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Tiberius leaves the CC for the Crusaders

Joey tells you in common: laff, i love makin people write those notes.
You tell Joey in common: Hehe, no doubt.
Joey tells you in common: ack! u guys let athena in, heheh bad move, good thing you're gettin oot.
Joey shouts in common: what's up with this FRIGGIN LAG?!?!? it's mud wide!!
You tell Joey in common: *nod* One of the reasons why I'm leaving.
You tell Joey in common: ok, coming to town now.
Joey tells you in common: in pub.
> read paper
This is the daily obituary page.

Anlashok (level 4) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral Evil, and Dwarf, Nov 25 07:13
Anlashok (level 3) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral Evil, and Dwarf, Nov 25 07:14
Anlashok (level 2) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral, and Dwarf, Nov 25 07:15
Chath (level 6) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral, and Dwarf, Nov 25 09:26
Guyver (level 8) was killed by An orc, Nov 25 16:39
Rezin (level 6) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral Evil, and Dwarf, Nov 26 03:23
Shoalin (level 4) was killed by Ferrous, the fire giant, Nov 26 05:19
Ty (level 6) was killed by Elven Thief, Nov 26 12:08
Warpath (level 4) was killed by Brave Sir Robin's Minstrel, Nov 26 23:47
Warpath (level 4) committed suicide on Nov 26 23:47
Rezin (level 5) committed suicide on Nov 27 02:40
Melkor (level 10) was killed by Rathkara Warrior, Nov 27 03:27
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
Val Needs a Car
Athena *HUG* *KISS* *SMILE*
I am Tiberius or am I?

[Tiberius goes to the main pub...]

> resign clerics clan
Joey goes ACK!!!!
You are not a member of the clerics clan clan.
> look
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Undead wood giant.
High Priestess (10th Ranked) Athena.
Master of Spring Joey Neutral.
Undead roc.
A torn scroll.
A list of the top players.
A hangman game.
Hraf, bartender.
Bean Bag.
Top 10 poster.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
> Joey says in common: leave clerics.
You tell Joey in common: Just gotta work out how to leave the CC.
> resign clerics
Joey says in common: resign?
You are not a member of the clerics clan.
> resign Clerics
[Clerics] Tiberius has left the clan.
You are no longer a member of the Clerics clan.
>You nod solemnly.
> You have been invited to join the Crusaders clan. If you wish to accept this invitation, you may type "accept invitation" at any time. If you wish to decline "decline invitation." This invitation will automatically expire in three minutes.
accept invitation
Updating your clan permissions. For some permissions, they will not take effect until your next log in.
[Crusaders] Tiberius has joined the clan!
Welcome to your new clan!
> You cheer enthusiastically.
> You leap into the air and give a high five to Joey.
> You shake Joey's hand soundly.
> cwho

There are 2 members currently online.
Master of Spring Joey Neutral
High Priest (10th Ranked) Tiberius

> [Crusaders] Joey: ok all hte usual rules, blah blah blah....no givin of clan cash/point info, or clan members/levels/info
[Crusaders] Joey: to outsiders
[Crusaders] Tiberius: Yep, of course
[Crusaders] Joey: if we find out you're givin secrets offline, you're toast.....(that one's for bromley kids, when we had a few of em in the clan)
[Crusaders] Tiberius: I know. Zorba right?
[Crusaders] Joey: yep
[Crusaders] Joey: if you want bank perm, it will be given once we see a few nice deposits over time in your name
[Crusaders] Tiberius: It's ok, you don't have to worry. What I hear in the clan, stays in the clan as far as I'm concerned
[Crusaders] Tiberius: Ok, fair enough
[Crusaders] Joey: nod, just the formalities
[Crusaders] Tiberius nods solemnly
[Crusaders] Joey: gotta be fair to all
[Crusaders] Tiberius: Hehe, yep
[Crusaders] Joey: ok from oasis, ne,n
[Crusaders] Tiberius: Ahh, the old Vicious Circle place
[Crusaders] Tiberius smiles

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