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This log was made by Gillious.

Gillious and Zappo talk

> Zappo tells you in common: it is a comprimise.
You tell Zappo in common: why?
> goto zappo
You tell Zappo in common: why not 50?
> Zappo tells you in common: what is your next area?
Zappo tells you in common: or project.
You tell Zappo in common: was going to be an expansion to kindra.
Soran says in common: do i need to be on for brapnor to fix this?
Zappo tells you in common: nod.
You tell Zappo in common: and helping stopsign and jema.
You tell Zappo in common: I MUST have done another for 50 now.
> Zappo says in common: maybe, but maybe not.
Zappo says in common: I would think no.
You say in common: I think we are doing it wrong.
You tell Zappo in common: so why 40 ?
> pt
Name           Level             Age       On Since         On For         Idle
Zappo         10000    2Y  20D  8h 19m   Jul 10 08:07      8h 36m 46s          1m  0s
{Huma}        10000    1Y 333D  9h       Jul 10 13:34      3h  9m 31s      2h 12m  4s
{Hawkwind}     2000    1Y 159D  6h       Jul 10 13:02      3h 41m 24s         31m  8s
Gillious         40       117D 19h  2m   Jul 10 16:36          7m 54s              0s
Soran            23        10D 20h  4m   Jul 10 16:32         11m 44s             34s
Pink             12         5D 11h 52m   Jul 10 16:21         23m  2s          3m 26s
> goto zappo
This is Zappo's hangout.  He comes here to relax and do cool wizard stuff.
I would put a much better description here, but since I have a hard enough time thinking of ideas for my castle, this room can wait.

     TOWN EXITS: lobby, post, pub, shop

     CASTLE ZAPPO EXITS: island, timeout, throne

     WIZARD EXITS: board, meet

Grand Master of Flowers Zappo the Honorable.
A list of the top players.
A newspaper.
You say in common: so why the compramise?
You say in common: what have i done wrong?
> Zappo says in common: Huma might do something stupid.
You say in common: he would?
You say in common: like what?
> Zappo says in common: I have to balance everything.
You say in common: if he can make people creators, why can't you.
You say in common: hmm ok balance lister Vs Gillious.
You say in common: try and justify his being 50 and me not being.
> Zappo says in common: well, at some point I will simply go around him, but I have to maintain as much balance as possible.
You say in common: we can can look at # of room's amount of hrs, amount of bitching.
You say in common: there is no balance now.
You say in common: I have done more than lister, im lower.
You say in common: that makes no sense.
> [Enter : Joey, Jul 10 16:47]
You say in common: if he can find logic in that, then i'm missing something.
You say in common: I don't know what his problem with me is.
You say in common: I code for his mud, and he still has an problem..
You boggle at the concept.
You say in common: I give in.
> Zappo says in common: yeah, he didn't like the Lister advance.
Darkone shouts in common: I have been link-dead long enough.
[Exit : Darkone, Jul 10 16:49]
Soran tells you in common: he dont know.
You say in common: I thought he was the one that made it.
> [Enter : Ecthelion, Jul 10 16:49]
You say in common: he don't seem to like anyone to advance.
> Zappo says in common: the only reason Lister was moved up was because Hargrove ripped him alot on the checks.
You say in common: soon everyone will get pissed off and leave.
You say in common: vortex has allready started UO.
You say in common: he will follow to karak and grot route.
You say in common: huma is a very strange person i take it.
You say in common: he seems to forget the amount of work wizards do.
You say in common: oh well.
> Zappo says in common: shrug, never met him.
You say in common: I don't have the time to keep on doing this over and over again.
> [Enter : Fury, Jul 10 16:51]
Zappo says in common: well, he doesn't sponsor, he doesn't check code, etc.
You say in common: he should take an intrest.
> [Exit : Fury, Jul 10 16:52]
You say in common: jesus, the amount of time that goes into coding area's now.
You say in common: even a thank you would be nice.
> Zappo says in common: live with 40 for now. It may or may not change before you open anything else.
You say in common: no i'm fed up.
> Zappo says in common: I need to talk about some things with some other people.
You say in common: I can't be bothered trying to please him.
You say in common: he don't like me, not much i can do.
You say in common: I was allways told, if the managment don't like you, leave.
You say in common: a bit diffrent here.
You say in common: even the scale 21-10000, i mean 50 on the scale.. anyone would think im asking to be a damn god.
You say in common: give it 2 years, no coding wizards no players.. no AH.
You say in common: his blind.
> [Enter : Fury, Jul 10 16:54]
You say in common: or don't give a shit.
> Zappo says in common: that is your choice. If wizards leave, he will notice.
Zappo says in common: well, we have lots of wizards like that.
[Exit : Ecthelion, Jul 10 16:55]
You say in common: a few coded.
You say in common: me vortex, karak.
You say in common: hargrove and lister.
You say in common: vortex, karak gone.
You say in common: I will join them.
You say in common: on UO i don't i can forget about trying to work my way up a scale that makes no sense.
You say in common: you do see what i'm saying don't you?
You say in common: you really should talk to huma, if he is not going to bother with AH he should keep out of the way.
> Zappo says in common: don't do anything rash just yet.  Give me a day or so.   I just thought of something.
You say in common: what's that?
> [Enter : Loverboy, Jul 10 16:58]
Zappo says in common: can't say.
[Linkdead : Joey, Jul 10 16:58]
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
You say in common: ok i will give it a few days.
> Zappo pulls something from his pocket.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> pt
Name            Level          Age          On Since         On For        Idle
Zappo           10000  2Y  20D  8h 34m    Jul 10 08:07      8h 52m  8s            2s
{Huma}          10000  1Y 333D  9h        Jul 10 13:34      3h 24m 53s    2h 27m 26s
{Hawkwind}       2000  1Y 159D  6h        Jul 10 13:02      3h 56m 46s       46m 30s
Gillious           40     117D 19h 18m    Jul 10 16:36         23m 16s            0s
Fury               46      40D 20h 14m    Jul 10 16:54          5m  4s            0s
Soran              23      10D 20h 20m    Jul 10 16:32         27m  6s            0s
Loverboy           18      14D 14h 36m    Jul 10 16:58          1m 26s            6s
Pink               12       5D 12h  8m 6s Jul 10 16:21         38m 24s            0s
You say in common: Hawkwind made a fast exit :).
You say in common: a wiz scan?
You say in common: shows all wizards and their levels?
> Zappo says in common: yes.
You say in common: how does that help?
> Zappo says in common: I will be making changes. I dropped Jimi.
finger jimi
Grand Master of Flowers Jimi the Lord of the Dark Side
Wizlevel   : 20
Level      : 29                       Class      : monk 30
Race       : human                    Alignment  : Lord of the Dark Side
Experience : 44979054                 Gold Coins : 636
Spouse     : None                     Death Count: 0
Str        : 270 (270) - 100.00%      Int        : 270 (270) - 100.00%
Dex        : 270 (270) - 100.00%      Con        : 270 (270) - 100.00%
Fight      : 290 (290) - 100.00%      Magic      : 270 (270) - 100.00%
Aware      : 290 (290) - 100.00%      Res        : 280 (280) - 100.00%
Skill      : 240 (240) - 100.00%      Invul      :  21 (100) -  10.50%
HP         : 353                      Max HP     : 353
SP         : 233                      Max SP     : 233
P-killer   : Immune
Email      : rasm0077@tc.umn.edu
IP Number  :
He is not logged in.
1)  Oasis expansion - eastern gates and a few forest rooms outside them

2)  Forest between Oasis and Maedicon's castle - If you're interested,
    there's a map in ~jimi/exp/MAP

3)  Kuo-Toa expansion to tunnels

4)  Other tunnel expansions... Svirfneblin, mind flayers, etc.

GE/S d- s+:+ a-- C+++ U P L+ !E W++ N++ K- w O? M-- V-- PS+ PE+ Y PGP- t+(--) 5-- !X R+ tv b+++
DI++++ D- G e h-- r- y?
You say in common: but what's the point if huma has a thing against me?
You say in common: If i code a 2000 room area he will ignore it. I will get pissed.
You say in common: catch22.
> Zappo says in common: if you code a 2000 room area I would be impressed. :).
You say in common: I was going to.
> Zappo says in common: you would get much more than 50. :).
You say in common: I doubt it.
You say in common: he would put a stop to it.
> Zappo says in common: at that point, what he wants won't matter.
You say in common: I had a feeling he was a problem.
You smile happily.
> Zappo says in common: when I first made wizard, only the Gods and Mold were above level 50.
This is Zappo's hangout. He comes here to relax and do cool wizard stuff.
I would put a much better description here, but since I have a hard enough time thinking of ideas for my castle, this room can wait.

> [Exit : Rhuli, Jul 10 17:04]
You say in common: it's stupid.
You say in common: if there was 300 wizards.
You say in common: then you need to have a set amount of each rank.
You say in common: there is a small group of 10.
> Zappo says in common: I hae to play the politics.  It isn't as bad as the old days though.
You say in common: your not bad, hawkwind is not.
You say in common: huma seems to be.
> Zappo says in common: well, advancement past 30 has never been based on how much you code.
You say in common: I hate fighting for what i think i should get.
You say in common: I know.
You say in common: it's wrong.
You say in common: the way it works.
You say in common: if huma likes you, then your there.
You say in common: if not, piss off.
> Zappo says in common: well, wehn the mud came back, there were only 2 gods.  Huma and James.
You nod solemnly.
> Zappo says in common: I was level 1500 with Hawkwind.
You say in common: if huma is not going to code, he should hand the mud over to you and hawk.
> Zappo says in common: Huma and Hawkwind are friends.  They see each other at least 3 times a week.
You say in common: I know.
> Zappo says in common: he does code.
You say in common: not much.
> Zappo says in common: yet, I am god.
Zappo says in common: not much that you see.
You say in common: then he should leave admin to someone who want's to admin.
You say in common: I don't know what to suggest.
You say in common: I can say AH has not got long left this way.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 2 wizards :: 6 total.
Zappo rode 197 miles in one day.                                      (God)
Hey! It's a pink elephant!
(Hawkwind)                                                            <Elder>
=V.C= Soran thinks pkers should try to kill him cuz he's an asshole
(Huma)                                                                <God>
Gillious rode 197 people in one day                                   (Wizard)
Loverboy wonders...
Demonic Fury has two things in mind. Tear gas, Main Pub.
> Zappo says in common: I have to talk to some others.
You say in common: the wizards with the passion to make AH thrive again, are going fast.
You say in common: do what you can.
You say in common: I am snowed under with work this week, i can try and ignore AH for a while.
You say in common: perhaps i should suicide and start again under a new name so huma don't know it's me :).
> [Linkdead : Soran, Jul 10 17:12]
[Re-Enter : Soran, Jul 10 17:12]
Name            Level          Age          On Since         On For        Idle
Zappo           10000  2Y  20D  8h 48m    Jul 10 08:07     9h  5m 27s        4m  6s
{Huma}          10000  1Y 333D  9h        Jul 10 13:34     3h 38m 12s    2h 40m 45s
{Hawkwind}       2000  1Y 159D  7h  6m    Jul 10 13:02     4h 10m  5s       59m 49s
Gillious           40     117D 19h 31m    Jul 10 16:36        36m 35s            0s
Fury               46      40D 20h 28m    Jul 10 16:54        18m 23s            0s
Soran              23      10D 20h 33m    Jul 10 16:32        40m 25s            0s
Loverboy           18      14D 14h 49m    Jul 10 16:58        14m 45s        1m  8s
Pink               12       5D 12h 21m 6s Jul 10 16:21        51m 43s            0s
> Zappo says in common: won't work.
You say in common: was a joke.
You say in common: I could not be assed.
> Zappo says in common: I don't trust anyone from the UK anyway. :).
You roll on the floor laughing.
You say in common: we are shifty people :).
> Zappo says in common: I wouldn't believe it was you. :).
You say in common: would not take more more than 10 secs to convince you:).
> say F1, Charlton
You say in common: *********.
You say in common: ok done.
Zappo says in common: sure you used to be Gillious.  You also used to be Lion before you stole other characters.
You wink suggestively.
You say in common: Lion used to be my best RL friend.
You say in common: never speak to him now.
You say in common: he never grew up.
> Zappo nods solemnly.
You say in common: shame to lose my best friend, we grew apart fast.
You say in common: anyway that dont matter :).
You say in common: do what ever you can.
You say in common: you should not have to fight with the other god about these things.
You say in common: what did your scan dig up?
> Zappo says in common: nothing illegal.
You say in common: any secret wizlevel 10000 chars?
You say in common: I doubt anything illegal in terms of wizlevels.
You say in common: since you can only change it with ed.
You say in common: well my plan was get 50, rewrite a few bits then work on a very large area.
You say in common: that's been my plan for a long time :).
You say in common: 3rd time i nocked back.
> [wiz] Lister: we need to let pkers be ruthless again zap
> [wiz] Lister: I'd like to see less safe zones in ~Orrendia and more toys that allow pkers to do cooler shit
> [wiz] Lister: now that we have immune status, it should be less restrictive
[Re-Enter : Soran, Jul 10 17:24]
[wiz] Zappo: hmmm, yeah, safe zones should be reduced.  what is safe now?
Someone shouts in common: You can never, ever be a bigger asshole than me Soran.  Suck it up chump, you're a nobody.
[wiz] Lister: well
Soran shouts in common: dont bet on it.
[wiz] Gillious: everything ? :)

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