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Perseus (level 6) was killed by Necromancer Fuel, Feb 4 14:38 Ajnintnelis (level 13) was killed by Angel, Feb 5 16:39 Frogger (level 6) was killed by An orc shaman, Feb 5 17:19 Perseus (level 6) was killed by Necromancer Fuel, Feb 6 13:05 Perseus (level 4) committed suicide on Feb 6 13:52 Canetoad (level 25) was killed by Warlock Prometheus, Feb 7 02:13 Frogger (level 8) was killed by An orc, Feb 7 10:09 Karelle (level 15) was killed by A scantily clad male, Feb 7 23:06 Ajnintnelis (level 13) was killed by Purple Worm, Feb 8 16:58 Frogger (level 9) was killed by Champion Wulfgar the Dwarf, Feb 9 07:44 Frogger (level 9) was killed by Experienced Adventurer Gevaudan the Dwarf, Feb 10 04:17 Frogger (level 9) was killed by Necromancer Fuel, Feb 11 03:27 Maicoll (level 21) was killed by Arch-Mage Jema the Infamous, Feb 11 11:32 Melkor (level 20) was killed by A large tunnel [ N SE ], Feb 11 12:56 Halfx (level 4) was killed by Sir Uther, Feb 11 17:02 Goosepimple (level 2) was killed by Brigand Leader, Feb 13 07:54
Top Players List:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ List of top players as of: Sun Feb 13 10:34:38 2000 Total players: 700 Active players: 150 PK players : 46 Non-PK players: 56 Immune players : 48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name Lev Hours Name Lev Hours Name Lev Hours Mustang 45 888 Slade 28 356 Phalanx 22 631 Jema 40 479 Osirus 27 370 Darkone 22 1700 Javanarava 35 844 Damcyan 27 1028 Nadja 22 5159 Rastus 35 1822 Trakori 26 487 Goldburg 21 279 Wicked 34 2111 Bright 26 1438 Elin 21 966 Benden 31 755 Glitz 25 1396 Maicoll 21 508 Elrathia 31 492 Dalraun 24 301 Smirnov 21 557 Burt 30 669 Canetoad 24 634 Fury 20 509 Cassidy 30 704 Hestia 24 430 Aveda 20 366 Straw 30 314 Risk 24 443 Reckless 20 542 Val 30 577 Bird 23 307 Larry 20 474 It 29 427 Ithor 23 967 Kobe 20 536 Ryche 29 370 Whisky 23 750 Kane 20 961 Talon 29 1486 Justin 23 451 Cas 20 951 Joey 29 1381 Rapture 23 1068 Green 19 1244 Night 28 517 Larken 23 1068 Manta 19 252 Prometheus 28 770 Halo 22 1729 Melkor 19 291
Personal news: [If you know of any, drop a line]
- Brapnor had an interview with Microsoft, and could move out west to bonny Redmond, WA.
- Melkor is moving.
- Tolyk is expecting a child and is moving houses.
- Hawkwind is looking for a new job, even though he likes his current one at NASA. He actually just wants his real job to counteroffer with more money.
- Zappo quit, suffered a month of unemployment and then found a job at spoke.org.
- Rawdog filled out a performance review (then got drunk afterwards).
- Huma is idling.
- Vortex's company moved into their new offices which are much better than a wood panelled basement with shag rugs.
Area news:
- Karak is very close to completing a temple area in the western part of the Mud. Could this be the first area of the new millennium?
** Newbie of the month **
Halfx: For begging for parties via shout.
** Second of the month **
Loverboy: Even though I can't figure out who he is.
** Scag of the month **
Rapture: For abusing the new silence spell and ultimately getting it removed for all monks. Everyone bean her!
A sampling of wiz gossip:
[wiz] Zappo: he isn't a god
[wiz] Vortex: once every two years
[wiz] Zappo: barel a player.
[wiz] Vortex: or so
[wiz] Zappo: no, at randomc we had to give a wiz character to someone there.
[wiz] Zappo: I dumped it in a newbie purge. :) He got pissed.
[wiz] Vortex: hehe
[wiz] Vortex: shrug its not important i guess
[wiz] Zappo: no, its not.
[wiz] Zappo: they lied to us anyway, so we are better off here. We are also in
a better position if we lose this site.
[wiz] Vortex dances a little jig with Zappo.
[wiz] Vortex: anyways, i will bug u tomorrow to move stuff since my upload doesnt work from home
[wiz] Vortex: so where does 52 miles take one?
[wiz] Vortex: my cousin vinny is one
[wiz] Vortex: on