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DC birth

You tell Tornado in common: portal me please?
> enter hall
Only clan members may enter.
> Tornado tells you in common: in a sec.
Tornado tells you in common: i am leaving a note on their board.
Tornado tells you in common: grots in here now with me.
You tell Tornado in common: *nod*portal me now,and then write the note.
> look
You are on a worn trail leading around the base of the mountain.
There are two obvious exits: northeast, and south.
Dark Carnival Clan Hall.
> A black portal opens up in the room.
As you walk into the portal you feel the floor fall out beneath you.
You start to scream, and nothing comes out. You feel so helpless, but an instant later, you walk out the other side.
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> You smile happily.
> You bow deeply.
> Grot finishes writing his message.
Tornado smiles happily.
Grot says in common: sorry, was posting.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> look
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (2 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> Tornado says in common: thats ok.
examine board
Clan members use this board to post messages to each other. You can set up new notes with the command 'post headline'. Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with 'remove num'.
The bulletine board contains 2 notes:

1: note (Donner Nov 11, 1997)
2: Welcome (Grot Nov 11, 1997)
> Tornado says in common: little get together here.
read 1
Note 1 is entitled 'note':

woo hoo!
first member AND first post
I rock--it is appropriate since i gave the name to the clan and all...

well im off!



This note was penned by Donner on Nov 11, 1997.
It is the 1st of 2 notes.
> You grin innocently.
> Grot removes note 2.
Tornado boggles at the concept.
Grot starts writing a message.
You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> look
Tornado shrugs helplessly.
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> n
You can leave things in this room.
There is one obvious exit: south.
> s
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> Tornado says in common: back to the editor.
Tornado is going AFK for a few.
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> examine donner
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Donner is a ogre.
Donner has a scar on his forehead.
He is in good shape.
Donner is a member of the Dark Carnival clan.
       Donner is carrying:
Donner's quicktyper.
Magic Feelings.
> examine grot
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Grot is a ogre.
Grot is married to Wicked.
He has taken the time to try to comb his hair (in a most un-ogre like manner), and actually looks like he may have taken a bath and brushed his teeth.   Wearing a brand new tux, he is dressed to kill.
He is a player killer.
Grot has a scar on his right leg, his left arm, his forehead, his right cheek and his left buttock.
He is in good shape.
He has an emblem on his sleeve proclaiming his allegiance to 'Honeymooning'.
Grot is a member of the Dark Carnival clan.
       Grot is carrying:
Grot's smelly loot bag.
Jousting Spear (wielded).
Great plumed Helm (worn).
Grot's quicktyper.
Holy Redeemer.
Small pouch.
Recall Scroll.
Magic Feelings.
A Tuxedo styled tunic (worn).
A beautiful gold wedding ring (worn).
> look
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> Donner says in common: why is our clan turning into the tour site of the century?
You chuckle to yourself quietly.
> look
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> Donner pokes you in the chest.
You gaze at the sky with wide, innocent eyes.
> look
Grot finishes writing his message.
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (2 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> read 2

Note 2 is entitled 'welcome':

Well, this isnt the first post because I was busy trying to figure all of this out, but Welcome to the clan

more to come...we have the points for teleport secure, just need gold, so keep donating...that way mage types (poke tornado) cant pry in our business
st ahhh

This note was penned by Grot on Nov 11, 1997.
It is the 2nd of 2 notes.
> Grot removes note 2.
Grot starts writing a message.
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> You tell Tornado in common: are you keeping a log of this?
> look
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> look
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (1 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> Grot finishes writing his message.
read 2

Note 2 is entitled 'welcome':

Well, this isnt the first post because I was busy trying to figure all of this out, but Welcome to the clan

more to come...we have the points for teleport secure, just need gold, so keep donating...that way mage types (poke tornado) cant pry in our business

Well, off to our honeymoon        Grot and Wicked

This note was penned by Grot on Nov 11, 1997.
It is the 2nd of 2 notes.
> Grot pokes Tornado in the chest.
Tornado tells you in common: nah, you can.
You tell Tornado in common: i am.
> look
You tell Tornado in common: but i got to go now.
> Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (2 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> Tornado tells you in common: nod.
You say in common: well,interesting clan,.but I gotta go now.
> You go hmm, thoughtfully.
> look
Not decorated Clan.
There are two obvious exits: out, and north.
Grot is the happiest ogre around.
Dark Carnival bulletin board (2 messages).
[ICP] Donner wonders "Are you down with the clown???".
Tornado .
A list of the top players.
> Tornado says in common: hehe, nice note grot :).
Grot waves good-bye.
You wave good-bye.
> You are on a worn trail leading around the base of the mountain.
There are two obvious exits: northeast, and south.
Dark Carnival Clan Hall.
> ne
You are on a worn trail leading around the base of the mountain.
There are two obvious exits: east, and southwest.
A Lynx.
A Lynx.
> You are now hunted by Lynx.
You are on a worn trail leading around the base of the mountain.
There are three obvious exits: east, west, and north.
The Badlands Warriors clan castle.
The Badlands Warriors clan castle.

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