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The author of the After Hours Herald is Vortex.

+ After Hours Herald +

April Edition
April 14, 2000
Volume III, no. 4

Personal News:
Anlashok just transferred to his new unit, and is the only commando in his unit of engineers. He may be sent to Bosnia to help support other European armed forces over there.
Brapnor accepted a position with Microsoft and is planning to bundle Clans2000 with Windows Millennium Edition.
Darkone got a new job somewhere, so maybe he will be able to secretly log on from work now and lead DOA back to its former greatness.
Gillious has completed his area and is fixing some small bugs, so you may see the town of Kindra soon on After Hours.
Hawkwind convinced his firm to give him more mojo (greenbacks), which has caused him to travel more and idle less.
Nadja apparently got a kitty cat, from what her title said.
Asmodai claimed he had sex last week.
Osirus also claimed he had sex last week.
Kudos had a birthday on March 31st! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kudos!!
Mrpeepers is having a birthday on April 15! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mrpeepers!!
Ayla is recovering from surgery and relationship blues, so everyone send her flowers from Xiv.

Cheeky (level 6) was killed by Conjurer Kudos, Apr 9 07:08
Cheeky (level 6) was killed by A squirrel, Apr 9 07:29
Cheeky (level 5) was killed by Vrak, the mortician, Apr 9 07:32
Tell (level 3) was killed by A kenku, Apr 9 07:50
Kudos (level 9) was killed by Lost Traveler Soran, Apr 9 08:57
Cheeky (level 4) committed suicide on Apr 9 09:44
Tell (level 3) committed suicide on Apr 9 10:42
Yello (level 14) was killed by Grand Mistress Elf, Apr 9 12:05
Blackthorn (level 4) was killed by An undead solaris, Apr 9 14:21
Ghandi (level 6) was killed by Magician Kudos, Apr 9 15:05
Run (level 6) committed suicide on Apr 9 19:51
Fury (level 27) was killed by Arch-Mage Jema Good, Orc Slayer, Human, and , the peace keeper, Apr 10 13:34
Jema (level 40) was killed by Globe of Destruction, Apr 10 13:34
Firescum (level 2) was killed by A group of beggars, Apr 10 17:38
Firescum (level 2) committed suicide on Apr 10 17:39
At (level 6) was killed by Necromancer Holdon, Apr 13 04:30
Nik (level 9) was killed by Necromancer Holdon, Apr 13 04:44

Top List:

List of top players as of: Thu Apr 13 11:21:31 2000
Total players:  700  Active players:  149
PK players   :   47  Non-PK players:   58  Immune players :  44

Name        Lev  Hours  Name        Lev  Hours  Name        Lev  Hours

Ryche        47    541  Slade        28    357  Maicoll      21    520
Mustang      45    898  Fury         27    867  Elin         21    973
Jema         40    511  Damcyan      27   1046  Kane         21    982
Rastus       35   1939  Gixer        26    308  Smirnov      21    558
Wicked       34   2127  Bright       26   1439  Aveda        20    377
Benden       31    846  Glitz        25   1401  Cas          20    952
Bird         31    370  Dalraun      24    303  Larry        20    477
Elrathia     31    495  Hestia       24    432  Green        19   1249
It           30    560  Risk         24    443  Taurus       19    168
Osirus       30    411  Rapture      23   1073  Mist         19    544
Straw        30    314  Blindness    23    311  Trine        19    205
Val          30    577  Larken       23   1069  Milenko      19    228
Justin       30    550  Ithor        22   1082  Manta        19    258
Talon        29   1497  Halo         22   1881  Zorba        19    505
Joey         29   1402  Darkone      22   1758  Ibradan      19    371
Trakori      28    637  Phalanx      22    631  Odysseus     19   3304
Night        28    549  Nadja        22   5290  Thunderknob  19   1074  

Top Clans:

  1. Dark Carnival
  2. Crusaders
  3. Out Of The Shadows
  4. Death On Arrival
  5. The Dark Overlord
  6. Specialists
  7. Knights Of Ni
  8. Dragons Of Destiny
  9. Vicious Circle
  10. The Horde
  11. After Ours
  12. Temple Of The Gods
  13. The Army Of Salvation
  14. Night Masks
  15. The Midknights

Monthly News:

  • Prometheus Removed
    Prometheus was removed from the ranks of players when Zappo found out that the daring thief had penetrated multiple clans and deprived their bank accounts of over one million coins. While you are not supposed to be able to remove money from other people's clans, Prometheus discovered a way how to by portalling into other people's clans then separating the fools from their money. The event only came to his drastic removal when a magical flag went off and alerted Zappo of the fund transfers. Prometheus will be missed as a player and thus far holds the title of 'most coins thieved by a player'.
  • The Latest From Player-Wizard Summit 2000
    The first Player-Wizard Summit of the new millennium took place on April 13, 2000 at 1:00pm PST. Ten players, six wizards (including both Gods and a Senior) attended and had some good comments.

    A brief summary of new ideas follows:
  • Huma hinted that multi-classing would be coming at some point in the future.
  • Lister said he was working on some kind of player-killing flag.
  • Some players wanted to go to an all-PK style mud.
  • Some players said they did not want to go to an all-PK style mud.
  • Players said they would like the Gods to respond to their mail.
  • The Gods said, we have 600 mails in their mail box (Average 1.64 mails a day).

    Read the full text here, as recorded by Vortex. (248k)
    Download the text file here (268k).


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