Tiberius interviews Duriel
>You tell Duriel in common: Yeah, that's okay, I won't tell anyone.
>Duriel tells you in common: giggle.
>You tell Duriel in common: So, which god are you exactly?
>You tell Duriel in common: Anyway, so which god are you Duriel?
>You tell Duriel in common: Hmm, somehow I doubt you're a god:).
> Duriel tells you in common: heheheh i was just kidding =).
You tell Duriel in common: Actually Duriel.It seems I was right.I heard that it was you who
betrayed the Badlands Warriors.This true?
> Duriel tells you in common: i guess u herd right.
Duriel tells you in common: why did u leave?
You tell Duriel in common: Me? I wanted a change, something different. What about you?What'd
you betray the Badlands Warriors and well,leave that clan?
You tell Duriel in common: ?
> Duriel tells you in common: same as u.
Duriel tells you in common: did u like it better in DC?
Grot shouts in common: Have fun all.
You tell Duriel in common: heh, you could've just typed "resign Badlands Warriors" couldn't
y'? Did you really need to disband it?:).
> Cassidy shouts in common: Later Grot.
You tell Duriel in common: yes I do like it better.
>You shout in common: See y' Grot.
>You tell Duriel in common: So how do you like the specialists clan?:).
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 9 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 9 total.
+=Dark Carnival+= Tiberius
Duriel is a god under-cover
> Duriel tells you in common: well thats what i had to do to join.
Duriel tells you in common: how did word get out?
You tell Duriel in common: ahhh, I see.So had you been planning to join the specialists for
some time?
> Duriel tells you in common: not really.
You tell Duriel in common: well, c'mon, it was obvious that you did it.
>You tell Duriel in common: and the clan does have log y' know. The wiz's knew what
happened and who did it.
> Duriel tells you in common: i didnt do anything wrong didnt break any laws.
You tell Duriel in common: well, you did betray your clan though.
Duriel tells you in common: they were weak.
Duriel tells you in common: pk immune wimps.
> Duriel tells you in common: other clan would pick on me.
You tell Duriel in common: but, hold on! I thought you said before that you were the
original War?
> look
You stand in a musky basement. The thin ceiling here does nothing to muffle
the rowdy footsteps of those above you. Light streams in from the staircase,
providing just enough light with which to get by.
There is one obvious exit: up.
Login bulletin board (39 messages).
> Duriel tells you in common: yes i am.
You tell Duriel in common: and as War you were a pk immune, so why are you saying pk
immunes are weak?
> Duriel tells you in common: no i was NOT.
Duriel tells you in common: i never.
You tell Duriel in common: ahhh, you were a pk immune, don't lie now.
>You tell Duriel in common: I know the person who took your password. He once called
himself Predator,....remember?
>Duriel tells you in common: yeah.
You tell Duriel in common: and he had to get zappo to remove the pk immune status that you
put on.
> Duriel tells you in common: but i dont remeber that.
You tell Duriel in common: hmmm, that's funny. Predator remembers,and I'm sure many other
people I talk to will remember.
>You tell Duriel in common: So, why don't you remember.
>You tell Duriel in common: ?
> Duriel tells you in common: hmm.
Duriel tells you in common: maybi cause it was a long time ago.
You tell Duriel in common: blah. Short memory you've got then. It was only a few months
ago,an everyone else can remember.
>You tell Duriel in common: Somehow,I doubt that you really are the original War.
> Duriel tells you in common: that is an insult.
Duriel tells you in common: i might have because i didnt like war.
Duriel tells you in common: but i was WAR.
You tell Duriel in common: Oh? Let's see.I'll ask some question that only the real War
(should) know,..
> Duriel tells you in common: ok go ahead.
You tell Duriel in common: Do you remember the Khazad-Dum clan?
> Duriel tells you in common: yes me, guldar, khan, and goblin.
Duriel tells you in common: and some one else.
You tell Duriel in common: keep going, there quite a few more member according to people
I've spoken to.
> Duriel tells you in common: i know i am trying to think.
Duriel tells you in common: vortex?
You tell Duriel in common: you tell me. You were apprantly in the clan.
>You tell Duriel in common: ahhh, Bright maybe?
> Duriel tells you in common: yeah.
Duriel tells you in common: ask me some more.
You tell Duriel in common: yeah, now that I say it,you remember*roll*.
>You tell Duriel in common: ok,..
>You tell Duriel in common: Who are Ares and Warlock?
> Duriel tells you in common: hold on.
>You tell Duriel in common: hold on? Don't you know?
You tell Duriel in common: you should know this if you are the original war.
> Ares tells you in common: hello.
After Hours LPMud :: 8 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 8 total.
Ares The God of War explores the halls of the Mountain King
+=Dark Carnival+= Tiberius
Duriel is a god under-cover
>You tell Ares in common: yeah yeah,.
>You tell Ares in common: Hi Duriel.
>You tell Duriel in common: ok.
> Ares tells you in common: yeah warlock was my first player.
Ares tells you in common: he was nine timed.
You tell Ares in common: ok.
>You tell Ares in common: so maybe you are the real war.
>You tell Ares in common: but it's strange how you have such a limited memory.
> Ares tells you in common: if u want to get tecnical arch-x was i had him for 2 weeks.
>You tell Duriel in common: and why'd you give your password away? that's kinda dumb.
> Duriel tells you in common: i wish u would not question me.
You tell Duriel in common: why not?
> Duriel tells you in common: BRB afk.
You tell Duriel in common: uh-huh.
>You are in a small, wooden building with an exit to the north and east.
This is the login room, mortal players can enter the game from here. This
place is featureless save for a beautiful jeweled mirror that hangs on the
wall and a staircase that leads to a lower level. Main Street is to the
north, Wizard Street is to the east.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, northeast, and down.
Novice Vinyl.
Magic Portal.
A Tax Collector.
An announcement board.
A small wicker basket.
> You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is
bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to
the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
> You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Lord (8th Ranked) Duriel.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Hraf, bartender.
The Player Rules.
> aura duriel
Autosaving character...
You chant and attempt to aura Duriel.
Class : fighter
Level : 13
Class Level : 12
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 7 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 7 total.
+=Dark Carnival+= Tiberius
Duriel is a god under-cover
> read paper
This is the daily obituary page.
Manson (level 7) was killed by Lost Traveler Vengeance Ogre and Infamous, Jan 17 15:09
Hempkid (level 5) was killed by Experience Traveler Dirstanius, Jan 17 15:27
Wood (level 4) was killed by A large eagle, Jan 18 01:41
Khan (level 8) was killed, Jan 18 13:34
Amalthea (level 20) was killed by Death Knight, Jan 18 13:53
Beano (level 4) was killed by An orc, Jan 18 16:05
Khan (level 8) was killed by Lost Traveler Vengeance Neutral Good, Jan 18 16:10
Khan (level 7) was killed by Lost Traveler Vengeance Neutral, Jan 18 16:25
Darian (level 14) was killed, Jan 18 19:54
Edge (level 4) was killed by Forest elf, Jan 18 22:06
Reckless (level 11) was killed by Lord (8th Ranked) Duriel, Jan 19 05:46
Kane (level 5) was killed by Kobold Guard, Jan 19 07:23
Kner (level 7) was killed by Experience Traveler Dirstanius, Jan 19 12:19
Kane (level 5) was killed by Brown mold, Jan 19 16:41
Magus (level 2) was killed by An elven elder, Jan 19 22:49
Melman (level 5) was killed by Francis Heron, Jan 20 01:55
> look
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Lord (8th Ranked) Duriel.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
Hraf, bartender.
The Player Rules.
> Duriel wakes up from being AFK.
You make a wry grin.
> Vinyl arrives.
You say in common: okay,do you remember first meeting me?
> aura vinyl
You chant and attempt to aura Vinyl.
Class : fighter
Level : 2
Class Level : 1
>Duriel tells you in common: first meeting?
You nudge Duriel in the side
>You nod to Duriel solemnly.
>You tell Duriel in common: yes.
> Duriel tells you in common: with u?
You tell Duriel in common: yeah.
> Cassidy arrives.
You bow to Cassidy respectfully.
> Cassidy leaves south.
Vinyl takes newspaper.
Cassidy tells you in common: Hey bud.
Duriel tells you in common: yeah u were a newbie like asking where newbie land was and
Vinyl leaves south.
Duriel tells you in common: i gave u some gold and help.
You tell Cassidy in common: hi.bad news about what happened to your clan hey*comfort*.
>You tell Duriel in common: okay.
>You tell Duriel in common: you proberly are the real war then.
>You tell Duriel in common: -proberly-.
> Duriel tells you in common: thank u.
Cassidy tells you in common: Thanks..and thank you for not doing anything bad when you
Duriel tells you in common: is there still a dout?
You tell Cassidy in common: I didn't want to go out the same way as Duriel did:).
> Duriel tells you in common: i really got some xps to get.
Duriel tips his hat.
Duriel leaves east.
Cassidy tells you in common: Well, if you ever get bored..pkill him for me =).
Cassidy arrives.
Cassidy leaves east.
You tell Duriel in common: perhaps, but I'm still confused as to why you betrayed your
clan*puzzle*you could've just left the clan.
>You tell Cassidy in common: hehe, no problem:).
> Tornado arrives.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Arch-Mage Tornado the Neutral.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
Hraf, bartender.
The Player Rules.
> Tornado chants ancient words of power.
Tornado reaches into an extra-dimensional space and pulls A large fire elemental out of
thin air!
Tornado chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Tornado nods solemnly.
You say in common: Cassidy says, pk duriel.
You make a wry grin.
You grin evilly.
Tornado shrugs helplessly.
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
Duriel tells you in common: part of joining was doing that.
Tornado says in common: never said i wouldn't.
You grin evilly.
You congratulate Tornado on a job well done.
Tornado says in common: but i never said i would.
You shurg hleplessly.
You say in common: I'm getting a better log with duriel right now.
Duriel tells you in common: no.
You say in common: I'll send it to y' soon.
Tornado hiccups.
Tornado says in common: kewl thanks.
Duriel arrives.
Cassidy shouts in common: Later AH!
You tell Duriel in common: you said "part of joining was doing that"what's that mean?
You shout in common: Later Cassidy!!!
Duriel tells you in common: no part of join my next clan was.
You tell Duriel in common: oh,but what's so special about the specialists?Why'd y' want
to join them?
> Duriel burps.
Duriel tells you in common: really i dont feal like talking about this any more i grow
try some.
Duriel tells you in common: oops tire some.
You tell Duriel in common: you mean "tiresome".
Duriel shrugs helplessly.
You tell Duriel in common: hmm, yeah okay,one last question though,..
Duriel leaves south.
Duriel arrives.
Duriel tells you in common: k.
You tell Duriel in common: Do you remember the time Grot killed y'?
Tornado looks drunk.
Tornado chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Duriel tells you in common: hmm grot killed me, lets see i rember i killed him.
You tell Duriel in common: naw, you -tried- to kill him,but then he became a player
killer and killed you.
> Tornado hiccups.
Duriel tells you in common: did he tell u this or do u remeber?
You tell Duriel in common: shit, you have short and seletive memory Duriel.
>You tell Duriel in common: I remember.
> Duriel tells you in common: i kinda do.
Tornado leaves south.
Elemental leaves south.
Duriel tells you in common: but i got a lot on my mind right now.
You tell Duriel in common: it was about the time I came on the mud. I saw in the paper
War was killed by Grot,and the libary said Grot became a pk attacking you.
> Tornado arrives.
Elemental arrives.
You tell Duriel in common: yeah? What's up?
> Tornado leaves southeast.
Elemental leaves southeast.
Autosaving character...
Duriel tells you in common: just some in life that i dont talk about on here sorry.
Duriel leaves south.
You tell Duriel in common: hmm, yeah okay,whatever,go get your exp then,catch y' later.
> Duriel tells you in common: ok.
<-- back