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The Crackwhores Clan

Note 1 is entitled '1st note!':


Hades The Crackwhore!

This note was penned by Hades on Jan 19, 1998.
It is the 1st of 2 notes.
> read 2

Note 2 is entitled 'Howdy from the Pimp':

As of right now we are running at about 1700 coins/day, with 9892 in the money pool. We've got 2359 clan points with more to come as Deathtoall and Jule join up. The limiting factor for getting new stuff will be the coins.
If everyone would donate a few thousand every time or so they can make some money, we should have plenty of cash and be able to get whatever we like.
What we should get (In order) :
1) Clan line -->seemingly essential
2) No teleport -->don't want pesky folks like bright portalling in.
3) Vault -->tis nice to have storage space w/out walking to BFE.
Major things we Don't need (IMHO) :
1) Portals -->not totally worthless but WAY too damn expensive.
2) Clan hall upgrades -->merely cosmetic. Besides Crackwhores don't really stay in fortresses, rather in crackhouses, so the ramshackle hut might be the most fiting thing. rofl.
3) Clan Bank (Atleast for now) -->Noone among us has the 100K in his/her own personal account so why have an empty clan account.
Minor Things that'd be kewl to have:
1) clan emotes....Shrug, we could have some neat ones.
Hector sells his ass for a puff on the crack-pipe.
2) That summon crap...I don't know how that works maybe it could be useful but I dunno. It's WAY down on the list to check out.
That's all for now. I don't really have any clue about the clans so I'm gonna read up on all the docs to see what all we might need/want.
Oooh. Last but not least.
The Crackwhores' "GET OFF MY CORNER" soon to be killed list:
1)Lister -->noone really likes him too much.
2)Wicked -->kill her a bunch.

This note was penned by Hector on Jan 19, 1998.
It is the 2nd of 2 notes.

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