This log was made by Tornado.
Tornado interviews Phaedrus
> Phaedrus says in common: everyones too comfortable with AH going to hell.
You say in common: james needs to goo.
> Phaedrus says in common: Huma and Hawkwind and Zappo are comfortable with how much
power they are being given by James.
You shrug helplessly.
> Phaedrus says in common: Huma is basicly all powerful.
Phaedrus says in common: no one gets in his way.
Phaedrus shrugs helplessly.
Phaedrus says in common: IMHO the mud sucks.
You say in common: but james holds more power then huma then.
> Stopsign nods to Phaedrus solemnly.
Phaedrus says in common: i think the Elric-Bleys-Phaedrus-Macron administration had alot
more balls and vision.
You agree with Phaedrus wholeheartedly.
> You say in common: what mud the mud crash.
> You say in common: what made the mud crash?
> Phaedrus says in common: Bleys.
You say in common: what he do.
> Phaedrus says in common: got sick of all the whiney players.
Phaedrus says in common: people bitching about everything all the time.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Necromancer Stopsign the Elf.
Patriarch Phaedrus.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Top 10 poster.
Bean Bag.
Hraf, bartender.
The Player Rules.
> You say in common: and just shut the mud down?
> Phaedrus says in common: having their arguments on the board, complaning about
the gods, complaining about things not being even, gods not being fair, etc, etc.
Phaedrus says in common: yup.
You nod solemnly.
> You say in common: who 1st started the mud?
> Stopsign snickers mischievously.
You say in common: who was originally in charge of it all at the beginning.
> Phaedrus says in common: just shut it down. asked Elric if he could, ELric said
sure, so Bleys made up a fib about porting the mudlib to run under Amylaar, which he
never did.
Phaedrus chuckles to himself quietly.
Phaedrus says in common: Elric and Sly.
Phaedrus says in common: stole the mud.
You say in common: from who?
> Phaedrus says in common: some guy at wwwu got a copy of pre-release 2.2 Lpmud.
Phaedrus says in common: or 2.1. something. i forget.
Phaedrus says in common: was running it. everyone thought he was a bastard.
Phaedrus says in common: so Elric and Sly(Jeff) did this little thing..
Phaedrus says in common: waited for hi to log into his shell acount at the public lab..
You say in common: hmm, so who was in charge b4 those 2.
> Phaedrus says in common: then told him his car was being towed... so he went
running after it... and they tared up the mud, ftp'd, and rm'd his copy, and renained it.
Phaedrus says in common: renaimed it.
Phaedrus says in common: dunno. dunno the guys name.
Phaedrus says in common: at the time there were 4 or 5 lpmuds at wwwu.
Stopsign boggles at the concept.
Phaedrus says in common: someone at wwu got a copy of the thing from Lars...
Phaedrus says in common: and then started spreading it around to his friends.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> Phaedrus says in common: so a handfull of people wound up with the thing.
Phaedrus says in common: Fullmon was there.. later.. think they started out as the same
ocpy of 2.2.
Phaedrus says in common: there was some mud where the town was on stilts, surround by
You nod solemnly.
> Phaedrus says in common: really intresting.
Phaedrus says in common: dont remember what it was called.
You say in common: when did you 1st join the mud?
> Phaedrus says in common: damn.
Phaedrus says in common: hold on.
Phaedrus says in common: Tsunai, Valkrie Prime, Eden.
Stopsign boggles at the concept.
You say in common: who are they.
> Phaedrus says in common: other muds at WWU.
You nod to Phaedrus solemnly.
> Phaedrus says in common: i started playing sometime in either 1990 or 1991. cant
remember for sure. impossible to date things in my life at that point.
Phaedrus snickers mischievously.
Phaedrus says in common: all blurred together.
You grin innocently.
> Stopsign grins evilly.
Phaedrus says in common: i didnt find out about the mudlist till later.
You say in common: when did the mud start 1987?
Phaedrus says in common: and i didnt get wiz untill all the muds got booted off wwu.
Phaedrus says in common: 87? good god.
Stopsign grins evilly.
You shrug helplessly.
> You say in common: was it then?
> Phaedrus says in common: 1.3.3 Lpmud.... you could sneeze on it and it would
crash... wasnt even up on Lars personal server till 89.
Phaedrus says in common: or am i wrong?
You shrug helplessly.
You say in common: i wouldn't know, i only found out what a mud is 1 year ago :).
> You grin evilly.
> Phaedrus says in common: version two came out in 1990... it wasnt stable, but was
alot better. 2.4.5 was almost stable. if you didnt try to code anything on it, it would
run for days.
Phaedrus grins at you insolently.
You nod solemnly.
> Phaedrus says in common: 2.4.5 would still crash for starange and unknown reasons,
and had alot of bugs, and alot of documented ways you could crash it.
Phaedrus says in common: 3.1 was the first stable version.
Phaedrus says in common: Lars got out of the MUD business at version 3.1.2.
You nod to Phaedrus solemnly.
> Phaedrus says in common: so there was no central authority for the latest version
of lpmud anymore, so Amylaar, Professzorn, Dworkin, the TMI people, Man-ing with his
URImud, maybe a dozen other people.... each went seperate ways.
Phaedrus says in common: most people use 3.1.2, AMylaar, or DGD(Dworkin's), or MudOS
(TMI's) drivers now.
Phaedrus shrugs helplessly.
Phaedrus says in common: i have a copy of 1.3.3 on disk somewhere.
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