> look
This is the outer chamber of the Queen's rooms. Here, her two chamber maids
prepare the Queen for her daily duties. The Queen's bedroom is to the north,
the ball room is to the south and the hallway is east.
There are three obvious exits: north, south, and east.
Queen's handmaiden.
Queen's handmaiden.
> exa handmaiden
A pretty young girl who is here to serve the Queen.
She is in good shape.
Handmaiden is carrying:
Soft white gloves.
> listfeelings
Feelings: [F: feeling T: target]
=) [F ] ack [F ]
admire [FT] afk [F ]
agree [FT] aha [F ]
ahem [FT] ahhh [F ]
aie [F ] apologize [FT]
applaud [FT] babble [FT]
backhand [ T] bang [F ]
bark [FT] be [F ]
beat [ T] beg
[F ] bite [FT] bleah [F ]
bleed [FT] blink
[FT] blush [F ] boggle [F ]
boo [ T] bored
[F ] bounce [F ] bow [FT]
bpinch [ T] bsigh
[F ] bstare [ T] burp [F ]
cackle [F ] caper
[F ] caress [ T] chase [FT]
chastise [F ] cheer
[FT] choke [FT] chortle [F ]
chuckle [F ] clap
[FT] clutch [ T] comfort [ T]
congratulate [ T] consider [F ] cough
[FT] cower [FT]
cringe [F ] croak
[F ] croffer [ T] crumble [F ]
cry [F ] cscream
[F ] cuddle [ T] curtsey [FT]
dance [FT] die
[F ] doh [F ] dpity [F ]
drool [FT] egrin
[F ] erslap [ T] excuse [F ]
faint [FT] fall
[F ] fart [FT] fear [F ]
flex [FT] flip
[FT] flipoff [FT] flirt [ T]
fondle [FT] french
[ T] frown [FT] frustrate [F ]
fume [F ] gag
[F ] gape [FT] gasp [F ]
gaze [FT] giggle
[FT] glare [FT] grimace [F ]
grin [FT] grkiss
[ T] groan [F ] grope [FT]
grovel [ T] growl
[FT] grumble [F ] grunt [F ]
gulp [FT] hand
[ T] hbutt [ T] hiccup [F ]
hide [FT] highfive
[ T] hmm [F ] holdon [FT]
hop [FT] hope
[F ] howl [F ] hug [ T]
huggle [F ] hum
[F ] ignore [FT] iwhistle [FT]
jig [FT] jjump
[F ] jump [F ] kick [FT]
kiss [ T] knee
[ T] lag [F ] laugh [FT]
lbat [FT] leer
[ T] lick [FT] listen [FT]
lmao [FT] love
[ T] lpoint [ T] lsit [ T]
lsky [F ] lust
[FT] mafk [F ] massage [ T]
mbonk [ T] mcower
[F ] mdance [F ] mduck [F ]
melt [FT] mexclaim
[F ] mfeel [F ] mflaunt [F ]
mgrin [F ] misgrin
[F ] mkick [FT] mlaugh [F ]
moan [F ] moon
[FT] mope [F ] mosh [FT]
mpoke [ T] mpunch
[FT] mseem [F ] msigh [F ]
msing [F ] msmile
[F ] msmirk [F ] mtap [FT]
mthink [F ] mutter
[F ] mwish [F ] mwonder [F ]
needle [ T] nibble
[FT] nod [FT] nose [ T]
nudge [ T] nuzzle
[ T] odrink [F ] off [F ]
ofrown [F ] ouch
[F ] panic [F ] pant [F ]
pat [FT] pinch
[F ] piss [ T] pity [FT]
pkiss [ T] point
[FT] poke [ T] ponder [FT]
pounce [FT] pout
[FT] praise [ T] prance [F ]
puke [FT] pull
[F ] punch [ T] purr [FT]
push [ T] puzzle
[F ] qpeer [FT] quack [F ]
quiver [F ] raise
[FT] raspberry [FT] rblush [F ]
recoil [F ] rofl
[F ] roll [FT] rub [FT]
rubnose [ T] ruffle
[ T] salute [FT] scold [ T]
scowl [FT] scratch
[F ] scream [FT] sdance [F ]
sdrool [ T] serenade
[ T] shake [FT] shame [F ]
shiver [FT] shovel
[F ] shrug [F ] shudder [F ]
shurg [F ] sigh
[F ] sing [F ] skip [FT]
slap [FT] sleep
[FT] slug [ T] smack [FT]
smile [FT] smirk
[FT] snap [FT] snarl [FT]
sneeze [FT] snicker
[F ] sniff [F ] sniffle [F ]
snooze [F ] snore
[F ] snort [F ] snuggle [ T]
sob [FT] spank
[ T] spit [FT] squeeze [FT]
sstep [F ] stand
[FT] stare [FT] stifle [F ]
stomp [FT] stretch
[F ] stroke [FT] strut [F ]
sulk [F ] suspect
[FT] swear [F ] tackle [ T]
tango [ T] tantrum
[F ] tap [F ] taunt [ T]
tbark [F ] tduck
[F ] thank [ T] think [F ]
thrash [FT] throttle
[ T] thwap [ T] tickle [ T]
tip [FT] toast
[FT] trip [FT] tstick [FT]
twiddle [F ] ushake
[ T] wag [F ] waggle [F ]
wait [FT] wake
[FT] waltz [ T] wander [FT]
wave [FT] weep
[FT] wetkiss [ T] wgrin [FT]
whimper [F ] whine
[FT] whistle [FT] wiggle [FT]
win [F ] wink
[FT] woohoo [F ] worship [ T]
wrestle [ T] yawn
[FT] yelp [F ] zip [F ]
zwalk [F ]
> =)
You make a
| |
| |
| |
> ack
You go ACK!!!!
> admire
You take a moment to admire the world around you.
> admire handmaiden
You admire Handmaiden's eyes.
> afk
You are going AFK for a few.
> agree
You nod in agreement.
> agree handmaiden
You agree with Handmaiden wholeheartedly.
> aha
You exclaim "AHA!"
> ahem
You hope you aren't interrupting anything.
> ahhh
You go ahhh in an understanding manner.
> aie
You go Aiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
> apologize
You apologize profusely.
> apologize handmaiden
You apologize profusely to Handmaiden.
> applaud
You applaud wholeheartedly.
> applaud handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a round of applause.
> babble
You babble incessantly.
> babble handmaiden
You babble to Handmaiden incessantly.
> backhand handmaiden
You sneer and give Handmaiden a backhand to the face.
> bang
You bang your head against the wall repeatedly.
> bark
You bark like a dog.
> bark handmaiden
You bark at Handmaiden threateningly.
> be
You are happy.
> beat handmaiden
You beat Handmaiden into a bloody pulp.
> beg
You beg most disgracefully.
> bite
You snap your teeth.
> bite handmaiden
You bite Handmaiden casually on the shoulder.
> bleah
You bleah in disgust.
> bleed
You bleed profusely.
> bleed handmaiden
You bleed profusely all over Handmaiden.
> blink
You blink in disbelief.
> blink handmaiden
You blink at Handmaiden in disbelief.
> blush
Your cheeks are burning.
> boggle
You boggle at the concept.
> boo handmaiden
You boo Handmaiden off of the stage.
> bored
You are very bored.
> bounce
You bounce around excitedly.
> bow
You bow deeply.
> bow handmaiden
You bow to Handmaiden respectfully.
> bpinch handmaiden
You pinch Handmaiden on the butt.
> bsigh
You sigh like you have the weight of the whole world on your shoulders.
> bstare handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a blank stare that causes a pause in the eternity of fabric-space.
> burp
You belch rudely.
> cackle
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> caper
You caper around restlessly.
> caress handmaiden
You caress Handmaiden gently.
> chase
You chase your tail.
> chase handmaiden
You chase Handmaiden around the room.
> chastise
You chastise Brapnor for bailing on AHfest East.
> cheer
You cheer enthusiastically.
> cheer handmaiden
You cheer for Handmaiden enthusiastically.
> choke
You flex your fingers while looking for someone to choke.
> choke handmaiden
You wrap your fingers securely around Handmaiden's throat and start to squeeze.
> chortle
You chortle demonically.
> chuckle
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> clap
You clap your hands.
> clap handmaiden
You clap Handmaiden on the back.
> clutch handmaiden
You clutch Handmaiden's arm in terror!
> comfort handmaiden
You pat Handmaiden on her back and offer her some comforting words.
> congratulate handmaiden
You congratulate Handmaiden on a job well done.
> consider
You consider your options.
> cough
You cough noisily.
> cough handmaiden
You cough noisily to get Handmaiden's attention.
> cower
You cower in the corner.
> cower handmaiden
You cower away from Handmaiden with a cringe on your face.
> cringe
You cringe in terror.
> croak
You croak loudly.
> croffer handmaiden
You make Handmaiden an offer she can't refuse.
> crumble
You crumble under the pressure.
> cry
You suddenly burst into tears.
> cscream
You let out a milk-curdling scream.
> cuddle handmaiden
You cuddle Handmaiden affectionately.
> curtsey
You curtsey gracefully.
> curtsey handmaiden
You curtsey to Handmaiden gracefully.
> dance
You dance by yourself but look rather stupid dancing with out a partner.
> dance handmaiden
You sweep Handmaiden across the dance floor.
> die
You fall down and play dead.
> doh
You go "DOH!"
> dpity
You pity da fool who would challenge you.
> drool
You drool all over yourself.
> drool handmaiden
You drool all over Handmaiden.
> egrin
You grin evilly.
> erslap handmaiden
You give Handmaiden an ear-ringing slap.
> excuse
You excuse yourself quietly.
> faint
You faint and hit the ground with a thump.
> faint handmaiden
You faint and fall into Handmaiden's arms.
> fall
You fall down and go thutt.
> fart
You let off a real rip-roarer.
> fart handmaiden
You fart in Handmaiden's general direction.
> fear
You fear that.
> flex
You flex your big muscles.
> flex handmaiden
You flex in Handmaiden's view, putting her to shame.
> flip
You flip head over heels.
> flip handmaiden
You flip over Handmaiden's head.
> flipoff
You tell the world who's number one.
> flipoff handmaiden
You flip off Handmaiden with a wide grin on your face.
> flirt handmaiden
You flirt with Handmaiden outrageously.
> fondle
You fondle yourself.
> fondle handmaiden
You fondle Handmaiden affectionately.
> french handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a REAL kiss...
It is deep and passionate and seems to take forever.
> frown
You make a frown.
> frown handmaiden
You frown at Handmaiden.
> frustrate
You pull all your hair out in frustration.
> fume
You start to fume.
> gag
You acquire a strange accent and gag.
> gape
You gape in awe.
> gape handmaiden
You gape at Handmaiden in awe.
> gasp
You gasp in astonishment!
> gaze
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> gaze handmaiden
You gaze at Handmaiden with wide innocent eyes.
> giggle
You giggle gleefully.
> giggle handmaiden
You giggle at Handmaiden gleefully.
> glare
You glare at the room.
> glare handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a stone cold glare.
> grimace
You grimace.
> grin
You grin innocently.
> grin handmaiden
You grin at Handmaiden insolently.
> grkiss handmaiden
You grope Handmaiden while kissing her deeply.
> groan
You groan in frustration.
> grope
You grope around in the darkness.
> grope handmaiden
You grope Handmaiden lewdly.
> grovel handmaiden
You grovel most disgracefully at Handmaiden's feet
> growl
You let out a frightening growl.
> growl handmaiden
You growl at Handmaiden menacingly.
> grumble
You grumble unappreciatively.
> grunt
You grunt like an animal.
> gulp
You gulp nervously.
> gulp handmaiden
You look at Handmaiden and gulp nervously.
> hand handmaiden
You hold your hand up to Handmaiden and say "Talk to the hand!"
> hbutt handmaiden
You grab Handmaiden by the ears and slam her with your head.
> hiccup
You hiccup uncontrollably.
> hide
You hide behind a nearby object.
> hide handmaiden
You quickly hide behind Handmaiden.
> highfive handmaiden
You leap into the air and give a high five to Handmaiden.
> hmm
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> holdon
You hold on for dear life.
> holdon handmaiden
You hold onto Handmaiden for dear life.
> hop
You hop up and down.
> hop handmaiden
You hop over to Handmaiden enthusiastically.
> hope
You cross your fingers.
> howl
You throw your head back and give a wolf-like howl.
> hug handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a BIG hug.
> huggle
You huggle with no one.
> hum
You hum to yourself.
> ignore
You ignore the world.
> ignore handmaiden
You kick and whistle at nothing while ignoring Handmaiden entirely.
> iwhistle
You whistle innocently.
> iwhistle handmaiden
You whistle innocently and look at everything but Handmaiden.
> jig
You dance a little jig.
> jig handmaiden
You dance a little jig with Handmaiden.
> jjump
You jump for joy!
> jump
You jump as high as you can into the air.
> kick
You kick at the ground.
> kick handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a sharp kick.
> kiss handmaiden
You kiss Handmaiden.
> knee handmaiden
You knee Handmaiden, but it was not very effective.
> lag
You are being bitten by the lag monster.
> laugh
You laugh hysterically.
> laugh handmaiden
You look over at Handmaiden and burst into laughter.
> lbat
You bat your eyelashes flirtatiously.
> lbat handmaiden
You bat your eyelashes at Handmaiden flirtatiously.
> leer handmaiden
You leer at Handmaiden lecherously.
> lick
You lick your lips.
> lick handmaiden
You lick Handmaiden softly.
> listen
You listen carefully.
> listen handmaiden
You listen to Handmaiden carefully.
> lmao
You laugh your ass off.
> lmao handmaiden
You laugh Handmaiden's ass off.
> love handmaiden
You gaze deeply into Handmaiden's eyes and murmur sweet words of love.
> lpoint handmaiden
You point at Handmaiden and start laughing.
> lsit handmaiden
You sit on Handmaiden's lap.
> lsky
You look at the khaki sky.
> lust
You get a lusty look in your eye.
> lust handmaiden
You lust after Handmaiden.
> mafk
You are AFK for a moment.
> massage handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a soothing massage.
> mbonk handmaiden
You bonk Handmaiden on the head.
> mcower
You cower fearfully.
> mdance
You dance the tango.
> mduck
You duck to avoid incoming projectiles.
> melt
You melt into a puddle of goo.
> melt handmaiden
You melt into Handmaiden's arms.
> mexclaim
You exclaim WOW!
> mfeel
You feel silly.
> mflaunt
You flaunt your elevated ego.
> mgrin
You grin wickedly.
> misgrin
You grin mischievously.
> mkick
You kick at the ground.
> mkick handmaiden
You kick Handmaiden.
> mlaugh
You laugh boisterously.
> moan
You moan softly with pleasure.
> moon
You drop your breeches and moon the room.
> moon handmaiden
You drop your breeches and moon Handmaiden rudely.
> mope
You mope around dejectedly.
> mosh
You mosh violently around the room.
> mosh handmaiden
You mosh violently into Handmaiden.
> mpoke handmaiden
You poke Handmaiden on the arm.
> mpunch
You punch shadow boxes.
> mpunch handmaiden
You punch Handmaiden really hard in the face.
> mseem
You seem confused.
> msigh
You sigh heavily.
> msing
You sing in drunken stupor.
> msmile
You smile seductively.
> msmirk
You smirk disgustedly.
> mtap
You tap impatiently.
> mtap handmaiden
You tap Handmaiden on the shoulder.
> mthink
You think long and hard.
> mutter
You mutter something under your breath.
> mwish
You wish on your lucky star.
> mwonder
You wonder about life, the universe, and everything.
> needle handmaiden
You needle Handmaiden mercilessly.
> nibble
You nibble on your upper lip nervously.
> nibble handmaiden
You nibble gently on Handmaiden's earlobe.
> nod
You nod solemnly.
> nod handmaiden
You nod to Handmaiden solemnly.
> nose handmaiden
You rub noses with Handmaiden.
> nudge handmaiden
You nudge Handmaiden in the side.
> nuzzle handmaiden
You nuzzle your head against Handmaiden's chest softly.
> odrink
You drink yourself into oblivion.
> off
You are off to save damsels in distress!
> ofrown
You do a upside down smile.
> ouch
You exclaim OUCH!!!!
> panic
You run around in circles waving your arms.
> pant
You pant desperately.
> pat
You pat your tummy.
> pat handmaiden
You pat Handmaiden on the head.
> pinch
You pinch yourself on the arm.
> piss handmaiden
You lift your leg and piss all over Handmaiden.
> pity
You look pitiful.
> pity handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a look of pity.
> pkiss handmaiden
You take Handmaiden into your arms, and give her a kiss which leaves her breathless.
> point
You point at the ground.
> point handmaiden
You point at Handmaiden with your finger.
> poke handmaiden
You poke Handmaiden in the chest.
> ponder
You ponder the situation.
> ponder handmaiden
You ponder Handmaiden's problem.
> pounce
You pounce on a ball of string.
> pounce handmaiden
You pounce on Handmaiden playfully.
> pout
You pout sullenly.
> pout handmaiden
You pout at Handmaiden sullenly.
> praise handmaiden
You shower Handmaiden with all your praise.
> prance
You prance around the room.
> puke
You double over and puke all over the floor.
> puke handmaiden
You puke on Handmaiden intentionally.
> pull
You pull your hair out.
> punch handmaiden
You punch Handmaiden really hard in the face.
> purr
You purr contentedly.
> purr handmaiden
You purr in Handmaiden's ear like a little kitty.
> push handmaiden
You push Handmaiden around.
> puzzle
You look puzzled.
> qpeer
You peer quizzically around the room.
> qpeer handmaiden
You peer at Handmaiden quizzically.
> quack
You quack like a duck.
> quiver
You quiver in fear.
> raise
You raise your eyebrow.
> raise handmaiden
You raise your eyebrow at Handmaiden.
> raspberry
You stick out your tongue and go PPPPPTTTTHTHTH in disgust.
> raspberry handmaiden
You stick out your tongue at Handmaiden and go PPPPPTTTTHTHTH.
> rblush
You blush a deep hue of cream.
> recoil
You recoil in horror.
> rofl
You roll on the floor laughing.
> roll
You roll your eyes towards the ceiling.
> roll handmaiden
You look at Handmaiden and roll your eyes.
> rub
You rub your hands together greedily.
> rub handmaiden
You rub up against Handmaiden.
> rubnose handmaiden
You rub Handmaiden's nose in it.
> ruffle handmaiden
You ruffle Handmaiden's hair playfully.
> salute
You give a sharp salute.
> salute handmaiden
You stand at attention and salute Handmaiden smartly.
> scold handmaiden
You shake your finger at Handmaiden. Naughty Naughty Naughty!
> scowl
You scowl menacingly.
> scowl handmaiden
You scowl menacingly at Handmaiden.
> scratch
You scratch your head.
> scream
> scream handmaiden
You scream loudly in Handmaiden's ear.
> sdance
You do the snoopy dance of joy.
> sdrool handmaiden
You drool all over yourself while staring at Handmaiden dreamily.
> serenade handmaiden
You serenade Handmaiden with a song of love.
> shake
You shake your head vigorously.
> shake handmaiden
You shake Handmaiden's hand soundly.
> shame
You hang your head in shame.
> shiver
You shiver with fright.
> shiver handmaiden
You shiver at Handmaiden's words.
> shovel
You start shoveling; it's getting pretty deep around here.
> shrug
You shrug helplessly.
> shudder
You shudder with pleasure.
> shurg
You shurg hleplessly.
> sigh
You sigh deeply.
> sing
You sing merrily.
> skip
You skip merrily around the room.
> skip handmaiden
You skip circles around Handmaiden while whistling.
> slap
You slap your forehead. DUH!!!
> slap handmaiden
You slap Handmaiden silly.
> sleep
You fall asleep in your ale.
> sleep handmaiden
You lean your head on Handmaiden's shoulder and fall asleep.
> slug handmaiden
You slug Handmaiden in the face.
> smack
You smack your lips.
> smack handmaiden
You smack Handmaiden around.
> smile
You smile happily.
> smile handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a great big smile.
> smirk
You smirk like a smart-ass.
> smirk handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a disapproving smirk.
> snap
You snap your fingers.
> snap handmaiden
You snap your fingers right in front of Handmaiden's face.
> snarl
You snarl ferociously.
> snarl handmaiden
You snarl ferociously at Handmaiden.
> sneeze
You sneeze your head off.
> sneeze handmaiden
You sneeze all over Handmaiden's tunic.
> snicker
You snicker mischievously.
> sniff
You sniff loudly.
> sniffle
You sniffle sadly.
> snooze
You snooze into small fragments.
> snore
You snore with bone-crushing sound.
> snort
You snort in amusement.
> snuggle handmaiden
You snuggle up to Handmaiden closely.
> sob
You sob uncontrollably.
> sob handmaiden
You sob on Handmaiden's shoulder.
> spank handmaiden
You turn Handmaiden over and spank her hard.
> spit
You disrespectfully spit on the ground.
> spit handmaiden
You make a very throaty sound and spit on Handmaiden's face.
> squeeze
You wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze.
> squeeze handmaiden
You squeeze Handmaiden's hand in a friendly manner.
> sstep
You side-step the issue.
> stand
You wont stand for that.
> stand handmaiden
You stand up to Handmaiden.
> stare
Your eyes start to blur as you stare off into space, thinking pleasant thoughts.
> stare handmaiden
You stare dreamily into Handmaiden's eyes.
> stifle
You stifle a laugh.
> stomp
You stomp your foot.
> stomp handmaiden
You stomp on Handmaiden's foot.
Handmaiden exclaims 'OUCH!'
> stretch
You stretch your weary limbs.
> stroke
You stroke your chin thoughtfully.
> stroke handmaiden
You look admiringly into Handmaiden's eyes, as you tenderly stroke her cheek.
> strut
You strut proudly.
> sulk
You stomp around in a sulking manner.
> suspect
You look around suspiciously.
> suspect handmaiden
You suspect Handmaiden did it.
> swear
You spend several minutes demonstrating your colorful vocabulary.
> tackle handmaiden
You run across the room and tackle Handmaiden.
> tango handmaiden
You attack the dance floor with Handmaiden in a tango.
> tantrum
You throw a wicked tantrum.
> tap
You tap your foot nervously.
> taunt handmaiden
You taunt Handmaiden relentlessly.
> tbark
You bark up the wrong tree.
> tduck
You duck under the table.
> thank handmaiden
You thank Handmaiden graciously.
> think
You think about the situation.
> thrash
You thrash about violently.
> thrash handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a good thrashing.
> throttle handmaiden
You throttle Handmaiden senseless.
> thwap handmaiden
You thwap Handmaiden upside the head.
> tickle handmaiden
You tickle Handmaiden mercilessly.
> tip
You tip your hat.
> tip handmaiden
You tip Handmaiden a coin or two.
> toast
You raise your glass and call for a toast.
> toast handmaiden
You raise your glass and call for a toast in Handmaiden's honor.
> trip
You trip over your own two feet.
> trip handmaiden
You trip Handmaiden and she kisses the dirt.
> tstick
You childishly stick your tongue out at everyone in the room.
> tstick handmaiden
You childishly stick your tongue out at Handmaiden.
> twiddle
You twiddle your thumbs.
> ushake handmaiden
You pick Handmaiden up and shake her upside down.
> wag
You wag your tail.
> waggle
You waggle your bottom.
> wait
You wait patiently.
> wait handmaiden
You wait for Handmaiden patiently.
> wake
You wake up from being AFK.
> wake handmaiden
You desperately try to wake Handmaiden up.
> waltz handmaiden
You take Handmaiden by the hand and flow with her across the dance floor.
> wander
You wander around aimlessly.
> wander handmaiden
You wander over to Handmaiden aimlessly.
> wave
You wave good-bye.
> wave handmaiden
You wave good-bye to Handmaiden vigorously.
> weep
You weep bitterly.
> weep handmaiden
You weep on Handmaiden's shoulder.
> wetkiss handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a big, sloppy, wet kiss.
> wgrin
You make a wry grin.
> wgrin handmaiden
You give Handmaiden a wry grin.
> whimper
You whimper silently.
> whine
You whine annoyingly.
> whine handmaiden
You whine at Handmaiden annoyingly.
> whistle
You whistle appreciatively.
> whistle handmaiden
You wolf-whistle in Handmaiden's direction.
> wiggle
You wiggle your nose.
> wiggle handmaiden
You wiggle Handmaiden's nose.
> win
You frantically look left, right, and then escape into another window.
> wink
You wink suggestively.
> wink handmaiden
You wink at Handmaiden suggestively.
> woohoo
You scream 'WOO HOO!'
> worship handmaiden
You get down at Handmaiden's feet and worship her with all your heart.
> wrestle handmaiden
You wrestle Handmaiden to the ground.
> yawn
You open your big mouth wide in a yawn.
> yawn handmaiden
You yawn openly in Handmaiden's face.
> yelp
You yelp in pain!
> zip
You zip your lip.
> zwalk
You walk around like a zombie.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 1 wizard :: 5 total.
Tiberius says for AAH go to: http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval
Noodles needs some sauce
As a 2nd rate player, Farz was elevated to the rank of washed-up.
You pay 8 coins for a bottle of Prometheus.
Wanted: SWF, Sane, Mature, Hot, 27+, NS for Sagar
> look
This is the outer chamber of the Queen's rooms. Here, her two chamber maids
prepare the Queen for her daily duties. The Queen's bedroom is to the north,
the ball room is to the south and the hallway is east.
There are three obvious exits: north, south, and east.
Queen's handmaiden.
Queen's handmaiden.
> exa handmaiden
A pretty young girl who is here to serve the Queen.
She is in good shape.
Handmaiden is carrying:
Soft white gloves.
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