The Clerics Clan
> look
This room is a semi-organized clutter of medical supplies and religious
artifacts. The variety of objects sitting around give the place that
lived in feeling. It is obvious that those who make there home here
have created a haven where clerics from a variety of backgrounds can
come together.
There are three obvious exits: out, north, and east.
A newspaper.
Clerics bulletin board (34 messages).
> n
You can leave things in this room.
There is one obvious exit: south.
> s
This room is a semi-organized clutter of medical supplies and religious
artifacts. The variety of objects sitting around give the place that
lived in feeling. It is obvious that those who make there home here
have created a haven where clerics from a variety of backgrounds can
come together.
There are three obvious exits: out, north, and east.
A newspaper.
Clerics bulletin board (34 messages).
> This is a basic clan treasury.
There is one obvious exit: west.
> w
This room is a semi-organized clutter of medical supplies and religious
artifacts. The variety of objects sitting around give the place that
lived in feeling. It is obvious that those who make there home here
have created a haven where clerics from a variety of backgrounds can
come together.
There are three obvious exits: out, north, and east.
A newspaper.
Clerics bulletin board (34 messages).
> exa board
Clan members use this board to post messages to each other.
You can set up new notes with the command 'post headline'.
Read a note with 'read num', and remove an old note with 'remove num'.
The bulletin board contains 34 notes:
1: Welcome (Keely Mar 8, 1999)
2: Update: (Keely Mar 11, 1999)
3: Greetings Clerics (Tiberius Mar 18, 1999)
4: Misc Ramblings from Kira.... (Kira Mar 30, 1999)
5: More of Kira's Thoughts.... (Kira Apr 11, 1999)
6: Min Level (Kira May 13, 1999)
7: Re: Min level (Zorba May 15, 1999)
8: We must now stand united! (Tiberius Jun 4, 1999)
9: Re: Mist & Jazz (Tiberius Jun 6, 1999)
10: Mist/Jazz and clerics (Tiberius Jun 10, 1999)
11: My 2 cents... (Kira Jun 10, 1999)
12: Warrior... (Kira Jun 19, 1999)
13: Good little clerics (Tiberius Jun 22, 1999)
14: non clerics?? (Shari Jul 7, 1999)
15: Re: Balin (Tiberius Sep 5, 1999)
16: Im back! not that youd noticed id gone (Zorba Sep 5, 1999)
17: athena (Shari Sep 20, 1999)
18: kjakz (Shari Sep 25, 1999)
19: New ICQ (Zorba Sep 25, 1999)
20: Re: Kjakz (Tiberius Sep 25, 1999)
21: re: kjakz (Shari Sep 26, 1999)
22: members update (Shari Sep 27, 1999)
23: Ilex (Tiberius Oct 2, 1999)
24: Tibs (Zorba Oct 6, 1999)
25: more clerics? (Shari Oct 7, 1999)
26: Athena (Ilex Oct 20, 1999)
27: Welcome (Zorba Nov 1, 1999)
28: The Future of the Clerics Clan (Tiberius Nov 8, 1999)
29: leaving? (Shari Nov 8, 1999)
30: Future of the Clan (Ilex Nov 8, 1999)
31: um Me, Mist, Tibs et al (Zorba Nov 10, 1999)
32: Re: Zorba's post (Tiberius Nov 10, 1999)
33: Re: Re: Zorba's post (Zorba Nov 11, 1999)
34: Deadddeadly and Rhizoc (Tiberius Nov 21, 1999)
> read 1
Note 1 is entitled 'Welcome':
Welcome to the Clerics clan. I'm going to be working on recruiting and general setup
right at first. Thanks to Ilex, we've got some money to work with, but anything anyone
can contribute will certainly be used. The bank upgrade is going to cost $100K, just
to give you an idea of where we're at.
I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun with this clan. Please be patient
with me while I'm learning the commands and such.
This note was penned by Keely on Mar 8, 1999.
It is the 1st of 34 notes.
> read 2
Note 2 is entitled 'Update:':
You can now login/quit to/from the clan hall (as requested). Current members
are Ilex, Kira & Stillness. There are a couple more people who I expect to
join as soon as they're on at the same time as I am.
We're doing fairly well as far as clan points go, but as expected money is a
little tighter. We're not in trouble by any means, but we can't afford a bank
just yet.
Finally - what are your thoughts on recruitment policy? Should we welcome
any and all clerics or should we have guidelines as to minimum level and/or
clvl? My personal feeling is that we should have a minimum level guideline
of some sort, if only to avoid being invaded by a second of somebody who's mad
at us for whatever reason. What do the rest of you think?
This note was penned by Keely on Mar 11, 1999.
It is the 2nd of 34 notes.
> read 3
Note 3 is entitled 'Greetings Clerics':
Good to be in the clan.
I think things are looking good so far, so here's a few points to muse on:
1) Clan descs. Our Guild leader Keely told me she'd write them which is fine
with me and I look forward to see this place look better. If by some
circumstance you decide not to write the clan descs, I'm sure other people or
perhaps Hawkwind would be able to. No matter what,'s going to look good!
2) Clan emotes. The only guild to have our own personal set of emotes/feelings!
So let's start thinking of some to make.
3) New members. Since this clan is really a organised extension of our guild, I
think it'll be great to have new members. However, the question is, should we
be selective of which Clerics we choose? We're already being very selective
in only accepting Clercics, (although,that's the whole point of this clan). I
personally don't think we should accept say for example, a level 1/1
Clerics, since someone of this level is likely to be a 2nd.
4) Clan policy. Do we have any clan/guild policies? After all, we are the
organised group of Clerics, a powerful concept potentially. As our member
list of high ranking Clerics increases so will our influence on other guilds,
clans, and people I think.
5) Above all, have fun! For active Clerics that play, let's try and keep the
money pool not too low. Also, since I and (I assume) other members, don't
have the clan perms permission, it would be nice to know what our points/money
situation is. Thanks.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Mar 18, 1999.
It is the 3rd of 34 notes.
> read 4
Note 4 is entitled 'Misc Ramblings from Kira....':
Hi! This is my first post, so I figured I'd make it good. =)
First, my thoughts on new members. As for Shalandar, I'd like to give him a
little time and see if we can get to know him better. He said some weird things
to me a while ago. While I don't want to hold it against him, I"d like to know
a little more about him before I vote.
As far as minimum levels goes... I think it would be a good idea, mostly
because of the preponderance of seconds lately. Just an idea.. what about level
10 or 11. By then they would have to do a quest, that might demonstrate some
desire to stay.
On a different note... Jello is Dirstanius, so everyone beware.
I guess that's about it. Happy Mudding everyone!
-Kira, Mistress of Healing
This note was penned by Kira on Mar 30, 1999.
It is the 4th of 34 notes.
> read 5
Note 5 is entitled 'More of Kira's Thoughts....':
Okay, just wanted to post a few thoughts on the board....
Denubis has expressed interest in joining the clan... I have doubts about him
because he's very low level and has completed several quests... he keeps
telling me he's not a second, but how many newbies do we know who are 1/1 and
25 mins old and who have completed newbie and orc quest?
I"m glad we're doing great, but I'd say we just need to be careful...
That's all for now. =)
This note was penned by Kira on Apr 11, 1999.
It is the 5th of 34 notes.
> read 6
Note 6 is entitled 'Min Level':
As I've said in previous posts I agree with Ilex, Keely and others that we
should have a min level. Perhaps maybe 12/10 so that they've at least done a
quest or two? Let me know what you think.
As to shalandar... though my initial impression was mixed, I"m willing to give
him the vote (when he attains min level) if someone really believes he'l be
good for us. =)
This note was penned by Kira on May 13, 1999.
It is the 6th of 34 notes.
> read 7
Note 7 is entitled 'Re: Min level':
I think 12 10 or 13 10 is a good minimum level, because the newbie quest
is so easy that it hardly counts. Thing is, most clerics by lev 10 or 12
are up to clev 14 or so. Evaluating the person on an individual basis
might be more appropriate. As to Shalander, Ive never spoke to him
and hardly ever seen him, he probably plays in a different time slot to me,
so whatever you decide about him is up to you.
Oh one more thing..... Wizards Inc?????
Zorba has got a new found career in playtesting
This note was penned by Zorba on May 15, 1999.
It is the 7th of 34 notes.
> read 8
Note 8 is entitled 'We must now stand united!':
I'm sure ya'll remember that when we first started this clan, we did so on the
intention of protecting the unity of the clerics against intrusions like
Dirstanius and others that would not respect our role as healers.
Now is the time to stand unified against two individuals who threaten to
trivialise us and the role we play.
I'm referring to the players "Mist" and "Jazz" who last night declared
themselves to be "at war" with all Clerics. They made repeated personal attacks
on individual Clerics, silenced me three times for their perverse pleasure, and
swore they would harass all Clerics, and kill all Clerics that aren't pk
Even the apparent "great" PKs of the past have respected us and our role.
However, Mist and Jazz do not!
I very strongly suggest that we now stand together united against this common
foe and place a veto of all Clerical services upon these two players until they
formally apologise on the main board. We should demand nothing less.
Contacting our allies to help us with what Mist and Jazz have now both
described as "a war" might also be wise.
PS, Zorba are you the only current English player with intelligence between
your ears?:)
This note was penned by Tiberius on Jun 4, 1999.
It is the 8th of 34 notes.
> read 9
Note 9 is entitled 'Re: Mist & Jazz':
I get the feeling that it was thought I was over reacting a bit.
I proberly was a bit dramatic, and I proberly assumed the principle of
Oh well,...I personally won't be helping Mist & Jazz, nor do I really care what
they say or have said. I guess I just thought this guild was more unified that
it really is.
While I may be a PK, I don't belive this is an excuse for Mist & Jazz to attack
me. I never started any attacks at them or caused them to think ill of the
guild, therefore they are to blame.
Anyway,..have fun.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Jun 6, 1999.
It is the 9th of 34 notes.
> read 10
Note 10 is entitled 'Mist/Jazz and clerics':
I think some people thought that I overreacted a bit to Mist & Jazz and took
the whole thing personal.
Allow me to state, that I couldn't personally care what Mist & Jazz said about
me. The opinions of two 12-year-olds do not concern me in the slightest.
However, what I was (trying) to do, was spur the role of us clerics and use
this as an event to further unite the clerics ,for the purposes of ,,I
So yes Ilex, looking at this from a strictly role-playing perspective,I think
we should deny blesses/heals/resurrections to these two until they publically
This note was penned by Tiberius on Jun 10, 1999.
It is the 10th of 34 notes.
> read 11
Note 11 is entitled 'My 2 cents...':
Hi! I haven't been on much lately and I apologize for my silence... my home
connection really sucks and my parents are kind of territorial about the
phone... =) That said...
Congrats to ythe new memebers and Keely (if she stillr eads this ;)). I think
that we're doign great things! In terms of conditions for membership - if we're
still debating Elvira... I don't know much about her. I"m willing to go with
other's feelings.
Finally, the issue at hand... Mist and Jazz. I don't know wexactly what my
response to this is. I certainly don't believe that we should, as a clan,
attack just because 2 players get into a fight. But at the same time, I think
that Tib's interaction with them definitely suggests that we might want to keep
an eye on them. My suggestion is not an offensive attack, just a little
defense. I'm not too keen on healing and blessing someon ewho proclaims that
i"m a worthless player and he's out to get me... Just my 2 cents.
Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing well... I miss you all. Hope to see you
-Kira 8)
This note was penned by Kira on Jun 10, 1999.
It is the 11st of 34 notes.
> read 12
Note 12 is entitled 'Warrior...':
okay just my two cents here...... I don't think he should be in. I wouldn't
vote against him without negative feelings... I just don't get good vibes. He
seems to be a more rough player than our usual sort and I just wonder what he
does in terms of newbies...etc. I don't have specific examples, but I"m
inclined towrads no.
If everyone else wants him, or if somone has something good to recommend him,
please let me know and don't just go off my opinion. I"m willing to go with the
clan on this.
See you soon!
-Kira 8)
This note was penned by Kira on Jun 19, 1999.
It is the 12nd of 34 notes.
> read 13
Note 13 is entitled 'Good little clerics':
It's interesting. Shari's post made me think about Clerics here and how they're
Namely, the conception that clerics must be righteous and holy. It's a little
limiting and doesn't leave room for say,....dark clerics?
Nevertheless, I've always found this roleplaying excuse of "I'm EVIL therefore
I can kill all newbies!" to be utter bullshit.
Even real life "evil" people such as Hitler never thought of themselves as
"evil". Gangster Al Capone never thought of himself as a "bad" person, but
rather benevolent. (which is why I now find Goliath's rationalising of what he
does to newbies because "he's evil" to be utter crap)
Anyway,I'm going off on a tangent. I don't belive we as Clerics have to be
"nice" always, but on the other hand as Clerics I think we do have a
responsibility to be helpful to those who deserve help.
A PK flag does not mean a "bad" Cleric. (I have a PK flag,.so does Glitz), but
I in my opinion think Warrior is not exactly a "quality" player.
Something he's shown through his character and how he acts.
-Some Clerical Ramblings ^Tiberius^
This note was penned by Tiberius on Jun 22, 1999.
It is the 13rd of 34 notes.
> read 14
Note 14 is entitled 'non clerics??':
is this dumb (probably) but the members of our clan have to be clerics right?
b/c there is a guy (apocalypse) who seems nice enough who wants to join, i
think he is a monk. he said he'd be willing to donate weapons to us in penince
for not being a cleric. although he also said that he is considering changeing
classes so that he can join, but that wouldn't be for a while most likely.
well, i guess that be all. later!
This note was penned by Shari on Jul 7, 1999.
It is the 14th of 34 notes.
> read 15
Note 15 is entitled 'Re: Balin':
Fine with me Ilex. People who do this don't deserve to be helped.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Sep 5, 1999.
It is the 15th of 34 notes.
> read 16
Note 16 is entitled 'Im back! not that youd noticed id gone':
heh, due to unforseen circumsytances I had to take a short break
but normal zorba operation will resume soon, sorry I was away so long
This note was penned by Zorba on Sep 5, 1999.
It is the 16th of 34 notes.
> read 17
Note 17 is entitled 'athena':
has shown interest in joining the clan. she is 6/1 just changed to a cleric.
she said she will raise clevels. shall we put her on hold? she seems like a
nive enough person.
This note was penned by Shari on Sep 20, 1999.
It is the 17th of 34 notes.
> read 18
Note 18 is entitled 'kjakz':
also showed some interest though is only 4/6 and when s/he said that s/he'd be
gone for only a minute never reappeared, whether due to boot or outside
circumstances never returned. i think we should wait on this person.
ilex please try to mudmail them?
This note was penned by Shari on Sep 25, 1999.
It is the 18th of 34 notes.
> read 19
Note 19 is entitled 'New ICQ':
new ICQ is 49795611
This note was penned by Zorba on Sep 25, 1999.
It is the 19th of 34 notes.
> You feel the warm feeling of the blessing pass on.
> read 20
Note 20 is entitled 'Re: Kjakz':
Kjakz has been asking me "can I join your clan?" for some time now also.
I second what you said Shari. He's a cleric, and he seems dedicated, but I
think we should wait and see how he turns out.
If when he's raised his levels, and he's still around, then perhaps we should
consider it then, but now is a little premature I'd think.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Sep 25, 1999.
It is the 20th of 34 notes.
> read 21
Note 21 is entitled 're: kjakz':
he is now 8/10 he says but i have discovered that he has a somewhat large
annoying tendency. he doesn't like to get his own equipment so i ahve heard.
anyhow he calls names to people who don't do what he maybe he is not
such a good idea...maybe if he learns some mudettiqute first.
that is my opinion.
This note was penned by Shari on Sep 26, 1999.
It is the 21st of 34 notes.
> read 22
Note 22 is entitled 'members update':
tib talked with athena and i think he said she was pretty good, and i talked
with drakcon today, and he was terse in the beginning but warmed up. he seems
a nice guy too. he is 8/13 i think and athena is currently 9/10 or there
i would advise yes to them both unless you guys have contrary information.
drakcon said that he was considering several different clans but is considering
ours now b/c i talked with him! :) (i spread the word!)
well that is so far what is happening.
however, we can't get either of them in unless we find ilex b/c no one has
perms except if anyone know where she is, can contact her via email or
icq or whatever, or knows her rl name, please tell me! any of these also
applies for benden. thanks!
This note was penned by Shari on Sep 27, 1999.
It is the 22nd of 34 notes.
> read 23
Note 23 is entitled 'Ilex':
Although it's been awhile since I've had the time or patience to actually play
here, I do log on every now and then to see what's happened and such.
So, if you want me to step to up the role of clan leader I'd be happy to do it.
I guess I'll speak to you Ilex when I next see you on:)
This note was penned by Tiberius on Oct 2, 1999.
It is the 23rd of 34 notes.
> read 24
Note 24 is entitled 'Tibs':
You get my vote
This note was penned by Zorba on Oct 6, 1999.
It is the 24th of 34 notes.
> read 25
Note 25 is entitled 'more clerics?':
i have noticed somewhat of a stagnation on the mud in general and in the clan
in particular. not that stagnation is bad persay but i thought that perhaps we
should consider recruiting some more clerics? so please if you see any good
ones out there that are clanless can we consider asking them to join at some
point? since i believe i'm the most recent member to join the clan and that
was at the beginning of summer or so.
and dare i ask again, in responce to the comment, "but there aren't that many
clerics out there" can we consider friendly non-clerics? just a thought
the point of this is not to say that i don't love this clan, which i do, but to
make a possible larger presence of the clan online. i'm not talking about 24/7
coverage, but perhaps more than what has been going on recently.
also a few more points so that we could do fun stuff would be nice.
thank you!
-shari "this is all IMHO"
This note was penned by Shari on Oct 7, 1999.
It is the 25th of 34 notes.
> read 26
Note 26 is entitled 'Athena':
Please join me in welcoming Athena to our wonderful Clerics clan!!!
I'm sure everyone will make her feel right at home. Please remove any of your
posts that you can since the board is getting a bit full. If you have any
questions for me, please mud mail me or you can contact me on ICQ - my # is
39767842. See y'all later!!
This note was penned by Ilex on Oct 20, 1999.
It is the 26th of 34 notes.
> read 27
Note 27 is entitled 'Welcome':
erm title says it all :o)
This note was penned by Zorba on Nov 1, 1999.
It is the 27th of 34 notes.
> read 28
Note 28 is entitled 'The Future of the Clerics Clan':
Is there one?
Our original leader Keely has wizzed, our current leader Ilex doesn't play much
anymore, and probably our only active cleric Shari, is leaving the mud.
No new funds will come in and I don't see any new Clerics coming in. So, while
it was a good idea, I don't see {CC} lasting much long. Perhaps it's time to
return to the sub-clan of the the {Dying Breed}
I originally thought this clan would be a good idea when Dirstanius joined the
Clerics guild. He was the one person who could ruin our unity... read our guild
board... pinch from our guild vault. So we created this clan of clerics.
While the clan has been a success in gathering clerics together, and also
having gained the respect of the mud, it has unfortantly been a failure in some
small respects.
(1) There are others clerics Halo, Green, Ragnar, Denubis, and previously Glitz
in other clans. So any clerical decisions passed by us were not always agreed
upon by all clerics. We were not completely unified.
(2) When I tried to stir up an event with what happened with Mist & Jazz, most
Clerics wanted to remain passive. That's fair enough but it would have made us
and our role more interesting I think looking back.
So that's that. I'll probably leave the clan in a few weeks as I intend to wiz
sometime soon. However, it was a nice experiment while it lasted, and to a
certain extent, I think it was successful:)
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 8, 1999.
It is the 28th of 34 notes.
> read 29
Note 29 is entitled 'leaving? ':
sorry if this sounds dramatic...
i'm leaving the mud for the time being, i'm not killing myself, hopefully i
will return but there has been a lot of drama going on in my mudlife and i
think i should get back to concentrating on school. i just realised i haven't
had any time for other activities in RL and i think i have neglected it for
long until i go on vacation, i hopefully will not be tempted and
play again. please inform anyone who asks about me...if they do, about the
reasons. i am still willing to talk with anyone to1939218who wants to, my icq
number is , feel free to add me. i didn't want to post on the main board b/c
that'd sound real dramatic. but i have donated all of my money to the clan, so
hopefully, it'll stay for a bit longer for those who want it to.
thank you for being such a nice clan. :) later!
This note was penned by Shari on Nov 8, 1999.
It is the 29th of 34 notes.
> read 30
Note 30 is entitled 'Future of the Clan':
I'm sad to say that I have to agree with Tiberius. I wish I could be on more
but my life just isn't working out that way right now. And, of course, RL is
more important than mud life so I believe that Shari is doing the right thing.
I don't know what will happen to this clan or the clerics or myself for that
matter. We'll just have to see how things go. I can't make any promises that
I'll be on more but I will try. I hope to see you all in the future!
This note was penned by Ilex on Nov 8, 1999.
It is the 30th of 34 notes.
> read 31
Note 31 is entitled 'um Me, Mist, Tibs et al':
Well im going to be a lot more active, was away for about 5 months and missed
Tibs Mist/Jazz thing, but for what its worth I would have stood with ya tibs!
Thing is I went to school with Mist for 6 years, and although he gives
impression of being a bit immature, hes just having fun. He probably just
declared war on clerics to liven it up for him, since the mud was going a bit
I cant speak for Jazz though.
Oh and Tibs im not the only intelligent brit out here, (much as I like him
mist is a bit um single minded, like many other mudders I know)
people like Finn, DK, Reckless, Bugs and possibly canetoad are all
first rate minds.
As for all the people leaving etc, (for whatever reasons) Im going to make it
my personal crusade to get more clerics into the clan, if it means converting
Halo etc
then thats what ill do!
Zorba - hes got a cunning plan, as cunning as a fox that has just been made
professer of cunning at Oxford University
This note was penned by Zorba on Nov 10, 1999.
It is the 31st of 34 notes.
> read 32
Note 32 is entitled 'Re: Zorba's post':
*laugh* Since when is Canetoad a Brit? He's Australian, I know him irl.
Although he might as well be British since he ignorantly voted No to the
refendum on Australia becoming a republic:)
Finn's British? Hmm I thought he was Candian. *shrug* DK doesn't play anymore,
and Bugs well.... wizards are excluded from my former comment about British
As for Canetoad being a first rate mind... um, I beg to differ:)
Now, as for other non {CC} clerics... I'll put it bluntly: You have a
snowball's chance in hell of getting Halo into the Clerics Clan. I've talked to
her, she's quite happy with her current clan and doesn't care about the
clerics' cause.
I think we should all face facts... that this clan was nice why it lasted, and
was a good idea, but with so few active clerics it won't last much longer. It's
probably best to return to the Dying Breed {DB} sub-clan we previously were.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 10, 1999.
It is the 32nd of 34 notes.
> read 33
Note 33 is entitled 'Re: Re: Zorba's post':
heh I made Canetoad an honourary brit :o)
and the Halo thing was just a joke, but the point stands, should try to get
more clerics,
thing is, most of the clerics on are already clanned, and not many newbies
really want to be clerics, what with wizzing and all, we are a Dying Breed.
This note was penned by Zorba on Nov 11, 1999.
It is the 33rd of 34 notes.
> read 34
Note 34 is entitled 'Deadddeadly and Rhizoc':
Although this clan is practically dead and running out of money fast... it's
not dead yet, so I should probably post this.
Deadddeadly attacked me, made me wimpyquit, and then refused to give my stuff
back. He gave most of my equip to Rhizoc.
Deadddeadly and Rhizoc then mocked all clerics and this clan.
Just thought you'd want to know. As I certainly won't be helping them in the
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 21, 1999.
It is the 34th of 34 notes.
> post ...and now I shall take my leave
Give message, and terminate with '**'.
]Ok. This is it. I am doing what I said I would do. I am leaving the clan.
]Autosaving character...
The money pool has run dry and it is only a matter of time because the same happens with
the clan bank.
This clan was a nice idea but it is obvious that it cannot last. It is time for us to
return to being a guild.
]Perhaps the Clerics Clan will survive as the {Dying Breed} now.
Good luck to ya'll and have fun.
^Tiberius^ is outta here.
]Message posted.
> read 35
Note 35 is entitled '...and now I shall take my leave':
Ok. This is it. I am doing what I said I would do. I am leaving the clan.
The money pool has run dry and it is only a matter of time because the same
happens with the clan bank.
This clan was a nice idea but it is obvious that it cannot last. It is time for
us to return to being a guild.
Perhaps the Clerics Clan will survive as the {Dying Breed} now.
Good luck to ya'll and have fun.
^Tiberius^ is outta here.
This note was penned by Tiberius on Nov 27, 1999.
It is the 35th of 35 notes.
> look
This room is a semi-organized clutter of medical supplies and religious
artifacts. The variety of objects sitting around give the place that
lived in feeling. It is obvious that those who make there home here
have created a haven where clerics from a variety of backgrounds can
come together.
There are three obvious exits: out, north, and east.
A newspaper.
Clerics bulletin board (35 messages).
> read paper
This is the daily obituary page.
Anlashok (level 4) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral Evil,
and Dwarf, Nov 25 07:13
Anlashok (level 3) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral Evil,
and Dwarf, Nov 25 07:14
Anlashok (level 2) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral,
and Dwarf, Nov 25 07:15
Chath (level 6) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral, and
Dwarf, Nov 25 09:26
Guyver (level 8) was killed by An orc, Nov 25 16:39
Rezin (level 6) was killed by Novice Explorer Gevaudan the Orc Slayer, Neutral Evil,
and Dwarf, Nov 26 03:23
Shoalin (level 4) was killed by Ferrous, the fire giant, Nov 26 05:19
Ty (level 6) was killed by Elven Thief, Nov 26 12:08
Warpath (level 4) was killed by Brave Sir Robin's Minstrel, Nov 26 23:47
Warpath (level 4) committed suicide on Nov 26 23:47
Rezin (level 5) committed suicide on Nov 27 02:40
Melkor (level 10) was killed by Rathkara Warrior, Nov 27 03:27
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
After Hours LPMud :: 4 logged on players :: 0 wizards :: 4 total.
Val Needs a Car
Athena *HUG* *KISS* *SMILE*
I am Tiberius or am I?
> clan points
Clerics Clan
Points : 292
Money Pool : 0 coins
Bank Balance : 450848 coins.
> clan perms
Clan Permissions:
Clan Emote - ce Clan Points
Clan Say - cs Clan Who
Leave Use Emotes
> clan permissions
Clan Permissions:
Clan Emote - ce Clan Points
Clan Say - cs Clan Who
Leave Use Emotes
> list permissions
Permissions Availible :
1 ] Administration : 130 Points, $50 K
2 ] Clan List : 40 Points, $4 K
3 ] Clan Points : 80 Points, $5 K
4 ] Clan Who : 80 Points, $5 K
5 ] Disband : 0 Points, $0 K
6 ] Expel : 90 Points, $50 K
7 ] Hide Clan Allegiance : 3 Points, $5 K
8 ] New Emote : 7 Points, $4 K
9 ] Override Clan Muffs : 50 Points, $8 K
10] Permission Others : 85 Points, $30 K
11] Recruit : 0 Points, $2 K
12] Reload Clan Hall : 40 Points, $5 K
13] Renovate : 20 Points, $75 K
14] Set The Clan Hall Location : 40 Points, $100 K
15] Summon : 500 Points, $150 K
16] Withdraw Funds : 80 Points, $4 K
> e
This is a basic clan treasury.
There is one obvious exit: west.
> balance
You do not have access to that information.
> clan points
This room is a semi-organized clutter of medical supplies and religious
artifacts. The variety of objects sitting around give the place that
lived in feeling. It is obvious that those who make there home here
have created a haven where clerics from a variety of backgrounds can
come together.
There are three obvious exits: out, north, and east.
A newspaper.
Clerics bulletin board (35 messages).
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Clerics Clan
Points : 292
Money Pool : 0 coins
Bank Balance : 450848 coins.
> out
You have come upon a huge set of ruins. This is the place where the
Cleric's guild used to stand. All that is left is the smoldering
husk of the beautiful guild that used to stand here. Rumor has it
that a rival guild summoned a powerful demon to destroy the last
resting place of The Brotherhood.
There are two obvious exits: south, and east.
Undead wood giant.
The Clerics clan castle.
<-- back