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1: Garbage/Trash = Tornado's last note (Tiberius Nov 25, 1997)
2: Emote: Flash (Tiberius Nov 26, 1997)
3: Oh really? (Tiberius Nov 26, 1997)
4: Emotes (Tornado Nov 26, 1997)
5: Emotes,emotes and more emotes! (Tiberius Nov 26, 1997)
6: RE: Emotes (Tornado Nov 26, 1997)
7: MAGIC bag (Tornado Nov 28, 1997)
8: Vault and stuff (Tiberius Nov 28, 1997)
9: going on holidays (Canetoad Nov 29, 1997)
10: Members (Cassidy Nov 29, 1997)
11: I'm Confused (Tornado Nov 30, 1997)
12: Re: I'm Confused (Cassidy Nov 30, 1997)
13: Ahhhhh (Tornado Nov 30, 1997)
14: Kitten (Cassidy Nov 30, 1997)
15: Dont worry (Kahlia Nov 30, 1997)
16: kitten (Tornado Dec 1, 1997)
17: Stuff (Cassidy Dec 1, 1997)
18: Upgrade (Tornado Dec 1, 1997)
19: icq (Canetoad Dec 2, 1997)
20: equip (Canetoad Dec 2, 1997)
21: equip (Maicoll Dec 2, 1997)
22: Equip and stash (Tiberius Dec 2, 1997)
23: stash (Tornado Dec 2, 1997)
> read 2
Note 2 is entitled 'Emote: Flash':
Okay,I've got an idea for a clan emote.I was thinking about the movie Men in
Black,and came up with this.I'll use Tornado doing the clan emote,and Predator as the
Tornado pulls out his flashy thing and places it in front of Predator's face.
fffffFFFFFFLLLLLAAAASSSHH!!!!! Predator has been neatralised.
So,what do y'all think?I guess the "pulls" could be replaced by "takes" or something
If anyone has any other suggestions for clan emotes,put them on them on the board.
Put anything on the board for that matter:) Later!
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 26, 1997.
It is the 2nd of 23 notes.
> read 3
Note 3 is entitled 'Oh really?':
Oh really Canetoad.You're the man in black?Who appointed you the title of "Man in
Black"?No matter,if you want to use your flashy thing than we better get this clan
(Tornado will proberly consider this note "crap" and not relevant enough to be posted
on his holy board,but then he'll proberly think that of Canetoad's last note too,.oh
well,we better be careful Canetoad or according to Tornado in note 20 he'll punish us,
what every that might mean*boggle*)
-Tiberius the humble Adventurer.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 26, 1997.
It is the 3rd of 23 notes.
> Maicoll arrives.
read 4
Note 4 is entitled 'Emotes':
The MIB emote seems to be ok, but might have to change it slightly to "Tornado takes
out his flashy device and places it in front of Tiberius's face...
FFFFFLLLLLAAAAASSSSSHHHHH...Tiberius has been neutalised and is awaiting new thoughts.
Tiberius shivers with fright as he feels a powerful presence within the room, he
curiously looks around the room wondering what it is, soon he realises and start to
run, BANG, a strong force hits him and sends him flying into a nearby brick wall.
Tiberius is no more
A personal one for mages:
A dark hooded mage covered in black floats into the room, pauses as he peers deep
into Tiberius's soul, Tiberius steps back unsure of his nature, but its to late, the mage
has decided and has already started to painfully retrieve Tiberius's soul. Tiberius
More to come as i get time to think of them
*** TORNADO ***
This note was penned by Tornado on Nov 26, 1997.
It is the 4th of 23 notes.
> read 5
[Badlands Warriors] Maicoll: ok, have to go
Note 5 is entitled 'Emotes,emotes and more emotes!':
*Yes,I agree with that revision of the MiB Flash emote.However perhaps,the
FFLLASSSSHH!! thingy should begin with small f's then go to capital F's. For
example, fffffFFFFFFLLLLLAAAASSSHH!!!!!!,which shows a build up in sound of
the Flash.So,I'm happy with your revision,although I would like to get other clan
members opinion of course.
*As far as the other two emotes you've suggested,well they look very good,but they
also seem quite long.Are clan emotes surposed to be a paragraph long though?
Anyway,I'm glad to see the clan board being used once again so lets NOT STOP
I'll post more ideas for clan emotes as I think of them.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 26, 1997.
It is the 5th of 23 notes.
> [Badlands Warriors] Kahlia: seeya later
read 6
[Badlands Warriors] Maicoll: see ya!
[Badlands Warriors] Tornado: later
Maicoll leaves out.
Tornado chants ancient words of power.
Tornado reaches into an extra-dimensional space and pulls
A large fire elemental out of thin air!
Note 6 is entitled 'RE: Emotes':
My emotes my seem quite long for an for now, but they are ideas and if approved by
the clan, i will shorten it down to fit in with the length of an emote and have it
reassessed before made officially a clan emote, so what are your thoughts?
This note was penned by Tornado on Nov 26, 1997.
It is the 6th of 23 notes.
1: Clan Portals (Tornado Dec 18, 1997)
2: Portal room (Tiberius Dec 18, 1997)
3: IRC (Tornado Dec 18, 1997)
4: Trasten (Tornado Dec 18, 1997)
5: re: Trasten (Cassidy Dec 18, 1997)
6: IRC (Tiberius Dec 18, 1997)
7: Duriel (Tiberius Dec 21, 1997)
8: welcome (Tornado Dec 21, 1997)
9: Suggestion (Tornado Dec 21, 1997)
10: Stuff (Tiberius Dec 21, 1997)
11: i'm back (Canetoad Dec 22, 1997)
12: headline (Duriel Dec 22, 1997)
13: Re: Tornado (Cassidy Dec 22, 1997)
14: MERRY XMAS (Canetoad Dec 24, 1997)
15: I hate lag (Schmuck Dec 27, 1997)
16: Me (Tiberius Dec 30, 1997)
17: Portal room (Cassidy Dec 30, 1997)
18: Portal Room (Brapnor Dec 30, 1997)
19: HAPPY new YEARS !!! (Canetoad Dec 31, 1997)
20: New Years? (Cassidy Dec 31, 1997)
21: going on a small vacation. (shrug!) (Maicoll Jan 6, 1998)
22: oops (Maicoll Jan 6, 1998)
23: Vault (Canetoad Jan 7, 1998)
24: Welcome Reckless (Cassidy Jan 8, 1998)
25: Sorry Canetoad! (Ayla Jan 9, 1998)
26: Goodbye (Tiberius Jan 9, 1998)
> read 1
Note 1 is entitled 'Clan Portals':
For these last few days, there has been ideas circulating the clan about
having clan portals, so i thought i'd post and notify the clan about what
has been happaning.
1stly, for those of you that dont
know what the clan portal is, it's basically a way to transport yourself around
the mud like a mage usually does with portal. A clan is allowed a maximum of 4
portals and it's the clan decision where these 4 portals go and you use these
portals to transport yourself to that set location. Also if you are still
unsure, ask one of us that knows and there is also clan help files on it.
By default the portal will go UP from the clan hall and once the 4 is purchased,it
will be north, east, south and west (up from here). The portals will be expensive
to maintain, mainly because we have to hire a mage (NPC) to keep the portals
permanently open for our use. So the number of portals purchased to use will most
likey be based on the number of clan members we have and how high the members are.
The reason for this is, the more members we have and the higher in levels the
members are, the easier it will be to keep money flowing into the clan to maintain
the portal without putting yourself in any financial problem because you thought
you HAD to donate money to the clan. At the moment we have 9 members within
the clan and only 2 (cassidy and myself) are of high enough levels to bring
money in comfortably, although there are a few members that are starting
to reach the higher levels and will soon will prove to be useful in the hunt
for money to maintain the portal + our current clan expenses.
Ideas for portal location to start with are:
1) Badlands Town
2) Dragon Isle (DI)
We are thinking about getting 1 portal and seeing how the cost of it goes and
based on that will determine if and when we get the 2nd portal.
If anyone would like to comment on this, please feel free to and i would be
grateful to hear from you, thanks :)
*** TORNADO ***
This note was penned by Tornado on Dec 18, 1997.
It is the 1st of 26 notes.
> read 2
Note 2 is entitled 'Portal room':
Yes,I think we should get a portal room as we've got all the other clan
features,and hey!Why not?Well,before we do,let's make sure we know what
we're getting into.Firstly,everyone should be clear that the portal room
is NOT TELEPORT SECURE and is not a safe zone too,like the rest of the
clan is,so be verrrrryyy careful when using it,we don't want any mages
portaling in.That would be a disaster!Also,I'm sure we've got many
questions that should be answered.I'm still unsure about portal ends,and
if non-clan members can enter through them into our clan.Let's get everything
clear first.
Let's try and get our questions answered quickly because it should be good to
have a portal room,and useful too! To celebrate this great time for the clan,with
us becoming a fortress,getting some cool new (stuffed) emotes,and the eventual
portal room,why don't we add another member to our great clan which might help
with the costs?Who?*shrug*search me,I got no idea,however,I have noticed a few
newbies around the level 5-8 range who I've seen around a bit recently,who should
graduate from their newbie-ness soon and make good members.Who are these people?Their
names are Duriel,Happygirl,and Reckless.Keep a watch on these players for the future
perhaps. I agree with the portal places Tornado suggested.Come on,we have to have
the Badlands as one!*grin*Our name is the Badlands Warriors after all.Seriously
speaking a portal in the Badlands might be good for fighting[when I raise my levels]and
for the shops in there + when the mercs return.
Dragon Island is a logical choice.It's a good place to go with all sorts
of things to do and see.(did that just sound like a travel agency advertisement?)At
the moment,the main reason which stops me from heading to DI often,is because
it's SO far away,crossing through the swamp,finding the raft,etc,etc,etc
oh and because I'm lazy too.Having a portal
in DI would make travel there faster and more often in my case.So,how about
having some place in the Badlands for the north portal,..and some place in Dragon
Island for the east portal.Someplace near to both the Badlands and Dragon Island's
towns perhaps?
Comments?Thoughts?Ideas?*click fingers*
%100 Tiberius
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 18, 1997.
It is the 2nd of 26 notes.
> read 3
Note 3 is entitled 'IRC':
If anyone has IRC (NOT ICQ) and wanna join my channel, its called #MudGames
(name says it all) and is on the server irc.dal.net. My user name there
is "Mick2", i would have taken Tornado, but thats already taken :)
This note was penned by Tornado on Dec 18, 1997.
It is the 3rd of 26 notes.
> read 4
Note 4 is entitled 'Trasten':
I have been informed about Trasten's condition with the game, he is
never coming back to the mud and is giving his character to a
friend that knows nothing about the mud, because the new trasten
(level 8-9) will be new to the mud, if might even be better for him to
start anew and for that reason he may given get the character trasten dested.
There is more detail to this but that just the overview, basically trasten
is not coming back and may have the character dested, so for such reasons
i have sadly booted him from the clan.
This note was penned by Tornado on Dec 18, 1997.
It is the 4th of 26 notes.
> read 5
Note 5 is entitled 're: Trasten':
I think that was one of the longest sentences I have ever seen in my life.
Trasten was a good player, I'm sorry to see him gone, but I also back Tornado's
decision to keep only 'real' members of the clan active.
This note was penned by Cassidy on Dec 18, 1997.
It is the 5th of 26 notes.
> read 6
Note 6 is entitled 'IRC':
Everyone,..go to Tornado's IRC channel.It's rather new now,but if
everyone supports it,it should get bigger and better.See y' there.
(although not as Tiberius,as that name's allready taken)*grumble*
Tell everyone!
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 18, 1997.
It is the 6th of 26 notes.
> read 7
Note 7 is entitled 'Duriel':
The player Duriel has reached level 10/12.I thought I'd let y' all
know,I think he'd make a good clan member too.
[Look out for me on IRC at the server irc.dal.net port 7000
(if that port doesn't work try 6667) at the channel #mudgames]
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 21, 1997.
It is the 7th of 26 notes.
> read 8
Note 8 is entitled 'welcome':
Please give a warm welcome to Duriel, he is now a new member of the clan
and has joined as a 10/12 fighter :)
This note was penned by Tornado on Dec 21, 1997.
It is the 8th of 26 notes.
> read 9
Note 9 is entitled 'Suggestion':
I think from now on, maybe the lowest level to recruit should be
level 12 (not 10 anymore) the points we get from recruiting a
player should be close enough to cover the perms that they get
when they 1st join the clan
This note was penned by Tornado on Dec 21, 1997.
It is the 9th of 26 notes.
> read 10
Note 10 is entitled 'Stuff':
*I havn't been here for a few days,as my mud-time has been busy on mIRC
#mudgames.I think Tornado too has been affected by IRC,or actually
KombatMud where he's a wiz.*shrug*I'll try and get back to here actually,our
clan is going good now.People come on to #mudgames and say have a look at my
mud,so the whole thing is getting confusing with trying a million
muds.Actually,someone there said to me that the idea of a mud channel
on IRC is kinda ironic as people won't have time to visit #mudgames.Instead
they'll be mudding.
*I'm glad you've joined the clan Duriel.We did need new members,especially
considering that Kitten,Trasten and some other person were recently kicked
from the clan.You are an experienced player of this mud,and it's a good
thing you decided to join us.
*Tornado| I agree with your suggestion -maybe- we should start specializing
on who we get in now.*shrug*
*Tornado get back to your channel on irc,.it seems i've been hosting your
channel recently.
*okay,....the portal room?what's happening with that?
*Canetoad gets back sometime today.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 21, 1997.
It is the 10th of 26 notes.
> read 11
Note 11 is entitled 'i'm back':
hiya all, just thought you might like to know that i have returned again :)
This note was penned by Canetoad on Dec 22, 1997.
It is the 11st of 26 notes.
> read 12
Note 12 is entitled 'headline':
I am very hapy about join this clan, I have herd its one of the best. And I am
very greatful towards Tiberius and Tornado for their suppot. My first tid bit
of mondo cool info is that i found a kewl place to stash irreparable items on
a monster. The place is one west and one south of group of beggers. I have a
stash there please put sword back when done.
This note was penned by Duriel on Dec 22, 1997.
It is the 12nd of 26 notes.
> read 13
Note 13 is entitled 'Re: Tornado':
I agree that we need to be careful who we recruit, that has always
been an issue, remember when I wouldn't allow anyone who was a pkiller?
Anyway, I still think 10 is a good enough cut off for an experienced
mudder, 12 or above for someone getting lucky.
This note was penned by Cassidy on Dec 22, 1997.
It is the 13rd of 26 notes.
> read 14
Note 14 is entitled 'MERRY XMAS':
I thought i might like the add a happy christmas note on the board.. hope
you all had fun :)
This note was penned by Canetoad on Dec 24, 1997.
It is the 14th of 26 notes.
> read 15
Note 15 is entitled 'I hate lag':
I could do so much better, but this place has been lagging hard all
week, to many shoppers online or something. I have some stats to
raise, what the hell is up with this crap.
Oh well, Never mind me I am just a drunk ass.
The Schmuck
This note was penned by Schmuck on Dec 27, 1997.
It is the 15th of 26 notes.
> read 16
Note 16 is entitled 'Me':
I'm going on holidays tomorrow,so I'll see y' all in a week.Later Clannies
This note was penned by Tiberius on Dec 30, 1997.
It is the 16th of 26 notes.
> read 17
Note 17 is entitled 'Portal room':
Well, we have a portal room that doesn't work.
It is costing us an additional 130 coins a 1/2 hour to have the 1 portal.
This note was penned by Cassidy on Dec 30, 1997.
It is the 17th of 26 notes.
> read 18
Note 18 is entitled 'Portal Room':
It's fixed, I've donated 1000 coins to pay for the upkeep while it was broken.
This note was penned by Brapnor on Dec 30, 1997.
It is the 18th of 26 notes.
> read 19
Note 19 is entitled 'HAPPY new YEARS !!!':
Since people in Aust have new years b4 americans, i'd thought i'd like to
post a message anyway.. Have a great new year guy's wherever you guy's are
located :)
This note was penned by Canetoad on Dec 31, 1997.
It is the 19th of 26 notes.
> read 20
Note 20 is entitled 'New Years?':
Thanks for the premature celebration..I still have 16 1/2 hours before
my new years!
This note was penned by Cassidy on Dec 31, 1997.
It is the 20th of 26 notes.
> read 21
Note 21 is entitled 'going on a small vacation. (shrug!)':
I just want to let you know guys that i am taking some vacation
form the 8 January to the 20th February.
I will be in the Chiloe Island (check the world map south party of chile).
There is are some very very beatiful beaches, but desafurtunatly
the water is very cold. The intresting thing is that the vegetation
is amazing. Two week i will be in Llanquihue city , there i have to
do some work. And i will be the first week of february in Pucon city
at villarica lake.
I suguest you guys you should come sometime to Chile. I know the name
sounds wired, but this country is amazing. ( btw i work in the chilean
tourism agency,so if you need a ticket or... no just a joke.)
So, ok i say bye to all
and see ya later!
Long live to the Badlands warriors. :)
Long live to the Badlands warriors. :)
This note was penned by Maicoll on Jan 6, 1998.
It is the 21st of 26 notes.
> read 22
Note 22 is entitled 'oops':
btw, my english isnt very good, so I apologize for all the error in writing it.
This note was penned by Maicoll on Jan 6, 1998.
It is the 22nd of 26 notes.
> read 23
Note 23 is entitled 'Vault':
Hi guy's, just you friendly mage speaking here.
I'd like to know what happened to half of the equip, i mean i couldn't
fully equip myself when i checked buy 10 hours ago i could, hmm what happened
This note was penned by Canetoad on Jan 7, 1998.
It is the 23rd of 26 notes.
> read 24
Note 24 is entitled 'Welcome Reckless':
Please welcome Reckless as the newest member of the Badlands Warriors!
This note was penned by Cassidy on Jan 8, 1998.
It is the 24th of 26 notes.
> read 25
Note 25 is entitled 'Sorry Canetoad!':
I et your lost equip was because of me. I am not sure. I used some from the
vault and then went LD...couldn't get back on. SOrry if I inconvenienced
you...I will pay you back if needed!
This note was penned by Ayla on Jan 9, 1998.
It is the 25th of 26 notes.
> read 26
Note 26 is entitled 'Goodbye':
Hello and goodbye people.I'm leaving the clan.
Now,I'm not leaving the clan for personal reasons at all!It's more a
case of for gameplaying reasons,and wanting to try something else.I hold
NO animosity toward any of you,and I sincerely hope that we can remain that
way even after I have gone. I want to thank you all for the help you've all
given me in the mud,and I hope we can continue to help each other in the
So,thankyou everyone,good luck,and goodbye.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Jan 9, 1998.
It is the 26th of 26 notes.