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A Lady's Honour

After Hours LPMud :: 5 logged on players :: 2 wizards :: 7 total.
Even though Hawkwind is visible, he is still sucking Gillious <Creator>
Prometheus tells you all to goto hell!!!
Tiberius says for AAH go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
Magpius had forgotten how good Toblerones taste.
Even though Hawkwind is visable, he's just as idle as ever <Demigod>
> You say in common: Mmm, yep, see ya later Tolyk.
> You smile happily.
> Ayrianna says in common: Or else that would be cheating.. me being on with her character and all.. wooooo.
Ayrianna smirks like a smart-ass.
You are going AFK for a few.
> Magpius leaves south.
Ayrianna says in common: When you coming back to the clan Pro ? We actually have members now.
Ayrianna says in common: I'm sure trak would let you in as level 1 :P.
Prometheus says in common: Depends on if im playing or not.
Hraf says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
Prometheus says in common: Although im gonna kill apollo or get him killed.
Ayrianna says in common: Why's that ?
Prometheus says in common: He dissed weehours and smacked me.
Ayrianna says in common: He also pissed Halo off 2 nights ago..
Prometheus says in common: That's a no no.
Ayrianna says in common: You hear about that ?
Prometheus says in common: WHAT!!!
Prometheus says in common: WHAT!!!
You wake up from being AFK.
You raise your eyebrow.
You start to fume.
> Ayrianna says in common: He was dead and she was afk and when she came back her screen was flooded.
Prometheus says in common: No one fucks with my Halo!
Ayrianna says in common: And he started swearing at her and stuff.
You grin evilly.
> Ayrianna says in common: He got zapped for it though by Sagar.
Prometheus starts fuming.
Prometheus spends several minutes demonstrating his colorful vocabulary.
Prometheus spends several minutes demonstrating his colorful vocabulary.

> Prometheus says in common: Im coming back to nine his ass now.
Ayrianna says in common: It went on for a while.. I could of course only read half the conversation..
You say in common: *die*Apollo*die*.
> > Ayrianna says in common: But I asked her about it later.. he was threatening her to keep spam her until she ressed him.
Prometheus says in common: Damn asshole.
Ayrianna says in common: You didn't hear about that ?
Ayrianna says in common: He's only 12 years old..
You say in common: Figures.
Ayrianna says in common: I know his cousin in real life..
Prometheus shouts in common: Get a fucking AGE limit on this mud!
You laugh hysterically.
You nod in agreement.
Ayrianna nods to Prometheus solemnly.
Prometheus says in common: He fucked with the wrong person.
Ayrianna says in common: Your welcome :P.
You grin evilly.
> Prometheus says in common: What level is he?
Prometheus reads the top list.
Ayrianna says in common: I'll find out his level for you, he thinks I'm a friend..
Prometheus nods solemnly.
Magpius arrives.
Prometheus says in common: Do it.
Ayrianna nods solemnly.
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> Ayrianna says in common: No prob.. thats my job :P.
Prometheus says in common: Mag you know Apollo's level?
Magpius nods solemnly.
Prometheus says in common: And...
Magpius says in common: level 8 i think.
Prometheus goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Ayrianna says in common: Last I knew he was a level 4 PK..
Ayrianna reads the newspaper.
Magpius says in common: he was killed a couple of days ago by nikita.
Ayrianna says in common: Apollo (lLevel 8) was killed.
Prometheus says in common: He'll be suiciding soon.
You grin evilly.
> Magpius chuckles to himself quietly.
Ayrianna says in common: Feb 2nd.
Prometheus reads the newspaper.
Prometheus says in common: Dumbass.
Magpius is being bitten by the lag monster.
You say in common: Prometheus is on a mission!
> You grin evilly.
> Prometheus says in common: A mission and a half.
You throw your head back and cackle wickedly!
> Magpius says in common: you not keen on apollo ?
Ayrianna says in common: Hell, I'll be right back.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Ayrianna leaves the game.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Tolyk enters the game.
Tolyk bows deeply.
Tolyk says in common: MUCH better.
Magpius tends some of his wounds.
Tolyk says in common: Ayrianna is sound asleep now.. geez.. I wish I could fall asleep that easy.
Prometheus says in common: Tolyk wanna get me some basic equip for a adventurer.
Autosaving character...
After Hours LPMud :: 5 logged on players :: 2 wizards :: 7 total.
Even though Hawkwind is visible, he is still sucking Gillious <Creator>
Prometheus tells you all to goto hell!!!
Tolyk's afterhours homepage - http://www.geocities.com/lord_tolyk/
Tiberius says for AAH go to http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~duval/
Magpius had forgotten how good Toblerones taste.
Even though Hawkwind is visable, he's just as idle as ever <Demigod>
> Tolyk says in common: I'm not too strong, but I'll try..
Magpius leaves south.
Tolyk says in common: well, my bank account is stronger then I am :P.
Tolyk leaves south.
Prometheus says in common: Just get small stuff from hawks.
Prometheus says in common: He's fucking dead.
Prometheus leaves east.

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