The Clerics Guild
> e
You pass through the field and it tickles the back of your neck.
You are in a magically protected vault, here in the Cleric's Guild. Usually,
holy relics and other such items of high value are left here for safe
keeping. The flowing blue field that you passed through to get in here is
to the west.
There is one obvious exit: west.
> w
You are in the inner sanctum of the Clerics' Guild. Private services are
held here. There are beautiful mahogany pews facing an altar that stands
in the front of the room, a holy scripture lies on the altar. A flowing
blue field blocks the exit to the east.
There are two obvious exits: south, and east.
The Clerics' Scriptures (33 messages).
> exa board
A thick, leather-bound tome. It has some words of wisdom written in it.
You can set up new notes with the command 'scrawl headline'.
Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with 'remove num'.
The bulletin board contains 33 notes:
1: Anecdote: Holdon and the three newbies (Tiberius Apr 30, 1999)
2: Remote healing (Welchew May 3, 1999)
3: protection (Hawkwind May 19, 1999)
4: Jihad (Tiberius Jun 5, 1999)
5: crap (Ragnar Jun 9, 1999)
6: Damion (Warrior Jun 24, 1999)
7: blessing clerics (Hawkwind Jun 24, 1999)
8: clevel 20+ spells (Glitz Jul 7, 1999)
9: Sorry Ragnar (Lister Jul 8, 1999)
10: Posting (Elin Jul 20, 1999)
11: High level clerics... (Welchew Jul 21, 1999)
12: Fighters/Healers (Tiberius Jul 23, 1999)
13: Paladins (Lister Jul 25, 1999)
14: Lister is a moron (Glitz Jul 26, 1999)
15: I refuse (Lister Jul 26, 1999)
16: Lister quit smoking pot. (Glitz Jul 26, 1999)
17: clerics (Elin Jul 26, 1999)
18: Elin etc. (Welchew Jul 31, 1999)
19: re: Welchew (Glitz Aug 1, 1999)
20: Clerics are the best (Cloud Aug 5, 1999)
21: Healing... (Welchew Aug 5, 1999)
22: Balin (Ilex Aug 24, 1999)
23: turn undead? (Shari Sep 6, 1999)
24: Re: Turn undead (Tiberius Sep 18, 1999)
25: Turn undead... (Welchew Sep 18, 1999)
26: Turn Undead (Lister Sep 20, 1999)
27: bless who? (Shari Sep 20, 1999)
28: Fatality (Glitz Sep 25, 1999)
29: Fatality (Tiberius Sep 26, 1999)
30: It's been real (Glitz Sep 26, 1999)
31: 2 things I have to say (Denubis Nov 8, 1999)
32: Re: Fatality (Tiberius Nov 10, 1999)
33: Cleric Tiberius - leaves (Tiberius Nov 30, 1999)
> read 1
Note 1 is entitled 'Anecdote: Holdon and the three newbies':
Holdon was in Hraf's pub one day minding his own business when three 'newbies'
One was a stanch little dwarven fighter, the other a weedy looking human mage,
and the third an ogre adventurer.
Holdon was rather drunk by this time, so he decided (against his better
judgement) to speak to the 'newbies'. "I know a secret that none of you know
'bout" he said in his drunker slur.
'"What!?" cried the eager mage. "Tell us this secret oh great one" begged the
fighter, but Holdon only chuckled quietly to himself as he drank another
Well,.." said Holdon slowly, "there's one guild on here that's very powerful!
More powerful than all the other guilds!
Interjecting, the fighter said "Oh Oh Oh, that would be my great guild. We're
very powerful. It must be the fighters!"
Holdon shook his head slowly and responded, "Nope! This guild are very
powerful. Deadly almost if they wanted to be,..thing is though...not many
people know of their true power"
The mage uttered quietly, "There can be only one answer,....the mage guild! We
have always been the most powerful and always will" ,but Holdon again vigiously shook his
head and said "that's not the most powerful guild in Ridgecrest".
They were all confused. What other guild could be powerful they thought. "Me
know answer" said the ogre. "it advent guild. We heaps powerful!"
Holdon couldn't stop laughing, "Barb guild?" said the puzzled fighter, "Surely
not the Monk guild?" asked the mage.
You're all wrong!" said Holdon. "The answer is the Cleric guild!
They couldn't believe it,...Clerics? ...Powerful? It was unheard of, but as
Holdon explained "The Cleric guild is definately the most powerful guild, and
their power is the best kept secret ever!"
They refused to believe him, but before he left the pub, he gave them a piece
of advice:
Always be respectful to Clerics. For if you don't, you might find yourself
living to regret it. The secret of the Clerics' power, can't be hiden for much
(Edited by Tiberius)
This note was penned by Tiberius on Apr 30, 1999.
It is the 1st of 33 notes.
> read 2
Note 2 is entitled 'Remote healing':
How about having a high-level remote rain spell? Gives a less useful amount
of healing, but affects more people - so everyone could gather together in
a very distant pub and get a bit of healing from a remote cleric. I don't
think you can really compare healing to bless/curse/train/flare etc. etc.,
and having some sort of remote healing spells would add to the power of
clerics (and their XP-generating abilities - I'd remote cure a distant high
level player who desperately needed it even if it cost 250SP, as it'd give
a few thousand instant XP...). Whatever people say, clerics will never be
able to make XP from fighting at comparable rates to other classes at
anything but mid-range - being able to stay in a fight for half an hour
is all very well, but if you only get 10k from the monster when a monk is
busily raking in 100-200kXP per hour it can get very frustrating. Clerics
need all the breaks they can get IMHO :)
Welchew (who was never anything but a cleric)
This note was penned by Welchew on May 3, 1999.
It is the 2nd of 33 notes.
> read 3
Note 3 is entitled 'protection':
Hi All
Glitz pestered me enough so I installed protection even though it has one bug.
so info protection and tell me what you thinkg
Oh Yeah, the bug is that you can type: protection fire fire and you will be
charged for 2 protections even though you only get one.
Now that you have been warned, don't do it.
This note was penned by Hawkwind on May 19, 1999.
It is the 3rd of 33 notes.
> read 4
Note 4 is entitled 'Jihad':
Mist & Jazz continued their attacks last night.
I was silenced a number of times by them. Although, luckly your husband Ilex
came to the rescue by buying a pile of unsilence scrolls and then a silence
scroll for Mist.
This greatly pissed off Mist, as every time he silenced me, I'd take a
unsilence spell from the bag Benden gave me, and unsilenced myself. Mist was
wasting quite a bit of his money on the spells.
Mist decided to continue his attacks by then silencing fellow Cleric Green.
*Mist is the aggressive one to watch out for in this. Jazz seems to be his
*Ex-Cleric Canetoad has promised to help us in this "holy war" and teach them a
*Someone pointed out that Jazz does die a lot, and with no Cleric res'ing him,
he'll have to pray next time he dies.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Jun 5, 1999.
It is the 4th of 33 notes.
> read 5
Note 5 is entitled 'crap':
i wish i had read the board as i came on cause i just ressed jazz.
i sorry, and now that i read the board it won't happen again.
yours truely the cleric behind in the times...
This note was penned by Ragnar on Jun 9, 1999.
It is the 5th of 33 notes.
> read 6
Note 6 is entitled 'Damion':
Damion thinks all clerics are wieners
so im not going to bless or heal him again
Ill log it, so u can see it if u want
This note was penned by Warrior on Jun 24, 1999.
It is the 6th of 33 notes.
> read 7
Note 7 is entitled 'blessing clerics':
Hello all
I know everyone has been bitching at me to fix the problem of clerics blessing
other clerics and getting a crappy bless. I never implemented a solution
because nothing I could come up with or what was presented to me worked how
I wanted it. I finally came up with something I like. Right now its kinda
hacky, but it works until I can come up with a more "Role Playing" reason
for it to happen.
If a cleric blesses a cleric, the blessed cleric can bless themselves. The
original bless will go away and the new bless will take over.
This note was penned by Hawkwind on Jun 24, 1999.
It is the 7th of 33 notes.
> read 8
Note 8 is entitled 'clevel 20+ spells':
Any possibility we might be seeing any in the near future?
With the change in the PK system something along those lines
would be much appreciated. For not having much of an offense and
only gaining 2 sp/clevel, the sp cost for healing seems a bit high.
A 30/30 cleric w/ max int isn't capable of casting 2 cure spells w/
full sp. I love this class, and I think it's pretty close to being
comparable to the others as far as gameplay goes, but we took a big hit
with the new pk system whereas level 21-25 clerics are VERY vunerable.
I think that a couple of clevel 20-30 spells would be both very appreciated,
and very in line with the other classes. These are a couple of my
Clerics are:
Weakish fighters: Bless/curse is nice, but doesn't really compare to 3/2 or 2/1
Above average healers: the sp/hp of healing on average gives us a moderate advantage over
spells of others.
Spell attack: Non-existant. Either another attack spell, or a bonus to other areas would
be nice
  for this rather large defecit.
Protection/AC: Decent. I like the new protection structure, but in practical play I haven't
noticed much of a difference vs. monsters,
and _no_ difference vs.
 players. Ie: Cone
hitting me for 60-70 hp w/ prot cold.
All in all clerics are meant to be a more evened out class not too strong
or weak in one particular area, but it seems that the average measures out a little low
when compared to the rest, especially in the higher clevels. I'm not saying they
should be as offensivly strong as monk/mage/advent, but a little boost in the way of
cheaper/few more spells would go a long way to closing the overall gap.
This note was penned by Glitz on Jul 7, 1999.
It is the 8th of 33 notes.
[Crusaders] Halo has entered the game.
> read 9
Note 9 is entitled 'Sorry Ragnar':
The problem WAS with my hole and not the undeads....
My mistake... but there are plenty of undead bugs hawk can still fix! :)
This note was penned by Lister on Jul 8, 1999.
It is the 9th of 33 notes.
> read 10
Note 10 is entitled 'Posting':
I don't post much in general. But I like to read the topics. I do agree with
Glitz on the balancing our attacks with those of other classes.
Maybe put some more UMPH! into fireball for a good attack spell.
Maybe some of these old notes can be removed.
I see that Silence suicided after being killed by Wicked. That's a shame...we
need more high level clerics. (and you know as well as I do how hard it is to
achieve that sometimes).
-Elin - Mud single once again -
This note was penned by Elin on Jul 20, 1999.
It is the 10th of 33 notes.
> read 11
Note 11 is entitled 'High level clerics...':
The main reason there are very few high level clerics is 'cos we all wizzed :)
I think far more wizards come from this class than any other, which says a lot
about clerics in general. The reason protection isn't much use against
mae spells (as far as I know) is that they don't actually do cold damage - currently only a
few monsters and weapons do special types of damage, but most new areas increasingly make
use of this, so it's becoming more important.
Also, I can guarantee that no class can even begin to approach clerics in
terms of armour once a cleric has high-level protection and a full set of
armour items on. Pity we can't do enough damage to kill things without taking
a few hours :) I think the main ability of clerics in offensive terms is in
sapping opponents slowly, and healing in between faster than they can manage.
Which is great (if painfully slow) against monsters as long as they don't hit
too hard, and useless against players. I personally think clerics should get
maybe one more offensive spell, and perhaps 3/2 or 2/1 attacks at clevel 30,
seeing as we're a class of fighter-healers.
This note was penned by Welchew on Jul 21, 1999.
It is the 11st of 33 notes.
> read 12
Note 12 is entitled 'Fighters/Healers':
Like,... Paladins, Welchew?
This note was penned by Tiberius on Jul 23, 1999.
It is the 12nd of 33 notes.
> read 13
Note 13 is entitled 'Paladins':
Clerics are healers and of a devout faith.
Paladins are the fighter-healers, whos fighting skills are average and healing
skills are average. If I was to take charge of this class
(God forbid, Hawkwind does a good job with this class as is)
But if I was to take charge of this class I would NOT give you 2/1 or even
3/2, I realize that the power to hurt things fast is a major MAJOR advantage
in this mud, and I agree you guys get shafted power wise here. But in all
fairness to this mud, to this game, to other classes, can you imagine a cleric
who can do decent damage with a good weapon and on top of that get some
unbelievable kickass healing with unbelievable kickass AC?
Welchew is right, fully equipped clerics are massive and definately something
to behold and you do some good damage.
Now add to that your AC ... plus protection spells, and then thrown on top
of that some really good healing, you guys are pretty set.
In terms of skills/spells and even balance in the game, you guys are the
most balanced and fair class around. Also, you could be a lot worse off
class wise, look at the mages.
Short version: Clerics are mighty good
Paladins deserve 2/1 or 3/2 you guys shouldn't
If this was my class I would implement more role play like dieties and
spheres of influence as well as turn undead(although I hear this is in the
works) and then maybe diversify this class more and add a druids or
paladins as a choice of "cleric" classes
This note was penned by Lister on Jul 25, 1999.
It is the 13rd of 33 notes.
> read 14
Note 14 is entitled 'Lister is a moron':
AWESOME AC?? Really. Well, let's see... as a 25/28 cleric with the
BEST eq on the mud, full protection, and a good blessing I still can't last
more than 6 or 7 rounds vs. the more potent monsters on the mud. Assume that
I get a very hard hit every round I can do what... 100 or 120 hp damage
In that time, kick in a full heal and a half I can get 200-280 hp.
That is assuming I get perfect 'rolls' during combat. You want to tell me
that a mage with no armour and no weapons, who can with a couple potions of
mind healing kill the same monster I'd have to take 5 or 6 full runs at
equels VERY balanced? Hah! Who cares what your AC is if you have fast damage
or elemental tankers, or big damage attacks? As for your claim that we have
great healing capabilities... I can't even come CLOSE to casting 2 cures on
a fellow party member w/ my max SP. That's not what I'd call good healing
ability. While the rest of the mud has been upgraded to the 40/30 level system
barring Barbs, and possibly fighters, clerics are escentially the same power
as the 20/20 system. Period. I've played 'em all, and although clerics have some neat
spells and abilities, and by far the most class on the mud, they still are severly lacking
in balance vs. mages/monks/adventurers. Protection is neat but
doesn't really do anything, and everyone knows that for nearly all of the higher level
monsters here physical combat means nothing. The only thing that matters is spell damage,
which clerics do not have.
This note was penned by Glitz on Jul 26, 1999.
It is the 14th of 33 notes.
> read 15
Note 15 is entitled 'I refuse':
I refuse to read you message on the grounds that your a complete idiot
glitz. Awesome AC? I am sorry did I "quote" Welchew'
err Welchew's comment? Do you read the entire message before responding ot
or do you just like to flame?
This note was penned by Lister on Jul 26, 1999.
It is the 15th of 33 notes.
> read 16
Note 16 is entitled 'Lister quit smoking pot.':
It's obviously determental to your mental well-being. Either that or
smoke much more, chill out, and try to think before you post.
You said we had kickss healing/AC, healing costs way too many sp to be
considered 'kick ass' especially considering the abundance of potion use
here. Whatever AC we do have reguardless of how 'good' it is doesn't make
up for the fact that we do almost no damage vs. lvl 19+ creatures.
You're calling me a complete idiot and yet you claim that Clerics are
stronger than mages. I've played the two back to back _recently_ and I
can guarantee I made xp/gold/equip 4 times faster as a mage than a _higher_
clevel cleric. As a mage I could kill anything on the mud, in short time w/o
spending rediculous ammounts of cash. I think clerics are fine up to clevel 20
but why is there a severe lack of spells above that? Spells in those areas
are _intended_ for higher level players to take on higher level monsters.
p.s. If you refused to read my post then how would you know if I had read your whole
post or just enjoyed flaming?
This note was penned by Glitz on Jul 26, 1999.
It is the 16th of 33 notes.
> read 17
Note 17 is entitled 'clerics':
Okokok I guess I have mixed emotions. Personally, I like all the things a
cleric can do as far as spells but I don't think we've been matured beyond the
20/20 system either.
Our AC is good but to achieve that higher level of AC you usually have to kill
a higher level monster and to kill a higher level monster with basic equipment
(since you're currently fighting for better) is extremely hard to do without
any help. And I go broke using potions to kill monsters with better equipment.
I don't think that a class should have to use potions so much just to get what
they need. We should be able to kill certain levels of monsters as we acheive
better levels ourselves. A monk can buy a ton of potions (and afford them) and
kick butt all day on the mud and never use a cleric for healing because they
already have great everything. I wish there were a way to limit potions to
other classes so that they relied on clerics more for healing. Then maybe we
can trade favors...big monk kill for better equiptment, cleric heals monk.
That sorta thing.
With basic equipment and no undead yet, I still use 3 or 4 potions just to kill
a town guard! That's just stupid. Now I know my own character needs to raise
a few stats but still...a level 19/20 cleric should attack better than that.
Anyways...I'm off my soapbox. So flame me all ya like. *grin*
This note was penned by Elin on Jul 26, 1999.
It is the 17th of 33 notes.
> read 18
Note 18 is entitled 'Elin etc.':
I agree with the fact that potion use on this mud is far too cheap and easy.
In terms of armour, I think few clerics actually appreciate exactly how
good the protection spell really is, especially at higher clevels - at
clevel 30, protection alone is probably better than a full set of armour plus
uniques - and then you can wear armour on top of that. The general strategy
for clerics when fighting things like guards that don't have special attacks
is to wear them down slowly, using trance to heal SP and HP and then healself
in combat, as well as bless, curse and protection (all of which are extremely
powerful, especially at higher clevels where they affect aware as well as dex
and fight). Unfortunately, this tends to take time, and is no use for getting
quick kills. This wouldn't be as bad, except that higher level monsters with
special attacks can bypass all the armour and piss all over a cleric, so at
the very least a good undead (and possibly a couple of preserved corpses) are
needed to stand a chance. If potions are being used, they're generally
cheaper - especially in a team, as the cleric can use mind heal potions to
heal themselves and others, instead of normal potions.
In summary - clerics are OK at midrange, but weaker at the lowest and highest
levels, until they max all their stats. IMHO they need a way to avoid/soak up/
reduce etc. the special attacks of higher monsters so they can actually stay in
fights long enough to do appreciable damage - the idea of a cleric trying
to kill a level 25 monster with >1000 HP is a joke at the moment - it'd take
at least 15 mins of solid fighting, if they did maximum damage with the best
weapon in the game every round, and had max strength. This is why I still
think clerics need some sort of extra offensive ability at the highest clevels,
whether it's magical or attack based. The only other alternative would be to
accept that the easiest way to play the mud from scratch would be to start as
a fighter, switch to cleric at about level 12, then become a monk above level
20 or so (IMHO, anyway :) ). After all, since when where monks the sort of
people who could deal out up to 120HP damage a round with their bare hands
(admittedly, this would need a ludicrous amount of luck :))...
This note was penned by Welchew on Jul 31, 1999.
It is the 18th of 33 notes.
> read 19
Note 19 is entitled 're: Welchew':
True, we are good at midrange area, but as this mud has a huge
focus on higher levels there is nothing we can do. AC is great if all
you want to do is fight level 12-15 monsters... At my level there is nothing
I can kill in that area which gives me anything close to decent XP. I don't
think it would take too much modifying to make Clerics more competetive w/ the
rest of the classes, but either giving 'em _good_ healing powers, or a spell
similar to missile would go a long way. If you look at the skill list Clerics
don't get anything at all in the higher clevels. Hell, (can I say hell as a cleric?)
all we get is healing rain above clevel 20 and that spell is worthless.
This note was penned by Glitz on Aug 1, 1999.
It is the 19th of 33 notes.
> read 20
Note 20 is entitled 'Clerics are the best':
I have recently become a cleric and they are the best
I get money for heals
and protection
and a spell nearly every clevel
clerics are the
This note was penned by Cloud on Aug 5, 1999.
It is the 20th of 33 notes.
> read 21
Note 21 is entitled 'Healing...':
Actually, the thing I find most unfair about the classes is that adventurers
get the healself spell as well as us - and at about clevel 17 - that's way
out of order, seeing as they get up to 5/2 attacks and the cone of ice
spell as well :P
This note was penned by Welchew on Aug 5, 1999.
It is the 21st of 33 notes.
> read 22
Note 22 is entitled 'Balin':
He will follow you around and steal the items from your kill. I will
not heal or bless or help him anymore. I have given him equip, healed,
blessed, and partied with him and this is how he shows his gratitude.
Use your own discretion, this is just a warning. I know that he is a
*brother* or something of Cloud who is a cleric so he can get his blesses
and heals from him from now on.
This note was penned by Ilex on Aug 24, 1999.
It is the 22nd of 33 notes.
> read 23
Note 23 is entitled 'turn undead?':
i was playing baldur's gate this weekend and realized we don't have the turn
undead option. i just thought that might be another thing we could use,
perhaps not that often but for those special occasions. it is a typical sorta
spell for a cleric to have i think.
just a suggestion! :)
This note was penned by Shari on Sep 6, 1999.
It is the 23rd of 33 notes.
> read 24
Note 24 is entitled 'Re: Turn undead':
Sounds like a good idea Shari and I think if you have a look at the clerics of
Weehours, you'll see we once had it.
Anyone know why it was removed?
This note was penned by Tiberius on Sep 18, 1999.
It is the 24th of 33 notes.
> read 25
Note 25 is entitled 'Turn undead...':
I think the main thing that'd make it tricky to implement atm is that
currently there is no consistent way of labelling undeads as such in the
game - turn undead would be a very appropriate spell IMHO, but it'd require
the whole game to be overhauled (again) to make it work... although having
said that, it's always a possibility for the future once all the areas in the
game *have* been rewritten and debugged...
This note was penned by Welchew on Sep 18, 1999.
It is the 25th of 33 notes.
> read 26
Note 26 is entitled 'Turn Undead':
Is more of a possibility then you think. But it requires wizards to
turn on a flag for their undeads or else it wouldn't work.
This note was penned by Lister on Sep 20, 1999.
It is the 26th of 33 notes.
> read 27
Note 27 is entitled 'bless who?':
i heard that there is some list of people we aren't allowed to bless. where is
this list? is it on the board hidden within the bowels of the messages?
another question, do we all have to follow it? i'm just wondering...if it was
merely guidelines or whatever.
This note was penned by Shari on Sep 20, 1999.
It is the 27th of 33 notes.
> read 28
Note 28 is entitled 'Fatality':
He is an atrocity. An atrocity that will die repeatedly once/if he advances to level 12.
This note was penned by Glitz on Sep 25, 1999.
It is the 28th of 33 notes.
> read 29
Note 29 is entitled 'Fatality':
Call me cynical, but he's proberly also a 2nd and should be treated accordingly.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Sep 26, 1999.
It is the 29th of 33 notes.
> read 30
Note 30 is entitled 'It's been real':
Whelp, this is my last message as a cleric, at least for a while
After dying pointlessly to lack of admin caring about players
once again, I'm moving on once more. I have to say this has
been the most fun class. Too bad nobody is doing anything to keep
it in competition with the rest. Who knows, maybe I'll be back
'gain one day. It's not entirely unlikely. <grin>
This note was penned by Glitz on Sep 26, 1999.
It is the 30th of 33 notes.
> read 31
Note 31 is entitled '2 things I have to say':
I have been away in Quebec for a wile ther but I'm back now and time to do
something with this class..1)I'm on the list now for anyone that cares I think
it is a yea moment..2)I have had enought I am so pissed off at fatality I will
hear nothing this is what I have to say and what I will do I am hear by
placeing him on the "LIST" which means I wish none of you to heal bless or res
him I would love that so much but I ask something else for you if you see any
cleric or clerics (Athena) helping him please tell me and for those of you that
do help him ! I will be royaly pissedI will try andmake your life aliveing hell
and any ones close to yours i will not do this for anyone but it is Fatality so
I will go to the exteam ! so please don't make me Turn into the mean old piss
of make you wanna break something Sturm cause I still got hi locked up inside
me some where and I know just where to find the please please don't
help him and if you need a reason ask anyone he is rude he break like 3 rules a
day he is a newbie killing shouting swaering pompuse pice of trash that needs a
good kicking and shari yes pks are suposed to pk each other but he just dose it
again and a gain it is like me being a 10/21 cleric kill a fighter es them on
the spot with no armour and kill them again that is not right that should not
be alowed
This note was penned by Denubis on Nov 8, 1999.
It is the 31st of 33 notes.
> read 32
Note 32 is entitled 'Re: Fatality':
As much as I object to being threatened by Denubis.... I have to agree with
what he says. Fatality silenced me the other day because I *gasp* disagreed
with him.
My former clan of the Dark Carnival (to which Fatality now belongs) has (thanks
to Wicked) become nothing more than a cheap PK clan with shitty members like
Deadddeadly and Fatality.
I certainly won't be helping Fatality at all, and for the sake of us clerics,
I'd urge everyone to act the same.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 10, 1999.
It is the 32nd of 33 notes
> read 33
Note 33 is entitled 'Cleric Tiberius - leaves':
I have been in this guild for some time now. However, I feel it is time for me
to leave.
I had hoped that the Dying Breed would carry on through the Clerics Clan and
the unity of the Clerics would prevail... I was wrong.
Sekel had a nice idea when he tried to unite the Clerics, and I tried to follow
his work, but if there is one thing I have learnt, it's that guilds are not
united bodies.
We make exp from our blesses and heals, and a few clerics felt that they were
being deprived of their income when told not to help certain players for the
sake of the clerical unity.
Were they right? Were they wrong? I don't know. Although I did find it hard
being a PK Cleric. Glitz was right, Clerics just aren't made for PK despite
what I'd like to have believed.
This raises an interesting point. Should Clerics act as the moral guardians of
the mud, and not help certain people who act without honour? Or should Clerics
help anyone and act neutrally outside the scope of mud political contexts?
Well, these are questions which I leave to you remaining Clerics. Do you want
to be united? Do you want to have a cleric code of conduct? Do you want to be
independent? Should Clerics be only for PK immunes? Should clerics be able to PK well?
I found as a PK Cleric that when Fatality attacked me, it became hard to teach
him a lesson. What else could I do besides say "tch tch tch, stop that now, or
I won't bless you"?
To all the remaining Clerics, try and have fun and enjoy your guild.
PS: Hey Hawkwind... when is this marriage idea that I suggested yonks ago
going to be implemented?
PPS: Clerics... have fun:)
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 30, 1999.
It is the 33rd of 33 notes.
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