This log was made by "Guest1".
Guest1 in town
Deadddeadly reads the top list.
Manson sings sadistically.
Dirstanius seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Deathtoall burps.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Deadddeadly reads the top list.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Manson sings sadistically.
Darian still thinks it's funny that someone actually uses the word "pansy".
Deadddeadly reads the top list.
Deathtoall says in common: who?
Dirstanius says in common: nod, if it fits.
Manson says in common: me too...
Darian points at Dirstanius with his finger.
Deathtoall says in common: I use it.
Dirstanius burps.
Darian laughs hysterically.
Deathtoall says in common: pansy.
Deathtoall says in common: pansy pk immunes.
Manson says in common: whatare you....5th graders???
Darian giggles gleefully.
Deathtoall goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Deathtoall says in common: no.
Deathtoall says in common: what would you like me to say.
Manson says in common: oh D2A in the University.
Deathtoall says in common: there's loads of insults I use, it's not like that's the
only one.
Deathtoall nods solemnly.
Manson says in common: that slept all morning....
Dirstanius leaves east.
Manson says in common: that slept all morning....
Deathtoall chuckles to himself quietly.
Manson says in common: that slept all morning....
Deathtoall says in common: you stuttering?
Deathtoall leaves southeast.
Dirstanius arrives.
Hraf bought a bottle of beer for Manson.
Manson says in common: stutter this.
Phaedrus arrives.
Phaedrus leaves south.
Dirstanius leaves south.
Manson thanks Hraf graciously.
Dirstanius arrives.
Manson licks Hraf softly.
Deathtoall arrives.
Deathtoall seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Deathtoall licks Hraf softly.
Deathtoall burps.
Deathtoall sighs deeply.
Manson says in common: afk.
Deathtoall hiccups.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Dirstanius leaves east.
Deadddeadly leaves south.
Manson wakes up from being AFK.
Manson shakes his head vigorously.
Manson leaves east.
Manson arrives.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Myrmidon Manson.
Hraf, bartender.
Arch-Mage Enchilada.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Top 10 poster.
The Player Rules.
> Manson reads the newspaper.
Manson leaves east.
Manson arrives.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Miminister enters the game.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Manson leaves the game.
> Dirstanius arrives.
Deathtoall arrives.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Wizard (7th Ranked) Deathtoall.
Advanced Explorer Dirstanius.
Hraf, bartender.
Arch-Mage Enchilada.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Top 10 poster.
The Player Rules.
> Deathtoall seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Deathtoall sighs deeply.
Enchilada tends to Hraf's wounds.
Deathtoall is a pubber
Dirstanius gives Enchilada a sharp kick.
Hraf leaves east.
Enchilada leaves east.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Dirstanius seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Dirstanius hiccups.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Dirstanius looks drunk.
Dirstanius leaves east.
Hraf arrives.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius arrives.
Deathtoall missed Hraf.
Deathtoall arrives.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Deathtoall missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Deathtoall missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius burps.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius pierces Hraf completely with a jousting spear!
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius pierces Hraf completely with a jousting spear!
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Deathtoall says in common: go east hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Enchilada arrives.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Enchilada gives amulet to Hraf.
Deathtoall says in common: go east hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius looks drunk.
Hargrove shouts in common: whats in the polympics tonight?
Phaedrus arrives.
Deathtoall looks drunk.
Phaedrus casts resurrect on some mist.
Some mist disappears.
Miminister appears in a solid form.
Phaedrus reads the newspaper.
Deathtoall reads the newspaper.
Dirstanius reads the newspaper.
Darian reads the newspaper.
Phaedrus chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Phaedrus says in common: stop letting Hempkid kill you.
Hargrove shouts in common: whats on the olympics tonight?
Phaedrus says in common: hes a prick and your giving him exp.
Miminister nods solemnly.
Phaedrus leaves south.
Deathtoall burps.
Enchilada licks you softly.
Dirstanius reads the newspaper.
Deathtoall says in common: no shit.
exa miminister
Lost Traveler Miminister.
Miminister is a human.
He has a face you will never forget
He is a player killer.
He is in good shape.
Miminister is carrying:
Some mist's quicktyper.
> Miminister leaves east.
Deathtoall seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Enchilada resurrects you from the dead.
You feel a very strong force.
You are sucked away...
You reappear in a more solid form.
Deathtoall says in common: who is some mist.
Deathtoall rolls on the floor laughing.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
High Priest Enchilada.
Wizard (7th Ranked) Deathtoall.
Advanced Explorer Dirstanius.
Hraf, bartender.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Top 10 poster.
The Player Rules.
> Enchilada licks you softly.
You grin innocently.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
After Hours LPMud :: 10 active players :: 2 visible wizards :: 12 total.
<D.O.A.> ...And Satan Sings: Deathtoall And To All A Grim Night
Deadddeadly says only Entropy will come when I arrive in full force
+=Dark Carnival=+ Darian
Dirstanius Reborn
+=Dark Carnival=+ Jayle
Miminister _____Im on my way down
(:Badlands Warriors:) Maicoll
Santeeel <Wizard>
Enchilada <Wizard>
Phaedrus is idle. Don't expect a responce.
> Deathtoall sighs deeply.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
High Priest Enchilada.
Wizard (7th Ranked) Deathtoall.
Advanced Explorer Dirstanius.
Hraf, bartender.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Top 10 poster.
The Player Rules.
> Dirstanius leaves east.
Deadddeadly arrives.
Deadddeadly says in common: afk.
Deadddeadly leaves south.
> look
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
High Priest Enchilada.
Wizard (7th Ranked) Deathtoall.
Hraf, bartender.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
A newspaper.
A list of the top players.
Top 10 poster.
The Player Rules.
> Deathtoall leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Deathtoall sighs deeply.
You scratch your head.
> Deathtoall chants ancient words of power.
Deathtoall reaches into an extra-dimensional space and pulls A large fire elemental out
of thin air!
Enchilada disintegrates A Giant Cheese Enchilada with Sour Cream.
Hraf says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
Deathtoall leaves east.
Elemental leaves east.
Miminister arrives.
Miminister leaves south.
Enchilada fetches A Giant Cheese Enchilada with Sour Cream from another dimension.
Enchilada gives enchilada to Hraf.
Enchilada fetches A Giant Cheese Enchilada with Sour Cream from another dimension.
Deadddeadly arrives
Deadddeadly leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Elemental arrives.
Hraf leaves east.
Dirstanius arrives.
Dirstanius leaves south.
Hraf arrives.
Hraf leaves east.
Enchilada leaves east.
Dirstanius arrives.
Dirstanius leaves east.
Deathtoall hiccups.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Elemental leaves east.
Miminister arrives.
Dirstanius arrives.
Dirstanius leaves east.
Miminister says in common: hey.
Miminister leaves east.
Hraf arrives.
Autosaving character...
Deathtoall missed Hraf.
Deathtoall arrives.
Elemental missed Hraf.
Elemental arrives.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius arrives.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Deathtoall missed Hraf.
Elemental missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Deathtoall missed Hraf.
Elemental missed Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Elemental missed Hraf.
Hraf leaves east.
Dirstanius hit Hraf.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Elemental missed Hraf.
Deathtoall says in common: stop.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Elemental leaves east.
Dirstanius missed Hraf.
Deathtoall arrives.
Elemental arrives.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf arrives.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Enchilada arrives.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf goes easy on his opponent.
Deathtoall goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf goes easy on his opponent.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf goes easy on his opponent.
Dirstanius leaves south.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf goes easy on his opponent.
Deathtoall leaves south.
Elemental leaves south.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Hraf hit Elemental very hard.
Hraf hit Elemental very hard.
Hraf missed Elemental.
Enchilada disintegrates Hraf, bartender.
Enchilada takes: A deathly black tunic with 'DIE!' written on it.
Enchilada takes: Skyr's Blowback.
Enchilada takes: A small leather whip.
Enchilada takes: Sword of Fate.
Enchilada takes: A Stonedowner robe.
Enchilada takes: Ring of Protection.
Enchilada takes: Hide Gloves.
Enchilada takes: Stegasaurus plate.
Enchilada takes: Leather Boots.
Enchilada takes: Top 10 poster.
Enchilada takes: A torn scroll.
Enchilada takes: Curved knife.
Enchilada takes: Stormbringer.
Enchilada takes: Forest cloak.
Enchilada takes: Cross Pendant.
Enchilada takes: A Giant Cheese Enchilada with Sour Cream.
Enchilada takes: A newspaper.
Enchilada takes: A list of the top players.
Enchilada takes: Top 10 poster.
Enchilada drops Top 10 poster.
Enchilada drops A list of the top players.
Enchilada drops A newspaper.
Enchilada drops A Giant Cheese Enchilada with Sour Cream.
Enchilada drops Cross Pendant.
Enchilada drops Forest cloak.
Enchilada drops Stormbringer.
Enchilada drops Curved knife.
Enchilada drops A torn scroll.
Enchilada drops Top 10 poster.
Enchilada drops Leather Boots.
Enchilada drops Stegasaurus plate.
Enchilada drops Hide Gloves.
Enchilada drops Ring of Protection.
Enchilada drops A Stonedowner robe.
Enchilada drops Sword of Fate.
Enchilada drops A small leather whip.
Enchilada drops Skyr's Blowback.
Enchilada drops A deathly black tunic with 'DIE!' written on it.
Enchilada drops A Giant Cheese Enchilada with Sour Cream.
Enchilada licks Hraf softly.
Dirstanius arrives.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Advanced Explorer Dirstanius.
The Player Rules.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
High Priest Enchilada.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
> Dirstanius hiccups.
Dirstanius hiccups.
Dirstanius leaves south.
Darian leaves south.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
The Player Rules.
High Priest Enchilada.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
> Deadddeadly arrives.
Deadddeadly huggles with Guest1, and Enchilada.
Miminister arrives.
Miminister reads the newspaper.
Miminister goes "DOH!"
Enchilada goes home.
Miminister leaves east.
Enchilada arrives.
Enchilada reads the newspaper.
Darian arrives.
Enchilada goes home.
Darian leaves south.
Miminister arrives.
Deathtoall arrives.
Miminister leaves east.
Miminister arrives.
Deathtoall gives cloak to Miminister.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Miminister leaves east.
Deathtoall burps.
Deathtoall leaves south.
Dirstanius arrives.
Dirstanius leaves south.
Miminister arrives.
Jayle arrives.
Jayle leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Deathtoall looks drunk.
Deathtoall hiccups.
Deathtoall nods solemnly.
Miminister thanks Deathtoall graciously.
Miminister licks Deathtoall softly.
Miminister licks Deathtoall softly.
Miminister licks Deathtoall softly.
Miminister leaves east.
Deathtoall leaves southeast.
Jayle arrives.
Jayle leaves east.
Darian arrives.
Jayle arrives.
Jayle bows to Darian respectfully.
Darian gives sword to Jayle.
Jayle gives sword to Darian.
Jayle gives sword to Darian.
Jayle looks drunk.
Darian gives sword to Jayle.
Darian gives sword to Jayle.
> who
Jayle hiccups.
After Hours LPMud :: 11 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 11 total.
<D.O.A.> ...And Satan Sings: Deathtoall And To All A Grim Night
Deadddeadly says only Entropy will come when I arrive in full force
+=Dark Carnival=+ Darian
Dirstanius Reborn
+=Dark Carnival=+ Jayle
Miminister _____Im on my way down
(:Badlands Warriors:) Maicoll
Phaedrus is idle. Don't expect a responce.
> Jayle leaves east.
After Hours time is:
Thu Feb 19 23:22:30 EST 1998
> look
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
Swordsman Deadddeadly.
The Player Rules.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
Miminister arrives.
Miminister leaves south.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Nadja enters the game.
Smirnov arrives.
Dirstanius arrives.
Smirnov reads the rules.
Dirstanius seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Deathtoall arrives.
Miminister arrives.
> Miminister leaves east.
Smirnov reads the top list.
Dirstanius gives tunic to Deathtoall.
You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is
bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to
the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
Corpse of Beggar.
> You are in a small, wooden building with an exit to the north and east.
This is the login room, mortal players can enter the game from here. This
place is featureless save for a beautiful jeweled mirror that hangs on the
wall and a staircase that leads to a lower level. Main Street is to the
north, Wizard Street is to the east.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, northeast, and down.
Magic Portal.
A Tax Collector.
An announcement board.
A small wicker basket.
> Autosaving character...
You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is
bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to
the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
Corpse of Beggar.
> You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Wizard (7th Ranked) Deathtoall.
Advanced Explorer Dirstanius.
Necromancer Smirnov.
Chief (7th Ranked) Nadja.
Lord (7th Ranked) Darian.
Swordsman Deadddeadly.
The Player Rules.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
Deathtoall leaves east.
> Smirnov reads the top list.
Dirstanius burps.
Nadja grins innocently.
> Nadja says in common: afk a bit.
> Dirstanius seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Dirstanius leaves east.
Dirstanius arrives.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Smirnov leaves the game.
Deathtoall seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
After Hours LPMud :: 13 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 13 total.
<D.O.A.> ...And Satan Sings: Deathtoall And To All A Grim Night
Dirstanius Reborn
Deadddeadly says only Entropy will come when I arrive in full force
+=Dark Carnival=+ Darian
Dirstanius Reborn
+=Dark Carnival=+ Jayle
Miminister _____Im on my way down
(:Badlands Warriors:) Maicoll
(TC) Nadja the Girly Elf
Phaedrus is idle. Don't expect a responce.
> Deathtoall hiccups.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Halo enters the game.
Nadja licks Halo softly.
Halo lets off a real rip-roarer.
Nadja grins evilly.
Deathtoall chants and is enveloped in a golden glow.
Nadja says in common: just got on.
> Nadja says in common: she's too little for you.
Nadja laughs hysterically.
Deathtoall nods solemnly.
Deathtoall says in common: how old is your char Halo?
Halo says in common: you don't miss much by not logging on.
Nadja says in common: yeah, I've noticed.
Halo says in common: 18 days.
Nadja grins evilly.
Deathtoall chuckles to himself quietly.
Deathtoall nods solemnly.
Deathtoall looks drunk.
> Deathtoall seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Dirstanius seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Deathtoall says in common: that's pretty damn old for even a pubbing level 5 4 cleric.
Nadja says in common: I mostly idle on here till later.
> Halo sings I can't get no....satisfaction
Nadja laughs hysterically.
Deathtoall says in common: yeah with 2228 hours.
Deathtoall says in common: that's nuts.
Deathtoall says in common: I thought I was bad.
Deathtoall chuckles to himself quietly.
Nadja says in common: I idle a lot.
Nadja grins evilly.
Halo says in common: how nice of you to compute it for me.
Deathtoall says in common: I am 33 days old now.
Deathtoall seems to fall, but takes a step and recovers.
Nadja says in common: no, that was me.
Nadja laughs hysterically.
> Halo says in common: sekel's on icq.
Dirstanius hiccups.
Nadja says in common: cool.
Nadja grins evilly.
Halo shrugs helplessly.
Deathtoall says in common: who the fuck is Miminister?
Halo says in common: 7 0f 15.
Nadja snickers mischievously.
Halo says in common: 3 of 0.
Nadja laughs hysterically.
> Nadja says in common: my father brought up Bill again today.
Nadja grins evilly.
Halo says in common: that was expectd\ed.
Halo says in common: expected.
Halo says in common: kimkimkimkimkimkimkimkimkimkim.
Deathtoall raises his eyebrow.
Deathtoall shakes his head vigorously.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Dirstanius leaves east.
> Halo says in common: kIm KiM kiM.
Halo nods solemnly.
Nadja goes "DOH!"
Nadja says in common: "noooo...:.
Nadja grins evilly.
Deathtoall arrives.
Nadja giggles gleefully.
> Deathtoall leaves south.
Nadja runs around in circles waving her arms.
Nadja gasps in astonishment!
Nadja goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Darian leaves south.
Nadja says in common: someone trying to come on as Stopsign?
Nadja grins evilly.
> Deadddeadly huggles with Halo, Guest1, and Nadja.
Nadja goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Deadddeadly licks Nadja softly.
Nadja says in common: I'll have to mail him about that just in case.
Nadja grins evilly.
Nadja goes hmm, thoughtfully.
Nadja says in common: brb.
Nadja grins evilly.
Nadja leaves southeast.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Cyrax enters the game.
Nadja arrives.
Nadja leaves north.
> Deadddeadly gives Nadja a BIG hug.
Nadja grins evilly.
Deadddeadly says in common: sorry afk.
Deadddeadly licks Nadja softly.
Nadja says in common: I'm fine.
Deadddeadly leaves east.
Nadja grins evilly.
> Reality is momentarily distorted as Kamikaze enters the game.
exa kamikaze
Wizard (2nd Ranked) Kamikaze.
Kamikaze is a human.
He is an obvious lowlife, a beggar, but he has something about him.. a sense of nobility
or power. he looks broke. He wear a badge that says Donations are always gladly
Kamikaze has a scar on his nose, his right arm and his back.
He is slightly hurt.
Kamikaze is carrying:
Kamikaze's quicktyper.
Deathtoall arrives.
Dirstanius arrives.
Deathtoall burps.
> Deathtoall leaves east.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Halo leaves the game.
Dirstanius burps.
Nadja goes "DOH!"
Dirstanius leaves east.
> Hraf says in common: Ahh, just got a new shipment in. Can I help anyone?
Maicoll arrives.
Maicoll leaves southeast.
Dirstanius arrives.
Deadddeadly arrives.
Autosaving character...
Deadddeadly leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Miminister arrives.
Deathtoall leaves east.
> Deathtoall arrives.
Miminister hiccups.
Miminister says in common: out of coins.
Miminister goes "DOH!"
Deathtoall leaves south.
Deathtoall arrives.
Miminister leaves south.
Deathtoall chants ancient words of power.
Deathtoall reaches into an extra-dimensional space and pulls A large fire elemental out
of thin air!
Dirstanius leaves east.
Miminister arrives.
Deathtoall takes potion from bag.
Deathtoall takes potion from bag.
Deathtoall takes potion from bag.
Deadddeadly arrives.
Miminister reads the top list.
Maicoll arrives.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Elemental leaves east.
Miminister leaves south.
Maicoll leaves south.
Deadddeadly leaves east.
After Hours LPMud :: 12 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 12 total.
<D.O.A.> ...And Satan Sings: Deathtoall And To All A Grim Night
Deadddeadly says only Entropy will come when I arrive in full force
Dirstanius Reborn
+=Dark Carnival=+ Jayle
Miminister _____Im on my way down
(:Badlands Warriors:) Maicoll
+=Dark Carnival=+ Darian
(TC) Nadja the Girly Elf
Phaedrus is idle. Don't expect a responce.
> Reality is momentarily distorted as Javanarava enters the game.
Javanarava reads the top list.
Maicoll arrives.
> Deadddeadly arrives.
Deadddeadly leaves east.
Maicoll leaves east.
Miminister arrives.
Deadddeadly arrives.
Miminister leaves south.
Deadddeadly leaves east.
Deathtoall arrives.
Elemental arrives.
Deadddeadly arrives.
Dirstanius arrives.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Deadddeadly leaves the game.
Dirstanius leaves east.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Elemental leaves east.
Maicoll arrives.
> Maicoll looks drunk.
Maicoll leaves southeast.
Miminister arrives.
Miminister leaves east.
Miminister arrives.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Miminister leaves the game.
Maicoll arrives.
Maicoll leaves south.
Deathtoall arrives.
Elemental arrives.
A large fire elemental rumbles.
Deathtoall says in common: stay.
Deathtoall leaves east.
A large fire elemental fades into non-existence.
> Jayle arrives.
Dirstanius arrives.
Deathtoall arrives.
Autosaving character...
Dirstanius leaves east.
Javanarava reads the top list.
Dirstanius arrives.
Javanarava leaves southeast.
Dirstanius burps.
Deathtoall chuckles to himself quietly.
Deathtoall leaves east.
Javanarava arrives.
Javanarava leaves southeast.
Deathtoall arrives.
> Deathtoall gives Nadja a REAL kiss...
It is deep and passionate and seems to take forever.
There is a flash of blinding white light as Deathtoall leaves the game.
Jayle reads the top list.
Javanarava arrives.
Javanarava leaves southeast.
Javanarava arrives.
Reality is momentarily distorted as Mira enters the game.
Javanarava burps.
After Hours LPMud :: 7 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 7 total.
+=Dark Carnival=+ Jayle
+=Dark Carnival=+ Darian
(TC) Nadja the Girly Elf
Phaedrus is idle. Don't expect a responce.
Javanarava arrives.
You lick Nadja softly.
> exa nadja
Chief (7th Ranked) Nadja.
Nadja is a elf.
Nadja is married to Odysseus.
"Crop handle carved in bone, sat high upon a throne of finest English leather.
The queen of all the pack, this joker raised his hat and talked about the
weather. All should be warned about this high born Hunting Girl. She took
this simple man's downfall in hand - I raised the flag that she unfurled."
She is a player killer.
Nadja has a scar on her right arm.
She is in good shape.
Nadja is carrying:
Potion of Light-Healing.
Jousting Spear.
A leather hood (worn).
Nadja's quicktyper.
A ruby brooch (worn).
A dark brown tunic with 'Yes'n she's bad-eyed and she's loveless' written on it.
A forest green tunic with 'Hunting Girl' written on it (worn).
A beautiful gold wedding ring (worn).
> Javanarava leaves south.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Chief (7th Ranked) Nadja.
The Player Rules.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
You lick your lips.
> Jayle arrives.
Jayle leaves east.
> You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is
bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to
the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
A beggar.
> You are in a small, wooden building with an exit to the north and east.
This is the login room, mortal players can enter the game from here. This
place is featureless save for a beautiful jeweled mirror that hangs on the
wall and a staircase that leads to a lower level. Main Street is to the
north, Wizard Street is to the east.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, northeast, and down.
Magic Portal.
A Tax Collector.
An announcement board.
A small wicker basket.
> time
After Hours time is:
Fri Feb 20 00:20:52 EST 1998
> n
You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is
bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to
the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
A beggar.
> You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Grand Mistress of Flowers Javanarava.
Chief (7th Ranked) Nadja.
The Player Rules.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
> score
Lost Traveler Guest1
Level : 1 Class : Level 1 none
Hit Points : 75 of (75) Skill Pts : 75 of (75)
Experience : 17 Next Level : 1070
Race : Human Alignment : neutral
Gold Coins : 0 Language : Common
Str : 0.00% Int : 0.00% Dex : 0.00% Con : 0.00%
Fight: 0.00% Skill: 0.00% Aware: 0.00% Res : 0.00%
Fluent : Common
Intoxicated: Sober
Hunger : Slightly Hungry
Thirst : Slightly Thirsty
Wimpy : Off Direction : None
Age : 1 hours 18 minutes 12 seconds.
You are going AFK for a few.
> There is a flash of blinding white light as Javanarava leaves the game.
> s
You are on Main Street which runs east and west through town, the area is
bustling with activity. To the south is a small unmarked building and to
the north is a small pub.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
A beggar.
> You are in a small, wooden building with an exit to the north and east.
This is the login room, mortal players can enter the game from here. This
place is featureless save for a beautiful jeweled mirror that hangs on the
wall and a staircase that leads to a lower level. Main Street is to the
north, Wizard Street is to the east.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, northeast, and down.
Prestidigitator Hyskros.
Magic Portal.
A Tax Collector.
An announcement board.
A small wicker basket.
> You stand in a musky basement. The thin ceiling here does nothing to muffle
the rowdy footsteps of those above you. Light streams in from the staircase,
providing just enough light with which to get by.
There is one obvious exit: up.
Login bulletin board (34 messages).
> exa boar
exa board
There is no boar here.
> This is a bulletin board.
You can set up new notes with the command 'note headline'.
Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with 'remove num'.
The bulletine board contains 34 notes:
1: NEW PK SYSTEM (Hawkwind Nov 6, 1997)
2: Responses to messages (Huma Dec 4, 1997)
3: Exp (Huma Dec 9, 1997)
4: Re: Bug #11 (Huma Dec 29, 1997)
5: Adverbs & feelings (Hawkwind Jan 2, 1998)
6: Cas (Hargrove Feb 2, 1998)
7: Areas (Joey Feb 3, 1998)
8: Re: Joey (Hargrove Feb 3, 1998)
9: DEATH TO ALL (Deathtoall Feb 4, 1998)
10: Good luck (Hades Feb 4, 1998)
11: RE joey and hargrove (Canetoad Feb 7, 1998)
12: ? (Joey Feb 7, 1998)
13: RE blindness (Canetoad Feb 8, 1998)
14: oops (Blindness Feb 8, 1998)
15: Blindness/Money (Lister Feb 8, 1998)
16: new addition (Hawkwind Feb 10, 1998)
17: Elemental (Deathtoall Feb 10, 1998)
18: New Idea (Waxen Feb 10, 1998)
19: Training Dummy (Hargrove Feb 11, 1998)
20: Elementals (Bright Feb 11, 1998)
21: Re: Elementals (Nadja Feb 12, 1998)
22: RE deathtoall (Canetoad Feb 12, 1998)
23: Points (Vortex Feb 12, 1998)
24: RE.canetoad (Cyrax Feb 13, 1998)
25: hat!? (Lister Feb 13, 1998)
26: Stuff (Galahad Feb 13, 1998)
27: Monks (N Feb 14, 1998)
28: Diamond Key (N Feb 15, 1998)
29: New Area (Hargrove Feb 15, 1998)
30: Dirstanius (Rellik Feb 16, 1998)
31: Dirstanius (Rincewind Feb 16, 1998)
32: heh (Hades Feb 16, 1998)
33: Hey Wiz Hades!!! (Deathtoall Feb 18, 1998)
34: Deathtoall (Brapnor Feb 18, 1998)
> u
You are in a small, wooden building with an exit to the north and east.
This is the login room, mortal players can enter the game from here. This
place is featureless save for a beautiful jeweled mirror that hangs on the
wall and a staircase that leads to a lower level. Main Street is to the
north, Wizard Street is to the east.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, northeast, and down.
Prestidigitator Hyskros.
Magic Portal.
A Tax Collector.
An announcement board.
A small wicker basket.
> You are on Wizard Street which runs north and south through town. To the
west is the Login Room and to the east you see a very plain looking
building. The Center of Town is to the north.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
> This is the party room. You form a party by 'lead partyname'
you can 'rally <player name>' into your party, but they must
be in the same room as your are for this to work. You can
type 'members' to find out who is in the party. At any time
any member of the party can 'share' the experience that has
accumulated. The leader can 'disband' the party at any time.
If you are a member of the party you can 'leave party' at any
time. It will share the experience accumulated before anyone
leaves the party. You can also use 'party' followed by a
string and it tells the whole party the string.
If you forget the commands you can always type 'help party'.
Well, at the moment you can't. But hey. Trial and error.
If there are any problems with the party things mail Huma.
There are four obvious exits: north, west, northwest, and up.
> The wind rushes up from the party room below you and whirls about this
small office. A ledger book sits on a podium. In the ledger are the
names of the clans registered with the Ridgecrest authorities. You can
hear the sounds of the street carried along the wind. The party room is
below you, and it opens out to the street.
There is one obvious exit: down.
Top Clan Poster.
Clan idea board (38 messages).
> exa board
This is a bulletin board.
You can set up new notes with the command 'post headline'.
Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with 'remove num'.
The bulletine board contains 38 notes:
1: Ideas (Brapnor Jan 7, 1998)
2: ideas (Bright Jan 9, 1998)
3: Suggestion (Tornado Jan 9, 1998)
4: correction (Bright Jan 9, 1998)
5: alright (Lister Jan 10, 1998)
6: Mr. Brapnor (Brapnor Jan 10, 1998)
7: pub in clan (N Jan 10, 1998)
8: auto vault sell (Bright Jan 10, 1998)
9: hmmmmm (Kane Jan 11, 1998)
10: Clan room directions (Tiberius Jan 12, 1998)
11: Slice's vault (Bright Jan 14, 1998)
12: stats (Kane Jan 16, 1998)
13: umm..what?? (Cassidy Jan 17, 1998)
14: Re: umm..what?? (Bright Jan 17, 1998)
15: Crackwhores (Lister Jan 19, 1998)
16: Intruder Alert (Hector Jan 19, 1998)
17: Mailing System (Deathtoall Jan 20, 1998)
18: mailing (Tornado Jan 20, 1998)
19: clans (Vortex Jan 20, 1998)
20: RE: Vortex (Deathtoall Jan 21, 1998)
21: re:d2a (Kane Jan 21, 1998)
22: Re: Mailing System (Tiberius Jan 23, 1998)
23: Edge Should be in a clan (Edge Jan 24, 1998)
24: Lister (Tiberius Jan 24, 1998)
25: Some Ideas (Hades Jan 24, 1998)
26: RE: Hades (Wicked Jan 25, 1998)
27: Re: Hades (Tiberius Jan 26, 1998)
28: The latest thread (Bright Jan 26, 1998)
29: Re: The latest thread (Nadja Jan 27, 1998)
30: Wizards out! (N Jan 29, 1998)
31: about the vault... (Kane Jan 30, 1998)
32: RE: the wizard thing (Grot Feb 4, 1998)
33: RE: My last post/Tib/Kane/Lister/Etc. (Deathtoall Feb 4, 1998)
34: a good idea (Kane Feb 4, 1998)
35: Damnit! (Lister Feb 6, 1998)
36: RE: Lister (Grot Feb 7, 1998)
37: Ok (Lister Feb 8, 1998)
38: oh yeah (Lister Feb 8, 1998)
> read poster
The Top Clans!
1 ] Specialists
2 ] Dark Carnival
3 ] The Dark Overlord
4 ] Four Horsemen
5 ] Badlands Warriors
6 ] Knights Of Ni
> This is the party room. You form a party by 'lead partyname'
you can 'rally <player name>' into your party, but they must
be in the same room as your are for this to work. You can
type 'members' to find out who is in the party. At any time
any member of the party can 'share' the experience that has
accumulated. The leader can 'disband' the party at any time.
If you are a member of the party you can 'leave party' at any
time. It will share the experience accumulated before anyone
leaves the party. You can also use 'party' followed by a
string and it tells the whole party the string.
If you forget the commands you can always type 'help party'.
Well, at the moment you can't. But hey. Trial and error.
If there are any problems with the party things mail Huma.
There are four obvious exits: north, west, northwest, and up.
> w
You are on Wizard Street which runs north and south through town. To the
west is the Login Room and to the east you see a very plain looking
building. The Center of Town is to the north.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
> You are in a small, wooden building with an exit to the north and east.
This is the login room, mortal players can enter the game from here. This
place is featureless save for a beautiful jeweled mirror that hangs on the
wall and a staircase that leads to a lower level. Main Street is to the
north, Wizard Street is to the east.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, northeast, and down.
Prestidigitator Hyskros.
Magic Portal.
A Tax Collector.
An announcement board.
A small wicker basket.
> exa hyskros
Prestidigitator Hyskros.
Hyskros is a elf.
He is in good shape.
> e
You are on Wizard Street which runs north and south through town. To the
west is the Login Room and to the east you see a very plain looking
building. The Center of Town is to the north.
There are four obvious exits: north, south, east, and west.
> This is the party room. You form a party by 'lead partyname'
you can 'rally <player name>' into your party, but they must
be in the same room as your are for this to work. You can
type 'members' to find out who is in the party. At any time
any member of the party can 'share' the experience that has
accumulated. The leader can 'disband' the party at any time.
If you are a member of the party you can 'leave party' at any
time. It will share the experience accumulated before anyone
leaves the party. You can also use 'party' followed by a
string and it tells the whole party the string.
If you forget the commands you can always type 'help party'.
Well, at the moment you can't. But hey. Trial and error.
If there are any problems with the party things mail Huma.
There are four obvious exits: north, west, northwest, and up.
> The wind rushes up from the party room below you and whirls about this
small office. A ledger book sits on a podium. In the ledger are the
names of the clans registered with the Ridgecrest authorities. You can
hear the sounds of the street carried along the wind. The party room is
below you, and it opens out to the street.
There is one obvious exit: down.
Top Clan Poster.
Clan idea board (38 messages).
> This is the party room. You form a party by 'lead partyname'
you can 'rally <player name>' into your party, but they must
be in the same room as your are for this to work. You can
type 'members' to find out who is in the party. At any time
any member of the party can 'share' the experience that has
accumulated. The leader can 'disband' the party at any time.
If you are a member of the party you can 'leave party' at any
time. It will share the experience accumulated before anyone
leaves the party. You can also use 'party' followed by a
string and it tells the whole party the string.
If you forget the commands you can always type 'help party'.
Well, at the moment you can't. But hey. Trial and error.
If there are any problems with the party things mail Huma.
There are four obvious exits: north, west, northwest, and up.
> You stand in the center of town, the intersection of Main Street and
Wizard Street. Main Street stretches as far as you can see to the east and
west, Wizard Street stretches as far as you can see to the north and south.
There are eight obvious exits: north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast,
and southwest.
> You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
Chief (7th Ranked) Nadja.
The Player Rules.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
> You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
You look at the white sky.
> look
Nadja leaves south.
You are in the local pub. The room is full of smoke, you can hardly
see through all the haze. You feel safe here. On the far wall you can
barely make out the menu.
There are three obvious exits: south, east, and southeast.
The Player Rules.
Hraf, bartender.
Top 10 poster.
A list of the top players.
The Player Rules.
A newspaper.
> who
After Hours LPMud :: 5 active players :: 0 visible wizards :: 5 total.
+=Dark Carnival=+ Darian
(TC) Nadja the Girly Elf
Phaedrus is idle. Don't expect a responce.
> exa hraf
He is a human male of some years, his hair has a bit of gray near his temples.
He is in good shape.
> read paper
read list
This is the daily obituary page.
N (level 14) was killed by Wizard (7th Ranked) Deathtoall, Feb 12 15:39
Kane (level 9) was killed by Traveler Dirstanius, Feb 12 16:43
Wolfman (level 12) was killed by Wizard (7th Ranked) Deathtoall, Feb 12 20:29
Lister (level 18) was killed by Traveler Dirstanius, Feb 13 09:54
Rincewind (level 5) was killed by Warleader Sorrow, Feb 14 11:26
Miminister (level 5) was killed by Adept Hempkid, Feb 15 15:42
Miminister (level 5) was killed by A squirrel, Feb 15 15:51
Miminister (level 5) was killed by Adept Hempkid, Feb 15 16:10
Miminister (level 5) was killed by Adept Hempkid, Feb 15 16:22
Miminister (level 5) was killed by Adept Hempkid, Feb 15 16:31
Miminister (level 5) was killed by Adept Hempkid, Feb 15 20:01
Jayle (level 10) was killed by A manscorpion, Feb 15 22:05
Rellik (level 8) was killed by Disciple Zord, Feb 16 14:52
Rellik (level 8) was killed by Disciple Zord, Feb 16 14:56
Crono (level 3) was killed by Town Guard, Feb 16 17:32
Draco (level 6) was killed by Town Guard, Feb 17 15:11
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
List of top players as of: Fri Feb 20 00:18:04 1998
Total players: 919 Active players: 214 Listoff players: 37
PK players : 35 Non-PK players: 126 Immune players : 53
Name Lev Hours Name Lev Hours Name Lev Hours
Javanarava 31 682 Thunderknob 19 1062 Dzorn 14 115
Grot 30 894 Synchronic 18 240 Kalas 14 230
Marley 30 974 Smirnov 18 360 Alanon 14 322
Nexroth 26 1064 Valdesta 17 287 Jacinthe 14 470
Cassidy 25 592 Urethra 17 296 Snail 14 227
Darian 22 591 Prong 17 264 Kelson 14 213
Wicked 22 1282 Schmuck 17 424 Keely 14 367
Redrum 20 244 Ayla 17 545 Edge 13 145
Stopsign 20 2442 Sekel 16 825 Blindness 13 67
Nadja 20 2229 Hestia 16 177 Ganymeade 13 138
Phaedrus 20 2078 Elin 16 735 Welchew 13 104
Death 20 672 Amethyst 16 481 Wolfman 12 84
Maicoll 19 313 N 15 148 Elistan 12 158
Damcyan 19 749 Gilbert 15 186 Kner 12 72
Joey 19 583 Phalanx 15 247 Wormwood 12 53
Whisky 19 512 Jester 15 187 Caeliste 12 153
Odysseus 19 2370 Ragnar 15 344 Ladydeath 11 153
> save
<-- back