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This was sent in by Nadja.

I have kept the old e-mail addresses for nostalgic purposes. The After Hours Magazine follows on after them.

After Hours Magazine - 14/02/93

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I'll cut up the maillist for the next edition, promise

The Ahours Magazine 14/2/92

            Normally I put the hottest topic here but being away and ill for most of this week, and the mud being currently wizlocked, I am unable to say what currently is. Also I am missing 2 articles which were as close to regular articles as you can have in this magazine's short existence!
            So this week I will save my literary powers for a short story (which I know I promised weeks ago!). I will release a very short story this issue and a slightly longer short story next week.
            Hope you enjoy this issue
P.S. This edition includes the history of the Telnet Commandos by TK

            CAPS TALK This week's edition wasn't actually submitted as the article but as this is a very popular part of the magazine I decided as the author was the same, I could call it what I wanted (as I did when I called this article CAPS TALK). :)

This is my submission about my wedding (since everyone still has no idea what was happening)

Last Wednesday me and my honey (Mustang obviously) were married under very strange circumstances that it seems a lot of people are still confused about. We were supposed to get married at 9:00, but since the mud was so full he had trouble getting on. Everyone started being mean to me at about 9, when SOME GOD or WIZ decided to be funny and try to freak me out (and this time I KNOW it wasn't Bleys). And they echoed through the whole mud "Mustang shouts in common: Weddings off Im leaving!!" Well, it was a nice try whosever idea it was, but it didn't work....because i knew my honey woney would never ever do that to me. SOOOOOO...he finally got on, and we all went to the church :) Well, this was when everything got confusing. Macron switched us. He made it so i was Mustang and Mustang was me...so like when I typed score, I got Mustang's score. See? Only It took us forever to figure it out. None of my aliases worked, cause i wasn't me, and whenever i said something in common, he thought someone was making him stay stuff. and whenever he said something I complained that someone was making me say stuff, because it would say "rapture says in common:" see??? THATS why it was so confusing. But then, after someone finally told us to type score, and we realized what was happening, macron wouldnt change us back...so i had to *giggle* type marry rapture, and like kiss rapture and stuff....I felt like i was kissing myself, it was very confusing... Well, I hope now you will all stop asking me what happened at my wedding, and let this be a word of warning: DONT INVITE MACRON TO YOUR WEDDING!! (especially if you just hit him in the face with a snowball earlier that day :):)))))


I think the top ten idea was first ripped off from the David Letterman show but I'm not sure. Anyway, here is the first top ten type article in the AH magazine history (Apart from the popularity polls of course)

As a wizard on AH, the following will come in very handy for anyone thinking about becoming level 21. By simply following the top 10 hints, you should move your way up the AH ladder in no time.

= * Top 10 hints on becoming a wizard on AH * =

  1. Kiss Bleys' ass.
  2. Make sure you get everything approved beforehand.
  3. Never make a God look like a fool, no matter how easy it is.
  4. Laugh at anything Bley's sez.
  5. Act like you're working on something big, even though you're still trying to figure out LPC.
  6. Mail Bley's once a week and ask if there is anything you can do to improve AH.
  7. Post notes on the logon board mentioning how Bleys is doing a great job on AH.
  8. Post notes on the logon board mentioning how Bleys is your favorite God.
  9. Mention to Bleys that if you were a higher level, your coding ability would probably improve greatly.
  10. Never do anything that could be considered remotely illegal, unless you have 3 witnesses present and their levels together total over 20000.

By following those simply hints, a newly level 21 wizard should move up the AH ladder in a matter of no time. Any other actions by a level 21 could easily result in a long stay at level 21.

A Wizard on AH


This includes some sadness which should have been included 2 weeks ago (Sorry those involved. It got buried at the bottom of a file tree!)

Hi Reaper here .. Just thought i would write a few notes on my experiences with Muds and Mud addiction. I am not a student, but actually work at King's College University Computing Centre (Running Vax/Vms), and actually got the address of After-Hours from a print output of an undergrad login command file (I know tut, tut, naughty,naughty !!). Anyway this login command program has done the rounds it seems and almost all of the undergraduate & a few Post-Graduate students are now running it. The file was orginally put together by a user nicknamed GRIM. With the excessive circulation of this login far too many users started playing MUD's and the Systems manager got wind of the excessive use of TELNET to an IP address of GOONSQUAD.SPIES.COM.
The hammer came down and game playing was restricted only to before 10:00 & after 18:00. Now with the addiction of Mud's (Which i know so well !) some users ignored the warning. And finally this week the Systems Manager put the warning into action and has now suspended at least 10 accounts pending disiplinary action (There is a lesson to be learned here somewhere i guess .. Myself also included as i have more to lose than just my account!). So if there are a few players missing from the After-Hours it could be possible that they are the unlucky few (So far) at Kings.
I have now found an alternative telnet route to avoid Kings College via a nice systems manager at another college so the adventure continues for me anyway.

Day in the Life of Vortex:

7am Wake up. Take shower. Go to class
8-9am Economics 202; Concepts of Macroeconomics
9-10am Mud for half an hour and then go eat breakfast at our GROSS MWC Dining hall.
10-11am Politicial Science 202; Boring. I've fallen asleep in every class I've gone to.
11-1:20 Mud again. That is if I haven't gone to sleep for mudding til 5am the night before (ie Rapture)
1:45-2:30 Political Science 102; Not as fun as mudding, but about as same as when the system goes down. (Course you can always just stare at the beautiful chicks).
2:45-3:30 Biology 122; boring. 'Nuff said.
4-6pm Mud
6-6:15pm Dinner
6:30-3am Mud. Help Rapture find where she is. Give money to newbies and especially MWC people (cause Ione, Rapture, Nuke, Shea and the rest of them wont leave me alone till I do). Wait half my life for the lag to end. Cry through several shutdowns and a reset. Ponder homework.

Well, that's a day out of my life story. The only reason why I wrote this, btw, is because I was lagged for an hour :(
Well, later.


Here's a little words of wisdom from your friendly cleric Vodka for those of you who dont have a valentine..
Go to a nice bar, find the nearest girl (guy) and follow this simple procedure:

if girl <> cute then
                     writeln ('Drink a beer');
         until girl = cute;
writeln ('Kiss girl and say, "Happy Valentine's Day!");

I hope many of you will find this useful!!..


Ouch! The sadness column is overrunning (and getting sadder ! Learning to chat up a girl using a Pascal routine ! Whatever happened to 'Haven't I seen you somewhere before ?`). On to Thunderknob the Telnet Commando historian.


     (Written by S. Kelly [TK])

     As you probably know, the Telnet Commandos (or TCs as they are commonly known) were the first groups/tribes to become established on After Hours. They were unveiled to AH in August 1991 and were at first a party of 4 guys MUDDING from the University of Western Australia. The following article gives a run down of TC evolution from those first days when even I was only level 3/1 mage to November 1992 when the guys here at UWA lost their link.........

Chapter 1....The Creation.

     In the beginning, the Telnet Commandoes were a party consisting of Agrajag, Zodiac, Pokey, and Thunderknob. (Some of the older players may remember Agrajag and Zodiac, Pokey stills pops on occasionally to code.) This party enabled its members to advance through the levels reasonably quickly, and without too many deaths, fortunately. :)

Throughout the first few weeks, as people began to talk to them and even help them occasionally, they began to make a number of friends. (Zodiac and Thunderknob especially made a relatively large number of friends......quite different from the TK of today who is hated huh? :) )

Once they began to advance, they gained popularity and TK started to be labelled as a playerhelper. (He helped newbie chars by supplying them with money and weapons when he had them spare.) At about roughly the same time Pokey began to crave for a playerkill, which TK flatly refused to help with. Gravel, Bladehand, and Langspear made their debuts on AH then. (The first of the 2nd Generation of Telnet Commandoes.)

Chapter 2....The Time of Growth.

     Gravel, Bladehand, and Langspear advanced rather quickly (being aided by the first four who were now each around level 7/10.) The first American Telnet Commando was Bleys, who was made a member by Pokey and TK after they had partied with him. (Although TK and Bleys had initially been on rather bad terms after a disagreement over who took damage during fights, they soon overcame this.) In this same time period Thunderknob married Melissa. (Those of you who attended the ceremony will remember typing 'kill thunderknob' instead of 'kiss thunderknob'. :) However TK, being the gentle creature he was back then, ran quickly from the chapel and stopped the fight.) By now the Telnet Commandos were well established and well known throughout AH. (It had been commented to me since that in those days the TCs were well-respected, well organised, and among other things honourable....some tell me that they think this period was the peak of the Telnet Commando popularity, TK alone knew (and was friendly with) roughly 2/3 of all the players on AH at that time.

Chapter 3....The Realisation.

     At level 11/20 (with maxxed stats) TK suddenly realised that he was no longer a weak mage, relying on the strength of others. He was starting to kill things easily. He also had fireball and summon, 2 of his favourite toys. (They later became his pkilling trademark...See Later.) The Telnet Commandos were at most about 12 players strong at the time with some of the new members being Stark, Flayed, Ironwolf, Melissa, and Mei. (Bladehand's wife) Because of his new found strength, TK now began to listen to Pokey's playerkill pleas... then they saw their chance.

Chapter 4....The Initiation.

     Pokey and Thunderknob and Pokey decided he wanted to kill Gravel because of something Gravel had said to him in real life. Thunderknob scryed Gravel and told Pokey that he was killing the harpies near the entrance to the mountain. Pokey proceeded to the location and just as he got to Gravel and initiated the attack, a bout of lag set in. Gravel hadn't even noticed that Pokey had arrived, let alone attacked him. :) ) Pokey in a weird blast of sentimentality decided to wait until the lag had stopped to kill him and subsequently left the room. When the lag had stopped Pokey discovered that he had killed Gravel (who at the same time discovered that Pokey had attacked him) laughed, and then ducked for cover as Gravel as came after him in RL :) Pokey had just made the first TC playerkill and at that moment TK decided that he would kill only playerkillers and people who hassled him.

Chapter 5....The Reality Arrives.....

     The date would now be roughly January 1992. (The month in which AH would ultimately leave its initial site at WWU.) The TCs were now all at roughly even levels with TK being the highest at 15/20 with stats maxxed and the others not too far behind. A playerkiller called Slice had made his initial kills just recently and also a few verbal confrontations between him and TK had occured. The TCs, itching for a good to pkill, had recently turned their sights towards Slice and his mage sidekick Rastafan as possible kills, but needed a reason to attack them... (back in those days they didn't kill for no reason.) Then on the last day that AH was up at WWU (that legendary day when Huma told TK and Bladehand to "trash the place"), Slice had attacked and killed Melissa. The TC war machine was put into action... within one minute of Melissa dying, Slice had been summoned into the moving elevator by TK and met by a TC "greeting" party consisting of TK, Bladehand, Gravel, Pokey, and Agrajag.

From memory Slice died 4 times that day by various TC members.......

Just after this had occured, when Melissa came out of hiding from numerous wiz workrooms.....Gravel defied the first TC rule and attacked her, killing her again!! Thunderknob (being his usual honorable self) killed Gravel in response! (Gravel was also killed by 4 wizards for the death of Melissa.)

That day when TK found his thirst for pkilling and realised it was better than being a nice MUD player :) The TCs attacked roughly 30 through the course of that day (although without an efficient kill rate, people just kept quitting after being summoned into the elevator :() Melissa was given a freebee wizship at this time, giving TK once less thing to worry about (sorry Mel but you did seem to die a lot ;) )

TK had his first encounter with a character called Dredd on this fateful day too. Dredd was in the pub with Slice and spent all his time trying to get on TK's nerves while not venturing out of the safety of the pub where he would have probably died. (Little did anyone realise that later Dredd in various forms, would become a valuable member of the TCs, and a good friend.)

(AH had now lost its site and seemingly was gone forever.... Zodiac and Agrajag gave up MUDDING at this time... Ag returned to AH once every few months when it came back but he never stayed.)

Chapter 6.... The Immigration to Ivory Tower.

     Bladehand, Gravel, and TK quickly found a new home to establish the Telnet Commandos and soon found Ivory Tower quite a few AH players had also moved here so it seemed like a home away from home. The stay there is outside the scope of this article (as it is not linked to AH as such but let me state that on that MUD, TK came the closet he ever had to being pkilled.... the cause was Destructor.... a pkiller that even TK admired ...got him to 4hp once... luckily TK managed to wimpy and talk Destructor into an alliance. Both Gravel and TK did make wizship on this MUD before the return of AH, but both were promptly removed for trying to break security at various instances.

Chapter 7....The Return Home.

     In about March 1992 AH returned for a brief while at Cornell with a new God...Macron...the one wiz that at the time TK could not seem to befriend. The time at Cornell was a stale period for the TCs with the remaining members trying to advance levels (TK was the first to become 19/20) and the addition of a few new members...at roughly this time, the people here in Western Australia were starting to get hassles about using the US-OZ link for MUD. Bleys and TK began to disagree about a few things at this time as Bleys became a wizard and became power hungry.

AH lost its machine again...

Chapter 8....Goonsqaud to the Rescue.

     Not long after its leaving Cornell, After Hours returned at Goonsquad with Bleys as a God!!! :( Now most of the remaining TCs were reasonably high levels and TK, Grav, and Bladehand began the pkilling spree that ruined the TC honour and ultimately gave TK a reputation as a pkiller. Before long, many other groups had begun to emerge such as BOO YAH and the Tree of Life. The former immediately began hassling the TC but, without many high level members soon disappeared; however, the Tree of Life made a pact with the Commandos (if I remember) and still exists I believe. TK at this time had achieved wizardhood... but soon returned back to playing for two reasons:

  1. He had no real spare time with which to code.
  2. He wanted another chance to pkill.

Time after time, the wizards became sick of TK's summon and bash technique that had been initiated at WWU and many places such as the elevator, the raft, and the balloon were made either no kill or no summon zones. At this time... Bleys began to hassle the TC about their pkilling and was subsequently removed from the group... hatred grew quickly, especially between him and TK... whom everyone had started to blame for the TC's pkills (even though he was only the mage that summoned the victims in.) By now Dredd had become a firm member of the group and had achieved wizardhood. (The first of many times... he seemed to like getting himself removed then reinstated.)

Chapter 9...Modern History - The Fall of The Telnet Commandoes.

(In brief because more people will remember this time period.)

     TK by now had racked up 25 pkills, at that time the most pkills accomplished by anyone... beating Slice's record of 18. Access problems slowly began to hassle the players from UWA and many members went ahead and wizzed (Gravel, Pokey, and Bladehand namely.) Melissa and TK had divorced, everyone began to hate the former playerhelping group. TK fell out of favour with the wizards because of the pkilling (and because they had to code the summon curse to seemingly reduce the mage class' domination of playerkilling methods.) (By the way wizards....there was still a bug in the summon curse at the time I left AH in which you could see if you were cursed or not... maybe I'll tell ya's when I return if its still there :) )

Thunderknob, in a vain effort to keep the TCs alive and to increase their popularity, began to let almost anyone join the group... both playerkillers and non-playerkillers... such members are namely Silvergade, Keith, Vasso, and Palomane to name a few...
Ranks were introduced to try and order the Commandos
These ranks were:

     Lord: the highest (original members and 2nd generation only)
     Senior: (known playerkillers and good friends)
     Junior: (the lowest and least experienced members)
     Honorary: Characters such as Morannon, Hawkwind, Moonglum, etc...

Unfortantly none of these seemed to work... the ranks helped... the they gave players the idea that TK was the leader of the Telnet Commandos, something he had up to this time refused... until now... TK assumed leadership of the TC in the last month and a half that he was around... Gravel, Rastus, Bladehand, and Pokey had all left temporarily as in the Southern Hemisphere it was Summer Vacation. Note: By this time TK had married Ravenn and both her and Sarah (who was classed as TK's little sister) had become Telnet Commando Juniors.

Chapter 10....Dead at Last.

     On November 27, 1992, I got busted by the admin on my account for using the international link and so TK was put into storage on AH until sometime in March when I regained my Computer Science account. Since then I cannot tell the tale of the TC as I haven't been around--    so if someone who has been on can oblige, I for one would be interested to hear. From what I have heard, The Telnet Commandos have been dying a slow death and seemingly no-one will put them out of their misery.

Chapter 11...Future Rebirth???

     As you should have probably heard....myself and a few other UWA players SHOULD be returning to AH in early March. If we do, the TCs may be reformed with a COMPLETE purge of ALL the old members and a new start. We do not know what this group will turn out like... wheather we will pkill or not or wheather we will just come on to talk and catch up on some people we haven't seen in awhile.

Footnote: Thanx for reading this... sorry about the Grammar, Spelling Mistakes (apolgy no acceped - Tarrow :]), Lack of continuity & detail, Apparent First person viewpoint from TK... (well I did write it and can only describe it as I rememeber.) I hope to see you's in march sometime and take care!!!!!
     (See I'm not so mean after all :P What do you mean by "Yes you Are"??)

           Simon Kelly (a.k.a. TK,Thunderknob....skelly@tartarus.uwa.edu.au )

(remember..Im a maths/comp sci major...im not supposed to be able to write long passages...so dont blame me if it doesnt make sense!!)

Cabbage On!!!

          That's all for this week's edition. At the moment the Mud is wizlocked and I can't get on :(. However I hope this will help you while away the time.
          Keep rockin'
          Mike Hall(Tarrow)

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