This log was made by Nadja.
Dead Shorty
Holdon takes silence from bag.
Holdon takes silence from bag.
Holdon takes unsilence from bag.
Holdon says in common: Let see how dumb he really is.
You chortle demonically.
> who
Holdon says in common: I leave 1 unsilence spell in the bag and leave the 2 rot grubs as
well and see if he "gets all from bag".
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
> Holdon throws his head back and cackles wickedly!
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
> l
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Novice Explorer Holdon.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Holdon waits patiently.
You tap impatiently.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
> You grin evilly.
> scry shorty
You are on Blaze Street which runs north and south between Dagger and
Valiant Streets. As you stand around, you feel sweat dripping under your
clothes, a most uncomfortable sensation. The sun storms down, raining pure
There are two obvious exits: north, and south.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
Stalker is Wandering.
You grin evilly.
You wait patiently.
> scry shorty
You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town. The sky is
clear, filled with puffy white clouds. To the north, you see the village
Post Office. The Adventurer Guild is just to the southeast.
There are three obvious exits: north, east, and west.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
You bounce around excitedly.
> Holdon says in common: hehe, I forgot he cant answer me back.
Holdon slaps his forehead feeling rather stupid.
Shorty arrives.
Holdon gives bag to Shorty.
look at shorty
Prestidigitator Shorty.
Shorty is a human.
He is in good shape.
Shorty is carrying:
A Large Bag.
A dagger (wielded).
A map.
beenie (worn) (donated).
Hide Gloves (worn) (donated).
Forest cloak (worn) (donated).
junky armour (worn) (donated).
Shorty's quicktyper.
> Holdon says in common: Get all from bag.
Shorty takes: A rot grub.
Shorty takes: A rot grub.
Shorty takes: unsilence spell.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
Shorty is a human.
He is in good shape.
Shorty is carrying:
unsilence spell.
A rot grub.
A rot grub.
A Large Bag.
A dagger (wielded).
A map.
beenie (worn) (donated).
Hide Gloves (worn) (donated).
Forest cloak (worn) (donated).
junky armour (worn) (donated).
Shorty's quicktyper.
You tell Holdon in common: ROFL.
> look at shorty
Prestidigitator Shorty.
Shorty is a human.
He is in good shape.
Shorty is carrying:
unsilence spell.
A rot grub.
A rot grub.
A Large Bag.
A dagger (wielded).
A map.
beenie (worn) (donated).
Hide Gloves (worn) (donated).
Forest cloak (worn) (donated).
junky armour (worn) (donated).
Shorty's quicktyper.
> Holdon tells you in common: hehe, If he leaves the pub hes dead.
You tell Holdon in common: *BOUNCE*.
> Holdon says in common: Go to the shop and "unsilence shorty".
Shorty leaves east.
scry shorty
You are in the village shop. You can buy and sell items here. Type
'help shop' for a list and description of commands available. A small
storage area is to the northeast. There is an opening to the north with
some shimmering blue lights in the doorway. You see some stairs leading
down to the Donation room where it is possible for newbies to find
some equipment.
There are five obvious exits: south, west, northeast, southwest, and down.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
Holdon waits patiently.
look at shorty
You roll on the floor laughing.
> There is no shorty here.
> Holdon waits patiently.
scry shorty
> Holdon leaves east.
You are in the village shop. You can buy and sell items here. Type
'help shop' for a list and description of commands available. A small
storage area is to the northeast. There is an opening to the north with
some shimmering blue lights in the doorway. You see some stairs leading
down to the Donation room where it is possible for newbies to find
some equipment.
There are five obvious exits: south, west, northeast, southwest, and down.
> look at paper
This is the daily obituary page.
Saffron (level 8) was killed by A nasty little wig, Jul 29 04:55
Krynn (level 4) committed suicide on Jul 29 14:53
Terry (level 19) was killed by A Huge Green Dragon, Jul 30 16:10
Terry (level 18) committed suicide on Jul 30 16:32
Onsa (level 4) was killed by A nasty little wig, Aug 1 03:10
Bongo (level 3) was killed by A nasty little wig, Aug 1 09:39
Ashan (level 6) was killed by Champion Riverwind, Aug 2 11:59
Ashan (level 5) was killed by Champion Riverwind, Aug 2 12:01
Gremant (level 11) was killed by A mudman, Aug 2 19:01
Malyce (level 8) was killed by A black widow spider, Aug 3 04:22
Malyce (level 7) committed suicide on Aug 3 04:23
Bongo (level 7) committed suicide on Aug 3 17:43
Dark (level 3) was killed by A Harpy, Aug 4 12:55
Dark (level 6) was killed by Magician Flame, Aug 4 14:20
Dark (level 6) was killed by Magician Flame, Aug 4 14:22
Dark (level 5) was killed by Magician Flame, Aug 4 14:22
Dark (level 4) committed suicide on Aug 4 14:23
Destiny (level 2) committed suicide on Aug 4 14:28
> You tell Holdon in common: ROFL!!
> Holdon arrives.
Holdon reads the newspaper.
scry shorty
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
> ******************************************************************
You are in the village shop. You can buy and sell items here. Type
'help shop' for a list and description of commands available. A small
storage area is to the northeast. There is an opening to the north with
some shimmering blue lights in the doorway. You see some stairs leading
down to the Donation room where it is possible for newbies to find
some equipment.
There are five obvious exits: south, west, northeast, southwest, and down.
> Holdon leaves south.
You tell Holdon in common: he's in the shop.
You tell Holdon in common: ROFL.. DEAD.
> Holdon arrives.
Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
> Holdon says in common: I gotta find his corpse.
You leap into the air and give a high five to Holdon.
> You dance by yourself but look rather stupid dancing with out a partner.
> Holdon leaves east.
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
> Holdon arrives.
Holdon sweeps you across the dance floor.
Holdon leaves south.
scry shorty
You are in the village shop. You can buy and sell items here. Type
'help shop' for a list and description of commands available. A small
storage area is to the northeast. There is an opening to the north with
some shimmering blue lights in the doorway. You see some stairs leading
down to the Donation room where it is possible for newbies to find
some equipment.
There are five obvious exits: south, west, northeast, southwest, and down.
> Autosaving character...
Holdon arrives.
You dance by yourself but look rather stupid dancing with out a partner.
> Holdon says in common: Doesnt matter he's dead anyway.
Holdon smirks like a smart-ass.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> scry shorty
You have entered a small building, it resembles something of a shop,
but you see no wares. On the west wall there is empty shelving, in front
of it is a red-stained counter and a sign sits on top of it. There is
a door on the west wall leading to a dark room and a southern door leading
to a small cemetary.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and west.
Vrak, the mortician.
You say in common: he's at the mortician.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
> Holdon says in common: Too bad he wasnt level 2 would have been in the paper.
Holdon throws his head back and cackles wickedly!
You nod solemnly.
> scry shorty
You grin evilly.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
You are in the local village church. There is a huge pit in the center.
To the north is a little chapel where people can go and get married.
This church has the service of reviving ghosts. Dead people come to the
church and pray.
There are two obvious exits: north, and east.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
The golden idol of 'hsarT'.
You say in common: ressed.
> You laugh hysterically.
You are in the local village church. There is a huge pit in the center.
To the north is a little chapel where people can go and get married.
This church has the service of reviving ghosts. Dead people come to the
church and pray.
There are two obvious exits: north, and east.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
The golden idol of 'hsarT'.
You bounce around excitedly.
> Holdon bounces around excitedly.
Holdon chuckles to himself quietly.
> You lick your lips.
> scry shorty
You are in the local village church. There is a huge pit in the center.
To the north is a little chapel where people can go and get married.
This church has the service of reviving ghosts. Dead people come to the
church and pray.
There are two obvious exits: north, and east.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
The golden idol of 'hsarT'.
You say in common: still at hsarT.
> You grin evilly.
Holdon chuckles to himself quietly.
You say in common: sweet justice.
You sigh happily.
> You hiccup.
Holdon says in common: would be even more funnier if he didnt get a chance to use the
unsilence spell.
You leap into the air and give a high five to Holdon.
Holdon nods in agreement.
You nod solemnly.
> Holdon smiles happily.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
You say in common: but that's ok, we can hear broken english now... y u did that 2 me?
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
Holdon laughs hysterically.
You bounce around excitedly.
> Holdon leaps into the air and gives a high five to you.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> scry shorty
You are in the Town Gardens. The ground is thick with a lush and well
groomed grass, it cushions your every step. The temperature is cool because
of the shade the tall trees provide for you. There is an archway to the south
that leads to Dagger Street and the gardens expand in all directions.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
> Holdon says in common: Tis been a good evening.
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
You say in common: indeed.
You chortle demonically.
> Holdon stretches his weary limbs.
Shorty arrives.
You stumble.
You tell Holdon in common: ROFL.. oh boy.
> Shorty gives you a sharp kick.
Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
Shorty leaves east.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
You say in common: why me?
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You stumble.
Holdon pats you on your back and offers you some comforting words.
Shorty arrives.
You say in common: I didn't give him the bag.. I even refrained from laughing right
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Holdon says in common: I did it yet he kicks you?
Holdon boggles at the concept.
Holdon boggles at the concept.
You say in common: always me as a target.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
You emote: Nadja shakes her head sadly.
> You feel drunk.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
Shorty gives you a sharp kick.
Shorty leaves east.
You stumble.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
Holdon laughs hysterically.
You bounce around excitedly.
> Shorty arrives.
look at shorty
Prestidigitator Shorty.
Shorty is a human.
He is a player killer.
He is in good shape.
Shorty is carrying:
A map.
beenie (worn) (donated).
Hide Gloves (worn) (donated).
Forest cloak (worn) (donated).
junky armour (worn) (donated).
Shorty's quicktyper.
> l
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Prestidigitator Shorty.
Novice Explorer Holdon.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
> Holdon says in common: Please not another kick...
You roll on the floor laughing.
You say in common: my heart couldn't take it.
Holdon thwaps Shorty upside the head.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
Holdon laughs hysterically.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
Holdon groans in frustration.
Holdon says in common: Fokin laggggggg.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
Holdon says in common: O spam time.
You cheer enthusiastically.
> Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
Holdon pats Shorty on the head.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
You tell Holdon in common: this would be a great log for the AAH page. *LAUGH!*.
> You stumble.
Holdon laughs hysterically.
Holdon agrees with you wholeheartedly.
Shorty gives Holdon a sharp kick.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> You burp.
Holdon says in common: Afk those kicks really hurt.
Holdon points at Shorty and starts laughing.
Holdon is going AFK for a few.
Holdon gazes at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
You grin evilly.
> Hraf says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
You hiccup.
Shorty calmly slits his throat from ear to ear.
Blood gushes out and he collapses to the ground.
Some mist drops a map. As it hits the ground, it melts into the form of a
mosquito, bites you, and buzzes off.
You hear a disemboded laughter that makes your blood run cold.
A voice from the depths of hell whispers:
Shorty felt it necessary to take his life and will now pay the price with eternal
You stumble.
> Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
Holdon rolls on the floor laughing.
You stumble.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
You fall down and play dead.
> Holdon says in common: We made him suicide.
You say in common: oh yeah.
Holdon laughs hysterically.
You roll on the floor laughing.
You leap into the air and give a high five to Holdon.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 3 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 3 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
> Holdon leaps into the air and gives a high five to you.
You dance by yourself but look rather stupid dancing with out a partner.
You bounce around excitedly.
> You stumble.
Autosaving character...
You say in common: ahh.. log time.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
You say in common: brb.
> Holdon sweeps you across the dance floor.
Holdon sweeps you across the dance floor.
You attack the dance floor with Holdon in a tango.
You emote: Nadja dances on Shorty's grave.
You dance a little jig.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> Holdon does a little war dance over shorty's grave.
Holdon grins evilly.
You suddenly without reason get a bad headache.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 3 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 3 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
Holdon says in common: Tiberius missed a good one.
You grin evilly.
> Holdon chuckles to himself quietly.
You nod solemnly.
You grin evilly.
You bounce around excitedly.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
Holdon says in common: There ya go Nadja Shorty left a 33 coin tip for you.
Holdon laughs hysterically.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
> l
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
33 gold coins.
Novice Explorer Holdon.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Top 10 poster.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
The Player Rules.
You dance by yourself but look rather stupid dancing with out a partner.
> take coins
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> You no longer have a headache.
Holdon screams 'WOO HOO!'
buy beer for holdon
Hraf tells you in common: Shhh, don't tell the others I'm letting you get this so
You pay 4 coins for a bottle of beer for Holdon.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> Holdon throws his head back and cackles wickedly!
Hraf tells you in common: Holdon just bought you a bottle of beer.
Hraf serves you a bottle of beer.
That feels good.
You cheer enthusiastically.
> You suddenly without reason get a bad headache.
You emote: Nadja toasts, "To suicide!".
> You no longer have a headache.
Holdon says in common: Hell yeah!
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Holdon shouts in common: Thanks for the beer's Shorty! remind me to buy you one
Holdon dances by himself but looks rather stupid dancing with out a partner.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
Shorty arrives.
look at shorty
Novice Shorty.
Shorty is a human.
He is in good shape.
You tell Holdon in common: *die*.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
Holdon nods solemnly.
Autosaving character...
Shorty leaves east.
Holdon shakes his head sadly.
Holdon laughs hysterically.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> You roll on the floor laughing.
> Holdon says in common: I wonder how long it will take before we have to do it
again to him.
Holdon chuckles to himself quietly.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 2 wizards :: 6 total.
(TC) Nadja saw what you did and knows who you are!
Alain the trained fighter of Golden Rim
Vortex mowed his sisters lawn
Holdon looks at you and says " You dunbass..."
> Holdon starts the timer.
You say in common: hopefully, a lesson was learned.
You grin evilly.
You emote: Nadja doesn't count on it though.
You grin evilly.
> Holdon laughs hysterically.
Holdon says in common: Dont forget 1) They're from England 2) They're dumb as
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> Holdon says in common: But on the slight chance.. Who knows.
You say in common: fokin' Shorty.
<-- back