At the time of this log, Holdon had recently deleted his character and came back as a
different character. Someone took advantage of this to recreate the Holdon character
and pass himself off as the real Holdon. As will be seen, it was fairly obvious that
this Holdon was not the real Holdon.
(Note: Additional comments in this log will be added between the [ and ] brackets.)
[I'm informed that Holdon is not the real Holdon. Thus I begin to interview this Holdon to
try and catch him out.]
You tell Holdon in common: *jig*.
> Asmodai tells you in common: can you help me make 10k exp.
You tell Asmodai in common: Nope.
You tell Holdon in common: Heya Holdon. What's up?
> Asmodai leaves southeast.
Holdon tells you in common: not much, just starting again.
You tell Holdon in common: Hmm, ok. Were you out in the car tonight?
You raise your eyebrow.
You dance a little jig with Holdon.
You lick Holdon softly.
exa holdon
Lost Traveler Holdon.
Holdon is a dwarf.
He is in good shape.
Holdon is carrying:
Leather gloves (worn) (donated).
beenie (worn) (donated).
Leather boots (worn) (donated).
elven sword (wielded) (donated).
Holdon's quicktyper.
You say in common: Your brother said you were.
You say in common: In your Torana....when I rang up.
You say in common: You there Holdon?
> Holdon says in common: hes lying.
You tell Holdon in common: Who's lying?
You say in common: Who's lying?
> You scratch your head.
Holdon leaves south.
You tell Holdon in common: um, then where were you?
You tell Trakori in common: Yep, definately NOT Steve.
> Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Holdon tells you in common: down the shops.
Trakori burps.
Guest1 arrives.
Guest1 huggles with Tiberius, Trakori, and It.
You tell Holdon in common: ok, can you go on ICQ for a moment?
> Trakori smiles happily.
You tell Trakori in common: I asked him to go on ICQ...if he's Steve he'll do it.
Holdon tells you in common: i accidentally deleted it.
You tell Holdon in common: Uh-huh, how'd you manage to do that?
> Holdon tells you in common: havent a clue.
> Trakori leaves south.
Holdon tells you in common: i did it in the file manager.
You tell Holdon in common: Why?
> Holdon tells you in common: it was an accident.
You tell Holdon in common: Um, that's doesn't sound like something you'd do.
> Holdon tells you in common: i was deleting unwanted files, and deleted the icq.dat
You tell Holdon in common: Oh ok, that's too bad. You'll just have to download again some
time I guess :).
> Holdon tells you in common: yep :).
Asmodai arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: hey by the way, where were you just then? At the shops was it?
> Holdon tells you in common: just when?
Autosaving character...
You tell Holdon in common: Well your brother told me you were out in your car, yet you said
just before that you were at the shops was it?
> Holdon tells you in common: yes, just shops.
You tell Holdon in common: Ahh ok, that'd be at the Parramatta shops would it be?
[Note for rest of world: Parramatta is not close to where Holdon lives. It's very unlikely he
would have gone there.]
> Asmodai leaves south.
Holdon tells you in common: the local shops.
[Hmm, let's give him a fake direction...]
You tell Holdon in common: You mean the local shops downtown?
> Holdon tells you in common: yes.
[He took the bait. There are no local shops specifically "downtown".]
> Holdon tells you in common: yes.
Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai leaves southeast.
Hraf says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai leaves south.
Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai leaves east.
Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai leaves east.
Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai leaves southeast.
Holdon arrives.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Lost Traveler Holdon.
Master of Adventurers It.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
You tell Holdon in common: So anyway, what are you up to now?
> Autosaving character...
Holdon tells you in common: just surfing the net.
[I have never ever heard Holdon use this term.]
Holdon leaves east.
Trakori arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: ahh ok... you playing on the mud tonight?
> Trakori leaves southeast.
Asmodai shouts in common: can anybody help me make 10k exp.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Tolyk enters the game.
Tolyk tickles you mercilessly.
Holdon tells you in common: yes.
Asmodai arrives.
You lick Tolyk softly.
> Asmodai bows to Tolyk respectfully.
You emote: Tiberius the undercover agent is not here. Will explain later......
You tell Holdon in common: I see you started again. How come dude?
> Tolyk nods solemnly.
Asmodai bows to you respectfully.
Tolyk reads the newspaper.
Tolyk says in common: Someone die already geez.
Trakori arrives.
Holdon tells you in common: i got killed t.
Tolyk licks Trakori softly.
Tolyk nibbles gently on Trakori's earlobe.
Holdon tells you in common: by Xandar twice.
Asmodai bows to Trakori respectfully.
Trakori burps.
You tell Holdon in common: Yeah, so I saw. That sucks :(.
> Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Trakori leaves southeast.
Trakori arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: So you're back for good now?
> Holdon tells you in common: well, on and off.
Asmodai leaves south.
Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai leaves south.
You tell Holdon in common: Yeah, Hmm, what class and race are you this time though?
> Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai leaves south.
Holdon tells you in common: Dwarf/Advent.
You tell Holdon in common: That's a good combo.
> Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
> Holdon tells you in common: i havent raaised any yet,.
You tell Holdon in common: Oh ok, you're still just levels 1/1?
> Holdon tells you in common: correct.
Trakori hiccups.
After Hours LPMud :: 6 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 6 total.
Asmodai needs 50k exp
Holdon SEND TO
Trakori is a God you cannot kill him
> Asmodai arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: Ahh ok. So what's your plans now that you're back? Going to
go PK this time?
> Trakori leaves south.
Holdon tells you in common: well, Holdon ad immune dont go well together :).
[This is true, but it's no big secret either.]
There is a flash of blinding white light as Tolyk leaves the game.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Tolyk enters the game.
Tolyk says in common: Oops, wrong button :P.
Tolyk leaves south.
Trakori arrives.
Asmodai leaves south.
Trakori leaves southeast.
Asmodai arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: Yeah, so are you going to join a clan then?
> Holdon tells you in common: yes.
You tell Holdon in common: Ahh right, which one did you have in mind?
> Asmodai leaves south.
Autosaving character...
Holdon tells you in common: anyone.
Asmodai arrives.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Xell enters the game.
Asmodai leaves east.
Holdon tells you in common: dont really mind].
[Bzzzt, wrong answer!]
Asmodai arrives.
Xell huggles with Asmodai, Tiberius, and It.
You tell Holdon in common: What about the Night Masks clan? I hear they're pretty good.
[Well, actually I don't...]
> You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Master of Dragons Tolyk.
Novice Explorer Asmodai.
Experience Explorer Xell.
Master of Adventurers It.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Xell barks like a dog.
Xell says in common: WOOF WOOF.
After Hours LPMud :: 7 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 7 total.
Asmodai needs 50k exp
Holdon SEND TO
Trakori is a God you cannot kill him
Xell Master of all Xell's
> Xell barks like a dog.
Tolyk wags his tail.
Tolyk pants desperately.
Asmodai barks at Tolyk threateningly.
Xell rolls on the floor laughing.
Tolyk licks Xell softly.
Xell gives Tolyk a BIG hug.
Tolyk runs across the room and tackles Xell.
Tolyk licks Xell softly.
Tolyk says in common: Dog tackle =).
You tell Holdon in common: Holdonius?
> Xell goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Holdon arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: You there dude?
> Holdon leaves southeast.
Holdon tells you in common: yes :).
Asmodai leaves southeast.
There is a flash of blinding white light as It leaves the game.
Holdon tells you in common: DOA?
[He needs to think about this?]
You tell Holdon in common: What makes you wanna join the DOA?
> Asmodai arrives.
Holdon tells you in common: wouldnt minf getting there bank perms :).
[There's easier clans to do this to than the DOA.]
Trakori arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: Yeah, they probably have a lot of money.
> Trakori takes: A Stonedowner amulet.
Trakori takes: A Stonedowner amulet.
Trakori leaves east.
Trakori arrives.
Trakori hiccups.
Asmodai leaves east.
Asmodai arrives.
You tell Holdon in common: So hmm, you busy at the moment on the mud?
> Xell gives Asmodai a BIG hug.
Xell chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Asmodai gives Xell a BIG hug.
Holdon tells you in common: yes, trying to get my levels and class levels up :).
Asmodai searches around for some nourishment and consumes it.
Tolyk says in common: funny description Asmodai.
Tolyk smiles happily.
Tolyk pats Asmodai on the head.
You tell Holdon in common: Oh, ok, because I was going to ask if you wanted to go to our
pub and have chat?
> Trakori hiccups.
Holdon tells you in common: no thanks, gotta get advancing :).
[Sheessh, what's up with all the smile face emoticon thingies? I don't recall Holdon ever being a big fan of them.]
Holdon arrives.
Holdon leaves east.
Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Asmodai chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Asmodai chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Asmodai leaves east.
Trakori looks drunk.
You tell Holdon in common: Heh, ok, no prob. Some other time perhaps? :).
> Trakori burps.
Autosaving character...
Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Tolyk nibbles gently on your earlobe.
Trakori looks drunk.
Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Asmodai arrives.
Asmodai chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Trakori seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Asmodai leaves southeast.
Tolyk says in common: 3 out of the 6 classes can aura.. that is stupid..
Trakori hiccups.
Tolyk says in common: No bear ??? Where did the bear go ? =(.
Xell says in common: what bear.
Trakori looks drunk.
Asmodai arrives.
Tolyk says in common: Gillious had coded a bear for me...
Xell shrugs helplessly.
Tolyk says in common: My fiancee started her labour today..
Tolyk says in common: It was a dedication to me, welcoming my son into the world..
Xell goes ahhh in an understanding manner.
Asmodai goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Xell congratulates Tolyk on a job well done.
Tolyk grins innocently.
Tolyk thanks Xell graciously.
Asmodai grins at Tolyk insolently.
Tolyk says in common: I just wish I could be there with her =( Instead of stuck doing
paperwork in Canada.
Xell nods solemnly.
Xell pats Tolyk on his back and offers him some comforting words.
Asmodai leaves east.
Asmodai arrives.
Tolyk says in common: Its friggen stupid.. If I had just of married her while I was in the
states they would've just sent someone to my house to interview me...
Tolyk says in common: To make sure I wasn't just doing it for the citizenship and stuff.
Xell shurgs hleplessly.
Asmodai closes his eyes, freezes in place and turns to stone.
A smokey cloud drifts up and away from the newly formed statue.
A black portal opens up in the room.
Eika walks out of the portal.
Eika shoves Statue of Asmodai through the portal.
Eika walks into the portal.
The portal collapses into itself.
Xell says in common: thats life and it sucks.
With a flash of blinding white light, you cease to exist.
Saving Tiberius.
Closing down.
<-- back