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Flame on!

> Flame shouts in common: I fucking hate my fucking dad and my fucking mum.
Flame shouts in common: why cant they fucking drop dead.
You shout in common: Um, we care, because?
> Wrath says in common: wtf?
[Goldburg] so i need to get u about 30k, with your share :(.
Autosaving character...
You laugh hysterically.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 1 wizard :: 5 total.
Flame, heater of pies
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
Gillious Destroyer of Lister!                                          (Wizard)
                        Feel The Wrath
Goldburg kIcKs AsS!!!
> Wrath nudges Flame in the side.
You nod to Wrath solemnly.
> Wrath says in common: what they do?
Wrath gives you a disapproving smirk.
Members of 'Getting Bless!!' are:
  Name            Level  Class           Race                Shares
  Goldburg           17  Monk            Dwarf                 1982
  Tiberius           3   Cleric          Elf                    295
Recruits are:
> Wrath goes "DOH!"
Wrath winks at you suggestively.
You grin innocently.
You nod to Wrath solemnly.
> Wrath bounces around excitedly.
Wrath is going AFK for a few.
[Tiberius] I know, it's pretty crappy eh :(.
> Wrath has to take a dump.
Wrath lets off a real rip-roarer.
Wrath says in common: whoops.
[Goldburg] hehe.
Wrath says in common: already started.
Wrath runs around in circles waving his arms.
Wrath is going AFK for a few.
[Goldburg] how mcuh for clv 7?.
[Goldburg] 7k?.
You shout in common: Your parents not letting you mud Flame? ;)
> Flame boggles at the concept.
Flame says in common: shut up.
You chortle demonically.
You lick Flame softly.
You say in common: Truth hurts.
You grin at Flame insolently.
> Flame says in common: fuck off i am allowed to mud dumb ass.
[Goldburg] off i go.
[Tiberius] Um, probably about 3 or 4k more I'd think.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> You say in common: Getting all defensive aren't ya?
> You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
You throw your head back and give a wolf-like howl.
> [Goldburg] by the way, have you got any money?.
Your emblem proclaiming your allegiance to 'Getting Bless!!'.
Tiberius's quicktyper.
Gold Coins         : 1512
Currently Carrying : 2 pounds.
Carry Capacity     : 90 pounds.
[Tiberius] 1.5k of coins.
[Goldburg] ok.
> Flame ponders the situation.
You say in common: So why the sudden hatred towards your parents then?
> [Goldburg] hmm.
[Goldburg] dunno.
[Tiberius] Hmm, heh ok.
> Flame says in common: cause they fucking dickheads.
[Goldburg] how u gonna get home next night?.
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> [Goldburg] doh.
[Goldburg] wrong prson.
Flame says in common: im gonna fucking kill them.
You say in common: Uh-huh. Why's that?
> Goldburg chuckles to himself quietly.

You say in common: So you don't like your parents?
> You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Goldburg leaves east.
Goldburg arrives.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
You poke Flame in the chest.
> Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
Goldburg puts the potion in the bag.
You nudge Flame in the side.
> Goldburg winks suggestively.
[Goldburg] afk.
Wrath smirks like a smart-ass.
You grin innocently.
Goldburg is going AFK for a few.
You shake your head vigorously.
> Wrath wakes up from being AFK.
Goldburg : 0 exp.
Tiberius : 0 exp.
> Wrath hops up and down.
Wrath says in common: You know who Sagrat is?
You say in common: Not speaking Flame?
> who
Wrath says in common: he is afk.
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 1 wizard :: 5 total.
Flame wants to kill her mum n dad
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
Gillious Destroyer of Lister!                                        (Wizard)
                        Feel The Wrath
Goldburg kIcKs AsS!!!
You say in common: Who, Flame?
> Wrath says in common: i can hear him shouting for his mum.
Wrath nods to you solemnly.
Wrath says in common: we brothers you know.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
Wrath says in common: unfortunately.
Wrath sobs uncontrollably.
You say in common: "but Muuummm, I wanna mud...".
You chortle demonically.
> Wrath smirks like a smart-ass.
Wrath says in common: nope.
Wrath says in common: he not allowed to eat cakes for a week.
Wrath rolls on the floor laughing.
Wrath rolls on the floor laughing.
Wrath rolls on the floor laughing.
Wrath rolls on the floor laughing.
You laugh hysterically.
> You laugh hysterically.
> Wrath says in common: he weighs like 8 stone and he's 12 yrs old.
Wrath faints and hits the ground with a thump.
You gulp nervously.
> Wrath says in common: he has tits for gods sake!
Wrath nudges Flame in the side.
You shake your head sadly.
> Wrath winks at Flame suggestively.
Wrath says in common: he needs to exercise.
Wrath says in common: he was punished once.. and his punishment was 1 hour exercise a day or grounding.
Wrath says in common: but he weazled out of it.
Wrath gives Flame a disapproving smirk.
Wrath says in common: Now.. i need xp.
Wrath waves good-bye.
You say in common: Cakes, mudding, and lack of exercise can lead to obesity.
> Wrath is off to save damsels in distress!
You nod solemnly.
> Wrath nods to you solemnly.
Goldburg wakes up from being AFK.
Wrath leaves east.
Goldburg chuckles to himself quietly.
Goldburg says in common: thats out fo order.
Goldburg laughs hysterically.
Goldburg says in common: off to kill.
Goldburg says in common: and hopefully get bless!!
Goldburg leaves south.
> [Goldburg] i on 98% str.
> [Goldburg] ned 28k for .5% str now :(.
[Tiberius] Mmm, that's uhh...pretty strong.
> [Goldburg] so i nedd 100k + for max str.
[Tiberius] *nods*.
> [Goldburg] i been spending way too much lately.
[Goldburg] i am 17/27 have 30k in bank n 3k on me atm.
[Tiberius] Too much money?.
> [Goldburg] not enough for my lvl.
[Tiberius] *nods*.
> [Goldburg] i should at least have max account.
[Goldburg] woopeedidoo.
Wrath shouts in common: this message was brought to you by the letter t and the number 2.
[Goldburg] hehe.
You shout in common: That's a tad bit disrespectful to your parents don't you think Flame?
> look
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Enchantress Flame.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Wrath shouts in common: yea! what do they think of you?
Flame shouts in common: think i give a crap.
[Tiberius] *chuckle* Flame's a little upset.
> [Goldburg] a LITTLE!.
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 1 wizard :: 5 total.
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
Gillious Destroyer of Lister!                                        (Wizard)
                        Feel The Wrath
Goldburg kIcKs AsS!!!
Wrath shouts in common: I don't think Flame had his coffee this morning.
You shout in common: Obviously not. The cakes are calling!
> Wrath shouts in common: rofl.
[Goldburg] trust you with what?.
[Tiberius] eh?.
> [Goldburg] sorry wrong again.
[Tiberius] Heh, np.
> Flame says in common: and by the fucking way what that gay said was a bloody lie.
You say in common: Uh-huh.
You say in common: Why would he lie?
> You raise your eyebrow.
> [Goldburg] i gettgin stronger everyday now on AH i get a few triple BC's.
[Tiberius] Yeah, you've had this character for a while now.
> Reality is momentarily distorted as Pink enters the game.
[Goldburg] not long.
Pink curtseys gracefully.
Pink leaves southeast.
[Goldburg] only about 130 hours.
[Tiberius] *nods*.
> [Goldburg] my old goldburg was 28/30 all stats maxed except res.
Pink arrives.
[Tiberius] Ahh, this is a different "Goldburg". I see.
> Pink goes hmm, thoughtfully.
cl pink
Pink is already fully healed!
You say in common: So Flame...
> Flame leaves southeast.
Pink snickers mischievously.
You say in common: Or should that be Flame-Grilled Burger...
> Wrath shouts in common: Oh My Gosh! Did our parents accidentally see what Flame typed? Oh No!
[Goldburg] yes, i had the lvls 28/30 goldburg suicided to go Pk, went PK with Tinuviel got to 8/18 then got DESTED for an unknown reason, so i started a new pk immune goldburg.
[Tiberius] Ahh, you were Tinuviel.
> [Goldburg] yes.
[Goldburg] brace for impact.
Wrath arrives.
Goldburg : 33945 exp.
Tiberius : 5052 exp.
[Tiberius] *nods*.
> Wrath hops over to Pink enthusiastically.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Immaculate Wrath.
Arch-Mage Pink Honorable.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> [Goldburg] enough or clv 7?.
Wrath says in common: 2,5k for 4/10!
[Goldburg] for clv 7.
Wrath leaves east.
You shout in common: Quick, Flame's parents. Protect your child from these evil influences on the mud!
> Wrath arrives.
Wrath screams loudly in your ear.
Wrath looks drunk.
Wrath smirks like a smart-ass.
You raise your eyebrow.
> Wrath seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Pink chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Pink chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Wrath hiccups.
Pink sprinkles some sand around and begins chanting.
As Pink's chanting rises in pitch, the ground begins to shake.
At the last word of the chanting, a dao bursts from the ground.
You say in common: Flame still upset with his parents Wrath?
> Wrath says in common: disconnected.
Pink leaves east.
Dao leaves east.
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 1 wizard :: 5 total.
                        Feel The Wrath
Tiberius says go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
Goldburg kIcKs AsS!!!
Gillious Destroyer of Lister!                                        (Wizard)
> [Goldburg] woohoo, another triple BC.
Wrath leaves southeast.
Wrath arrives.
You snap your fingers.
> s
You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
A beggar.
You shake your head sadly.
> Beggar says something in an unknown tongue.
[Goldburg] brace for smaller impact!!.
Beggar says something in an unknown tongue.
Goldburg : 9308 exp.
Tiberius : 1385 exp.
You say in common: and they wonder why we become disillusioned.
> [Goldburg] u gonna advance clv so u get igher share.
[Goldburg] higher share.
You let out a frightening growl.
Beggar says something in an unknown tongue.
[Tiberius] *nods*.

[Goldburg arrives and kills the beggar.]

You chortle demonically.
Wrath arrives.
Goldburg takes: A dagger.
You smile happily.
> Goldburg goes "DOH!"
Goldburg burps.
Wrath says in common: flame's crying now.
Goldburg gives you dagger.
Goldburg smiles happily.
Wrath says in common: he is banned from mudding today.
Goldburg leaves east.
Wrath smirks like a smart-ass.
Wrath leaves north.
You go hmm, thoughtfully
> Wrath shouts in common: BUBBLEGOOSE!
You shout in common: Bubblegoose?
Wrath shouts in common: South Park Song.
You shout in common: *Tiberius starts hearing Cartman going "but Mooommm, I wanna go and mudddd....*
> Wrath shouts in common: smirk.
[Goldburg] hehe.
> Wrath shouts in common: He was CRYING for gods sake! He ain't allowed on all day i think and he was CRYING!
You shout in common: Whew, he needs help.
Wrath shouts in common: In more ways than one!

[Later on...]

You tell Flame in common: You're back eh?
You nudge Flame in the side.
You say in common: You've come back eh?
You say in common: Parents allowing you to mud now Flame?
You grin evilly.
> Flame says in common: shut up bastard.
You chortle demonically.
You pat Flame on her back and offer her some comforting words.

[Later on...]

Wrath shouts in common: If you type "hoohaa" yu get 20k in gold.
Vulcun shouts in common: give me the 20k first.
Maximus shouts in common: I typed hoohaa and it gave me a sword.
Goldburg shouts in common: woohoo!!!!!! finally MAX str again!!!!
Vulcun shouts in common: you bastards it destroyed my quicktyper.
Wrath shouts in common: rofl.
Vulcun shouts in common: how yeah right as if i dont know what hoha does.
Maximus shouts in common: Wow..I typed hoohaa and it gave me a quest hint.
Vulcun shouts in common: yeah right.
Pink shouts in common: I typed hoohaa and it made me a wizard! :P.

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