This log was made by Canetoad. (well, technically...)
The Badlands Warriors Clan revisited
> read 1
Note 1 is entitled 'Portal Room':
It's fixed, I've donated 1000 coins to pay for the upkeep while it was broken.
This note was penned by Brapnor on Dec 30, 1997.
It is the 1st of 20 notes.
> read 2
Note 2 is entitled 'Clan':
A traitor in your clan used a bug in order to disband your
clan hall. It has been restored to you.
This note was penned by Brapnor on Jan 21, 1998.
It is the 2nd of 20 notes.
> read 3
read 5
Note 3 is entitled 'RE dirstanius':
He said to me that he would like to join our clan and that he
was only helping jav get points to keep the darkover lord clan going.
He said if he can't get into our clan then he may not be in any clan, but what i'm
worried is if we were to recriut him he could tell info about our clan to other UPEI
members d2a vengeance damcyan and the others who are from there as well
But anyway i assume you have know dirstanius as another character for quite a long time
cassidy so can he ve trusted or not ?, i don't know
>From canetoad the concerned
This note was penned by Canetoad on Feb 15, 1998.
It is the 3rd of 20 notes.
> read 4
Note 5 is entitled 'Thanks for the invite':
Hello everyone. Thank you for welcoming me into your clan. I am very excited and hope
to be a valuable asset to your community.
Please let me know if I can do anything for any of you.
This note was penned by Redrum on Feb 16, 1998.
It is the 5th of 20 notes.
> read 6
Note 4 is entitled 'Welcome redrum':
Everyone welcome redrum to the clan, she is glad to be a member
This note was penned by Canetoad on Feb 16, 1998.
It is the 4th of 20 notes.
> read 7
read 8
read 9
Note 6 is entitled 'RE jester':
Jester is a 15\17 cleric and a very old friend of redrum, what do you think people we
need a cleric or 2, redrum say's she has known him for quite a while and has helped her
out alot
votes people ....
This note was penned by Canetoad on Feb 16, 1998.
It is the 6th of 20 notes.
> read 10
Note 7 is entitled 'RE JESTER':
I know I am new around her. But Jester has been a good friend to me on the mud. I can
vouch for his character. He is always willing to help. I think we should let him join.
This note was penned by Redrum on Feb 16, 1998.
It is the 7th of 20 notes.
Note 8 is entitled 'JESTER':
I talked to jester and he is interested in joining. Please give me some input. He is a
very good player and has helped me out a lot in the popast. Thanks
This note was penned by Redrum on Feb 19, 1998.
It is the 8th of 20 notes.
Note 9 is entitled 'ok':
i think Jester could join our clan i give him a vote. An other think i talked yesterday
to Ayla and she isnt anymore to rejoin our guild. Maybe we should consider to invite
to our clan a cleric. I think we need one here.
This note was penned by Maicoll on Feb 19, 1998.
It is the 9th of 20 notes.
Note 10 is entitled 'RE jester':
Well although i don't know jester that well, if redrum and maicoll say he's ok, then i
guess we can rally him in later on, redrum said he's pretty good, so shall we see if
that's the case ?,
anyway yes we do need another cleric
This note was penned by Canetoad on Feb 20, 1998.
It is the 10th of 20 notes.
> read 11
Note 11 is entitled 'A few things':
1) Incase you are wanting to know Redrum, Cassidy holds 1st command and I hold 2nd. Any
queries about the clan can be made to us if you like, or another clan member that may
know. If you are wanting a perm in particular, then talk to Cassidy or myself.
2) I personally dont know Jester and doubt if we have ever talked, but I would like to meet
Jester and have a friendly talk. Also after the talk if I approve it along with cassidy
and the clan votes Jester in, then we will recruit him/her. Joining members usually have
to be over level 12, but not in all cases.
3) As for Dirstanius joining the clan, i have always been sceptical about the thought
because he has never been able to be trusted by anyone (remembering Goliath = Dirstanius).
Many of us know his past behaviour and for that reason, i dont think it is wise for him
to join. I think for the secruity of the clan, that his request to join the clan be
4) I believe canetoad had some other people in mind for recruiting. Can canetoad please
post to this board regarding the other people he has in mind and the reason why he thinks
they should be recruited.
5) If everyone can put some money into the money pool everyday, that would be good. We are
running at a very high cost which is draining the pool dry and for that reason i ask if
people can put money into the pool. To donate money to the pool, simpy type "donate
6) Is Ayla still a member of the clan? According to the clan list i have, she is still a
member to this clan. If she is not a member no more, then i will remove her from the list
by expeling her from the clan. If she is still a member, then please tell me and she is
more then welcome to stay.
If anyone would like to comment on these 5 points, please do so. If you agree or disagree,
thats good and argue my point if you wish, i would like to hear your opinion and thoughts
on the issues.
*** Tornado the belovéd "God of Death" ***
This note was penned by Tornado on Feb 22, 1998.
It is the 11st of 20 notes.
> read 12
read 13
Note 12 is entitled 'RE edge':
Darian from our allied frineds D.C has informed me to never get edge into the clan,
because he's intention is to sabotage any of the D.C specialist or D.C clan, so don't
accept him
This note was penned by Canetoad on Feb 22, 1998.
It is the 12nd of 20 notes.
> read 14
Note 13 is entitled 'Upkeep Costs':
Can you please give the approximate upkeep cost per week to give us some idea how much we
need to donate.
I would also like so info on our how do i use it?
This note was penned by Redrum on Feb 23, 1998.
It is the 13rd of 20 notes.
> read 15
Note 14 is entitled 'perms':
tornado i would like to have the perm clan points and the perm to see the balance of our
treasure. I had them before the the clan was disbanded. Also, i think i should have the
perm to wiithdraw money from the clan bank, i am old enough to take care of our treasury
as well as you, cassidy and can.
This note was penned by Maicoll on Feb 23, 1998.
It is the 14th of 20 notes.
> read 16
Note 15 is entitled 'Portal':
so, the mage that e hired to keep our portal to badlands doesnt work. I suggest brapnor
should fix it and do not charge for it until works.
This note was penned by Maicoll on Feb 23, 1998.
It is the 15th of 20 notes.
> read 17
Note 16 is entitled 'Redrum':
It costs the clan:
158 coins per 1/2 hour
= 7584 coins per day
= 53088 coins per week
These costs will be lowered once someone removes the portal room for us, ie Brapnor.
To see info on the treasury, you will need the "clan points" perm and as we had agreed
(and you agreed) you will need to earn that perm. Perhaps be with the clan for maybe 4
weeks, and be maybe level 15, then we should be able to give it to you :)
*** Your most worshiped and honored lord, TORNADO ***
This note was penned by Tornado on Feb 23, 1998.
It is the 16th of 20 notes.
Note 17 is entitled 'Maicoll':
I have updated your perms, you now have "clan points" and "Withdraw Funds" for the
This note was penned by Tornado on Feb 23, 1998.
It is the 17th of 20 notes.
> read 18
read 19
Note 18 is entitled 'HMMMM':
Can we please leave the paper, and list in the clan hall (this room) after reboot.
This note was penned by Tornado on Feb 23, 1998.
It is the 18th of 20 notes.
Note 19 is entitled 'Portal room':
The mage in the portal room worked fine, I just told him to get lost
a week or so ago, believing that it would save us money. But, to
my continued disappointment, it didn't.
This note was penned by Cassidy on Feb 23, 1998.
It is the 19th of 20 notes.
> read 20
Note 20 is entitled 'News':
hi guys. I just wanted to let you know that i will not play during then 2 or 3 weeks. I
just got a new work in Germany for 6 month.( i am form chile). So till i get a descent
connection form there you will see me around.
Long life for the Badlands Warriors. :)
This note was penned by Maicoll on Feb 24, 1998.
It is the 20th of 20 notes.
> south
You can leave things in this room.
There is one obvious exit: south.
A pair of leather boots.
A prismed amulet.
Ruby ring.
Large bag.
Blood stone ring.
Tattered clothing.
> Not decorated Clan.
There are four obvious exits: out, north, up, and east.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Badlands Warriors bulletin board (20 messages).
> This is a basic clan treasury.
There is one obvious exit: west.
> west
Not decorated Clan.
There are four obvious exits: out, north, up, and east.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Badlands Warriors bulletin board (20 messages).
> This room allows you to have portals to many other locations on the mud.
There are two obvious exits: down, and north.
A hired mage.
> d
Not decorated Clan.
There are four obvious exits: out, north, up, and east.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Badlands Warriors bulletin board (20 messages).
> score
Wizard (3rd Ranked) Canetoad
Level : 19 Class : Level 26 mage
Hit Points : 184 of (184) Skill Pts : 241 of (264)
Experience : 48204 Next Level : 673194
Race : Human Alignment : Neutral
Gold Coins : 8244 Language : Common
Str : 77.50% Int : 47.50% Dex : 55.00% Con : 71.00%
Fight: 70.00% Magic: 60.00% Aware: 20.00% Res : 31.00%
Fluent : Common Dwarvish Elvish Ogreish Halfling Stonedown
Intoxicated: Sober
Hunger : Really Full
Thirst : Not Thirsty At All
Wimpy : 110 hit points Direction : e
Age : 34 days 2 hours 8 minutes 22 seconds.
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