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The author of this is Canetoad.

Canetoad's history of After Hours


First of all I'd like to introduce myself, you'll know me on the mud as "Canetoad the mage" but my friends know me as my original name. Anyway that's enough about me.

Welcome to my humble After Hours magazine.
This magazine provides a character profile of the wonderful people who play After Hours.
Within this magazine is contained background information on where the mud originated and the power struggle between those who wanted to have absolute power in keeping the mud afloat.
As far as I know the mud originated in America but the exact location has slipped my mind.

To my knowledge the supreme rulers of the mud were Morpheus and Elric. There was also another person called Sly, a character that was aah how could you say, was unhappy of the way the mud was operated. During the early 1990s, Sly stole the mud from Morpheus put it into his account, corrupting the files saved on the mud and destroying it, which made the mud severely crash in the early 1990s.

Now the mud is operational again with the current gods Huma, Zappo, and James the mud seems to be operating with some success, however some players complain that there should be improvements in the game.

The original characters, which were used on the mud, were mages, monks, clerics, and fighters.
There was at one stage supposed to have been introduced a new character to choose from and that was the vampire character.
Apprantly there is still evidence of the character still existing with reference to the weapon the Vampiric Dagger which very little people know let alone where to find the weapon. Barbarians were never supposed to be introduced into the mud but as you're all aware they are now.

In the early playing of the mud, adventurers used to have no spells, no abilities, and no advantages. The character was only used as a default class when you first log on until you switch to another guild, as you're aware now the adventurers can be used as actual playing characters.

Mages, hmm what about them, yeah we know they suck. Just kidding. All I know that the mage character was part of the original After Hours and that they had an interesting spell called summon. It gave them the ability to summon anyone who they beat the resistance in, and transport them to where the current mage's location is, apart from that the mages don't have that spell at current and they are still the same as they once were.
There was apprantly 1 item that prevented a mage from summoning an opponent and that was called anchor. I believe that item is located in Mold's area it's supposedly in a castle in the forest south of town so good luck finding it.

Now for the clerics, DOH!!! They're not as good as what I would of hoped for them to be. Clerics are good for their healing and resurrecting abilities, but what I personally believe is that clerics should only have 1 healing spell and not like 3. Replace those 2 unwanted healing spells and replace it with 2 good offensive spells something as good as blast, cause hey how in the world is a cleric going to defeat a mage or any other character in battle. Another suggestion is code a spell something defender what it should do it act as a temporary protection from its enemies and should cost like 100 sp to use and last for about 40 seconds.

Another replacement spell should be something along the lines of raising undeads just like the way in which you can get Maedicon's and use the skull to get undeads. Its limit should be roughly the same like getting Skeleton Warrior and Edward as undeads. You should also be able to heal the undeads if they get injured in an attack. Well these are just suggestions; I hope 1 of them come true cause it would really help the clerics. Well it came into effect eventually didn't it?

Canetoad and friend
Canetoad and friend

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