Flog the log
You're standing inside a rather large pub. Despite its spacious dimensions,
there is a familiar comfort to this place, as if you've spent much of your
life here. Rustic smells of ancient wood wash over you, bringing with them
memories of autumns gone by. The walls are mostly bare, the establishment
prefering to create atmosphere with personalities rather than objects. The
bar itself is a simple one; old wood with most of its once-lustrous finish
worn and faded. The barstools have seen a similar decay over the years.
Small tables and chairs fill the remaining space. Above the bar is a menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Arch-Mage Mustang Paladin.
Arch-Mage Gillious.
High Priestess Halo.
Top 10 poster.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Halo laughs hysterically.
> You grin evilly.
> You create some food and drink and consume it. It's rather tasteless.
Halo says in common: I'm annoyed.
You hear a whispy howl followed by a popping noise. Then all is quiet.
> You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Halo says in common: my friends aren't online dammit.
Halo laughs hysterically.
You bat your eyelashes at Halo flirtatiously.
You grin innocently.
> You laugh hysterically.
> Halo says in common: aside from you TiBBY.
Halo laughs hysterically.
Your cheeks are burning.
> Halo says in common: haven't really spoken to Nadja since Sunday.
You say in common: I know dammit, why couldn't Gillious have agreed AFTER Nadja got here.
That would have been more fun.
> Halo says in common: and that's a while for us.
You pout sullenly.
> Halo laughs hysterically.
You laugh hysterically.
> You nod solemnly.
> Halo laughs hysterically.
Halo says in common: you can log it.
You grin evilly.
You say in common: The best bit's on ICQ. This is just Gillious masturbating.
You ponder the situation.
> Halo says in common: and I neeeedlaugh.
You laugh hysterically.
> Halo rolls on the floor laughing.
Gillious says in common: ?
Halo says in common: oopsie.
Halo says in common: typo.
You nod solemnly.
> You laugh hysterically.
> Halo laughs hysterically.
Gillious says in common: me?
Gillious says in common: masturbate?
Apollo arrives.
Gillious says in common: never ;).
You nod to Gillious solemnly.
> Gillious winks suggestively.
Halo says in common: that's NASTY!
You say in common: hey.
You snap your fingers.
> You laugh hysterically.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
Gillious says in common: no it ait.
You say in common: Shorty might need your advice!
> Gillious says in common: erm.
Gillious says in common: aint.
Halo says in common: I'm quoting someone.
Gillious rolls on the floor laughing.
You laugh hysterically.
> Apollo leaves south.
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