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This log was made by Nadja.

Bad trip

> You sit here and look out into a dazzling seascape. What a marvel nature is you think as you contemplate that untimate question....What is the meaning of life?
There are two obvious exits: southwest, and east.
typo untimate = ultimate :)
Thanks for reporting the typo.
> sw
The trail leads down towards the water. You begin to smell the fresh salt air, feel the wind against your cheeks and have a good feeling about this place.
There are four obvious exits: northeast, southeast, east, and northwest.
> nw
The trail leads to the southeast, down a slight hill. The swamp trees, and bushes are gradualy giving way to healthier plants and a fresher air.
There are two obvious exits: north, and southeast.
> n
You are in the small, ship-shape hut of the lamenting pirate. He doesn't have many visitors and has few possessions.
There is one obvious exit: north.
Lamenting Pirate.
> la pirate
This once great pirate has now retired, and has suffered many hardships in his long life. He does not appear to be in very good shape. He has a patch over one eye, but you can still see the horrible scars underneath it.
Lamenting pirate is in good shape.
> n
The trail becomes more solid to the south, and there is a hut sitting in the middle of it. The trail markings run north and south, and the swamp continues to the east and west. Several crows perch atop the hut.
There is one obvious exit: north.
A Hellhound.
> n
The swamp grows gloomier and darker as you go further in. You hear the strangled cries of animals that are in pain and near death. A damp chill seeps down to your bones, and you seriously wonder why you have chosen to come here. The trail markers lead to the west and south, and the swamp continues to the north and east. To the east, you see a dark figure standing in the middle of a clearing. To the south is a small, squat hut in the middle of the trail. Several birds of some sort perch atop the hut.
There are two obvious exits: west, and south.
> la hut
This small hut appears to be the residence of someone who doesn't like civilization all that much, judging from its location.
> w
The swamp grows gloomier and darker as you go further in. You hear the strangled cries of animals that are in pain and near death. The trail markers continue to the east and west, but they would be easy to step over. The swamp continues to the north and south.
There are two obvious exits: east, and west.
> e
The swamp grows gloomier and darker as you go further in. You hear the strangled cries of animals that are in pain and near death. A damp chill seeps down to your bones, and you seriously wonder why you have chosen to come here. The trail markers lead to the west and south, and the swamp continues to the north and east. To the east, you see a dark figure standing in the middle of a clearing. To the south is a small, squat hut in the middle of the trail. Several birds of some sort perch atop the hut.
There are two obvious exits: west, and south.
> s
The trail becomes more solid to the south, and there is a hut sitting in the middle of it. The trail markings run north and south, and the swamp continues to the east and west. Several crows perch atop the hut.
There is one obvious exit: north.
A Hellhound.
> la hellhound
This huge red dog has long, sharp fangs and blazing red eyes.
Hellhound is in good shape.
> e
You step of the path and your body explodes with searing pain. The swamp is giving off some acrid fumes that burn the lining of your nose. No animals can be seen or heard in this dismal, hellish place. You feel a burning sensation on your skin, which is understandable, since you're wading around in acid.
There are two obvious exits: east, and west.
> You cannot move in that direction.
> The flesh is melting from your bones.
HP: 159 (211)  SP: 109 (109) EXP: 954705
The flesh is melting from your bones.
HP: 109 (211) SP: 109 (109) EXP: 954705
The flesh is melting from your bones.
HP: 68 (211) SP: 109 (109) EXP: 954705
The flesh is melting from your bones.
HP: 38 (211) SP: 109 (109) EXP: 954705
The flesh is melting from your bones.
HP: 15 (211) SP: 109 (109) EXP: 954705
The flesh is melting from your bones.
HP: -1 (211) SP: 109 (109) EXP: 954705

You die.
You have a strange feeling.
You can see your own dead body from above.

The flesh is melting from your bones.
The flesh is melting from your bones.
The flesh is melting from your bones.
The flesh is melting from your bones.
The flesh is melting from your bones.
Your clan will miss you.
With a flash of blinding white light, you cease to exist.
Saving Nadja.

"Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare..."

                                                                     Isaiah 42:9

Connected to host ra2.randomc.com

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     ===========     Please use guest if you want to look around.

What is your name: Connected to host ra2.randomc.com

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     ===========     Please use guest if you want to look around.

What is your name: nadja

01/27/97    Read 'help pub'

4/1/97      The Clerics now have a healing trance. If you are a cleric,
            please type info trance to see what its all about. I also ask
            Everyone else to not purchase alcohol for clerics in trance since
            its not nice for them.

4/11/97     Do NOT try to fool players into thinking you are a monster.
            At best your character will be deleted and your name banished.
            At worst, title and pretitle will be removed from ALL players.

            Also, do not enter newbie areas... I.E., newbieland and Kickaha
            if you are over the maximum level for the area.
            The ONLY exception to this is you have not finished the newbieland

            I really hate Do Nots. Follow the spirit of the rules, not the
            letter.. Please.


YOUR LAST LOGIN WAS ON: Sun May 11 23:23:54 1997
*** Phalanx is not playing right now ***
> l
You are in a small, wooden building with an exit to the north and east. This is the login room, mortal players can enter the game from here. This place is featureless save for a beautiful jeweled mirror that hangs on the wall and a staircase that leads to a lower level. Main Street is to the north, Wizard Street is to the east.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, northeast, and down.
Magic Portal.
A Tax Collector.
A small wicker basket.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 8 active players :: 2 visible wizards :: 10 total.
A list of the top Cas players
Bardslayer the utter waste of RAM
Flying scared again with Wicked Teddy Bear occassionally AFK>>>><<<
On the accordion, Odysseus in AH the band!
Nnanji the Slasher of Veils                                          <Senior>
(TC) In the begining, there was Stopsign
Damcyan the Dark Knight
=V.C= He's Always Justin Thyme to Save The Day                       (Wizard)
> n
You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
A beggar.
> Beggar says something in an unknown tongue.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Bardslayer the utter waste of RAM.
Farz .
(TC) In the begining, there was Stopsign .
Statue of Caeliste.
On the accordion, Odysseus in AH the band!.
Top 10 poster.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Hraf, bartender.
The Player Rules.
> be saying "BOO!"
You are saying "BOO!"
> Stopsign goes ACK!!!!
What ?
> Justin arrives in a puff of smoke.
Stopsign suddenly bursts into tears.
You roll on the floor laughing.
> Stopsign pats you on your back and offers you some comforting words.
Bardslayer says in common: who is there?
Stopsign suddenly bursts into tears.
Justin disappears in a puff of smoke.
Justin arrives in a puff of smoke.
Stopsign sniffs loudly.
Stopsign sniffs loudly.
Damcyan arrives.
Bardslayer reads the newspaper.
Justin goes ACK!!!!
be pointing to the paper and cursing lag.
You are pointing to the paper and cursing lag.
> Justin reads the newspaper.
Stopsign pats you on your back and offers you some comforting words.
Bardslayer resurrects you from the dead.
You feel a very strong force.
You are sucked away...
You reappear in a more solid form.
You laugh hysterically.
> Justin goes ACK!!!!
Bardslayer pats you on your back and offers you some comforting words.
Stopsign suddenly bursts into tears.
Stopsign gives you a BIG hug.
You thank Bardslayer graciously.
> Damcyan reads the newspaper.
You laugh hysterically.
> la paper
This is the daily obituary page.

Nova (level 7) was killed by Vrak, the mortician,  May 11 09:51
Nova  (level 6) was killed by Vrak, the mortician,  May 11 09:52
Nova  (level 5) was killed by Vrak, the mortician,  May 11 09:53
Nova  (level 4) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 09:53
Nova  (level 3) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 09:53
Nova  (level 2) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 09:53
War  (level 11) was killed ,  May 11 17:35
Jello  (level 3) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 19:26
Jello  (level 2) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 19:27
Copper  (level 5) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 19:36
Copper  (level 4) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 19:37
Copper  (level 3) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 19:38
Copper  (level 2) was killed by Xandar the High Priest,  May 11 19:38
Darknight  (level 5) was killed by Skeletal Warrior,  May 11 22:19
Valdesta  (level 16) was killed by A list of the top Cas players,  May 11 23:03
Nadja  (level 13) was killed ,  May 12 02:59
> snap
You snap your fingers.

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