
Halo nods solemnly.
Halo exclaims OUCH!!!!
It says in common:  no pain.
Halo nods solemnly.
It says in common:  my dentist is on vacation til wed., wondering if its ok to wait for him to come back before doing anything.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Halo says in common: are any nerves exposed?
Halo says in common: any pain or sensitivity?
It says in common: nope.
You say in common: It's not possible to visit another dentist?
> Halo says in common: I don't think it's be a problem.
It says in common:  it is but i like my dentist.
You nod solemnly.
> Halo says in common: to wait I mean.
It says in common:  been chewing on the other side of my mouth.
Halo nods to It solemnly.
Nadja opens her big mouth wide in a yawn.
Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
You laugh hysterically.

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