You stand in a musky basement. The thin ceiling here does nothing to muffle the rowdy
footsteps of those above you. Light streams in from the staircase, providing just enough
light with which to get by. There is one obvious exit: up.
Login bulletin board (33 messages).
> You tell Grot in common: Okay,I'm ready:)I'm in the login bulletin board room.I'm
going to resign from the ßW now,if you could come here?:).
Grot tells you in common: sure.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 11 active players :: 4 visible wizards :: 15 total.
It's a bunion , it's a corn , wait it's a blister , no, it's ....
Hawkwind commits first degree tostercide (Elder)
Madadh-alluidh an na anmoch, fuilteach Talon na b`as.
Crombie has a Mini-Network At Home. *cheer* <Wizard>
+=Dark Carnival=+ Jayle
(TC) Nadja says, "Join the crazed institution of the stars."
Janis likes to live out loud
Vortex (Wizard)
Intel Zappo II 600Mhz (God)
Ernie the Complete and Utter Puppet
+=Dark Carnival=+ Grot
> resign badlands warriors
You are not a member of the badlands warriors clan.
> Grot arrives.
You say in common: I just gotta work out how first.
> exa tiberius
Advanced Adventurer Tiberius.
Tiberius is a human.
Tiberius has a scar on his left arm.
He is in good shape.
Tiberius is a member of the Badlands Warriors clan.
Tiberius is carrying:
Tiberius's quicktyper.
A imperial purple tunic with 'When in Rome!' written on it.
> Vengeance arrives.
leave badlands warriors
Grot scratches his head.
Vengeance studies the bulletin board.
What ?
clan help
Grot tells you in common: brb.
Grot leaves up.
You tell Grot in common: gimme a sec,I'll work it out:).
> =-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Clan Help : NONE
ce clan emote clan emotes
clan help clan list clan members
clan perms clan points clan say
clan upgrade cquiet cs
cwho delete disband
donate expel invite
leader list features list permissions
maintenance new permission
recruit remove renovate
resign respond set
set clan hall set portal summon
> Grot arrives.
clan help resign
Clan Help : resign
Command : resign
Syntax : resign <clan name>
You will immediately leave the clan you are a member of. You loose any authority you
may have had within that clan, and all members of the clan are notified of your leaving.
Although a new clan leader will be automaticaly chosen to replace any clan leader who
leaves the clan, this command can be extremely expensive to the clan. They may have
already spent the points you brought them, and they may have to repermission you
extensively if you choose to join again. All clan members who have logged in already will
be immediately notified of your resignation.
See "recruit".
Last Updated : 27June97
resign Badlands Warriors
Vengeance leaves up. [Badlands Warriors] Tiberius has left the clan.
You are no longer a member of the Badlands Warriors clan.
You say in common: done.
> You have been invited to join the Dark Carnival clan. If you wish to accept this
invitation, you may type "accept invitation" at any time. If you wish to decline;
"decline invitation." This invitation will automatically expire in three minutes.
Lister arrives.
Lister studies the bulletin board.
accept invitation
Grot tells you in common: you didnt leave blw as an enemy did you?
You stand in a musky basement. The thin ceiling here does nothing to muffle the rowdy
footsteps of those above you. Light streams in from the staircase, providing just enough
light with which to get by. There is one obvious exit: up.
Lord Lister.
Clan Chief Grot the Ogre.
Login bulletin board (33 messages).
> Updating your clan permissions. For some permissions, they will not take effect
until your next log in. [Dark Carnival] Tiberius has joined the clan!
Welcome to your new clan! [Dark Carnival] Jayle: Welcome!
You tell Grot in common: Nope,I bowed out with them on good terms. [Dark Carnival] Grot cheers [Dark Carnival] Tiberius: Thanks Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
Grot tells you in common: ok, just making sure...wanted to be warned if there was going
to be a grudge brought in.
Grot leaves up. [Dark Carnival] Tiberius: Hiya
Grot tells you in common: to to cot.
Your prescence is requested at the Dark Carnival clan hall. "respond" yes or no.
[Dark Carnival] Tiberius has been summoned by Grot
respond yes