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The author of this is Tornado.

Tornado's Guild ideas

Ideas for the mud, by Tornado


* Enchant weapons/armour for increase in WC/AC (AC + 1) (limited time)
* Opposite to the suggestion I am going to make about clerics, but since mages are of the evil type, they should have an offensive spell based on the alignment of the creature. The more good the monsters's alignment is, the more damage the spell will do.
* Haste - slows opponents attacks down. i.e. 2/1 to 3/2, 3/2 to 1/1, 1/1 to 1/2 etc


* Opposite to the suggestion I made about mages, but since clerics are of the good nature, they should have an offensive spell based on the alignment of the creature. The more evil the monster's alignment is, the more damage the spell will do.
* Only 1 healing spell required, i.e. 40sp for 50hp heal instead of another heal spell to do 120sp for 150hp heal.
* Raise Undead - Based on Hargrove's skull (Maedicon's) and the class level will determine the power of the spell to raise the undeads. Whatever is raised will stay with them for 5 - 10min.


* Backstab - For 3 - 4 rounds will inflict damage back on attacker and this spell can only be used approx every 10min.


* Forge better weapons/armour to increase WC/AC (permanent)
* Teach - Add hit percentage to people by teaching them the art of fighting (increase fight stat). How much the stat increases by in depended on the class level, the higher class level the higher the stat is raised by.


* A lower level type scry. The caster will be able to see the directions a person went for few screens before losing track of the person. The higher the class level the more screens the caster will be able to see. i.e. track tornado...."you follow Tornado's track and sense he has gone 1e, 1e, 1s, 1nw, 1w....."
* Possibly a CFAD, and the effectiveness of the spell is based on skill (the ability to get items to create food/drink) and class level (shows the advancement in ability to do this), but not as effective as clerics' CFAD.
* Create Armour - Have the ability to find nearby items and create armour from and with it based on skill (ability to find items) and aware (ability to detect items) the higher these are (and obviously the higher the class level) the better armour they have the ability of creating, but will never be able to make armour as good as fighters.


* Items around the mud will increase/decrease stats when the item is worn. i.e. + 3 dex - 4 fight.
* Each class should have a spell that will help another class. i.e. mages can enchant weapons for other classes while an adventurer can create useable armour for the mage.
* Heal in battle. When sober if we heal 2hp/4sp then in battle it should be 1hp/2sp. (half)
* There are not very many monsters above level 20 and those people above level 20 would find it hard to make exp. Night in Evo's is hard and that's only level 20. If people higher than level 20 want exp they have to keep killing Falhar and god all the time, plus maybe a few othes on the list, but I can not see a cleric killing Falhar at level 21 to make enough exp, think about it.
* Maybe class levels should not be the only way to gain strength in spells/skills, but maybe you can learn some skills off your guildmaster. i.e. a fighter can make AC2 armour and at class level 15 can learn from the guildmaster a way of making AC3 armour (for a price) and at class level 30 can learn to make AC4 armour.

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